
Marvel: Sex Stories

A compilation of my favorite sex stories set in the marvel universe.(all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) first five chapters mass release after that twice a week, Mabey more Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review. let me know if there are any specific smut stories you might want in the review. If you wish to find the original author go to hentai foundry and put in the chapter name in the search bar

Mad_Overlord · Anime e quadrinhos
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36 Chs

A Gamma Webbing: Chapter - 1

Spider-man has a good time with everyone's favorite Jade Giantess, She-Hulk


New York City: Superhero capital of the world and Home to the Avengers, the X-men, the Fantastic Four, and numerous other small teams, smaller timers, street heroes, and more from a subterranean sewer dwelling Mutants the Morlocks to even further subterranean society of very real monsters… long story.

But arguably one of the most recognizable heroes in the world was also the humblest. Spider-Man, your friendly neighborhood hero. Will help a little old lady across the street as easily as knocking out some muggers, to taking on insane and corrupt CEOs who like to dress up as terrifying Halloween monsters chucking pumpkin-themed bombs everywhere.

And he was, as always, late for a very important date. Like the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. With a bouquet of lavender flowers webbed safely to his chest as he webbed swung through Brooklyn, he barely had time to stop and help the various little guys.

"THANKS, SPIDER-MAN!" declared the local cop he took 2 minutes out of his increasing lateness to web up some purse snatcher with nary a quip to be found.

"YourwelcomeGottogoBYEEEEEE!" off he went again. "Late late late she's going to kill me!" he bemoaned to himself, flipping through the air into a silhouette of the full moon before divebomb and swinging off again. Acrobatically flipping in the air he landed on a rooftop, running rapidly as his life depended on it before leaping off again. Diving through the air before sending out more webbing and swinging… right back around and landing on the wall looking down.

"No-no-no oh come ON…" he checked a nearby street clock, "Aw…" he sighed, before crawling stealthily down the wall towards a large moving truck just parked outside a bank. At 8:00 at night… hauling large bags of what could only be CASH and tossing it subtly in the back.

At least they were robbing the bank with nobody around. Less chance of innocent people getting hurt. One. Two. Three… Five guys. He stood out from the wall, watching them go back and forth with one guy on guard holding a shotgun. "Guys come on the bank is closed." He noted, "WHOA!" he immediately leaned back as the shotgun guard turned upward and fired. His Spider-sense had tingled and he easily dodged the shotgun pellets but the flowers webbed to his chest weren't so lucky.

"What the hell?" the Shotgun guard mumbled as the other guys ran into the bank. The flower petal rained down on him as he sniffed through his ski mask. "Is this lavender?" THWIP- THWIP! "MMGh!" his face was suddenly webbed and the shotgun was yanked from his hand and webbed to the brick wall of the broken-into bank as Spider-man swung down from his position and kicked him into the parked moving van.


"MMGH!?" he slammed against the side and was promptly THWIPPED to the truck.

"DUDE! These cost me 30 bucks!" he declared irately, "Do you know how hard it was to keep these from getting messed up from web swinging?! Uh-oh!" he immediately put up a web shield as the men in the bank opened fire on them. Offending the Shotgun guard greatly.

"HEY! WHAT THE FUCK GUYS?!" he yelled indignantly as Spider-man saved him from getting ventilated.

"FELLAS! FELLAS!" Spiderman shouted over the small arms fire. "Seriously?! Come on now!" he shouted as the fire stopped. "WAIT a second okay?" he said, "Look! Do you really want to add shooting me to the list of things I'm going to hit you for?" he noted as the bank robbers looked at each other.

"What are you guys shooting at?!" roared a voice deeper in the bank… he was tall, grey, with a big horn on his head and a classic safe under one arm. "Keep it down people are trying to sleep we don't need them to call the cops!" roared Rhino as Spider-man sighed.

"Oh come on." He groaned, as Rhino seemed more like a raging bull upon seeing the red and blue suit of Spider-Man.

"WEBHEAD!" he roared and then THREW the safe at him. Spider-man leaped away as the safe punched a hole into the van. "LOAD THE VAN and get moving! I'll take care of the bug!" he roared angrily before smashing through the wall.

"Rhino the door was RIGHT THERE!" Spider-man replied, webbing Rhino and leaping into the air as Rhino, never too bright to begin with ran AFTER him.

"Where's the boss going?!" Noted the goon on the van.

"Who cares?! Let's get out of here before any other capes show up!" They grabbed what cartoonish sacks of money they could. Two getting into the cab, and two more getting into the back as the last one… still webbed to the van. Struggled.

"Wait. WAIT! I'm still on the van!" he said as one of the masked bandits in the van stuck his head through the freshly made safe hole.

"…Well it's not like we're leaving you behind."

"Oh you assholes!" he shouted as they quickly sped off into traffic… as fast as a Moving van stuffed with a few million dollars and a two-ton wall safe ripped from a wall could.

Rhino chased after Spider-man, he wasn't the brightest guy in the Sinister Six. Spider-man knew that Rhino regardless of what he was doing, would jump at the chance to stomp the spider. So once he was very aware that Rhino was chasing him he doubled back around and quickly spotted the very recognizable van, trying to speed its way through New York Traffic. Then they started firing guns, and warning shots, people, and cars swerving out of the way to avoid the mad escape as Spider-Man landed on the roof of the van. Rhino stomped rapidly after them and he loomed over the side to address the webbed gunman.

