
Marvel: Tech System

For one individual, the boundary between science fiction and reality blurs when they are unexpectedly transmigrated into the Marvel universe, a place where the technological wonders of their dreams are tangible. Equipped with a system that promises growth and evolution, they begin as an underdog in a world of heroes and villains. Drawing inspiration from the movies, comics, and even cartoons, this alternate universe (AU) tale weaves a narrative that, while familiar, brings its own unique twists and turns. As our protagonist navigates this new life, they will encounter romance, face challenges, and harness the power of advanced technology to rise to the heights of power within the Marvel Patreon Unknown_To_All The upload schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Unknown_To_All · Anime e quadrinhos
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74 Chs

Chapter 56 New Tech Path?

[Sir the machines have finished manufacturing your designs] Jarvis said while a machine arm appeared holding a spherical object with a single button.

Taking it in my hands I held it close and gave it a quick examination.

"Hmm this should work but are you seeing the problems I'm seeing Jarvis?"

[Yes sir, the power source seems unsuitable. At most my calculations say that it will only work once before being drained]

"Yeah, I thought so" The energy shield was made with the idea of using an arc reactor as its source. Unfortunately Tony doesn't have a third one lying around so I had to make due but it should be fine. I only needed it to activate once anyway.

"How's the second item?" I asked with some worry. We were running out of time and if it wasn't ready then I'd have to leave without it.

[It is ready as well, but might I add that the weapon is very strange. The shape and construction feel completely different compared to modern technology yet it still achieves impressive results.]

"Yeah I see what you mean but don't worry Jarvis it'll do its job"

Next, a second mechanical arm appeared holding a bulky pistol that looked uncomfortable to hold. The squarish shape wasn't user-friendly whatsoever only adding to its weird appearance.

Taking the Laser Pistol in my hands I proceeded to move around with it as I got familiar with its weight before strapping it to my side. Originally I had planned on making a laser rifle but that would've taken me more time. Especially when it came to making the ammo required.

Microfusion cells were vastly more powerful the energy cells but the construction would've taken more time than I currently had.

"Where are they fighting right now?" I asked so I could know what part of the movie they were in.

[They have just begun flying but the suit power won't be able to sustain it for long]

Jarvis asked showing as much worry as an AI possibly could.

I gave a nod in understanding

So he's about to use the icing problem which means next should be the fall and the rooftop fight. Examining Tony's vehicles my mind began to do calculations on their speeds compared to the distance I needed to travel.

"Audi R8 it is hope he doesn't get too mad at me for borrowing it"

Running up to the car I quickly hopped in and started the vehicle. Turns out Tony leaves his keys in his car. Must be nice to have that much trust in your security, I thought jokingly remembering all the hellcats that got stolen from people I knew.

"Jarvis give me the fastest route even the illegal ones" I asked while bursting out of his garage at top speed.




"Haha, I see you made some additions to your suit! I've made some changes as well." Obadiah laughed and mocked while they flew higher and higher.

"Really? So what did you do about the Icing problem?" Tony asked with a smirk that could practically be felt through his helmet.

Obadiah was at a loss for words until he soon discovered the problem Tony was talking about as he began free-falling.

Tony smiled in victory until he also began to fall from pushing his arc reactor too hard.

"Ahhh Jarvis slow down my fall!"

[I'm trying sir] Jarvis responded as the suit would burst up every couple of seconds slowing him but not completely stopping his descent.

Eventually, his core could handle it no more before he crashed into his building rooftop.

Pushing himself up he saw Obadiah also arrive landing gracefully. Clearly, his goal hadn't worked as well as he planned leaving his energy almost depleted while his foe stood ready to go.

In response, Tony tried to fight back but he could barely move and was actually attacked instead damaging his suit.

The situation was clearly going downhill and he only saw one way out of this.

"Pepper, this isn't working we're going to need to activate the arc reactor and blow everything on the roof" After this he proceeded to explain everything to Pepper before he began reengaging Obadiah but the fight was awfully one-sided.

He was tossed around like a rag doll while Obadiah continued mocking with a victorious smile. Lifting his arm he perfectly aimed his gun at Tony.

Compared to the original movie this version of Tony had failed in deactivating Obadiah's targeting system. Leaving his life freely in the hands of his enemy.

