
Marvel: The Gem Emperor


Creator3 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 1: Thee Awakening

It is currently a point in time before the age of beginning for the nine realms and today is the day that a new unique life-form is born from

Within a very gloomy black planet, it has grey clouds and black seas with large scale natural disasters covering its entire surface and underneath

and from its center where its core should remain the ground began to crack as a large grey hand of a woman grabbed onto the surface as the world around slowly started to crumble

???- "who am I where is this the large being with the figure of a giant grey lady wearing an all-black dress with black heels she had a look of confusion on her face"

but then from her face came a look of realization as if she just remembered something long forgotten

???- "I-I died and now I'm here wait no I reincarnated and now I'm a gem an intergalactic species of gem people and I'm Black Diamond the first gem wait how do I know this anyway I should stabilize this planet and from what I remember from the show gem's are born at there peak for with knowledge of how to use all their powers so all I have to do is focus on that feeling"

now closing her eyes she focused on the feeling of the familiar but foreign energy surging wildly inside her and slowly but surely shaped and controlled that energy into the ground until it reached the entire planet as the before raging storms thrashing rising black seas and cracking ground, stopped as everything when silent

as the seas calmed and lowered down back to normal the skies cleared leaving only the grey and black clouds and the ground below reverted to before as if it never broke apart in the first part

???- "Well that should do it now what do I do now I don't even know where I am where this is in what universe or part of the this infinitely expanding space"

but one thing came to mind the word Homeworld or Gem Homeworld to be specific the home of this sapient species of gems

???- "maybe if I use my powers I could create gems and recreate The Great Diamond Authority seeing as I don't know which world I'm currently in I need Allie's or servants either one works wait why am I thinking like this is this because I've become a Diamond anyway I've made my decision I while recreate the entire Gem society and become its absolute ruler"