
Chapter 31 Raava (Rewrited)

Trying his best to stay sane, Aang didn't hear whatever Sokka and Katara tried to say to him.

His consciousness was fading until he couldn't take control of himself anymore.

'Why would something like this always happen to me…' lamented the young boy as he slowly faded away into the deepest of his mind.

Aang was just a little kid. It was already impressive that he could resist the great spirit of light inside of him.

Raava was now taking control of his body.

His eyes glowing white as he looked toward Arthur.

He was both curious and cautious. He could immediately tell that Arthur was not someone of this world.

He was unaware that by doing what he was doing meant great offense to the two heavenly dragons.

「He dared try to pry on to your soul partner. You should teach him a lesson not to mess with us.」 said Great Red.

「I have the same opinion as him.」 added Ophis. She felt displeased that someone dared to pry into his partner's soul.

Hearing that from both of them, Arthur nodded. "Okay, I shall teach him a good lesson then."

Arthur suddenly stood up from the icy throne. His eyes glowing crimson.

His aura swept across the hall.

Aang's whole body was visibly tense when his pale glowing eyes met with his crimson dragon eyes.

"Stop your foolish attempts to read my soul. You, lowly spirit Raava." said in dragon tongue Arthur suppressed him in the spiritual world.

Raava was shocked that he was being suppressed. He had never met any being that could do this before.

"You…Stop…Have…To…Talk…" said in broken language. Raava tried his best to communicate with Arthur.

"I won't, why do I have to listen to you?" said with reasonable arrogance. Arthur didn't like being ordered.

Unless he was Pepper or Tony.

"Stop…Have…To…Talk…" said Raava, unwilling to stop.

He wanted to talk to Arthur about where he had come from. He wanted to know.

The spiritual world was a boring place like stuck water so he needed something new.

Arthur could feel his emotions and he shook his head.

"You are bored but you should not occupy that kid's mind like that. Should I eliminate you and Vaatu so something like this wouldn't happen again in the future?" said Arthur.

He felt that maybe this world needed something else other than the avatar or the dark avatar.

"No…Kill…Me" said Raava, he wasn't afraid of death but he didn't want to die right now.

He wanted to know more about Arthur's world.


Arthur shook his head refusing to tell him anything.

"Nah, why should I. You know I will not kill you but let you be bored instead."


Arthur felt that Raava was confused. He might not have any interaction with the others much.

Maybe he was an introvert spirit or something.

Seeing how majestic Arthur was.

Sokka, Katara, Yue, and Azula felt a variety of feelings.

Sokka felt that Arthur and Aang were very cool. "I want to have special effects like that as well!"

Arthur heard that and thought of granting his wish. Sokka was also his favorite character of the avatar the last airbender world.

Katara felt scared for Aang's life. He was just a kid. "Please, forgive him…He is just a kid…"

As for Yue and Azula. They felt spellbound witnessing how great their prince was.

"He is my man/my prince," said Yue and Azula at the same time.

They both looked at each other before turning their heads away from each other.

Water and fire were hard to mix well.

Arthur slowly floated toward Aang then he tapped his head with a little force.

"Be bored forever."

Heard that, Raava was shocked even more than being suppressed.

"Nooo…." said his last piece before fading away.

Aang's connection to the spiritual world got cut off temporarily. It would be connected again after he grew up some more.

Raava could not control Aang anymore but the power of the avatar was still there. He could still control four elements.

"Where is this place?" asked Aang, feeling a headache.

"Well, I have to explain to you for a little bit."

Arthur explained everything to him and Aang looked at him like he was his hero.

"So you have helped me get rid of it. Thank you so much!"

He was such a good kid. Arthur couldn't help but think about his mission.

'Nah, I can't do that. I won't let him face the fire lord. However, he still have to help me with something.'

He still had shame. 

He couldn't bring himself to throw any burden toward a twelve years old boy.

This wasn't the show anymore but reality.

He looked at Azula. If anyone had the right to beat that shitty man. It was her and maybe Zuko.

Thinking about Zuko, he should have reached this place.