"How's the ride?" he asked the webbed thief who screamed back.


One of the thieves stuck his head back through the hole and started shooting up at Spider-man who quickly darted away, bullets pinging off the edges. Spider-Man sighed, before webbing the gun and yanking it from his hand. "Naughty naughty boys, time to take your toys-WHOA!" he danced on the roof of the van as dozens of bullets blasted from the inside trying to shoot him. "Thank! Goodness! For! Spidey-sense! WHOA!" he did a quick jig, then leaped up. With the fresh holes in the roof, they weakened the roof of the moving van. He then webbed the roof itself before using the elasticity to slingshot himself through the roof. He immediately swung left and right, scrapping in the confined space. Left hook to the right man, right uppercut to the left man.


He knocked one of them into the gaping hole on the side of the van, his backside sticking out as he was promptly webbed in place like a makeshift patch job. Struggling against them while Spider-man finished off the other, kicking him onto the safe before webbing his hands and feet to the wall and floor like a modern art display.

"Okay, fellas you hang tight and I'll-" BOOM! "WHOA!" the van rocked wildly as something slammed the side of it.

"WEB HEAD! GET OUT HERE!!" roared the Rhino before a fist punched through the pristine side of the van and grabbed Spider-man, ripping him out of the vehicle with a crash and hurling him away before chasing after him into a constructions site… there's always a New York construction site… mainly because guys like Rhino are running around breaking things. Spider-man flipped in the air and landed on his feet in the dirt as Rhino charged through the 'keep out' fencing like it wasn't even there before leaping and swinging his hands down to smash him like a bug… but he was an arachnid.

Right, Semantics, Rhino didn't care, nor could he spell semantics.

"WHOA!" Rhino left an imprint of his fists on the now cracked ground as he slammed it, then head low and horn glistening he rushed towards the acrobatic arachnid as he leaped over him. THWIPing webbing to the back of his big grey head and landing on Rhino's back, riding the Rhino as he stomped about trying to shake him loose. "YEE-HAW! I should try out for the rodeo! Who am I kidding? They probably want me as a clown."

"Get off me you little prick!" he roared angrily, running towards the steel supports of the new building, trying to knock Spider-man off, but merely ducked avoiding the beams.

"Hey! That's what my girlfriend said last night!" he replied casually as Rhino roared angrily back.


"Oh. No wait. That's what your girlfriend said last night, I get those confused sometimes."

"I'll kill you!"

"I'll believe it when I see it." Spider-Man replied as Rhino began charging toward a large steel pillar. "Speaking of seeing." He flung himself forward, and webbed Rhino in the eyes, yanking him directly into the pillar. With a long almost cartoonish GONG! Echoing off into the bustle of New York as Spider-man spun around a steel beam, spun gracefully around it, and sat down, legs dangling over the edge and laughing tiredly to himself as he watched Rhino stumble around, holding his aching head and trying to remove the webbing. "Ha-ha… oh it's so easy sometimes." He sighed watching Rhino stumble around. "Aleksi can't we call it a NIGHT? You already made me super late for my date…" he began counting on his hand.

"You're definitely going to jail, you also certainly lost your deposit on that moving truck you wrecked. And you're not going to get to keep the money. How about I grab you a sandwich and get you to the RAFT huh?-WHOA! Somebody's hangry!" he darted down the metal beam before Rhino could blindly throw a handful of cinderblocks at him like a shotgun blast. "Okay. Hard way it is." He thwip the ground on either side of Rhino as he FINALLY managed to tear away the webbing from his eyes.

"AH-HA! Ah…" he groaned as Spider-man slingshot himself into Rhino's chest feet first. "GUCK!" he stumbled back, but before Spider-man could leap away Rhino WILLED himself to act, grabbing Spider-man in his mitts. "HA? HA!" he held Spider-man at arm's length, "I caught you! I ACTUALLY CAUGHT YOU!" he sneered in the struggling Spider-man's masked face and started to squeeze him.


"I'm going to squeeze out your webbing BUG-BOY." He growled happily, "Then I'm going to catch up with my boys and the van and live like a KING with that cash!"

"What… Van?" Spider-Man groaned, "That one?" he asked as Rhino blinked at him.

"What one?"

"AT…ONE?" Spider-Man replied strained by Rhino's grip who slacked his grip just enough to get a clearer message

"What did you say?"

"I said That one?" Spider-man replied calmly.

"…What one?" repeated Rhino, then a new voice said, harshly.


And hit him with the moving van… or at least what was left of it. Rhino dropped Spider-man and was sent hurtling into a pile of construction pipes. Spider-man groaned on the ground as the new arrival reached down, grabbed his shirt, and hauled him to his feet. "…Hey." He said sheepishly at the tall, green, buxom and built woman before him.

The Jade Giantess She-Hulk. She had thrown the moving Van at Rhino… which funnily enough still had the Shotgun guard attached to the remaining side of it by the webbing, he blinked pleadingly at them. "…Can I go to Jail now?" he begged as She-Hulk glared at the rubble covering Rhino who angrily smashed his way out.

"Give us ten minutes." She said angrily, "Mama needs to vent."

"Want some help?" Spider-man asked curiously as She-hulk glared at him and he froze. "…Yes Ma'am." He mumbled nervously as she marched towards an oncoming Rhino who roared at her.

