
Marvel: The Diamond Authority

An elderly woman from our world merges with White Diamond and awakens into the Marvel World as White Diamond while also possessing the ability to create other Gem Life. Watch as the Diamond Authority affect the wider universe of Marvel. Read chapters ahead on Patreon.com/KillerDJ2023

Kingkillerdj2023 · Anime e quadrinhos
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

The vast expanse of space stretched out before Blue Diamond's ship as it approached the coordinates for her meeting with the Grandmaster. Stars twinkled in the distance, their light a stark contrast to the inky blackness surrounding them. Blue Diamond stood at the helm, her flowing azure robes cascading around her tall, regal form. Her gemstone gleamed on her chest, pulsing softly with an inner light.

As they neared their destination, a structure began to materialize before them. It was unlike anything Blue Diamond had ever seen – a massive, floating citadel that seemed to defy the laws of physics. Its architecture was a blend of ancient and futuristic styles, with gleaming spires reaching towards the stars and intricate patterns etched into its surface.

Blue Diamond's Pearl, standing nearby, announced in her soft, melodious voice, "My Diamond, we are approaching the Grandmaster's domain."

Blue nodded, her eyes fixed on the extraordinary sight before her. "Thank you, Pearl. Prepare for docking."

As their ship drew closer, a tractor beam engulfed them, guiding them gently towards an ornate docking bay. Blue Diamond felt a mixture of anticipation and curiosity. This meeting with the Grandmaster was crucial – not just for diplomatic reasons, but because she genuinely wished to understand more about the universe and its myriad inhabitants.

The ship touched down with barely a whisper, and the bay doors opened to reveal a welcoming party. At its head stood a figure that could only be the Grandmaster himself. He was tall and lean, with blue skin and white hair styled in an eccentric manner. His attire was flamboyant, featuring a golden robe adorned with intricate patterns and a high collar that framed his face.

Blue Diamond stepped out of her ship, her presence immediately commanding attention. The Grandmaster's eyes widened slightly, clearly impressed by her stature and the aura of power that surrounded her.

"Welcome, Blue Diamond of the Diamond Authority." the Grandmaster said, his voice carrying a hint of amusement and infinite wisdom. "I must say, your reputation precedes you, but it hardly does justice to the real thing."

Blue Diamond inclined her head gracefully. "Grandmaster, I am honored by your invitation. Thank you for agreeing to this meeting."

The Grandmaster's lips curved into a smile. "Oh, the honor is all mine. It's not every day I get to entertain a being of your... caliber." He gestured expansively. "Please, follow me. We have much to discuss, and I find that conversation flows more freely in comfortable surroundings."

As they walked through the citadel's winding corridors, Blue Diamond couldn't help but marvel at the eclectic collection of artifacts and beings they passed. Creatures of all shapes and sizes bustled about, some eyeing the newcomers with curiosity, others averting their gaze in reverence or fear.

The Grandmaster led them to a grand chamber, its ceiling so high it seemed to disappear into the shadows above. The walls were lined with what appeared to be viewing screens, each displaying a different corner of the universe. In the center of the room was a large, circular table surrounded by ornate chairs.

"Please, make yourself comfortable." the Grandmaster said, gesturing to the largest chair. "Can I offer you any refreshments? I have delicacies from a thousand worlds at my disposal."

Blue Diamond shook her head politely. "Thank you, but Gems do not require sustenance in that manner."

The Grandmaster's eyebrows rose. "Fascinating! You must tell me more about your kind. But first, let's get down to business, shall we? Perhaps we can discuss the nature of sentient beings across the universe, as I hear you have a unique perspective on it. Your papers have been published and spread across multiple civilizations by now."

Blue Diamond nodded, her eyes shimmering with interest. "Yes, that's correct. As the head of Foreign Relations for the Gem Empire, I believe it's crucial to understand the diversity of life forms we might encounter. Each civilization, each species has its own unique perspective to offer."

The Grandmaster leaned back in his chair, studying Blue Diamond with newfound interest. "I must say, your outlook is refreshing. Many beings of your power tend to view other life forms as... insignificant."

Blue Diamond's expression softened. "Every life has value, Grandmaster. From the smallest organic creature to the most advanced civilization, each has a role to play in the grand tapestry of existence. It's a perspective I've come to embrace over time, and one I try to instill in our empire."

"Intriguing." the Grandmaster mused. "And how does this philosophy align with your empire's theoretical expansion? I've heard whispers of your terraforming capabilities, and I must say, it is seems to be quite contrary to how you portray your planet, as it seems to be a desolate planet."

Blue Diamond's gemstone pulsed gently as she considered her response. "It's a delicate balance." she admitted. "Our theoretical expansion is necessary for the continuation of our species, but we strive to minimize our impact on existing life."

The Grandmaster leaned forward, his eyes glinting with curiosity. "And what of those who resist? Surely not all beings welcome your presence with open arms."

Blue Diamond's expression grew somber. "Conflict... is sometimes unavoidable. But I always push for diplomatic solutions first. Violence should be a last resort, used only in self-defense or to protect those who cannot protect themselves."

"A noble stance." the Grandmaster said, though his tone held a hint of skepticism. "But tell me, Blue Diamond, how do you reconcile this belief with the actions of your fellow Diamonds? I've heard tales of Yellow Diamond's military might, and whispers of a Diamond whose very gaze can shatter minds. It seems quite contrary to the image that you are attempting to portray about your kinds image."

Blue Diamond's form tensed slightly, but she maintained her composure. "We each have our roles to play in maintaining the stability and security of our empire. Yellow's strength ensures our protection, while White's wisdom guides us all. As for me, I believe my purpose is to bridge the gap between our kind and others, to foster understanding and cooperation where possible."

