
Marvel: Start Creating Minecraft

Marcus Silvers comes to the world of Marvel. Then he binds with [Game Creator System]. Looking at boring and plain games Marcus Silvers created one of the most famous games in his previous life [Minecraft]. But let’s just say it wasn’t simple as it was in his previous life. ••• Reminder to readers don’t expect much from this story. Your exception can be about in-level general MTL novels or below that.

Just_XD · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Ch 3: New Combat Mode

[Note #17

Experiment didn't goes as I planned. Potion did bring them back to life but only temporarily. My brother and I and few others searching for something that can extend effect of potions. But I can felt something is wrong. My brother he changed. I don't know what but he is changed for sure.]

[Note #2

It's been few days since we started [Project: Return]. Everything smooth and good so far. Everyone accepted project and our research made great progress. We made item called [Golden Apple]. It makes us stronger, heal faster and more importantly it can fore long lifespan. Other words it can increase our life energy. Which means if we can increase its effect it might be able to bring dead back to life.]

[Note #7

Experiment goes successful! Did you hear it? It succeed. Well it's not goes as we expected but technically we still succeeded. Test subject #178 which is spider come back from dead. Not only that it become stronger and bigger also loot scarier, fiercer and so on. But we succeed we bring back the dead to living world again.]

"So is this interesting things you said about? For it looks like so normal in game plot item. This kind of things not really new. You can find it in many games that nazi experimental notes like this." Nick Fury looked at Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton front of him and asked with 'Are you serious' face.

"Sir but there is something strange about this notes. From experience of being agent I am sure you can tell this notes aren't seem fake." Natasha said while picture of notes front of her seriously.

"Well, but we don't have a much time for searching some game Easter egg or whatever that's called. Just place it on internet. That internet nerds who call themselves theorists will do the job for you us. After all they love this kind of things aren't they."

"Yes sir." After that both Natasha and Clint leaves Nick is office. Nick let out a sigh and muttered in his mouth "Is it another alien invasion? Or something else?"

"C'mon Peter! Creeper is coming!" Ned yelled while blocking zombie is attack with shield. While blocking it he saw familiar armless green figure with small feet's.

"I got it!" With that Peter pulls his bow and arrow appears in it. He aimed at their green pal and released arrow.


Arrow hits creeper on head. It turns into white smoke and drops a gun powder. Ned used one of dark souls is most profound styles Roly Poly to get it. He rolled without stop three times before reached place where gun powder is then after took it he rolled back where he was.


Ned is axe hits zombie on face and kill it then he used shield to block arrow flying towards him. "There is skeleton from 50 blocks away in southeast!"

"Got it!" Peter pulled his arrow and aimed towards skeleton that Ned said but just as about he release arrow something unexpected happened. Zombie with SHIELD jumps front of it. And not just that moment Peter was stunned something hit him from behind. He almost fall from platform because of that attack just now. Peter turned around and saw it was zombie with full leather armor and stone axe.

"How?" Peter exclaimed softly but it was no time to be amazed because zombie raised his axe and rushed towards him while roaring. He quickly switched his bow into iron sword and blocked the attack.

"Peter are you there?! I am here having a hard time here! It will be really helpful if you kill that skeleton." Ned said while killing zombies right to left and left to right.

"I am trying but I think we found new type of zombie."

"What new type of zombie."

"It's zom-"


"CREEPER!!!" Both Peter and Ned screamed same time. Peter quickly kicked zombie back then jump towards water. Ned did same as Peter but he was little late.


Creeper explode and both Peter and Ned both send few blocks away. But luckily both landed on water bock so they weren't damaged much.

Ned looked his right hand that was where originally shield was but because explosion just now his shield is gone. He looked at Peter and Peter looked at him back. Suddenly they heard arrow coming to their direction.

Both of them dived down immediately so skeleton can't hit them. Well that was mistake because in they they might be safe from skeleton but they forget in water there is something more scarier than skeleton.


*Taking Damage Noise.*

"Agh!" Suddenly Ned saw blue shadow passing front of him and heard Peter is scream. Then he noticed Peter was gone. Ned looked at direction where blue shadow goes and only thing he saw was blue shiny trident that pierced Peter is stomach.

"Peter!" Ned screamed and tried to rush but felt something pulls him. He turn around and saw it was zombie. But not regular one it has deep blue skin, moss is covered it's body, brown shirt and pants. But importantly his eyes and mouth are glowing with blue light. Suddenly he felt strong force pushing him down deep into ocean.


New zombie pushes Ned more and more into deep ocean. He also realized deeper he goes faster his breath is disappearing. Soon his breath will disappear and he will start taking damage because he is drowning. And sometimes like that must happening to Peter too.

While Peter and Ned are fighting new kind of zombie zombie hood that was they just fighting was looking down to waters. But different from just few minutes ago when Peter and Ned was fighting them. They were no longer chaotic and disorganized but standing there in line like soldiers. Front of them was zombie in full iron armor. It was riding also zombie horse with leather armor.

It looked down to ocean for few more second silently before signaled other zombies go back. "O-Oc-Ocean… I…sn-t… our… ter… ritorry."

It spoke in deep voice it sounds like rusty gears are start working after long time of rest. But even so it wasn't completely impossible to understand even though it's little difficult.

This is effect of [Monster Combat Data] Marcus added just few minutes ago. Currently Ned and Peter are only players that reached their 7th night so this data start activating. Mobs in Marcus is Minecraft has ability to self learn on their own but with combat data Marcus added both their combat ability and intelligence start increasing rapidly.

Current them already far surpassed their previous self. You can see from fact they are wearing gear. And where did they found it? Please there is many mine charts in underground with full of materials and now they can also learning use tools like players.

You might ask why this zombie in armor so especial reason is simple it survived and learned. It spawned first day this world generated and from that day it survived and observed Ned and Peter. And slowly it start learning about how does this game work. It started with simple breaking wooden block like players after that it learned crafting.

And at this speed of progress soon it might really become no less than players in term of skills and abilities.

And now in water Peter is having a hard time fighting against zombie with trident. Because in water his speed and power weakened a lot but this guy is fast as baby zombie in water and damage it dealt is no joke.


"Agh." After attacked again by trident Peter felt like if he doesn't do something quickly he will die soon. So he decided to try stupidest idea he ever had. He took out tnt then flint and steel. Peter closed his eye and start feeling his surroundings.


Trident zombie is rushing towards him with extremely fast speed while Peter was still his eyes closed. And just as trident was about kill him Peter opened his eyes suddenly then hit tnt in his hand with flint and steel.

TNT start glowing white while Peter smiled and said: "got you."


Explosion send him dozens of block away and his iron chest plate disappears. But he did what he intended to do. That's kill the trident zombie. Peter smiled smugly at his achievement.

*Taking damage noise.*

Suddenly feeling of the lack of air appears. And he suddenly understood he is out of breath so he quickly swim towards water surface. While in way he only hopped Ned was okay.