"Stay out of this you BI-" a sonic BOOM echoed out from where her fist met his jaw and sent him right back into the pile of rubble. She put her hands on her wide hips, marching casually towards a groaning Rhino and glaring down at him in her purple and white leotard, raising on big white sneakers and stomping on Rhino's stomach as he groaned. She grabbed his horn, easily yanking him from the rubble, glaring at him irately while holding him at eye level.

"You ruined my date night… you have NO RIGHT to be rude to me!" She reeled back her other fist as Rhino whimpered, "Don't you know NOT TO MAKE A HULK MAD!!??"

…The nearby buildings rattled as She-Hulk slammed her fist into Rhino's face and sent his horned head face first into the ground and dragged a long thick groove about three yards from where he landed like a field plow… and he didn't move. She-Hulk tossed her long green hair, "Hmph." She scoffed as the sound of Siren's began echoing towards them. She then stomped angrily towards Spider-man as he held up his hands nervously.

"Now. Shulkie, let's not get carried away please!" he squeaked as she did just that. She grabbed him, and tucked him under her arm like a tiny pet dog, before LEAPING off into New York. "Let me web him up first!" he howled as she landed on the roof of a nearby building.

"They're not going anywhere." She sneered, before leaping again.

"AAAAAH!!!" squealed Spider-man, who while used to heights and acrobatics, being carried like a sack of groceries under She-Hulk's powerful arm was something new. "COOOOME! OOOOOON!!!" he cried out. His voice carried off into New York with each new leaping stomp of She-Hulk.

Five minutes of running and leaping later, Spider-man's eyes spun behind his lenses as she landed on a brownstone building by a glass skylight. Promptly setting him down before him and resting her hands on her hips like an angry mother who just caught her child stealing the entire jar of cookies. And seemed to be pretty pissed about it, but her beautiful green face was often technically in 'hot angry' mode so that might just be the hulk in her acting as intimidation. "WELL?!" she shouted harshly at him. Like the time she was his training partner at Avenger's HQ and he, once again, failed to meet her standards on the training course.

…He might have failed often because he kept thinking about her as his hot green teacher, rather than his fellow teammate and training officer.

"Weeeeell." He said slowly, hesitantly, "What?" he asked hesitantly.

"…Are you alright?" she asked softly. His expressive lensed eyes blinked at her.

"What? Of course, I'm alright." He chuckled good-naturedly, "It was only Rhino. If I didn't take him down for doing something silly once a month I start to get twitchy." She glared at him again, before he sighed, then produce a small, somewhat wilted lavender flower… the only survivor of the great shotgun massacre of thirty minutes ago. "…I tried to bring you flowers." He said sheepishly.

She-hulk smiled beautifully at him, taking the lone flower and sniffing him. "Lavenders huh? Kind of out there."

"I was going to go with roses, but then I thought they'd match your suit." He said, gesturing to her costume as she laughed. "Sorry, I messed up our date." He said as she bent over, her big green backside displayed to him as she grabbed the roof hatch in the skylight. Opening it up.

"Funny I thought the guy dressed as a zoo animal was the one who messed our date up." She looked at him then hopped right in as he followed her with a little flip, only to be caught in a bridal carry by her, she smiled at him. "You're lucky I saw the news report about Spider-Man robbing the bank.'

"Oh come ON." He mumbled dejectedly as she put him down and he wandered around her apartment. "Seriously? Did they not see the Rhino smashing the van up trying to kill me?"

"Well, it's Jameson so... He'll be wearing his blinders as long as it is you." She said playfully, going to her fridge, and retrieving the New York-style Pizza she ordered for dinner…" Spider-man wasn't much of a fancy food guy, he'd be more than happy just to have a classic New Yorker than anything else.

"Oh HO. Don't get me started." He sighed, sitting at her table as she put the pizza in the oven for a quick heat-up. "Of course, you didn't help."

"ME?" she said indignantly, as he stopped staring at her big green booty and she turned ominously on him. "I vaguely recall hitting Rhino with a moving van and saving your cute skinny butt!" she said indignantly.

"And then you tucked me under your arm like a pet chihuahua in a purse. J.J. is probably going to say you captured me for interrogation at Avenger's tower!" She-Hulk rested her hands on her hips again, towering over him before reaching for his mask, pinching his lips together… before lifting his mask up to reveal his lips.

Thanks to his sticky skills, Spider-man's mask can't be removed as long as he's conscious and doesn't want it to be… so the fact that he let She-Hulk do it emphasizes a lot of trust between them. Then again they WERE dating so that's a given. She then leaned down, lying on the table, and kissing him. "MMn…" her tongue slid longingly into his mouth, they moaned together as her thick hulky organ easily dominated his spider taster. She pulled away from his lips, licking hers before she removed his mask completely.

Peter sheepishly smiled at her, his face as red as his mask as he gazed like a lovestruck puppy at her. "…So you forgive me?"

"No, but you can make it up to me." She smiled playfully at him before standing beside him. Her big, green backside even in her suit seemed to be far more prominent. As he rested his sticky hand on it, then gave it a squeeze. She chuckled then strutted away back to the oven, easily pulling out the reheated pizza and spinning it across the table at him. "Let's eat first you're going to need your strength."

"Why? You got enough for the both of us." He replied playfully as she chuckled, seductively.