The Grandmaster nodded slowly, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I see. And it's this belief that brings you here today, seeking knowledge about the myriad forms of life that populate our vast universe?"

"Precisely." Blue Diamond replied, her eyes shimmering with eagerness. "Every species, every civilization has its own unique perspective, its own wisdom to offer. By understanding them, we can grow not just in power, but in wisdom and empathy."

The Grandmaster's smile widened. "Well, my dear Blue Diamond, you've certainly come to the right place. I've existed for eons, observing the rise and fall of countless civilizations. The knowledge I've accumulated... well, let's just say it would take several lifetimes to share it all. Only my fellow Elders could claim to know more than I."

Blue Diamond leaned forward, her interest piqued. "I would be honored if you would share even a fraction of that knowledge, Grandmaster. Perhaps we could start with the earliest civilizations you encountered?"

The Grandmaster's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Oh, we can do better than that. How about I tell you about the very first sentient beings to emerge in this universe? It's a tale few have heard, and even fewer have understood its implications."

Blue Diamond nodded eagerly, her full attention on the ancient being before her.

The Grandmaster began his tale, his voice taking on a mesmerizing quality. "In the beginning, when the universe was young and the stars were still in their infancy, the first sentient beings emerged. They were not like anything you might imagine – not humanoid, not even corporeal in the way we understand it. They were beings of pure energy, thought given form in the cosmic soup of creation."

Blue Diamond listened intently, her mind trying to grasp the concept of such alien life.

"These beings." the Grandmaster continued, "Existed in a state of constant flux, their very essence intertwined with the fabric of space-time. They did not think as we do, did not perceive reality in terms of past, present, and future. To them, all of time was a single moment, infinitely complex and ever-changing."

"How fascinating." Blue Diamond breathed. "But how did they communicate? How did they interact with the physical universe?"

The Grandmaster's smile grew enigmatic. "Ah, that's where it gets truly interesting. These beings didn't communicate – not in any way we would recognize. They simply... were. Their existence itself was a form of communication, each shift in their energy patterns rippling through the cosmos, influencing the very formation of matter and energy."

Blue Diamond's eyes widened as she contemplated the implications. "So, in a way, they shaped the universe itself?"

"Precisely!" the Grandmaster exclaimed, clearly pleased by her understanding. "Every galaxy, every star, every planet – all bear the subtle influence of these primordial beings. And here's the truly mind-bending part: in a very real sense, they still exist."

"But how?" Blue Diamond asked, leaning forward in her seat. "Surely beings of pure energy couldn't survive the cooling and condensing of the universe?"

The Grandmaster's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Who says they needed to survive it? Remember, these beings existed outside of linear time. From their perspective, the beginning of the universe and its hypothetical end are one and the same. They are everywhere and everywhen, their influence echoing through eternity. They seem to exist beyond every thing else in reality."

Blue Diamond sat back, her mind reeling from the implications. "That's... incredible. And humbling. To think, even beings as powerful as Diamonds are but a small part of this grand cosmic design."

"Indeed." the Grandmaster nodded. "But don't sell yourself short, my dear. Your ability to comprehend and appreciate this knowledge – that in itself is remarkable. Many beings, when faced with the true scope of cosmic existence, retreat into denial or madness."

Blue Diamond's expression grew thoughtful. "Perhaps that's why empathy is so important. By understanding and valuing all forms of life, we open ourselves to the true wonders of existence."

The Grandmaster clapped his hands together, his face lit up with genuine delight. "Oh, I do believe I'm going to enjoy our conversations, Blue Diamond. Your perspective is... refreshing. Shall we continue? I have tales of the first physical civilizations that I think you'll find most enlightening."

Blue Diamond nodded eagerly, settling in for what promised to be a fascinating exchange of knowledge and ideas.


Yellow Diamond stood at the helm of her massive warship, her tall, imposing figure silhouetted against the backdrop of swirling dimensional energies. The new realm that White Diamond had opened stretched out before her, a canvas of untapped potential waiting to be molded by Gem technology and ingenuity.

Her golden eyes narrowed as she surveyed the scene, her mind already calculating the most efficient ways to transform this raw space into a thriving Gem colony. Yellow's gem glowed softly on her chest, pulsing with barely contained power – the power to destabilize matter itself, a force that would be instrumental in the task given to her by her Mother.

As she gazed out at the dimensional expanse, Yellow couldn't help but reflect on the being who had made all this possible – White Diamond, her creator, her mother. A complex mix of emotions swirled within her: admiration, reverence, and a constant, underlying desire to prove herself worthy of her position.

White Diamond was more than just their leader; she was the pinnacle of Gem existence, a being of such power and perfection that she had transcended into a Cosmic Entity. Yellow felt a swell of pride at the thought, but it was quickly tempered by the weight of responsibility that came with being White's daughter and military leader.

"My Diamond." a voice interrupted her thoughts. Yellow turned to see her Pearl, standing at attention with a holographic display hovering above her outstretched hands. "The initial survey teams have reported back. Shall I brief you on their findings?"

Yellow nodded curtly. "Proceed."

As her Pearl began to detail the reports, Yellow's mind drifted back to the moment White had told them of her transformation and the new dimension she had opened. The memory was still vivid, etched into her gem with perfect clarity.

The smile White had given her then – proud, expectant – had filled Yellow with determination. She would make this new colony the crowning achievement of the Gem Empire, a fitting tribute to White's ascension.

Back in the present, Yellow refocused on her Pearl's briefing. The survey teams had mapped out the dimensional boundaries, identified areas of stable space-time, and located pockets of raw materials that could be harvested for the terraforming process.

"Excellent." Yellow said as the Pearl finished her report. "Prepare the first wave of Kindergarteners and Bismuths. We'll begin by establishing a foothold in the most stable region."

