
Marvel God of Blood

After being transformed to be the Blood God of Vampires, the protagonist discovers that he not only can be immortal but also richer than Tony Stark! ------------------ I want to clarify that I do not own the novel. I am simply translating it for fun. Plus, it happens to be one of the good Chinese Marvel fanfictions that I couldn't resist working on. As I translate, I make sure to modify names and remove any occasional offensive remarks, which are very minimal in this particular novel. Read Chapters ahead on p*atreon.com/Atrox_H The original name is "Marvel god of blood god" by Fan's Soul. I don't own the Cover art.

Atrox_H · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
338 Chs

Chapter 104 : Fantastic Four

"Get out of here."

Spider-Man's blocking him made the Stone man more furious. He tore open the spider web with all his might, then turned around and rushed towards Spider-Man, and one after another dents appeared on the concrete floor.

"Dude, you are so strong."

Spider-Man whistled, and a piece of spider web shot into Stone man's chest, and then pulled hard, the Stone man lost his balance and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Spider-Man, great."

Seeing that Spider-Man defeated the Stone Man, the citizens next to him cheered.

"It's not over yet, stay away."

Spider-Man hurriedly waved to the crowd, signaling them not to approach. Then, he said to the Stone man who got up: "Dude, I don't want to hurt you, stop and follow me to the police station."

"But I want to hurt you."

The Stone Man grabbed the signboard next to him and smashed it hard at Spider-Man.

Spider-Man jumped away and then shot a spider web toward Stone man's face. While the Stone man was busy pulling the spider web off, he shot a large web at the Stone man again, and then quickly circled to the other side, knocking him out. Tied him up firmly from top to bottom.

Spider-Man pretended to wipe his sweat and said, "Wow, it's almost done now."

While struggling, the Stone man cursed, "You little bastard."

"Don't be rude, there are children around."

Spider-Man shouted, and at this moment, a flame suddenly fell on the Stone man, burning his clothes and spider web.

It was Human Torch, Johnny Storm who came, and he shouted to the Stone Man very frivolously: "Big man, I'm here to save you."

The Stone Man, that is, Ben threw away the burning windbreaker and shouted dissatisfiedly: "Why did you burn me?"

"It doesn't matter anyway, stones can't be burned."

Johnny shrugged: "Also, I'm here to take you back, Reed said, we can't leave the hospital for the time being."

"Did you take the opportunity to run out?"

Ben shouted in dissatisfaction, and at this time, Spider-Man said: "This friend who looks like Captain America, this Stone man destroyed public property, I will take him back to the police station."

"It's you? Spider-Man, I've long wanted to meet you."

Johnny smiled, his hands lit up with dazzling flames, and then he threw it hard, and two flames flew towards Spider-Man at the same time.

"I hate fire."

Spider-Man hurriedly avoided it, and the flames hit the big tree behind.

Spider-Man looked back and said, "Friend, you're going to lose money."

"You better take care of yourself first."

Johnny kept smashing fireballs to attack, Spider-Man flexibly dodged, and then a spider web shot toward Johnny.

Johnny laughed, his body was burning with a raging fire, the spider web was immediately burned, and Spider-Man blinked with a headache, how to deal with this?

"Haha, I'm invincible."

Johnny laughed and threw a fireball at Spider-Man again. At this moment, a metal human came in front of Spider-Man and blocked it, absorbing all the flames.

"My friend, Carl, here you are."

Spider-Man said happily. The person who came was the Absorbing Man, Carl Creel, who used Uru metal to become a metal man.

"Spider-Man, when will you stop your habit of calling everyone your friend? Isn't that why Electro hates you?"

Absorbing Man shook his head, strode towards the Human Torch, and the Human Torch roared, firing flames at the Absorbing Man one after another, but they were all swallowed by him.

"Your fire is much worse than that of the Sin Buster's."

Absorbing Man shook his head, walked toward Human Torch, and raised his fist to stun him, just at this moment, a hand suddenly appeared and grabbed his wrist.

Absorbing Man turned his head and saw an arm several meters long. He asked the middle-aged man opposite in shock, "Are you mutated?"

"My body became rubber." Reed said: "Absorbing Man, it's just a misunderstanding, I can explain it."

"Go to the police station and explain that you have committed a crime by setting fire to a lot of trees and trash cans."