He might still have hoped to gain his father's recognition by capturing the avatar.

Gaining control over his body once again, Aang was so grateful toward Arthur.

He had helped him in regaining control over his body and mind. 

No one wanted to be controlled even though it was for the good of the world.

Aang as fast as the wind jumped at Arthur and hugged him tightly. He was so scared of losing himself just now.

He thought that he would be gone forever.

"Thank you so much! Thank you, Thank you!" said Aang while hugging him. 

The feeling of being taken over by Raava might be too much for him.

He experienced something that no kid his age should. And when there was someone who could help him.

His child-like behavior appeared.

He was just a boy who had to shoulder the fate of the world when he didn't want to.

It was a role forced upon him. It was such a heavy burden.

Arthur didn't know what to do so he just patted his back.

And by doing so, Aang calmed down. 

He said thank you again and again until Arthur told him that it was enough.

"I think you might have to say sorry to her. She is the one who begged for you." said Arthur while pointing at Katara with his chin.

She was afraid that he would punish Aang so she begged him to forgive him.

Aang felt guilty when he realized everything. 

He remembered that he had been acting unreasonable toward her so he went toward her and said sorry.

He must have done many unreasonable things to her in the past because of Raava interference.

"It's okay, I understand." said with a smile. Katara forgave him because he was just a kid.

And he was controlled by something. Fortunately, it was banished away by Arthur.

Katara looked at him and wondered who he really was. How the princess of the northern water tribe was that respectful to him.

Arthur watched them for a moment before he turned to look at Sokka who was waiting for his answer.

He had asked him before why he wanted to meet with them and if Aang had mental illness or not.

"Sorry for the late answer, I have to deal with something inside him before it leaves irreversible damage to his mind and body." said Arthur lightly, like what he had done was an insignificant thing.

He then continued "I want to meet with you all because I want to help Aang in his mission as the avatar. And as for whether Aang has mental illness or not. He is just a kid who has gone through rough times."

Hearing that Sokka said, "Really? It's good to hear that he didn't have a mental illness and It would be very helpful to have your help." He was very happy.

He thought about having the support of someone very powerful who even the princess Yue respected.

Having Aang learning Water, Earth, and Fire bending would be a lot easier.

Sokka didn't know about Azula yet. If he knew that she was the former princess of the fire nation. No one knew how he would react to that.

It must be a very funny sign.

"Now that I have met with you all and clear Aang of his problem. Yue, can you summon master Pakku to teach them?" asked Arthur to Yue who was now sitting on the arm rest of the icy throne.

Yue smiled and nodded.

"Everything for my prince. It will be done."

Katara heard that and became even more confused. Was Arthur a royalty from somewhere?

Yue called Pakku.

Pakku had watched everything that happened and he felt that Arthur wasn't a normal human.

He must report about him to Arnook.

"I have come, princess." said dryly Pakku.

"Thank you for coming here, I have a favor to ask of you Master Pakku."

She asked him to teach Katara and Aang waterbending.

Pakku thought about it a little before he accepted her request. Pakku looked at Azula and then Arthur.

He knew who Azula was but chose to stay silent.

He hoped that they would not do anything bad to the tribe.

'I must believe in the ocean spirit.'

"It's not fair. I also want to be a bender too!" said Sokka while he was watching his little sister and Aang practice waterbending under Pakku.

Pakku was an old master. 

Not even the chief of the northern water tribe could command him as he pleased.

But he listened to Princess Yue in everything. 

Actually, he was like a doting grandfather to her.

He began to teach both Aang and Katara. 

However, it seemed he had a problem with Katara like in the canon.

Arthur didn't do anything when he was observing him. Unlike Raava who tried to pry into his soul. He was just curious.

Arthur didn't interfere with their plot. The problem would be solved by itself.

Now he had a new problem at hand. And that was two princesses who were now trying to gain his attention.

Azula would never act like this because she thought that she was above everyone else. 

But now she found her equal so she didn't take chances.

'I will show you who is the boss lady here.'