"Yes, my Diamond." the Pearl responded, bowing low before hurrying off to relay the orders.

Yellow turned back to the viewing screen, her posture straight and commanding. She knew the eyes of the entire ship were upon her, Gems of all types looking to her for leadership and direction. It was a role she was born for, one she embraced with unwavering dedication.

A Nephrite captain approached, saluting sharply. "My Diamond, the fleet awaits your command. We stand ready to begin operations at your word."

Yellow nodded, allowing a small smile of approval to cross her face. The efficiency of her military never failed to please her. "Very good, Nephrite. Commence Phase One of the terraforming operation. I want our first base established within the next solar cycle."

"It will be done, my Diamond." the Nephrite replied, her single eye gleaming with determination.

As the ship burst into activity, Gems rushing to their stations to carry out her orders, Yellow felt a familiar sense of satisfaction. This was where she thrived – in the midst of action, overseeing the expansion of Gem influence across the cosmos.

Yet, even as she immersed herself in the logistics of the operation, a part of her mind remained fixed on White Diamond. What would her creator think of this new colony? Would it meet her exacting standards? Yellow pushed these thoughts aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. Doubt was a luxury she couldn't afford, not when so much was at stake.

The next several hours were a flurry of activity. Yellow's ship, along with the rest of the fleet, moved deeper into the dimension. Kindergarten ships deployed, their drills piercing the fabric of this new reality to plant the seeds of Gem life. Bismuth construction crews began the work of erecting the first structures – injectors, spires, and the beginnings of what would become a magnificent Diamond base.

Yellow oversaw it all, her keen mind processing reports, making split-second decisions, and adjusting plans as needed. She was in her element, a general leading her troops in a campaign of creation rather than destruction.

As the first cycle of work neared its end, Yellow stood on a newly constructed platform, surveying the progress. Already, the once-empty dimension was taking shape. The skeletal frameworks of Gem structures punctuated the landscape, and the first batch of Quartz soldiers had emerged from hastily established Kindergartens, ready to defend the fledgling colony.

A Peridot approached, her limb enhancers clacking against the platform as she saluted. "My Diamond, I'm pleased to report that we are ahead of schedule. The first wave of structures is 73% complete, and our initial resource extraction is exceeding projections by 12%."

Yellow nodded, allowing herself a small smile of satisfaction. "Well done. Increase production by 15% for the next cycle. I want this colony to be a shining example of Gem efficiency."

"Of course, my Diamond." the Peridot replied eagerly. "It will be as you command."

As the Peridot scurried off to implement the new orders, Yellow's thoughts once again turned to White Diamond. Would she be pleased with this progress? Yellow could almost hear her creator's voice, gently chiding: "Now, now, Sunbeam. Don't let your desire for my approval distract you from your duty."

Yellow shook her head, banishing the imagined voice. White was right, of course – she couldn't let her personal feelings interfere with the task at hand. And yet... a part of her couldn't help but long for that approval, for some sign that she was living up to White's expectations.

Her musings were interrupted by the arrival of her most trusted Jasper, a veteran of countless battles and expansions. The burly Quartz saluted, her gem gleaming on her nose.

"My Diamond, we've detected some unusual energy fluctuations in Sector 7. Permission to investigate with a squad of elite Citrines?"

Yellow considered for a moment. This new dimension was still largely unknown, and any anomalies needed to be thoroughly examined. "Granted," she said. "But proceed with caution. We don't yet fully understand the nature of this realm."

"Understood, my Diamond/" the Jasper replied, saluting once more before turning to carry out her orders.

As Yellow watched her go, she reflected on the loyalty of her troops. Each Gem under her command was a testament to the strength and resilience of their kind. They looked to her for guidance, for strength, and she was determined never to let them down.

This new part of the colony would be her greatest achievement yet – a perfect fusion of military precision and technological advancement. It would stand as a beacon of Gem superiority, a fitting tribute to White Diamond's cosmic ascension.

With renewed determination, Yellow turned her attention back to the ongoing operations. There was still much to be done, and she would see it through to perfection. After all, that's what White would expect of her, and Yellow Diamond never failed to meet expectations.

As the terraforming efforts continued, Yellow found herself constantly balancing between hands-on management and strategic oversight. She moved from site to site, inspecting progress, adjusting plans, and motivating her Gems with her mere presence.

At one of the primary Kindergartens, Yellow stood at the edge of a massive canyon, watching as injectors plunged into the dimensional fabric. The process of creating new Gems had always fascinated her – the way they drew life from the very essence of a world, or in this case, a dimension.

A group of Peridots huddled around a control panel nearby, their chatter a constant background noise as they monitored the injection process. Yellow approached, and they immediately snapped to attention.

"Report." she commanded.

The lead Peridot, her hair styled in a triangular shape, stepped forward. "My Diamond, the Kindergarten is operating at 118% efficiency. We've already produced two battalions of Quartz soldiers, and the next batch is due to emerge within the next cycle."

Yellow nodded, pleased but not yet satisfied. "Good. But I want to push it further. Increase output by another 10%. This dimension has abundant resources – we should make full use of them."

The Peridots exchanged glances, a mix of excitement and apprehension on their faces. The lead Peridot spoke up again, her voice hesitant. "My Diamond, with all due respect, pushing the systems that hard could lead to instability. We're still learning how this dimension responds to our technology. According to past experiments, Mystical forces and Science do not easily mix together."

Yellow fixed the Peridot with a stern gaze. "Are you questioning my orders?"

The Peridot quailed under her stare. "N-no, my Diamond! Of course not! We'll implement the changes immediately."