Absorbing Man used these righteous words, as he's familiar with them because others have said this to him before.

"You want to arrest me? I don't believe you can't be burned to death."

Human Torch was furious and was about to throw more fire, but Absorbing Man kicked him away. Then, he pulled hard, and Reed flew towards him involuntarily.

"That's not good."

Reed's body instantly softened, entangling the Absorbing Man like rubber, Absorbing Man shouted angrily, and the whole body burned with fire - the flame that was absorbed before.

Reed was burned and hurriedly backed away, and the Absorbing Man was about to pursue him when the Stone man rushed over and knocked him away, sending him flying.

Spider-Man immediately fired web at the Stone man, and the Human Torch immediately threw flames at him.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and the flames were blown away. Then, Wind Demon appeared in front of everyone in the form of a gust of wind.

"It's very lively here."

Power Man and Jessica also appeared here, it was the police who asked for help.

Spider-Man shouted, "Hey, Stone Thing, Pyro guy, Rubber guy, it's not too late for you to surrender."

"I will not surrender."

The flames of the Human Torch soared, he was furious and attacked the Wind demon, and the wind demon turned into a gust of wind, either avoiding or scattering away the flames.

"I'll do it."

The Absorbing Man got up and prepared to deal with the Human Torch, Reed entangled him again, and the Absorbing Man said angrily: "Do you know that your move is disgusting, I'm not interested in men."

Reed shouted: "I'm not interested either, but it's just a misunderstanding. You let us go, we're not bad people."

"What's the matter, go to the police station and explain."

Absorbing Man sneered, he thought for a while, turned himself into a rubber body, then stretched his arms and hit Reed on the head, Reed immediately counterattacked, and the two rubber men entangled and fought.

Stone man was about to go to help Reed when a row of bullets hit him suddenly, Jessica controlled the glider to shoot. Seeing that the Stone man was completely unharmed, she whistled and said, "Your body is quite sturdy."

"You want to kill me?"

Stone man was furious, and rushed towards Jessica with a rumble. Power Man blocked him and was directly got hit by the Stone man. Seeing this, Jessica immediately jumped down to help Power Man.

Spider-Man wanted to help Power Man and the others but was stopped by Susan Storm.

Susan shouted, "Spider-Man, this is just a misunderstanding, let us go."

"I'm sorry, you have already committed the crime, and I must arrest you."

Spider-Man shook his head, the surroundings were damaged like this, how could it be possible for them to leave?

"Then I have no choice."

Susan sighed and started to undress, Spider-Man was stunned, what's the situation, why do you want to undress?

At this moment, Susan suddenly disappeared, leaving only a few clothes floating in the air. Then, Susan took off all the remaining clothes and disappeared completely.

"Ah, invisibility? Does this ability require you to take off your clothes?"

Spider-Man was stunned. At this moment, he sensed something and jumped to the side. Susan kicked in the air.

"Ma'am, it's not good for you to fight without clothes on!"

Spider-Man scratched his head, he didn't want to fight a naked woman, even if he couldn't see her.

"It's okay, no one can see it anyway."

Susan said proudly, and at the same time launched attacks on Spider-Man one after another. Spider-Man did not dare to fight back at all and kept dodging in embarrassment. Susan couldn't help laughing. This Spider-Man is just a child.

At this moment, Susan's invisibility suddenly failed, and a beautiful lady without clothes appeared in front of everyone, Spider-Man quickly covered his eyes.

"Wow, what a great figure."

Power Man blew a whistle, and the crowd took out their mobile phones one after another. Susan was embarrassed and vanished again clutching her body. Everyone was disappointed and continued to watch the fight.

At this moment, the Sin Buster flew over and shouted: "Enough, stop immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing the Sin Buster, Reed's expression changed, and he hurriedly shouted: "Wait, I know Mr. Wang, we are not bad people."


Damon turned his head to look at Reed, he was taken aback by Reed's current situation - Reed and the Absorbing Man were tightly intertwined like two rubber bands, it looked so weird.

"Your style is unique."

Damon shook his head. He called Bert and explained the current situation.

Bert said, "Project me."


Damon nodded and Bert's holographic projection appeared.

"Reed, Carl, what are you guys doing?"

Bert looked at Reed and Carl who were entangled together, a little speechless, this is too philosophical, right?

