
Marvel: Silver Monarch

Given a chance to live another life in a fictional world, Zane Hartford starts his own path of becoming the strongest where he will be not bounded by anything. Disclaimer: # I don't own anything from Marvel or any characters from other fictional worlds. This is another story that I want to write as my previous stories were kinda not good enough in my eyes. I hope to write this better than my previous works.

Hymaster986 · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Somewhere in the void of nothingness, there is a being who is curiously looking at something in front of him.

There is a soul in front of him that caught his interest. Unlike any other souls, this one is unique as it got in his realm. He observed the soul curiously.

Unknown being: Interesting, you are unique and your potential is limitless and you managed to survive here.

Then, the soul starts to awaken from his unconscious state and observe his surroundings around him.

The unknown being thought that the soul will show fear and panic and didn't expect that result. The soul calmly observes his surroundings.

Unknown soul: It seems that I have died and my soul has not gone to heaven or hell. From the looks of it, I am in a sort of void where there is nothing except me and you.

Saying his words by looking at the unknown being.

This makes the unknown more curious. The soul has somehow realised about his condition.

Unknown being: So you noticed me, huh mortal?

Unknown soul: Yes I noticed you, here in this void I felt that I am now a soul and you in front is some sort of powerful God who watches this place..

The Unknown being is somewhat surprised that the mortal soul in front of him is smart to assume about his condition and situation.

Then the unknown soul speaks.

Unknown soul: Could you please introduce yourself? I want to know who I am talking to.

Unknown being: Okay mortal, I am the Omni God King who rules over every multiverse and Omniverse. I also watch the various worlds and have absolute authority and power.

O.G.K replied with pride and released his supreme power for his introduction.

Unknown soul: So my assumption was right that you are God and a powerful one. Then let me introduce myself, My name is Zane Hartford.

O.G.K: Ok Zane. I have an offer for you that is another chance to live in a fictional world.(seriously)

Zane: If I accept your offer, what is your purpose for it? I don't think you are offering this just to show pity on me. (inquired in a serious tone)

Zane is happy about the offer given by the O.G.K. But it also made him think why the O.G.K is offering him? The God in front of him has some purpose for himself .

Don't think that Zane is one of those people who accept or believe anything blindly. He is smart, serious and cautious about his choices that he made.

Hearing Zane's words, O.G.K reveals his purpose.

O.G.K: Because you are the first soul whom I will send to a fictional world. I have observed many godly entities below me who reincarnated many souls to their favourite world of their choice. They fulfill the wishes of those reincarnated souls like providing an OP system, powers from other fictional worlds, OP abilities, reincarnating into one of their fictional characters, etc. So I decided to do the same for 1 soul only and this is where you come. I have seen that you have potential far beyond imagination or should I say it is boundless. I have seen that in your world when you were alive. You achieved many things in your life due to hard work, talent and dedication. Now, then what is your choice?

After hearing everything, Rex thought for some second. Then, he made his choice. He wants to experience this new life and he will not lose it.

Zane: Ok, I accept your offer.

O.G.K: That's a good decision. You won't regret it. Now then let me tell you some things. First is the power that I will unlock based on your potential and compatibility with it, second I will grant you another power according to your wish, third is the world that I will send you in. Lastly about the race in which you want to be. Any questions?

Zane: Yes, I have. It is about the last one which is about race. Do you mean I get to choose any race that I want?

O.G.K: Let me explain to you. Basically I categorised this into 2 types: Pure one and Hybrid one. Pure ones have the powers and skills of their species while hybrids are the combination of 2 or more different races with various sets of powers of multiple races.

I will explain to you more when we get to the last part of the things.

Now then let me reveal your power according to your potential which I found while you were unconscious. That is Force manipulation or Force control.

Zane is surprised at the revelation of his first power. Force manipulation is the power to control or manipulate nature alongside unnatural forces which would grant the user with incredible powers.

There are many examples of this power:

1) The Force (Star Wars)

2) The Seven Forces of the Universe (DC Comics)

3) Power Cosmic (Marvel Comics)

4) Phoenix Force (Marvel Comics)

5) The Black (DC Comics)

6) Phoenix Force (Marvel comics)

7) The White (DC Comics)

With the force control, various fictional characters are overpowered.

Also there are variations of forces like Supernatural, Scientific, Destruction, Creation, Nature, Multiversal, etc.

He could feel the power in him along with the knowledge and techniques related to this.

O.G.K: Your power is already unlocked when you enter my realm. Due to your powers awakening, you automatically got all of its knowledge. All there is one thing you need to know.

Zane: What is it?

O.G.K: You are not limited to one type of force. You have insane affinity to all the forces.

Zane: So that means I will have a variety of powers.

O.G.K: Yes it is true. Now then move forward to the second part, now what ability you want.

Zane: I want Absorption manipulation.

O.G.K: Interesting, what is your reason for this ability?

Zane: I had read the comics and manga where the characters have the absorption ability which is powerful, useful and dangerous. At that time, I liked that ability.

Well he has seen the characters like Kevin Levin, Rogue, Rimuru Tempest, Absorbing man, Ban, etc. These are notable mentions of the above mentioned ability. Especially Rogue and Rimuru Tempest as their absorption is more dangerous than anyone else.

O.G.K: Very well then, I accept your wish. Now move to the third part, here choose the world of your choice.

There is a holographic screen in front of the two. Zane sees the choices of the fictional worlds.

1) High School DXD

2) Naruto

3) Bleach

4) Marvel

As there are 4 choices, Zane decided on Marvel.

Because he is a huge fan of Marvel and DC. As for others, he is not interested at all going to the anime world.

Zane: I choose the world of Marvel. The alternate universe should consist of both the MCU and comics elements.

O.G.K: Very well. Lastly which race do you want to be?

Zane: Could you make me a unique type of human like a superior human or immortal human? I mean not mutants, inhumans or metahumans. Something unique and superior to anyone.

O.G.K: Why not being a hybrid or any other race? Why do you choose to reincarnate as human?

Zane: Because I want to live as one. I want to show my supremacy as a human.

O.G.K: Okay then, since this is your decision. I will make you a rare type of human far different from anyone who imagines. You will be the only one of this kind.

Zane: Thank you for this. I hope we will meet soon.

O.G.K: Yeah, I hope you don't disappoint me. You are worthy enough to get this from me. Now then enjoy your new life.

With a wave of his hand, Zane disappears with white light. He has a smile on his face.

O.G.K: Good luck on your journey, Silver Monarch.