As the Peridots scrambled to adjust their equipment, Yellow turned back to survey the Kindergarten. She knew she was pushing them hard, perhaps too hard. But the drive to excel, to surpass all expectations, was deeply ingrained in her being.

She remembered one of her earliest lessons with White Diamond, long ago when the Gem Empire was still young:

"Yellow, my beautiful sunshine." White had said, her voice gentle but firm. "Power without purpose is meaningless. Every decision you make, every order you give, must serve the greater good of our empire."

Young Yellow had stood at attention, absorbing every word. "I understand, White Diamond. I will always strive to make the best decisions for our people."

White had smiled then, a rare warmth in her usually impassive features. "I know you will, my dear. That's why I've entrusted you with our military. Your strength, your drive – these are assets to our empire. But remember, true strength lies not just in power, but in wisdom."

Now, countless years later, Yellow wondered if she was truly living up to that lesson. Was she pushing too hard in her desire to impress White? Or was this drive exactly what was needed to forge a grand new era for Gemkind?

Her contemplation was interrupted by a commotion near one of the injector sites. Yellow strode over, her presence immediately causing the gathered Gems to part before her.

A Jasper stood at attention, saluting as Yellow approached. "My Diamond, we've encountered an anomaly. One of the injectors has tapped into a pocket of unusual energy. It's unlike anything we've seen before."

Yellow's eyes narrowed. "Show me."

The Jasper led her to a nearby injector. Even from a distance, Yellow could see that something was different. The usual steady glow of the machine was instead pulsing erratically, and strange arcs of energy crackled around its base.

As they drew closer, Yellow felt a tingling sensation in her gem. Whatever this energy was, it was powerful – perhaps even dangerous.

"Clear the area." she commanded. "I want a perimeter established and all non-essential personnel evacuated."

As her orders were carried out, Yellow approached the anomalous injector. She could feel the strange energy intensifying, resonating with her own power in an unsettling way.

Reaching out with her ability to destabilize matter, Yellow probed the energy field. It resisted her at first, then suddenly yielded, releasing a burst of power that sent ripples through the dimensional fabric.

For a moment, reality itself seemed to waver, and Yellow caught a glimpse of... something. Other worlds, other possibilities, flashing by in an instant. Then, as quickly as it had begun, the phenomenon subsided.

Yellow stood still, processing what she had just experienced. This dimension, it seemed, held more mysteries than they had anticipated. The possibilities – and the potential dangers – were immense.

She turned to the Jasper, who was watching her with a mix of awe and concern. "Double the security around this site. I want our best Peridots analyzing this phenomenon. And prepare a direct communication line to White Diamond. She needs to be informed of this discovery immediately."

As her orders were relayed and the site burst into renewed activity, Yellow allowed herself a moment of reflection. This new dimension was proving to be far more than just another colony. It was a frontier of unknown wonders and challenges – a true test of her abilities as a leader and a Diamond.

For the first time since beginning this operation, Yellow felt a genuine thrill of excitement. This was uncharted territory, a chance to prove herself in ways she never had before, in ways none of her siblings never had before. And she was determined to rise to the challenge, to make this colony a testament to Gem superiority and her own capabilities as a leader.

With renewed purpose, Yellow Diamond strode back towards her command center. There was much to be done, and she would see it through to perfection. For the glory of the Gem Empire, for the pride of White Diamond, and for her own unshakeable sense of duty.


Brown Diamond stood at the center of a massive holographic projection, his eyes darting from one detail to another as he manipulated the image with deft movements of his hands. The plans for the new Diamond palace floated around him, a testament to Gem engineering and artistry.

Unlike his siblings, Brown's form was stockier, more solid. His brown coloration, unusual for a Gem, reflected his connection to the earth and the physical sciences. His gem, a perfectly cut brown diamond, sat squarely in the center of his chest, occasionally pulsing with energy as he focused on manipulating matter on a smaller scale.

"Bismuth Facet-1Cut-1XA." Brown called out, his voice deep and resonant. "What's the status on the foundation materials?"

A burly Bismuth with rainbow-colored dreadlocks stepped forward, saluting respectfully. "My Diamond, we've successfully synthesized the ultra-dense alloy as per your specifications. Initial tests show it's capable of withstanding dimensional stress 300% better than our standard materials."

Brown nodded, a small smile of satisfaction crossing his face. "Excellent work, Bismuth. Your team continues to impress me. Begin the laying of the foundation immediately."

As the Bismuth hurried off to relay the orders, Brown turned his attention back to the holographic plans. This palace would be his masterpiece – a structure that could withstand the unique pressures of this new dimension while showcasing the pinnacle of Gem architectural achievement.

He manipulated the hologram, zooming in on the central spire. It would house the Diamond Council chambers, a place where he and his siblings could convene under the watchful eye of White Diamond. The thought of his creator sent a mix of emotions through him – pride, admiration, and a touch of trepidation.

"My Diamond." a voice interrupted his thoughts. Brown turned to see a Peridot approaching, her limb enhancers clacking against the floor. "We've completed the preliminary energy grid calculations for the palace. However, we've encountered some... unexpected variables."

Brown raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Unexpected how, Peridot?"

The green Gem fidgeted slightly under his gaze. "Well, sir, it seems the dimensional energies are fluctuating in patterns we haven't seen before. It's causing some irregularities in our power distribution models."

Instead of showing frustration, Brown's eyes lit up with scientific curiosity. "Fascinating. Show me the data."

As the Peridot pulled up a series of complex graphs and equations, Brown felt a familiar thrill of excitement. This was why he loved his role – every new challenge was an opportunity to push the boundaries of Gem science and technology.

"Hmm." he mused, studying the fluctuations. "It seems we'll need to design a new type of energy regulator to account for these dimensional variances. Peridot, assemble a team of our top scientists. I want prototypes within the next cycle."