Azula planned something inside her crazy head. And Arthur would find out her plans later that night.

"Hey, Arthur. Can I ask you how you can do that?"

Couldn't keep his curiosity in check anymore, Sokka asked Arthur about super cool aura thingy. 

He wanted to know how to do that as well.

Sokka was a very friendly person. 

He could become friends with anything.

And now he became friends with Arthur who didn't mind him. 

He was a better friend than Peter actually.

Arthur thought about it a little bit. 

Sokka didn't have any means to protect himself except for his luck and wit.

'Should I teach him something?'

Arthur thought about teaching him magic but Sokka had so little mana in him.

However, he could feel an enormous life-force in him.

「We can teach him Touki. You should learn about it as well.」 said Ophis.


Arthur knew about it and he also wanted to learn how to use it as well. He only relied on magic alone. 

It was time to learn a new path.

The more cards he kept in his sleeves the better.

Touki was a technique used in the world of High School DxD, also known as Fighting Spirit or Life Force Aura. 

It allowed the users to control and manipulate their life-force energy, enhancing their physical abilities, stamina, speed, and senses. 

Those trained in Senjutsu (a mystical art) can use Touki by controlling their base of life, or life-force.

Life Force Aura, Touki manifested as a whitish energy enveloping the user's body, strengthening their physical abilities.

Enhanced Senses, Users gained enhanced senses, allowing them to interact with magic physically.

Physical Power, Touki amplified physical strength, speed, and stamina.

Touki was really suited for those who had a strong body.

Arthur had the best body in the world so Touki was really well suited for him.

"I could teach you something but you have to prepare yourself." warned Arthur seriously.

He checked Sokka's status and found that he was weak.

Very weak to be honest. But something stood out the most.


「Name: Sokka

「Alias: Lucky Guy

「Level: 2」

「Pow A-828」

「End SSS-1178」

「Dex A-837」

「AGI A-826」

「MAG I-0」

'Wow, he has a cockroach level End…'

Sokka's eyes shone when he heard that.

"I will do whatever you say. Please let me have that super cool aura!" said Sokka, he really wanted to have a super cool aura.

"Well, I have warned you so don't blame me after this. It is very hard to master this technique."

Ophis taught Arthur about Touki and because he was a super genius. He learned it very fast.

「You are indeed a monstrous genius」praised Ophis.

Arthur began to manipulate his life-force. He could feel that his power increased significantly.

He checked his status to accurately measure how stronger he became.


「Name: Arthur Leywin Stark

「Alias: Adolescent Cosmic Dragon

「Level: 4」

「Pow S-928」

「End S-978」

「Dex S-963」

「AGI S-926」

「MAG S-996」



「15 Gold Coins」

「20 Dungeon Points」


「Dragon Gods' partner」

「Authority of Sloth」




「Dragonic Shot」

「Dragonic Canon」

「Dragonic Heal」

「Dragonic Cure」

「Dragonic Hand」

「Super Focus」

"Wow!" exclaimed Sokka as he watched white aura exude out of Arthur's body.

If he could have it. He was willing to do anything!

"Now I am going to teach you. Come near me."

Sokka quickly went to him without any doubt in mind. Arthur smirked then suddenly smacked his head with his palm. 


The knowledge about Touki was imprinted on his brain directly. Sokka's body then let out a huge amount of life force aura.

Arthur had to stop it before he was going to die.

"Wow, It feels so good. But was smacking my head that hard necessary? Whatever, I want to try it again!" Sokka wanted to try again. However, Arthur blocked him from doing so.

"No you can't. You will die if you let your life force out more." said Arthur seriously.

He checked Sokka's vitality.

He only had a little life force. If he let his life force out of his body more. He would die right away.

"You should try to organize the knowledge I gave you for now. Don't use Touki before I say otherwise." warned Arthur sternly.

If he did not listen to him. He would pull the knowledge back.

"I understand. I will organize my thoughts right now!" promised Sokka. He then ran to a quiet place to meditate and organize his thoughts.

Arthur watched him go away with complicated thoughts.