Spider-man and She-hulk have only been in a relationship for a month now and had come about after both of them were at particularly low points in their lives. She-Hulk got dumped by her current boy toy, once he found out that she didn't WANT to be big and green all the time when they went out or had sex, and Spider-man was in the 'off-again' mode with his current girlfriend Black Cat, who, at the time… informed him of this by him catching her sleeping with Daredevil.

Coincidentally, She-hulk had tried to come off on the rebound with Matt Murdock and found out about his 'affair' with Black Cat at the same time… With Spider-man hurt emotionally and with her desperate for SOME sort of company She-Hulk decided that one skinny acrobat hero was just as good as another and took Spider-man forcefully to dinner and drinks, a LOT of drink. Which Led to a one-night stand… then a two-fer… three. Four. Five. And then an all-nighter, into an all-day-er... that was a hell of a week

…Turns out they were EXTREMELY compatible, sexually and to top it all off, Peter Parker was WAY cuter than Matt Murdock.

'Cute' was not really a type Jennifer Walters went for, but She-Hulk LOVED cute men like him. And when he wasn't being the Insufferable Spider-man Peter could be really funny, nice, kind, and apart from being LATE all the time, an unfortunate side-effect from being the hardest working Hero in the world, he was just kind of the perfect boyfriend material in a cute nerd kinda way.

Peter just REALLY liked She-hulk… there was no deeper meaning, maybe he's always liked big, sexy girls and just never really had the opportunity to explore this newfound fetish with anyone. She-Hulk was a curvy girl in a sea of curvy girls he's been in a relationship with, but she was also funny, smart, and two feet taller than him who REALLY liked to kiss… and kissing was GOOD.

She was the emphasis of big fun. Like a green Clifford the big friendly dog-actually he didn't like that comparison, it sounded mean. Regardless, he really liked being with She-Hulk, or Jen, either form was a fun good time, and-

"HEY. Did you eat all the pizza?!" he asked indignantly as she chuckled, leaving him only a couple of slices while he wasn't paying attention… to the pizza.

"Yeah. You were too busy staring at my BUTT to pay attention." She purred seductively, she didn't even sit down, she had been standing next to him with her thick green backside at eye level the whole time… she distracted him with green booty! The fiend! "OH!"

Peter's hand SMACKED onto her ass. It rippled rather majestically for such a muscled woman as she stared at him almost indignantly, resting her hand on her rear at the spot where he swatted her before his hand grabbed at her other cheek and squeezed her. "You distracted me on purpose!"

'Maaaay-be." She teased, wiggling her rear before cramming the rest of her current slice, about half of one, into her mouth. "MMn…" licking her lips. "Not nearly as filling…" She reached down, grabbed his head, and pulled him to his feet before hungrily kissing him again. "MMgh!" they moaned into each other's mouths, tongues thrashing wildly against each other as he licked tomato sauce and cheese from her mouth. "Mmn! MMmn!" she ran her hands over his body, and his over hers before both of them settled on each other's ass, playfully chuckling as she lifted him from the floor and he squeezed her ass cheeks like ripe watermelons… they were certainly an apt comparison.

She-hulk tried desperately and almost succeeded in sucking Spider-man's tongue right out of his mouth as they swallowed each other's saliva, she carried him past her big Hulk-sized bed and straight into her Hulk-sized shower stall…

She put him down, her back to the open door of the glass stall before reaching up, and slowly, peeling her suit from her glorious body. Her big green breasts, her muscled stomach, and her smoothly shaven green pussy lips encouraged his erection GREATLY as she let her suit fall to the floor, then raised her right leg, wiggling her sneaker at him as he smiled and removed it from her foot. She let it drop, then raised her left leg letting him remove that one too before tossing her hair, turning around and swaying that big naked green ass into the stall, and turning on the water before fulfilling any and all 'sexy lady in a shower' fantasy he might have had.

With her hands on her head, she posed for him as water cascaded down her pristine green-skinned body. "MMmn!" moaning as the hot water steamed up the room, running her hands down her big, green chest, pushing her girls together and smiling before sliding them down further over her six-pack… and slipping her fingers inside her tight, wet, pussy… and the water hadn't even coated THAT part yet. She was just that horny and wanted him DEEP in her body. She smiled at him, slowly churning her insides with her big green fingers and squeezing her soft breasts, moaning and cooing excitedly as she gave him a show. "Ah… Ah yes…" she panted excitedly, "…You gonna get in here and make it up to me or are you just going to watch like a little spider-voyuer.?"

Peter smiled at her, shaking his head, but then he grabbed his shirt and peeled it off his torso. "FUCK." Jennifer hissed excitedly as Peter's thin, but fucking RIPPED upper body was revealed. She never told him, she didn't have to if actions really did speak louder than words… but she absolutely LOVED his body… all of his body… including but not limited to his nice THICK stinger protruding erectly towards her as he stripped down.

…Another advantage Spider-man had over Daredevil… had a bigger 'baton'. She hissed excitedly, licking her lips as she curled sticky pussy fingers at him. "Come here Spidey I'm going to take GOOD care of you."

Peter leaped onto the ceiling, over the shower glass door, and into the stall itself behind her as she laughed happily, feeling his hands on her breasts and his big 10-inch Spider-Stinger between her green ass cheeks…

She asked him once how he hid that thing in his pants and he swears that it's usually not that big… it only got that size one he started banging her. As if his body adapted to please her… which she had to admit she thought it was kinda hot. Maybe her Gamma Radiation and his Spider-Juices just had interesting reactions with each other.