The Peridot saluted, a look of relief and excitement on her face. "Right away, my Diamond! We won't let you down."

As she scurried off, Brown couldn't help but smile. The enthusiasm of the Gems under his command always pleased him. Unlike Yellow, who ruled through strict discipline, or Blue, who inspired devoted loyalty, Brown fostered an environment of intellectual curiosity and innovation.

He turned back to the holographic plans, making a few adjustments to account for the new energy regulator they would need to develop. As he worked, he reflected on the position he held among his siblings.

Yellow was the military leader, Blue the diplomat, Grey the spymaster, and Black the protector. But Brown? He was the builder, the innovator, the one who took the raw potential of Gemkind and shaped it into technological marvels.

A commotion near the entrance to the planning chamber caught his attention. A group of Rubies was escorting a Lapis Lazuli, who looked both nervous and excited.

"My Diamond." the lead Ruby announced, saluting. "This Lapis Lazuli claims to have important information about the dimensional properties of water in this realm."

Brown nodded, gesturing for the Lapis to approach. "Speak, then. What have you discovered?"

The Lapis Lazuli stepped forward, bowing deeply. "My Diamond, while testing my abilities in the new water sources we've created, I noticed something strange. The water here... it doesn't just respond to my will. It almost seems to have a will of its own."

Brown's eyes widened with interest. "Explain further."

"Well, sir." the Lapis continued, gaining confidence, "When I attempt to manipulate large bodies of water, I can feel... resistance. Not just physical resistance, but almost like... like the water is thinking, responding to me consciously."

For a moment, Brown was silent, processing this information. Then, a broad smile spread across his face. "Incredible. This could revolutionize our understanding of matter in this dimension. Lapis, I want you to work directly with my research team. Your insights could be invaluable."

The Lapis Lazuli's eyes lit up with surprise and joy. "Thank you, my Diamond! I'm honored to help in any way I can."

As the Lapis was led away to join the research team, Brown felt a surge of excitement. This new dimension was proving to be a treasure trove of scientific discoveries. Each new finding only fueled his passion for knowledge and progress. He wanted to discover what made this realm tick, and he would do so without asking his Mother.

He turned back to the holographic plans, his mind already racing with ideas on how to incorporate these new discoveries into the palace design. Perhaps a series of water features that could respond to the inhabitants' thoughts? Or a security system that utilized this seemingly sentient water?

As he worked, manipulating the hologram with practiced ease, Brown reflected on his role within the Diamond Authority. He knew he wasn't as outwardly impressive as Yellow, or as emotionally influential as Blue. His power to manipulate matter on a smaller scale might seem less flashy than his siblings' abilities.

But Brown knew the true power of science and innovation. It was his technologies that allowed the Gem Empire to expand across the realms. His inventions that powered their ships, sustained their colonies, and pushed the boundaries of what was possible.

And now, in this new dimension, he had the opportunity to create something truly extraordinary. This palace wouldn't just be a symbol of Gem authority – it would be a testament to the power of knowledge and scientific progress.

"Architect Facet-5 Cut-7XG." Brown called out, summoning one of his top designers. "I have some new ideas for the palace's central atrium. I think we can create a display of dimensional energy that will truly showcase the unique properties of this realm."

The Architect, a tall, slender Gem with a gem on her forehead, approached eagerly. "My Diamond, I'm all ears. Your ideas are always revolutionary."

As Brown began to explain his vision, gesturing at the hologram and making real-time adjustments, he felt a sense of contentment wash over him. This was where he thrived – in the midst of creation and discovery, surrounded by Gems who shared his passion for knowledge and progress.

Hours passed as Brown worked tirelessly on the palace plans, consulting with various experts and incorporating new ideas as they came to him. The chamber was a hive of activity, with Gems of all types coming and going, each contributing their unique skills to the grand project.

As the work cycle drew to a close, Brown stepped back from the hologram, surveying the progress they had made. The palace design had evolved significantly, incorporating the latest discoveries about the dimension's unique properties. It would be a structure unlike any other in the universe – a fitting headquarters for the Diamond Authority in this new realm.

"Excellent work, everyone." Brown announced, his voice carrying across the chamber. "We've made remarkable progress. Take some time to rest and recharge. I expect fresh minds and new ideas when we reconvene."

As the Gems began to file out, many pausing to salute or thank him for his guidance, Brown felt a swell of pride. Not just in the work they had accomplished, but in the Gems themselves. Under his leadership, they were pushing the boundaries of what was possible, growing and evolving in ways that would benefit all of Gemkind.

Once the chamber had emptied, Brown allowed himself a moment of quiet reflection. He thought of White Diamond, of her cosmic ascension and the responsibility she had placed on her children to shape this new dimension.

"I hope I'm making you proud, White." he murmured to himself. "We're on the verge of discoveries that could change everything we thought we knew about the universe."

With a wave of his hand, Brown dismissed the holographic display. As the image of the grand palace faded away, he turned to leave the chamber, his mind already buzzing with new ideas and possibilities for tomorrow.

The palace would be his greatest achievement yet – a fusion of art, science, and the very fabric of this new dimension. And in creating it, Brown Diamond would prove once again the power of knowledge and innovation in shaping the destiny of the Gem Empire.

As he walked through the corridors of the temporary base, Gems of all types stopping to salute him, Brown felt a renewed sense of purpose. This new dimension was more than just a colony – it was a chance to redefine what it meant to be a Gem, to push their civilization to new heights of achievement and understanding.

And he, Brown Diamond, would be at the forefront of this new age of discovery and progress. With every blueprint, every experiment, every new technology, he would honor White Diamond's vision and secure a bright future for all Gemkind.


