
Marvel: Mutant Paradise

Lynn found and became a student at Mutant College. Her ability is to create magic. Avada Kedavra... Glacier peaks, ember storms... Fire Magic, Dragon Slayer Thunder Magic... True mirror image, dimensional leap, elemental mysteries, time stillness... After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying magics, but she knows very well that it makes no sense for Professor X to allow students to act as bullies to save the world and allow humans and mutants to coexist peacefully. The only way to change the living environment of Mutant is to increase the right to speak!

BlackGoku222 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 02

"Follow any of them and in the future there will only be tragedy!"

"Can you tell me why, Lynn?"

Professor X's tone varied slightly.

The students at the academy are all mutant teenagers.

Therefore, in terms of teaching, a greater focus on training superpowers, along with the fact that there are very few teachers, has resulted in almost no subjects in many areas and theoretical knowledge is quite weak.

Therefore, relying on its enormous financial resources, he equipped the school with the best library in the world.

As a top global intellectual, he has always been concerned about this aspect. In his opinion, Mutants should not only master power but also knowledge.

Unfortunately, students mainly focus on researching their super abilities.

There are very few people who can calm down and seriously study other knowledge.

Lynn is practically the only one!

He even mobilized several other students to fully demonstrate the intellectual attribute of an Asian boy, numbing the scalps of many other students!

That said, Professor X is very pleased with this phenomenon.

He has high hopes for him.

Although Lynn's X gene potential is not high, he is just a delta-level mutant and has no special abilities other than a smarter brain.

But if that talent remains in the academy, it will undoubtedly be a great addition to the X-Men!

Who would have thought that such an outstanding student would apply for graduation and leave the academy.

"The reason is simple, professor."

Lynn was also very frank: "Because I believe that the X-Men have no future, and teaching your ideas will not make mutants survive in society. In the end, we will all inevitably perish!"

Needless to say, this sentence was like a knife piercing the Professor's heart.

In the office.

Suddenly the atmosphere became strange.

Lynn's words were too simple and rude.

Even Professor Xavier's face couldn't help but change.

"You... do you disagree with my ideas?"

He felt extremely desolate because a student he had been teaching for ten years did not recognize his ideas.

At the same time, there was indescribable anger in his hoarse voice: "Do you think Magneto is right? Only by eradicating all humans can mutants survive?"

"Definitely not."

Lynn shook his head: "Mutants are only a minority group everywhere, and the vast majority of mutants have not ignored the strength of various high-tech weapons. A very small number of high-level mutants cannot directly destroy humans."

"Then, Magneto cannot succeed unless he is powerful enough to wipe out everything."

This comment somewhat relieved Professor X.

But he was also increasingly puzzled: "Since that's the case, why do you think I will lead them to death?"

Lynn sighed softly.

"With all due respect, Professor, agreeing with everything the government says will not make you respected, blindly giving will not gain true friendship."

He looked at the Professor's aging face and said seriously, "Professor, you are too flattering and tolerant towards humans. The peace you obtain in this way is essentially fixed, it is not the way to go."

"This is like a castle in the air, false and dangerous!"

To be honest, Professor X is an indispensable spiritual leader among the X-Men.

But he is definitely not a qualified leader!

More importantly, he has huge limitations in his thinking!

Perhaps being a high-level intellectual, he actually thought that by showing kindness towards humans, he could earn human friendship.

He did not realize at all that this was a war!

Between mutants and humans, between X-Men and Magneto, it is a war!

The former is a struggle for the survival rights of two species.

The latter is a battle of ideas.

Victory leads to life! Losing is to perish!

How can there be a third outcome?

He has defeated Magneto several times before and after, but he has never killed him. Not long ago, he defeated the Mutant Brotherhood (a plot by the X-Men) at the Statue of Liberty, and only handed Magneto over to human officials to be locked up.

This can definitely be explained by the fact that he needs the fear that Magneto instills to make humans feel threatened at all times in order to appreciate the friendship between the two species more.

What about Jean Grey?

To the students of the academy, Professor X has always taught them not to be afraid of their super abilities, but to learn to accept, master, and control them...

But for the Phoenix Force within Jean Grey, he has never tried.