But she needed to focus right now or she was going to cum her brains out before he even got inside her. "MMngh!" she abruptly pressed him to the stall, he grunted from the blow and she pulled away… she had intended to stun him with her body before taking command again but once she pulled away she found he was STILL clinging to her body…

Stupid Spider sticking powers.

"Oh-ho no… me first." He declared curiously before crawling ALL over her body, accidentally swatting her face with his erection as he grabbed her soap and began soaping her up.

"Ah! Hey!?" she squeaked and laughed as Peter crawled ALL over her, soaping and rubbing her skin. Somehow sticking to her while making her so slippery, rubbing his rock-hard erection ALL over her body as she writhed and gyrated, trying to catch him only to moan and coo as she felt his junk against her crotch, between her tits, her ass, her lips. "OOoh…" she tensed up as Peter's talented, dexterous fingers polished her supple jade skin with her soap before running his fingers on her pussy, and "OOOH!!"

She dropped to the floor of the shower so quickly she might have cracked the tiles. She trembled in orgasm as he flipped off her body, and stood before her with a rock-hard wobbling erection. He grinned down at her, "Not gonna lie, Jen, I had NO idea I could do that."

She gazed at him through half-lidded eyes, shaking slightly at the tiny orgasm echoing through her brain before her hands grabbed at his hips. "WHOA!" he gasped as she lifted him from the floor. "N-Now Jen let's talk about-oh my GOD." He gasped as she opened her mouth and BURIED his cock into her mouth. "Ooh MY GOD…" he repeated, longingly, grinning in a mindless haze as She-Hulk's lips massaged the base of his cock, easily taking his huge member into her throat as she began lifting him, and down against her face, plunging his cock repeatedly into her throat as she sucked loudly on his shaft. Stretching her lips as she gazed lovingly up at him. Putting him down as he began to move on his own, bucking into her face, holding her straight green hair as he grunted in pleasure.

"Oh my god JEN." He hissed as she smiled, easily taking his tasty cock in her throat over and over. "I… love this!" he declared almost childishly, "Sorry JEN! SORRY!" he declared, face fucking her as she easily and lovingly slurped his member. Moaning happily as he satisfied himself with her mouth, any other woman would be uncomfortable, or offended… but She-Hulk knew it was just because he couldn't control himself with her.

Peter's most adventurous lover was Black Cat who was the next best thing to dating a very excitable pornstar, but even when she gave him oral sex, not even she deepthroated him like this. She-Hulk gazed up at him, eyes twinkling mischievously, she was DARING him to go harder, faster, and do whatever he wanted with her with just her gamma-glowing eyes as she smiled. Braced herself, and pulled Spider-man as deep as she could. "MMN!!!"

"JEN! OOH…" he sighed as she felt his cock expand in her throat and abruptly shrink again, a steady hot load of cum spilled into her stomach and joined the pizza she devoured not too long ago… she found she preferred THIS meal, to the earlier one. Which was saying something… she wasn't normally such a slut but Peter brought out the pervert in her.

"MMn… mmn." Her tongue flickered on his tip, as he tried to pull out his cock from her tight warm throat, seemingly now designed just to be the sleeve for his thick spider stinger. He shuddered and gazed down at her lovingly as she licked his still spurting tip clean. "Mmm." Bobbing her head slightly, up and down, swirling her tongue around his tip as he shuddered adorably.

"Oh, GOD Jen… I don't know where you learned to do that… but remind me to send them a thank you card."

"Mmmn mwah." She pulled off his cock, sensually kissing his tip before gripping it with one hand, fingering herself, and licking his shaft slowly with her tongue like it was a popsicle. Or a cat licking at cream, she smiled up at him before chuckling, "What if I taught myself?"

"Then even BETTER." Peter groaned as Jen chuckled, continuing to lick, stroke… and otherwise worship Peter's length before she licked her lips and smiled up at him. She let go of his cock, and grabbed her breasts in both hands, she winked up at him before engulfing him with her green breasts. Snuggly holding his throbbing girth between them, wiggling them up and down his shaft before squeezing, and stroking. "Oh god JEN…" he said, looking right at her smiling face as she bounced her breasts up and down, stroking him firmly with her slippery tits, sticking out her tongue and drooling between her cleavage, wiggling it on his tip as it protruded from her titty hug.

"Does this feel good?"

"YES!" he groaned excitedly, the mere question of it making his girth ooze pre-cum onto her skin as she chuckled.

"…You're going to make me messy again." she teased seductively as he laughed hesitantly.

"Yeah… yeah I probably will…" he grabbed her shoulders, rubbing them fondly before bucking his hips rapidly to meet her dropping chest. Slapping wetly against his thin waist as he groaned excitedly. "But at least… we're in the best place to MAKE a mess. Right?" he grunted, shuddering as more of his sticky web fluid oozed from his stinger. "Sorry. JEN." He moaned, "Sorry it's too good it's amazing!" he said apologetically.

