
Marvel: Silver Superman in Mutant Academy

On the eve of the third X-Men battle, Carl West, a new student at the Mutant Academy, found himself somewhat unsettled. He was keenly aware of the perilous nature of their world. With Magneto's perpetual mischief-making and the looming threats of alien invasions and malevolent Celestials, danger seemed to lurk around every corner. The sinister Sentinel program, devised to eradicate all mutants, had already been set into motion. Meanwhile, neighboring dimensions harbored beings like Dormammu, poised for invasion. And looming on the horizon was Thanos, with his ambitions to enact universal "family planning." Despite the presence of stalwart heroes such as the Hulk and Iron Man, poised to defend the world, the specter of global conflict still promised untold casualties. "So, I suppose I'll have a think about it once I'm transformed into a Silver Superman," Carl remarked casually, reclining on the academy grounds and soaking in the comforting warmth of the sun, having recently assimilated the template of a Superman. ******** *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy 美漫:白银大超,变种人学院开始 This is a translation of Chinese Novel. *********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it. **** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. https://www.patreon.com/AniScout

Ani_Scout · Anime e quadrinhos
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76 Chs

Chapter 70.2 : Declaration of War!!

And these X-gene cells are said to be very rare.

However, compared to Carl's current physique density and cell count, the number of these X-gene cells is still staggering, exceeding one trillion.

Upon Carl's scrutiny, the shape of these X-gene cells appears somewhat peculiar, all of them polygonal and hexagonal.

Then, the trillions of cells gather to form a unique, intricate mesh that spreads all over Carl's body, resembling an intricate energy circuit.

When observed under microscopic consciousness, these cells appear as spectacular and intricate as a star network composed of countless planets spanning the entire galaxy, emitting a mysterious aura.

Intuition tells Carl that the secret of Mutant Ability is concealed within these cellular networks resembling constellations.

As Carl delves into his body, comprehending the magnificent mysteries within the microcosm, a Mutant with wings spanning several meters pierces the sky and lands in the academy.

In the office, Angel Warren stood somewhat apprehensive.

Storm was seated behind her desk, engaged in office work, with Wolverine Logan standing beside her, the two deep in discussion.

Observing the uneasy teenager, Storm rises from her seat and addresses him gently: "Hello, I'm Ororo, the headmistress of Xavier's School. Who are you?"

Angel nervously looks at Storm: "My name is Warren Worthington III. I heard Mutants can find refuge here, is that true?"

Sensing his unease, Storm nods gently: "Yes, Mutants can find refuge here."

"Wait, Worthington!" Wolverine interjects.

Logan eyes the Mutant boy suspiciously: "I recall the laboratory that developed the Mutant Cure was called Worthington."

Logan's words give Angel pause, then his gaze slowly dims, and he admits: "Yes, my father developed the Mutant Cure."

Anticipating his thoughts, Storm speaks reassuringly: "Don't worry, this is a Mutant school. Regardless of your status outside, you are welcome here."

Storm's words leave Angel feeling surprised and incredulous: "Really!?"

"Truly," Storm affirms with a nod.

After voicing her concerns, Storm pondered aloud, "Warren, considering that the Mutant Cure was developed by your father's laboratory, do you have any insight into what transpired?"

Angel didn't mince words and replied, "Actually, this Mutant Cure originates from a mutant whose ability is to suppress the powers of other mutants."

Wolverine's reaction was a mix of surprise and skepticism. "Wait, so this Mutant Cure isn't really a remedy but rather an ability from a mutant?" 

Angel affirmed, "Indeed. My father's team extracted his DNA to produce a drug capable of inhibiting other mutants."

"But suppressor genes can only be replicated, not created," Storm interjected with a furrowed brow. "It's as if the essence of the Mutant Cure stems directly from that mutant. Without him, there would be no Mutant Cure."

"Yes," Angel confirmed.

Wolverine exhaled heavily. "So, this individual poses a bit of a threat."

The revelation from Angel shed light on the true nature of the Mutant Cure, but beyond that, nothing eventful occurred. 

However, in Toryo City, where the company had just undergone renovations to serve as a vaccination site for mutants, a large crowd gathered in protest outside.

Mutants held signs, standing in orderly rows on both sides of the street, voicing their dissent loudly.

"We reject treatment! We refuse it!"

"We're not ill..."

"We demand justice!"

In the United States, ordinary citizens often unite in protest when they disagree with certain legislation, urging authorities to halt or amend these laws.

Today was no different. Three days after the announcement of the Mutant Cure, hundreds of ordinary mutants congregated outside the Worthington Company, staging continuous protests.

These individuals were considered first-level mutants with relatively weak abilities, lacking significant offensive power, and leading relatively ordinary lives after being officially registered.

Such mutants were not even of interest to laboratories seeking to study mutant abilities.

Naturally, such a significant event attracted reporters from various backgrounds, each initiating live news broadcasts accompanied by photographers.

In the vicinity, numerous police officers stood armed, maintaining order and preventing chaos. After all, these mutants were considered potentially dangerous elements.

However, at this moment...


A thunderous explosion rocked the entire first floor of the Worthington Company, flames bursting from the windows and igniting a fiery shockwave.

Instantly, nearby reporters and police officers were thrown off their feet.

"Watch out!"

The sudden explosion sent shockwaves through the crowd, followed by pandemonium. Amidst the cries of the injured, countless individuals fled in every direction.

The attack immediately garnered official attention.

Before long, a video surfaced on the internet, featuring Magneto as its protagonist.

Standing stern and composed in the video, Magneto gazed into the camera with cold determination, speaking in a low, commanding voice:

"Today's attack marks merely the beginning of our resistance.

"As long as the mutant cure exists, we will continue to fight, and no city will be safe, not even its streets.

"Originally, this was not the outcome I desired. However, with the introduction of the Mutant Cure, you have effectively declared war against us.

"To my fellow mutants, I extend a sincere invitation to join the Mutant Brotherhood and contribute to our survival.

"Of course, if you choose not to join us, that is your prerogative. But I implore you not to obstruct us. 

With the release of this video, over a dozen cities across the United States were targeted on that fateful day.

The casualty count reached into the hundreds, shocking the nation and drawing the attention of the entire world.