
Chapter 5: Adam The Mind (1/2)

[Ashe's appearance]

Ah your finally awake child oh I almost forgot this whole time I didn't know your name so what is it

Ashe" oh my name is Ashen Fisk but you can call me Ashe old man"

Gaku" again I told you not to call me old man how about this when on the job call me Boss any other time just call me Mr. Gaku instead of old man like you usually call me"

Ashe" ok then boss so when do I start"

Gaku" right now"

Ashe" oh then do I get a uniform or something and what will I be doing"

Gaku" I'll have you do desk you will be working from 4:00 AM to 1:00 PM I'll pay you 10$ an hour I'll pay you in cash each day you come in at the end of your shift your off for both Friday and Monday and if you need a ride just call and you don't need to pay me you can also get 2~3 hours of training on your days off from work free of cost as well

Ashe" well that's not bad at all 100 dollars for each work day and upfront in cash at that so I would be making 100 dollars for everyday I work except for Friday and Monday

Gaku" ok kid before you start setting up put on this"

(Work uniform)

Ashe" why a butler's attire"

Gaku" to make the place look more fancy and professional oh and don't worry by tomorrow ill have more workers coming in to help with the place but for today where closed as I have to train you to take down regular people without using you bending and then ill train you to use you bending"

Ashe" well let's get started shall we"


(5 hours later)

Gaku" Ah it looks like your doing fine but you need more control in bending you should leave it as a last resort for now I'm glad I placed some fire absorption seals on the building beforehand but at this moment I should teach you how to act when the costumers come in as not only will we have a gym here but a restaurant for people that know the secret word"

Knock knock

" the sounds of someone knocking on the door although the shop was clearly closed"

Ashe" boss do you want me to get the door"

Gaku" no it's ok it those other works I told you about I told them to come by with a few of there members so I can train them in managing the business while I'm away I won't be giving them bending or anything else though as at the moment they are not qualified"

(Nearing the door I then open up the door to see an old man of maybe 60 years old awaiting me as he bowed as soon as he noticed who was the one to open the door)

"Sir I am Adam your new personal butler I am here to escort the 5 "workers you asked for"

Gaku" sorry but I already have a personal butler in mind but you can still be of use and don't worry I'll look after your sick daughter"

Adam" wait sir how do you know abo—"

Gaku" don't worry about it just know that I know and that you don't have ti worry any longer" anyway all of you go inside Ashe will show you what to do and Adam you I want to give you a gift how about you come with me"

Adam" yes sir Adam said as he bowed to me while following behind me"

(Now in the downstairs of the martial arts gym)

Gaku" ok Adam now that where here I want to give you and opportunity to become something to gain a higher position and well to gain a higher strength this is a one in a lifetime opportunity to not only become stronger but to become one of the heads of the gang"

Adam" and what would that be sir" said Adam with a raised eyebrow

Gaku" well my offer is that I want to teach you a secret technique and in exchange you work for me and only me no matter what and you can't betray me and you will from the shadows control the gang to make sure that no one betrays my trust and for that I will save your terminal ill daughter from fated death"

Adam" and what would I need to do for you to do this and how can I know that your just not lying to me using my own daughter against me"

Gaku" well I just hope that I can gain your trust and that you can gain mine but first just drop a piece of blood on this paper"

Adam" what is this some sort of devil's ritual I'm sorry but I'm leaving Mr. Gaku and I only hope that you won't go after my family"

Gaku" wait just listen to me trust me just this once"

Adam" fine I will trust you but first I want proof that you will save my daughter"

Gaku" oh well I live already sent some men to go get your daughter and I told my butler to make sure she's safe and they don't do anything to her and if they tried anything he would bring their heads to me personally to post them on the walls of the gang to make sure there are no other traitors"

Adam" we'll them I trust you then Mr. Gaku but if my daughter is harmed I will make sure that these old bones fight back" he said as he pricked his finger letting it drop on the piece of paper as did I the same making the paper glow golden to white to which it was devoured by the bright light gone as if it never existed

Gaku" now what I wish to bestow upon you is the power of an ancient clan the Yamanaka a clan with abilities to infiltrate control and destroy the minds of others but first you must swallow this chakra seed seeing as you don't possess a single drop of chakra now shall we get started"