Black Diamond stood atop the highest spire of the Diamond Palace on Homeworld, his dark form a stark contrast against the shimmering crystalline architecture. His eyes, deep pools of obsidian, surveyed the bustling metropolis below. As the head of the Royal Guard, it was his duty to ensure the safety of his siblings and, above all, his mother, White Diamond.

The news of White's ascension to Cosmic Entity status and the discovery of a new dimension had sent ripples of excitement and uncertainty throughout the empire. For Black, it meant a new level of responsibility and the need to adapt his strategies to protect his family in this expanding realm of influence.

He closed his eyes, feeling the pulse of the Speed Force that White had introduced into their universe. It thrummed through his gem, a new power waiting to be harnessed and shared with his most trusted guards.

"Pearl." he called, his deep voice resonating with authority.

In an instant, a slender figure materialized beside him, her form graceful and poised. Pearl's gem gleamed on her forehead, her eyes fixed on Black Diamond with unwavering devotion.

"Yes, my Diamond?" she responded, her voice soft but filled with readiness to serve.

Black turned to face her, his expression serious. "Summon Jasper and Lapis. It's time we prepare for the transition."

Pearl bowed low, her form already shimmering as she prepared to use her unique ability to cut through space. "At once, my Diamond."

As Pearl vanished to carry out his order, Black reflected on the unique bond he shared with his Royal Guard. Each member had been carefully chosen, not just for their abilities, but for their unwavering loyalty to the Diamond Authority.

Pearl, with her ability to slice through the fabric of space itself, was more than just a servant. She was a devoted protector, willing to shatter herself if it meant keeping the Diamonds safe. Her unwavering dedication sometimes concerned Black, but he couldn't deny the comfort of having such a loyal gem by his side throughout the past cycles.

Minutes later, Pearl reappeared, accompanied by a burly Jasper and a lithe Lapis Lazuli.

Jasper, one of the first gems ever created, stood tall and proud. Her form bore the marks of countless battles, yet her eyes held a wisdom that set her apart from younger quartz soldiers. Age had tempered her, replacing the typical Jasper brashness with a deep, contemplative strength. She had fought in the first major conflict against the Fallen, and she stood as a powerful Gem due to the simple fact that Age made them more powerful.

Lapis, by contrast, seemed almost disinterested in her surroundings. Her blue eyes were calm, almost detached, as she regarded Black Diamond. Yet Black knew that beneath that cool exterior lay a power that could reshape entire worlds if unleashed by he or White.

"My Diamond." Jasper said, her voice gravelly but respectful. "You summoned us?"

Black nodded, his gaze sweeping over his elite guard. "As you're aware, White Diamond has ascended to become a Cosmic Entity. With this change comes new responsibilities and new dangers. We must be prepared."

Lapis tilted her head slightly, a flicker of interest crossing her face. "What would you have us do, my Diamond?"

Black's gem began to glow, pulsing with the energy of the Speed Force. "White Diamond has introduced two new powers into our universe - the Speed Force and the Still Force. I intend to share a portion of this power with each of you, to better equip you for the challenges ahead."

Pearl's eyes widened with reverence. "My Diamond, you honor us beyond measure. To share such power... we are truly blessed."

Jasper nodded solemnly, her experienced eyes narrowing slightly. "This power... it will require training to master, I assume?"

"Indeed." Black confirmed. "Which is why we'll begin immediately. The new dimension White has opened will need our presence since a few of my siblings already entered it, and we must be ready."

As he spoke, Black couldn't help but reflect on the nature of gems and their ability to grow stronger with age. It was a fact often overlooked by younger gems, who saw only the immediate power of their forms. But Black, like his siblings, understood the true value of time.

Jasper was a prime example of this. As one of the first gems created, she had grown far beyond the limitations of a typical quartz soldier. Her strength was matched by her only by her wisdom, making her arguably the strongest member of the Royal Guard.

Black raised his hand, calling forth the energy of the Speed Force. "Prepare yourselves," he instructed. "This may feel... unusual."

With a gesture, he sent tendrils of energy towards each of his guards. The air crackled with power as the Speed Force made contact with their gems.

Pearl gasped, her form shimmering as the energy suffused her being. Her ability to cut through space seemed to resonate with the Speed Force, enhancing it in ways she had never imagined.

Jasper stood firm, her form barely wavering as the power flowed into her. Her eyes closed in concentration, centuries of experience allowing her to adapt quickly to the new sensation.

Lapis, surprisingly, showed the most visible reaction. Her wings of water materialized involuntarily, sparking with energy as the Still Force intertwined with her hydrokinetic abilities.

As the energy settled, Black observed his guards closely. "How do you feel?"

Pearl was the first to respond, her eyes shining with awe. "My Diamond, it's... incredible. I can sense the very fabric of space more clearly than ever before."

Jasper nodded, flexing her fingers experimentally. "It's like a surge of strength, but... different. More fluid. I can see how this will enhance our capabilities."

Lapis, her usual indifference momentarily forgotten, stared at her hands in fascination. "The water... it feels completely static, yet that could change in a moment. As if it's anticipating my commands."

Black allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction. "Good. You'll need time to fully acclimate to these new abilities. We'll begin training immediately. The safety of the Diamonds and our new colony depends on our readiness."

As his guards began to test their enhanced abilities, Black's mind turned to the broader implications of these changes. The Gem Empire was entering a new era, one filled with both promise and peril. As the head of the Royal Guard, it was his duty to anticipate threats and neutralize them before they could endanger his family.

"Pearl." he called, his voice cutting through the excited chatter of his guards.

She was by his side instantly, her movement almost too fast to follow. "Yes, my Diamond?"

"Prepare a comprehensive security analysis of the new dimension. I want to know every potential vulnerability, every possible threat. We leave nothing to chance."