"Am I doing the right thing?"

He didn't know if Sokka would change the cause of this world or not but fuck it. He already destroyed canon events in Re:Zero world.

This world would be the same as Re:Zero world when the other dungeon climbers reach the second floor anyway.

The night had arrived. The cold air of the north increased significantly.

The cold wind could be seen by the naked eyes. It was a stark contrast from the morning.

Normal people would find it very difficult to stay outside of their cozy home.

Arthur didn't have a problem like that. He could even be naked and felt no cold at all.

His body temperature was like a furnace during the cold weather like this.

He was now flying above the Agna Qel'a.

Aang, Katara, and Sokka had gone to rest for today. They had been practicing for twelve hours straight.

The outcome was Aang and Katara could bend water at the intermediate level while Sokka knew how to utilize Touki and not die.

Sokka became very happy as he could do super cool stuff like Aang and Katara.

No, his power was even better than them.

"Sike, I am the strongest one!"

Sokka became a lot stronger than in the canon. His chance of survival increased significantly.

As for Zuko and Iroh. They were already inside the tribe but he didn't go to meet with them and just let the story flow.

Arthur watched over the whole water tribe from the sky.

The northern water tribe had never been this beautiful before. The almost full moon shined like a diamond.

"So the full moon is near…" said to himself, Arthur knew what was about to transpire.

He knew that the next event was about to arrive.

The siege of the north. General Zhao would attack the northern water tribe and successfully kill the moon spirit.

After the moon spirit had gone the moon in the sky then would disappear and because of that the waterbender would find it very difficult to bend the water.

Arthur shook his head. 

If General Zhao attacked the north. He had no choice but to end him before he could kill the moon spirit and plug this world into chaos.

The moon was much more important than he had imagined. Even the fire nation needed the moon for various reasons.

Killing the moon spirit was stupid.

"Have you finished observing the tribe?" said Azula when she saw that Arthur had come back.

She didn't ask him how he could fly without using firebending.

She knew the existence of magic and already found out that Arthur wasn't someone from her world.

But so what? 

She would follow him everywhere. She would never allow him to escape. Even going back to his world without her.

And Arthur knew that but he just didn't speak it directly.

"Yup, and I have something to talk to Yue."

"Can I go with you? Tonight is very cold." said Azula in a weak tone.

Arthur knew she was stable but just wanted to be spoiled by him. He also knew that she was planning something but didn't mind it.

She didn't have a bad intention toward him or anyone. And that was enough for him.

"You can, but promise me that you won't fight with her without a reason." said Arthur looking at Azula in her eyes.

She avoided his eye contact but nodded nonetheless. At least she tried.

She knew that he knew it would be impossible for her to be friendly with Yue.

Fire and Water would never mix without a medium.

And he was the medium.

"I am your good wife. I won't do anything bad to her." lying through her teeth, Azula acted obedient.

Arthur sighed and shook his head.

He thought of what had happened earlier.

Yue had prepared rooms for him and Azula separately. 

However, Azula would never separate from him. She could never sleep without his presence.

Especially when there was someone who would use the chance to get closer to him.

"I will sleep with him, there is no need for more room." said Azula.

Yue shook his head and replied to her.

"You can not. Even though you are no longer the princess of the fire nation. You must also think of his highness's reputation."

Yue smirked at Azula. 

And because of that it made the fire princess want to have a bout with the ice princess again.


Azula was about to lose control of her emotions again. But Arthur stopped her just in time once again.

"You can sleep with me. I don't have any reputation to keep in the first place." said Arthur while hugging Azula, making her stop what she was about to do.

It was easy to control her through skinship. She had been longing for a close relationship for a very long time.

It would take a lot of time before she could resist such warmth or she might not want to resist at all. It was her own decision though.

Yue felt unexplainable sadness when she saw how Arthur hugged Azula. But she composed herself quickly.

She understood that Arthur had met Azula first. If she wanted his attention and the same treatment as Azula.

She needed to get closer to him first but not now.

She was also a princess. She was worthy of him but her moment hadn't arrived yet.