Shu-hulk just smiled up at him, licking her lips slowly. "Just do it Peter." She whispered lovingly, "I wouldn't do this if I didn't want to be a dirty girl." She bit her bottom lip, closed her eyes, and moaned happily. "MMn! MMN! Do it Peter, cover me with your thick sticky web-fluid! O-OH! OH SHIT!?" she laughed as a veritable storm of cum sprayed out of her comparatively tinier lover. "Ooh…" she moaned, feeling his thick white goo on her supple green skin as she squeezed his cock with her tits one last time, stroking out a final oozing dollop between her green chest before she finally released his girth…

His stinger hung limply between her legs as she continued to sit on her knees, covered in his web fluid. "MMn… why do you always have so MUCH." She asked, shuddering slightly before standing up. "MMn… sticky, hot… she rinsed herself as he watched. "…You even blew a load into my mouth and you still had more!" she opened her mouth gargling a little before spitting the rest down her chest before washing herself… the felt Peter's hands, and his erection on her body again as she chuckled. "…God you're all ready again."

"What can I say, Jen." He replied sheepishly, before climbing up behind her and turning her head, kissing her softly as she returned the favor, moaning into his lips before he pulled away. Leaping off of her onto the wall. "It's your fault." He replied, ducking as she swung at him playfully. But then he flipped off the wall, over the door, and landed on the throw rug. "I guess-WHOA!"

…it slipped out beneath him and he flopped onto his ass as She-Hulk laughed. Her body quivered delightedly as he frowned, and quickly got up. "I hate throw rugs." He sighed, but smiled at her, taking one of the towels and walking out as she frowned.

"Uh HEY!" she mumbled indignantly and sighed. "Getting me all warmed up." She grumbled, finishing up her shower. "And leaving me hanging? Stupid spider." She pouted, before getting out of the shower herself… drying off her amazing body before walking out into her bedroom. Peter however was lying in the middle of the bed, gazing expectantly at her with a broad cheeky smile on his face and a cock wobbling erectly up toward the ceiling. More than read for a jade giantess to have her fun.

She smiled seductively at him before pulling the towel from her body and dropping it dramatically to the ground, strutting across the floor tantalizingly, before crawling slowly onto the bed like a stripper, licking her lips as she loomed over Peter, kissing his lips lovingly, before abruptly SLAMMING her body onto him.


"…I don't care how cute you are." She moaned playfully, "You leave me hanging like that again and I'll web you to the ceiling by your balls." She teased as his cock wriggled excitedly against her still VERY wet pussy.

"Yes ma'am." He replied playfully as she kissed him again before shooting upright, straddling his lap and tossing her hair.

"MMmn! Now… let me…" She raised her hips, pulling his shaft to her lower lips. "MMN!" dropping down abruptly onto him and shuddering in pleasure… restraining the urge to scream at her sudden and very real orgasm… he didn't even do anything to her, she put HIM in her body! And she fucking CAME!

…God she was going to fuck his BRAINS out.

She rested her hands on his chest, holding him down… there would be no escape, not that he would even want to. "Enjoy the ride Petey." She whispered half seductive, half lovingly… "Ah… AH!" she moved her body, slowly, raising her hips up and down on his lap. Her insides clinging tightly to his cock as if SHE was the one with spider powers, not the other way around… Peter reached up, cupping her big, bouncing green breasts as her mouth opened and her head rolled back. "YES! YES! GOD YES! PETER! MORE! FUCK ME! PLEASE!" she whimpered as his sticky fingers clung to her chest. And he big green ass slammed down over and over onto his lap, barely restraining herself from crushing his pelvis.

Playfully referring to their lovemaking as 'Snu-snu' was something of a very real understatement.

"Ugh! UGH! YEAH! JEN!" Peter groaned happily, bucking his hips up into her but with a hulk on top, even a slightly, SLIGHTLY less powerful one, was like trying to restrain a bear with tissue paper. "Oh! God! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME." He pleaded happily, as Jen rode him hard, fast, and it was far more likely that Peter would break before her bed did, despite its wild rattling and thumping… but it was built for a woman like her after all.

"AH! Ah! AH! I'm! GOING! TO CUM!" she declared happily.

"ME! TOO!" Peter groaned, slightly pained, but utterly content and enjoying himself.

"Fill! Me! FILL! ME! FILL ME UP!" she pleaded, leaning forward, looking him in the eyes, caressing his face even as he focused on squeezing her big breasts, "Do it Peter. I want to feel you inside me everywhere! Just do it! Please…" she begged longingly, "Fill my pussy u-uuuuuuup!" she moaned, shaking as Peter planted his hips and STAYED there… sticking to her body and spraying her gamma womb with his hot spider jizz. "Oh FUCK!" she gasped and suddenly flopped onto him. Shuddering and shaking in orgasm, grabbing the adamantium headboard and her entire body tensing desperately in orgasm…

"Hah! Hah! Aahhhh…" she sighed, going limp, and clutching to Peter's brown-haired head before slamming her lips onto him. Moaning lovingly into his mouth as his hands roamed her body, still sticking to her crotch. She pulled away from his lips, her tongue writhing with his as she nuzzled him lovingly. "…Are you using Spider Powers to stay inside me?" she whispered conspiratorially as he sighed.

"OH YEAH." He declared contentedly as she giggled. "…This is… you are amazing."

"Hee-hee-hee…" she giggled girlishly, her inner walls rippling around his softened stinger before she slowly pried him out of her. Rolling onto her side, and rubbing his chest with a finger as they both breathed a sigh of collective relief. "…Think we'll go a night without fucking each other's brains out?" she asked conversationally.

"Probably but let's put that off for another time…" he replied, groaning slightly, "…Though if you keep trying to break my pelvis we might have to do so out of necessity." He joked as she chuckled.