Pearl bowed low, her voice filled with determination. "It will be done, my Diamond. I will not fail you."

As Pearl set off to carry out his orders, Black turned to Jasper. "You've seen more battles than any gem still in service. I need your insight on potential military challenges we might face in this new realm."

Jasper saluted crisply, her expression serious. "Of course, my Diamond. I'll draw up strategies based on our past expansions and adapt them to what we know of the new dimension."

Finally, Black addressed Lapis. "Your power over water makes you our most versatile asset. I need you to work with our scientists to understand the composition of this new dimension. If there are oceans, rivers, or even moisture in the air, I want to know how we can use it to our advantage."

Lapis nodded, her usual detachment replaced by a spark of interest. "As you wish, my Diamond. I'll see it done."

As his guards dispersed to carry out their tasks, Black Diamond stood alone once more, gazing out over Homeworld. The empire was changing, growing, and with it, the challenges they faced would evolve as well.

He thought of his siblings - Yellow with her military might, Blue with her diplomatic finesse, Brown with his scientific genius, and Grey with his strategic mind. Each of them had their role to play in this new chapter of their existence. And White... their mother, now a being of cosmic power. The weight of protecting them all pressed heavily on Black's shoulders, but it was a weight he bore with pride. He was the shield that would protect them at all costs.

His contemplation was interrupted by a commotion below. Black's keen eyes zeroed in on a group of Peridots working on a new communication hub. One of them seemed to be in distress, her form flickering erratically.

In an instant, Black was there, moving faster than he ever had before thanks to the Speed Force. The Peridots snapped to attention at his sudden appearance, their eyes wide with a mixture of awe and fear.

"What's happening here? Report." Black demanded, his gaze fixed on the distressed Peridot.

The small green gem was trembling, sparks of electricity arcing between her limb enhancers. "M-my Diamond, I am Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG." she stammered, "I don't know what's happening. I was just calibrating the new long-range communicators, and suddenly..."

As if to demonstrate, a bolt of electricity shot from her gem, striking a nearby panel and causing it to short out in a shower of sparks.

Black's eyes narrowed as he observed the phenomenon. This was no malfunction - the Peridot was manifesting a new ability, one he had never seen in her kind before yet he was aware of the potential they had for it.

"Interesting," he murmured. "It seems you've awakened a latent power. The ability to manipulate electromagnetism, if I'm not mistaken."

The Peridot stared at her hands in disbelief. "But... how is this possible, my Diamond? I'm just a Peridot, we're not meant to have such abilities."

Black knelt down, bringing himself closer to the Peridot's eye level. "The ability is latent in most gems. Perhaps it is due to the blessings that White have given. It seems it's awakening new potential in some gems."1

He stood, addressing the group of stunned Peridots. "Continue your work. I'll have a team of researchers sent to study this development. In the meantime." He turned back to the newly empowered Peridot, "You will report to the Royal Guard training facility. We'll need to help you control this new ability."

As the Peridots scrambled to return to their tasks, Black Diamond felt a mix of excitement and concern. The awakening of new powers in gems could be a tremendous asset to the empire, but it also presented new variables, new potential threats to manage.


Grey Diamond stood at the center of his command hub, a vast chamber filled with holographic displays and bustling with Gems of various types. His tall, imposing figure was a study in contrasts - his body was a uniform shade of slate grey, but his eyes sparkled with an intensity that betrayed his sharp, analytical mind.

As he surveyed the room, Grey allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction. The Intelligence Division was his creation, a testament to his belief that information was the true currency of power. While Yellow commanded armies and Blue negotiated alliances, Grey's realm was the shadows, the whispers, the secrets that could make or break entire Socities.

A Peridot approached, her limb enhancers creating a soft clacking sound on the polished floor. She saluted crisply, her gem gleaming on her forehead. "My Diamond, we've received the latest reports from our operatives in the Andromeda galaxy. There's been a significant development in the ongoing conflict between the Kree and the Skrulls."

Grey nodded, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Show me."

The Peridot projected a holographic display, detailing troop movements and political machinations. Grey studied it intently, his mind already calculating the potential impacts on Gem interests in the region.

"Interesting." he murmured. "The Kree seem to be pushing for a decisive victory, but they're overextending their supply lines. And here," he pointed to a specific sector, "the Skrulls are massing for a counterattack."

The Peridot nodded eagerly. "Yes, my Diamond. Our analysis suggests that this conflict will reach a critical point within the next three cycles."

Grey's gem pulsed softly as he considered the information. "Very well. Prepare a detailed report for Blue Diamond. She'll need this intelligence for her upcoming diplomatic mission to the sector. And increase our surveillance on both sides. I want to know their every move."

"At once, my Diamond." the Peridot replied, saluting once more before hurrying off to carry out his orders.

As she left, a Zircon approached, her monocle glinting in the light of the holo-displays. "My Diamond, if I may have a moment of your time?"

Grey turned his attention to the Zircon, noting the slight nervousness in her posture. "Speak."

The Zircon cleared her throat. "We've uncovered a potential security breach in the lower levels of Facet 9. It appears that a group of off-color Gems has been operating an unauthorized communications network."2

Grey's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Explain."

"Well, my Diamond." the Zircon began, her voice steady despite her obvious discomfort, "Our surveillance indicates that these off-colors have been sharing information about... alternative societal structures. They've been discussing the possibility of a Gem society not based on the Diamond Authority."

For a moment, the command hub seemed to grow eerily quiet, as if every Gem present was holding their breath. Grey's face remained impassive, but those who knew him well could sense the storm brewing beneath his calm exterior.

"I see." he said, his voice deceptively soft. "And how long has this been going on?"

The Zircon swallowed hard. "We believe the network has been operational for approximately 2000 cycles, my Diamond."

