

I thought it was appropriate to do a Q&A after reaching 50 chapters, especially since I'm honestly surprised I made it this far. I never thought I'd stick with it, but here we are, and now it feels necessary to open up this kind of thing since I finally got to the Marvel part.

First off, I get that it might have been frustrating to read up until now. You probably clicked on this story because it mentioned Marvel, and instead, you've been met with a lot of world-building. But like I mentioned in the introduction chapter, I'm using this as a practice story to test out some of my other ideas and see if they work.

I'm also aware that I'm still not great at the whole system aspect of the story. I know it's not the best and could be better.

I wanted to take this chapter to really hear from you all because while I do see your comments, my profile keeps glitching out for some reason, and it literally doesn't show my f*cking replies sometimes even when I've tried like fourteen times.

For example, both IntrusiveThoughts and literl010 have left detailed suggestions, but Webnovel doesn't show anything from my end when I try to respond. IntrusiveThoughts gave some really detailed feedback, and literl010 commented about the accounting books, but my responses just aren't showing up.

So, if you have questions or suggestions, I do see them all, but Webnovel's system is really frustrating sometimes and doesn't f*cking show my reply. It's gotten to the point where I had to write all this out just to show how annoyed I am about trying to respond over and over with no success.

Anyway, for criticisms or suggestions, I'm breaking it up into four categories: Story, Smut, System, and Others. Basically, let me know what I could improve, what you'd like to see more of, and anything else.





For the Q&A, you can comment on this chapter, and if you want to be specific, just post your questions here.


I'm also really lazy and Webnovel can be slow, so I might not respond immediately, but I'll get to it.

Thanks for liking my degenerate story so far - LaughingFiend