"Well… Petey…" she cooed, whispering seductively in his ear. "If you wanted to be on top you only had to ask." She purred as Peter looked at her and she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"…Yeah? Really? You do realize that most of the time you're using me as a masturbation toy right? Not that I MIND…" he noted, "It's just, there is a pattern."

"Peter do you want to be on top?" she replied, lying prone on the bed beside him and wiggling her hips. "Hmmn? I'm giving you the opportunity."


"Oh come on Peter." She noted, raising herself onto her knees, then pressing down on the bed and pushing up. Wiggling her ass from side to side. "…Are you going to fuck me like you hate me or not?"

"But I don't hate you at all Jen." He replied almost lovingly but she put a finger on his lips, silencing him with a warm smile.

"…Peter shut up and fuck me or I WILL break your pelvis…" she noted, "I'm a horny gamma girl and I want my pet spider to play with me." Peter stared at her, and his throbbing erection twitched excitedly regardless, so…

He sat up and crawled behind her. She swung her rear playfully side to side before he raised a hand and clapped it loudly on her ass cheek. "OH!" she wiggled it again, and he smacked the other cheek. "AH…"

"Stop moving," he ordered, before rubbing his cock between her ass cheeks, her green pussy dripping with arousal as she rose up, and rubbed his tip against her silky holes. "You wanted all of me in every hole right?" he asked as Jen braced herself and replied, submissively.

"YES…" She gave him the go-ahead, so he went right in. Sliding his tip to her ass, and taking her anal virginity… not that she told him that. But she was a big girl, "FUCK!!" she howled happily as her body rippled. Peter grabbed her waist, holding onto her for dear life, and pummeled her hole like she was a supervillain he needed to beat up. "F-FUCK! Oh! FUCK! YES!!" she hissed through clenched teeth as her gamma guts quickly adjusted to Peter's prickly pecker. Pounding into her tight ass, hard, fast, and happily. She-Hulk never really cared about having anal nor did she listen to her adventurous girlfriends about it…

But if Peter wanted it, she'd give it to him. Knowing she would enjoy herself regardless and she was right. Peter RAILED into her body with abandon, slamming his hips on her shapely, green cushioned ass cheeks as she howled to the headboard, moaning delightedly as not one but two simultaneous orgasms rippled through her tight muscled body clenching desperately on Peter's cock, squeezing him firmly… tightly, with each backswing of his hips springing off her green glutes. His balls smacked against her wet She-Hulkie slit. Teasing her, tempting her…

But inwardly her body just didn't want him to go, she wanted him to stay deep in her body and he seemed to want the same thing… but sadly all good things must cum to an end, especially in one as tight as hers… "UGH! UGH! OH! MY! GOOOOooooood." She howled erotically, straining her vocal cords as Peter moaned her name rapturously and buried his cock into her body.

"JEEEEEEeeeennn." He shuddered, and they gasped excitedly together, shaking in pleasure as they rode their simultaneous orgasm… her insides milking his cock to the last drop. Both of them twitching and cooing at each other's warmth as he abruptly ripped his cock from her ass, stretching her rim as it clung to him as long as she could… he popped out of her with a wet squelch before slapping his STILL erect cock between her ass cheeks.

"Haah! Haah… aah…" She looked over her shoulder at him, her mouth hanging open… before their eyes met and she wiggled her hips, slowly… Her ass felt SO good… but there was no denying what they both wanted.

"NGh!" Peter slammed wordlessly into her tight, warm, and wet pussy, tightening and squeezing his shaft as he pounded away at her relentlessly from behind, swinging his hand onto her ass. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Before grabbing her hair and yanking it back as they both moaned, gasped, and shuddered, shaking and writhing in sweaty rapturous bliss,

"Jen! You're so! Damn! Gorgeous! And TIGHT!" she squeezed down on him, his praise and admiration sending her higher and higher into her own rising orgasm. "I never! Want! To! STOP!!" he groaned, his cock spasming, stretching her insides. Throbbing and ready to once again explode deep inside her body and pump her full of cum.

She had never been with a man with so much stamina before and she never wanted to be with anyone else again… "Don't! Stop! Finish! ME!!" she begged… and he complied. "GOD! YES!" clinging stickily together, feeling his hot warm rushing and oozing into her body once more she slammed her ass back against him. "Stay in there! Stay fucking in there, YES! Oh fuck it's so good…" she praised longingly, shaking and flopping onto the bed with him as they moaned together. Peter kissed her muscular shoulders, neck.. cheek, she turned her head. "More." She begged…

But whether she was talking about sex, kissing, or both… didn't matter. She just wanted more of HIM. She pulled him to her lips and savored his loving taste. "Mmmn…" Peter sighed happily, cuddling the jade giantess for a moment before rolling tiredly over. "Phew…" he rested his hand on her backside, squeezing her ass as she wiggled it in his hand playfully.

"More." She leaned close, licking and kissing his cheek as he sighed. "More Peter. Please?" she cooed as Peter grunted tiredly.

"Jen the spirit is always willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised." He declared as Jen pouted seriously at him.

"Peter that was your one Snu-Snu joke for the session." They had an agreement he was only allowed one per fucking.

She watched his cute butt as he shuffled off the bed. "I haven't even eaten anything yet." He noted plainly, groaning back into the living room as Jen pushed herself off the bed herself, standing in the doorway of her bedroom as she watched Peter eat a slice quickly… then she smiled. She knows what'll get him going. "Petey…" she purred as he went rigid… all over. His cock banged beneath the table as it stood erectly and he slowly turned to find her standing in the doorway, but facing the bedroom now. Her ass presented to him as she held the doorframe and dropped it like it was hot, squatting down and 'twerking' those thick green ass cheeks at him.