"Run pepper it's too late but you can still get this news out there. You have the drive." Tony said into his comms accepting his fate.

"Haha, you really think it will matter? In my hands, I have the source of a new kind of war. Do you really think the government will arrest me when they can have a piece of this as well? Besides you don't have to worry I won't kill Mrs Potts instead I'll take good care of her" He said not wanting Tony to have any peace as he died.

Which worked as Tony began to stand back up but it was at a snail's pace.

"Really now? Well if the government won't arrest you I guess we'll just have to kill you."

Hearing an unknown voice Obadiah turned around only to be met with searing heat in his chest.

Pew! Pew! Pew!

"Arghh" Reactivating his armor he was able to cover himself but it didn't remove the singe he felt in his skin.

Tony was baffled by this but he was still able to recognize that voice. "Kol!" He shouted with a huge smile. Just moments ago he thought he was going to die but it looks like he will be cheating death once again.

In the midst of all this excitement, Tony still didn't let it get to his head. Activating his comms he contacted Pepper. "Now Pepper activate it! Blow the roof!"

"Ahh I don't know where you are but you're going to regret that!" Obadiah now fully encased turned on all his firepower and began blasting everything on the roof but his new enemy was nowhere to be found.

"You're looking the wrong way doofus" a voice said from behind the Obadiah.

Not letting this chance go he swung his body back hoping to smash Kol but he ended up crashing into nothing. Instead, he was hit with more blasts from whatever that weapon was.

Pew! Pew! Pew!

"Tony, it's ready but you need to get off the roof!" Pepper shouted into the comms. She was just one button away from blowing everything to kingdom come.

Tony felt a wave of relief knowing it was ready but when he tried to stand he found his suit no longer having any power. Examining his situation he knew that he was stuck.

"Kol you need to get off the roof! Everything's going to blow." He shouted hoping to at least save his new friend.

In response, he finally saw Kol appear as he deactivated his stealth suit.

"No need to go anywhere we got this" Kol said before bringing out a mechanical sphere with a single button.

It only took Tony a single glance to recognize what it was. Some of the designs may have changed but it was their most recent project so it's obvious he would recognize it.

"Blow it Pepper!" Tony shouted now with Kol standing beside him

"There you are, you little bug. I promise after all this is over I'll mount your head on my wall!" Obadiah exclaimed, aiming his guns at the duo.

[POV Switch]

"I'd say the same except I'm not into old dudes" Lifting my hands I pressed the button activating a bubble shield to appear around them.

I made a smile at seeing the dome around us with hexagonal patterns. It was clearly reminiscent of the bubble shields used by the forerunners. In fact, it was almost the same!

In the Halo universe, humanity began expanding their technology by reverse engineering forerunner and covenant tech. One of these technologies was the bubble shield.

Still, isn't that alien tech? Well technically yes but also no since humans did learn it as well and in turn so did I.

However, at this moment I didn't even care about the bubble shield instead, I was focused on what it represented.

Alien Technology

Technically with time, I should be able to uncover more knowledge from alien species like forerunners. All I need to do is be patient and trace the tech back to its roots. I could talk endlessly about why this was so great but that would have to wait for later.

Obadiah began firing but it was already too late. Pepper had pressed the button blowing the arc reactor's energy up into the sky!


The energy was all around us causing small cracks to appear throughout the shield like a web. It was like a weight was being pressed onto the very shield itself with how much power it carried.

Me and Tony watched this with caution. We had both done the numbers and knew the shield could endure for another couple seconds but it didn't ease the worry.

Eventually, it looked like the shield was about to shatter until the energy beam around began to fizzle out. It seemed like math was on our side this time.

With there being no more stress Tony collapsed as all the fatigue came in at once. Even I wanted to sit down for a moment, I still needed to check on the villain in the room.

Heading his way I found his body as you would expect it to be. Charred and dead. Still, this didn't mean we could relax.

The whole city had seen the beam come out of here and there was so much destruction nearby that the press was going to be all over it.

"Come on Tony, there's still the damage control."

"Ugh alright but let's order some hamburgers. I feel like it's going to be a long night."

[+100 You have saved Tony but this is only a small change]