
Chapter 2 The System

[System Booting]


[Running Self Diagnostic… Diagnostic complete]


I could only stare in disbelief at the floating blue screen as messages kept appearing and disappearing. Today was definitely looking to be the craziest day of my life as the world seemed intent on giving me one surprise after another. 

I wanted to immediately check this system and find out what it could. I wasn't a fool who didn't recognize what this was. I'd seen hundreds of anime with systems not including the various novels and mangas. So I knew how powerful and cheat-like they could get but I held back This was not the time nor the place. I thought as I looked towards some of the cameras in the library.

Getting up I acted as usual and quietly turned off the computer as I put away all the books I had. I didn't want to leave any evidence of me having any powers. Fortunately, this system also seemed to recognize what I wanted and turned itself off. Which was good, I didn't know if I was the only one who could see this. If on the off chance that I'm not then hiding it would be the best thing I could possibly do. Lest I end up a lab rat for some corporation or evil organization.

This is also why I was choosing to take this back home. The organizations in this world could easily access the cameras in this library and look back to today. I already took the risk to read these kinds of books in a public space but it was one that needed to be done quickly. This system however can wait till I get home.

After I was done I quickly made my way home which wasn't too difficult even if the area was unfamiliar. I had already prepared myself by making some mental markers along the way.

Alright let's see what this system can do "System" I said and with that, it automatically appeared.

[Tech Resource System]

-Character tab-

[User - Kol Dagon]

[Age - 18] [Race - Human]


Strength 3 (5)

Agility 4 (5)

Vitality 3 (5)

Sense 5 (5)

Charisma 5 (5)

Intelligence 6 (5)

-Store Tab-

[Available Worlds - None]

[Gacha Spins - None]

[Points - None]

-Mission Tab-

[Accept Beginner Package]

"A tech resource system?" I'd seen my share of systems in the past but never one like this. It came equipped with its own status page that gave some of my basic details.

Giving them a quick look I couldn't say I was surprised… I'd seen firsthand how weak my body looked so having it confirmed in statistics didn't really change anything but hey it's like they say. From here you can only go up and that's exactly what I'd do. No way I'd stay this weak and vulnerable in this world.

Moving on I saw more details in the system such as worlds and Gacha but I ignored those for now. Instead what caught my attention was the glowing icon coming from the missions tab.

[Accept Beginner Package]


"A beginner package so it even has one of these… Well, I'm not one to turn down a free gift" Sporting a smile I quickly clicked yes and prayed whatever I got would help me out in this world.

[Unlocking Beginner Package]

[Congratulations you have unlocked your first World]


[You now have access to the knowledge and creations developed by humanity in that world!]

[Congratulations you have received 100 Points!] 

[Congratulations you have received 1 free Gacha spin!]

"Fallout…" Now that was a world I knew plenty about. Marvel was cool and all but Fallout was something I had spent years on. I still remember when my dad bought me the game for my 10th birthday.

At the time I didn't care about it and wanted to play some Call of Duty assuming the game would be boring but boy was I wrong. Fallout was such an interesting world with unique characters and stories that all melded together. Old world powers still trying to return, random cults, and then there was you the player. A vault dweller who knew little about the world but was destined to change it… Honestly, I could go on and on about how great Fallout is but first comes this system and what exactly having access to a world intel's. 

Moving my hand I tapped on Fallout itself wondering if that would answer my questions and answer it did. With a quick shift, the store section expanded and listed all sorts of random things but a quick overview was all I needed to realize why exactly the system used tech in its name.

"Laser guns, Power Armor, Pipboys, and even random stuff like desk fans. It's all here and man these prices are no joke… I guess that's why points exist." Some things were obviously cheap like the desk fan requiring only 1 single point but the same couldn't be said for others. Such as the Power armor technology requiring 1000 points. 

At first, the price looked daunting but with some more investigation, I learned that there was a work around this. For example, what if I just want to learn how to make one power armor and not all of them? Well, there was an option for that as well.

[T-45 - 200P]

[T-51 - 200P]

[T-60 - 200P]

[X-01 - 300P]

[X-02 - 300P]

[Hellfire - 350P]

"It's still expensive but way more doable" Having a decent understanding I moved on and checked my other awards.

The 100 free points were pretty self-explanatory and a part of me wanted to start purchasing but I held myself back for now. This system was still new to me and I didn't even have an idea of what I wanted yet. So with that set-aside, I looked at the final reward: a free Gacha spin…

I just hope this Gacha doesn't set me down the path of endless spins hoping for something good only to have my dreams crushed with debt… Maybe a bit exaggerated but I had my own past with Gacha games.

Shaking my head I pushed down those negative thoughts for now and refocused on the Gacha. Anyway, the spin was free so it wasn't like I lost anything. Moving to that section I lifted my hand and prepared to spin what looked like a wheel.

"Here goes nothing" With a quick pull the wheel turned into a blur of motion that just kept going faster and faster. Until it suddenly came to a dramatic stop.

[Congratulations you have won Baymax From Big Hero Six please choose from the two options below]

[1.How to build your own Baymax!]

[2.Why learn? I want it now]

"Wait Baymax as in that Baymax the big marshmallow-looking robot?" I freaking loved that movie! Baymax was honestly one of the best robots from media I could think of the only problem is he isn't exactly the most combat-oriented.

Which wouldn't have mattered back in my old world but here having something to defend me was important. Sadly Baymax wouldn't be able to do this too well but that was fine. He was still a really cool Gacha reward.

"But now it looks like I need to make a choice… to either learn how to make him or to gain a Baymax immediately" This was a tough question as both were good but I automatically knew the answer after reviewing my situation. 

Owning a Baymax while cool wasn't the safest option for me. He'd draw too much attention and I didn't have the means to protect him nor myself.

"I choose the first one" The moment I said this I was assaulted by a small migraine. It wasn't overwhelming or anything like that if I could compare it to anything then maybe a brain freeze. At least that was until I started seeing images that came like flashes.

"These are memories…" I said in realization and they weren't just any memories but the ones that belonged to Tadashi Hamada. Of all the hours and care he placed in its development. Along with his dreams and goals for the chubby robot.

Incredible, just incredible! Is this what it's like to be a genius? I wasn't dumb by any means. I'd never failed a class and had always done decently but when you compare that to what Tadashi was capable of then you can't help but feel like an idiot. At least that was the case before I gained all of his knowledge on making Baymax.

[New Missions!]

"New missions?" I asked as I clicked the notification that reveals the now stacked mission tab.

-Mission Tab-

[Attend School] +50P 

[Build yourself a happy marshmallow] +50P

[Make your first purchase] +50P

[Gain access to another world] Gacha draw +100P

Attending school… I completely forgot I was a student! I knew today was a Sunday meaning tomorrow was definitely a school day. However, unlike other transmigration stories, I didn't receive any memories or information. I only knew what I learned. This was bound to be problematic but I'd have to roll with it for now because of this I wasn't even focused on the other missions. Of course, I was still interested and wanted to complete them. After all, they were important for my future but so was maintaining my identity.

"Let's call it a night." I muttered as I crawled into bed "Hopefully everything goes well tomorrow"