Raising her hands and shaking it like she was in a Megan Thee Stallion video. CLAP CLAP CLAP. Went her ass cheeks, "Ooh! Yeah! I like it like that! Move it slow! Move it Slow!" she cheered, as Peter watched her ass cheeks wobbling and clapping together as she bent her knees and Twerk-Twerk-Twerk.

Peter inhaled deeply through his nose, and nodded slowly with his throbbing erection pointed towards her as she stood up. They laughed playfully together as she wiggled her hips side to side… "…Come one Petey come and get me.' She begged.

"AH… Alright." He sighed, turning to the table… and grabbing his web shooters.

"Hey. You're leaving?" she asked a little nervous that she might have chased him off… for some reason people got offended that she learned how to twerk. Did she push him to… hard? She suddenly felt his cock against her stomach and, to her surprise, he lifted HER off the floor. "Whoa!?"

He threw. HER… onto the bed. HER… she was a Hulk. "Wow…" she stared at him as he grabbed her ankles, "When did you get so strong?" she purred but then gasped as he lifted her legs and made her green toes touch the adamantium headboard of her bed. "Huh." She gasped in surprise before-THWIP. "Hey-" she gasped as he then webbed her hands to her thick, green ass cheeks… and her legs to the headboard… "What are you doing…?"

She blushed as she displayed her wet warm pussy up toward him. He smiled down at her, his handsome, nerdy face sending warmth through her body that was definitely more than the gallon of cum he's already pumped into her body.

"So many questions." He teased, slapping her wet pussy with his rock-hard erection… tied down, legs up, restrained… just a warm green flesh hole for him to play with. She was so fucking turned on right now. He loomed over her, crawling like a spider ready to pounce, his face hanging over hers between her legs… his tip brushing tantalizingly against her wet pussy as she gasped excitedly. "Silly, silly… questions…"

He then SLAMMED into her body, and she howled… happily in pleasure as he JUST. KEPT. POUNDING down and away at her restrained body, if she wasn't a Hulk it might have been 'too rough' but it was just right for the big green girl. "Oh! MY! GOD!!" she squealed delightedly as Peter's hips slammed into her again and again, pressing down on her body in the ever-popular mating press… she couldn't remember the last time someone had the balls to do it to her.


"Don't stop! Dooooon't stop!!" she pleaded happily, shaking beneath Peter as he clung to her body and bounced off her hips. "Ngh! Ah! Ah!! NGH! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE KEEP GOING!! YES!!"

"Oh, I like it when you say please!" Peter grunted, teasingly, but it was taking all he had not to blast away into her body she just felt too good… like she does super Kegels or something.

"PLEASE! PRETTY PLEASE FUCK ME HARDER! HARDER! WEB MY FUCKING WOMB!!" she squealed, shaking and trembling in orgasm as she screamed right in his face. Smiling broadly as Peter slammed into her body and lost control…

"It Defeats…" he gasped, spraying her womb with his hot webbing. "The purpose of please when you get all foul-mouthed on me." He moaned, dropping onto her and grabbing her head before licking her lips. "Let's shut you up."

"MMMmnngghgh!" she moaned delightedly as Peter continued to grind on top of her, pumping his load deep into her body.

Peter lay on top of her body, rolling his hips on her before he extracted himself out and flopped beside her… her legs still webbed above her head and her hands on her thick green ass as he gripped her big busty green chest and squeezed them playfully. She moaned contentedly. "Oh fuck that was good."

"Seriously you're going to have to watch your language if I'm ever going to introduce you to Aunt May she is a STICKLER for it," he said, sweetly as she blushed at the inclination.

"…So… you want me to meet your sweet old auntie?" she teased, wiggling her hips excitedly as he lay beside her.

"Do you not want to?" he asked concernedly as she chuckled.

"Oh, I'll meet her! I'll mee the SHIT out of her." she chuckled excitedly with a grin. "Oooh… especially if you keep pounding me like that… I'm going to end up having a spider egg sack of little Parkers." She laughed, "Speaking of Sacks… give me some more of yours." She cooed, "I'm ALL exposed and everything… a naughty little Spider could do all sorts of things to me…" Peter, however, thwipped the ceiling. "Hey." And stuck himself above her before webbing himself to the roof, cock aimed down at her body. "…What are you doing?"

"I love you, but I need a break." He smiled as she blushed. "Don't worry. That webbing will dissolve in about 2-ish hours."

"What? PETER! You can't leave me like this for two hours! PETER!" he just smiled, closed his eyes, and seemingly went to sleep as she glared up at him… but his cock twitched pre-cum down onto her, plopping onto her wet pussy as she quivered… she frowned up at him…

…His cock WAS lined up perfectly with her pussy... 2 hours huh.

"…You're lucky your cute." She cooed, waiting… and waiting… the anticipation was already sending a rush through her… She'll yell at him when they're done… until then she wondered if she should meet May as 'Jen' or as Shulkie right away... rip the gamma band-aid off right away...


"…HELLO?... anyone?" the shotgun guard, still stuck to the side of the van whimpered… he had mostly gone unnoticed by the cops when they took Rhino away. "…I'm ready to go to jail now." He sighed. "…Should've stayed there."