Grey's gem pulsed, a brief flare of power that made the nearby holo-displays flicker. "2000 cycles?" He repeated, his tone now sharp enough to cut diamond. "And we're only learning of this now?"

The Zircon flinched. "My deepest apologies, my Diamond. The off-colors were using a complex encryption system that took time to-"

Grey held up a hand, silencing her. "Enough. I want a full task force assembled immediately. Gather our best Peridots for cyber-intelligence, our most experienced Jaspers for ground operations, and a team of Topazes for containment. We will root out this network and make an example of those who would threaten the order of our society."

"Yes, my Diamond." the Zircon replied, bowing low before hurrying away to carry out his commands.

Grey turned back to the central holo-display, his mind already formulating strategies to deal with this threat. Dissent was a cancer that needed to be cut out swiftly and decisively. He had no doubt that White Diamond would approve of his actions - after all, maintaining the purity and loyalty of Gem society was one of his primary functions.

As he began to input commands for the operation, a thought occurred to him. The new dimension that White had opened... it presented both opportunities and challenges for his division. With Yellow focused on terraforming and military expansion, there would be gaps in security, potential blind spots that could be exploited by enemies both external and internal.

Grey called over his most trusted Sapphire, a Gem whose future vision had proven invaluable in countless operations. "Sapphire, I need you to assemble a team for a special assignment."

The Sapphire bowed gracefully, her single eye focused on Grey. "Of course, my Diamond. What is the nature of this assignment?"

"We need to prepare for expansion into the new dimension." Grey explained. "I want a team of our best operatives ready to move in as soon as Yellow gives the all-clear. We need to establish our information network from the ground up, integrated seamlessly with the new colonial structures. We do not need to give any opportunity for any Off-Colors to build a proper network in the new Dimension."

The Sapphire nodded, her gem glowing softly as she peered into potential futures. "I foresee challenges, my Diamond. The unique nature of this dimension may require... unconventional approaches. We have already recieved reports from the other Diamond's about the unique events that can occur in the realm."

Grey smiled, a rare expression that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Excellent. Unconventional is what we do best. Select Gems who can think creatively, adapt quickly. We'll need to be one step ahead of any potential threats in this new frontier that may arise.."

"It shall be done, my Diamond." the Sapphire replied. "I'll begin the selection process immediately."

As the Sapphire glided away, Grey turned his attention back to the myriad displays surrounding him. Each screen showed a different facet of the vast Gem empire - colony productions, troop movements, diplomatic negotiations, and countless other data points that, when viewed together, painted a picture of a civilization at the height of its power.

But Grey knew better than anyone that power was a fragile thing. It required constant vigilance, a willingness to delve into the darkness to protect the light. That was his role in the grand design of the Diamond Authority - to be the unseen guardian, the keeper of secrets, the shield against threats both known and unknown.

A sudden alert on one of the displays caught his attention. It was a message from White Diamond herself, requesting a private communication. Grey felt a mixture of pride and apprehension - a summons from White was both an honor and a test.

He moved to a secure communication chamber, activating the diamond-line that connected directly to White's personal quarters. The screen flickered to life, revealing White Diamond in all her radiant glory.

"White Diamond." Grey said, bowing low. "How may I serve you?"

White's voice was melodious, yet carried an undercurrent of power that made Grey's gem resonate. "Ah, my cinereal child. I trust you're keeping our empire safe from the shadows?"

"Always, my Diamond." Grey replied. "We've just uncovered a potential threat in Facet 9. Rest assured, it will be dealt with swiftly."

White nodded, her expression unreadable. "Very good. But that's not why I've called. Tell me, what are your thoughts on our new... acquisition?"

Grey understood immediately that she was referring to the new dimension. "It presents unique opportunities and challenges, my Diamond. I'm already preparing a team to establish our intelligence network there as soon as the initial colonization is complete."

"Excellent." White said, a hint of approval in her voice. "But I sense there's more on your mind. Speak freely, Grey."

Grey hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "The nature of this dimension... it's unlike anything we've encountered before. I believe we need to be prepared for the unexpected. There may be unexpected distractions that even our most advanced technology can't detect."

White's eyes sparkled with interest. "Go on."

"I propose establishing a new division." Grey continued, gaining confidence. "A team of Gems specially trained and augmented to deal with... unconventional threats. Beings that may exist beyond our current understanding of reality."

White was silent for a long moment, her gaze seeming to pierce through Grey. Finally, she spoke. "An intriguing proposal. Develop it further. I want a full report on my desk within the next cycle."

"It will be done, my Diamond," Grey said, bowing once more.

As the communication ended, Grey allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. White's approval, however tentative, was a rare and precious thing. But there was no time to bask in it - there was work to be done.

Returning to the command hub, Grey began issuing a new series of orders. The team for the new dimension would need to be assembled quickly, but with utmost care. Each member would need to be not just skilled, but adaptable, creative, and above all, unquestionably loyal.

As he worked, Grey's mind raced with possibilities. This new frontier wasn't just a chance for Gem expansion - it was an opportunity to reshape the very nature of their intelligence operations. In this strange new realm, where the laws of reality might be fluid, his division could become something more than just the eyes and ears of the empire.

They could become its very conscience, guiding Gemkind through the uncharted waters of a universe far stranger and more wonderful than they had ever imagined.

Grey Diamond smiled to himself, a plan already forming in his ever-active mind. The future was uncertain, filled with both promise and peril. But one thing was sure - wherever that future led, his division would be there, working tirelessly in the shadows to ensure the continued glory of the Diamond Authority and the Gem Empire.

[Character Introspective: Diamond Edition. Let me know if you guys still enjoy these, as it is quite fun to write them on my end.]

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