
Chapter 8

after spending my night with Alice I let her come with me with the change of cloth and left her family with the world as I call my girlfriends and tell them what they need to do and what is in the future for them as they start Alice's familiar with the world I start to work on the election but first I want to ask on the advice of a parent

William: mom, the mayor election is coming what you think about it

Marry: yes these elections can become chaotic as now one gang is new york then they will want to have their mayor which will make others mayor's problem

William: whose you want it

Marry: my friend's husband David is standing now s he wants to vote I thought we will support but that is not on you

William: what is his motto of him what point he is taking

Marry: well his work is on making less panic and reducing crime which is happening now what they will reduce now is gangs are one now they are working on the side of the business also as tier new places which opened and they also do not make the problem so much but other he promises his relief of a person who loses family members in war but that is all the promising now no one knows which will win

William: then the Jewish family will become the main factor in winning

Marry: yes it will become if they support then

as I thought I let the Jewish family connect with David and let them take control of him and my mayor in politics as the election is 5 months after all the mayors are advertising now with Jewish, David will become mayor. on the next day, I meet him and use mind control and take him under me as the both joint now will not have the problem as they start advertising on a big scale knowing the Jewish is also with David many mayors also stop using very much politics against him who use will get attack as the most of Mayer they are not standing as the time goes only three members are left which is now create a problem if we do attack on those two so they are focusing on each other with David now with the backing of his a lot of rich families as the time goes election is head and promotion is a lot going on as the new year comes new sniper rifle also comes AWM which is the special made rifle and bullets and Americans also but it very well but not in much quantity as it will create the problem now the war is in peak in 1944 as both sides have the same power but germans start to push with the start of roger attacking their base and America also create atom bomb which is in testing phase.