"I understand, Please have a good night's rest, his highness." said Yue with a smile.

After saying that she then left. 

Inviting him to the full moon festival had been forgotten.

"Serve you right." said silently Azula had won this time as well. 

Arthur shook his head. He heard her clearly and knew what Yue wanted from him.

Back to the present.

Arthur went toward Yue's resting chamber with Azula.

The guards were instructed to treat him like royalty. There was no one who came to stop him from roaming freely inside the ice palace.

However, before he and Azula could reach Yue's resting chamber.

Someone walked in front of them first.

He was Pakku, the master waterbender.

Arthur was curious why the old master was here.

"Chief Arnook wants to have an audience with you." said dryly Pakku.

He must have reported about him to Arnook. And the chief wanted to know more about him.

He wanted to know if he was an ally or enemy.

Arthur thought about it a little bit and nodded.

He could also talk to Arnook with something he wanted to talk with Yue.

"Please lead the way," said Arthur.

Pakku nodded and led them to Arnook right away.

Not long after Arthur had an audience with Arnook.

General Zhao and his fleet had finally arrived at the northern water tribe's waters.

It was at night before the full moon.

During the full moon, the Waterbenders' waterbending abilities of the tribe would be enhanced greatly.

However, General Zhao was still confident enough that he could bring them to their knees.

"It's the fire nation fleet! Alert everyone right now!" yelled the northern water tribe guard who watched over the tribe's waters.

"What?! The fire nation fleet is really here!"

The nearby guards alerted everyone and when they heard them.

They acted according to what they were instructed.

General Zhao narrowed his eyes. They strangely prepared for his coming.

He had spies inside the northern water tribe but before he reached the northern water tribe's waters.

He couldn't contact them anymore.

'They were exposed, and now they know that I have come.' thought Zhao but still confident in himself.

"Useless, even if they know about my coming. There is nothing that could stop me from annihilating them." said Zhao as he ordered his subordinates to be ready.

They would attack them when the full moon had arrived.

He seeked to eliminate the waterbender from their origin. If he could destroy the moon spirit. 

The waterbenders would no longer be a threat to the fire nation.

After that he would go back to fire nation like a hero!

At the base inside the fire nation. It was in the morning and the weather was very warm and cozy compared to the north.

Hanbei had finished reading the last page of the book Arthur gave her. 

She had fully mastered water magic. She was also a genius even though she could not be compared to Arthur.

But genius is genius.

"Sister, go and play with me!" said the baby dragon Sylvie.

She could converse with someone else telepathically now.

She was very bored. Her papa was away with a woman. And there was only Hanbei inside the base with her.

Hanbei was on probation and could not go outside without permission.

Inside the base had been fully equipped with many entertainments but there was no violence at all.

Sylvie was a growing dragon. She needed some sort of violence to keep up with her energy.

Hanbei thought about it and shook her head.

"Sorry, I can not go out. Otherwise, your papa will be very angry."

"Papa angry is no good…"

Sylvia sighed. 

And when she was about to give up because her papa would be angry if Hanbei went outside with her.

Jarvis made a report to them.

「Detecting invaders, To active the defensive protocol please say activate if not, manually eliminate is recommended」

Jarvis was like an uncle who wanted to spoil his niece. 

He could activate the defensive protocol by himself but he let Sylvie decide if she wanted to do it herself or not.

"I will go and chase them away *gigle* thank you uncle Jarvis!"

Sylvie went out of the base and headed toward the fire nation troop.

They had come to this place because someone had reported to them that they saw a dragon here.

Ozai wanted a dragon so they wanted to lick his ass so they came to catch a dragon for him.

Hanbei shook her head and said to Jarvis.

"Please project the moving drawing for me. I want to see how Sylvie chases them away. And should I do something about it or not."

Hanbei was still not used to the technology and didn't know what the moving drawing was called but Jarvis still understood her.


What Hanbei witnessed after that left a deep impression on the dragon to her heart forever.

The fire nation would soon know that dragons could not be tamed and could not be underestimated.