Both Reed and Absorbing Man were a little embarrassed, and the two wanted to change back, but couldn't be separated because they were so wrapped up with each other.

Susan shouted, "Mr. Wang, we don't want to cause trouble, we will go back to the hospital obediently."

Bert didn't see Susan, knowing she was invisible, shook his head, and said, "This is not good, you have to go to the police station after causing such a big incident. Well, you go back to the police station with Sin Buster first, and I'll bail you out later. "


Johnny roared, and Bert said to Damon: "Knock that kid out, he probably caused this incident."

"Just you? I'm invincible."

Johnny shouted arrogantly, Damon waved the chain expressionlessly, and with a bang, Johnny was smashed and flew out and fainted on the ground.

Then, the flames on his body went out, revealing a naked body, and the crowd picked up their mobile phones again. Today, they first saw a beautiful naked woman, and now a strong naked man.


Susan shouted worriedly, and Damon said: "Don't worry, I held back. You three surrender without causing more problems. In your case, Mr. Wang guarantees you, so as long as you pay for the loss, you can come out immediately."

Reed hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, we'll go back with you."

"Very good."

Bert nodded with satisfaction, and said to Damon: "Look after them, they are not bad people."

Damon nodded: "Understood."

Then, Bert disappeared, and Ben sighed, patted his head angrily, and said, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I've hurt you all."

Reed smiled bitterly: "Ben, it's me who implicated you. If I hadn't asked you to go to the space station with me, you wouldn't be like this at all."

"When you come to the police station, you will have plenty of time to talk."

Damon came over. He looked at Reed and Carl, and said with a headache: "How are you going to separate? You can't be carried into the police station like this, right?"

"Forcibly separate us, the rubber physique will not be easily injured."

Reed shouted, Damon thought for a while and asked Power Man to help, Reed's posture with Absorbing Man was so bad that he was afraid of having nightmares at night.

Seeing that the matter was over, the Invisible Woman hurried over to get dressed, Spider-Man saw the clothes floating one by one, couldn't help but remember the previous picture, and quickly covered his nose.

Susan came over, and glared at Spider-Man, then picked up a piece of cloth from the side and covered Johnny.

Spider-Man was greatly embarrassed and quickly went to put out the fire with Jessica. After a while, the Fireman came, and several people joined forces to extinguish all the flames.

Then, Damon took the four back to the police station. The whole thing was over. Although the New Yorkers were curious, they didn't care much. After all, there are too many such things in New York.

In the experimental base, Bert put down the phone and turned his eyes to the ruins below. That's right, the ruins, that were forcibly beaten by two Monsters.

These two ferocious monsters, the humanoid lizard dragon Elektra and the Hulk, attacked each other frantically, and wherever they passed, whether it was trees or buildings, they all collapsed.

"Elektra has completely mastered her power. Her current level is comparable to the Hulk who is not completely angry."

Betty held a tablet recording various information and said to Bert: "However, Elektra has limited potential, and Hulk has unlimited potential, and his power has been slowly increasing."

"The Hulk is a growing kid."

Bert smiled and said, "Betty, it seems that you are completely used to the existence of Hulk."

"It was scary at first, but I feel better now."

Betty smiled, and at this moment, Elektra below threw Hulk heavily to the ground, the ground rumbled and vibrated, Elektra opened her mouth and bit Hulk's neck, Hulk slammed Elektra's head, Almost knocked out all of her teeth.

The two started to fight again, and Bert shouted: "This is the end for today, Elektra, Hulk, change back."

Both of them roared at Bert in dissatisfaction at the same time, obviously wanting to continue fighting. Bert looked at them with a smile on his face, and the two of them felt a chill in their hearts.

Elektra was naturally the red-clothed ninja, while Banner was sitting in the ruins wearing big pants. He looked at Elektra enviously and asked, "Where did you buy your clothes?"

Elektra asked, "Why, do you want to wear women's clothes?"

"There should be a men's model, right? Even if there isn't, it's better than it is now."

Banner smiled bitterly: "It's better for you, being on the magic side, and you can change clothes at any time."

"Wait for a few days. I'll get you a suit." Bert smiled and said, "Banner, go back to rest with Betty first."


Banner got up and said, "Bert, I have an experiment to do recently. Try to delay the next test."

Bert nodded: "No problem, we'll test it after you finish the experiment."

When the two left, Bert asked Elektra, "Are you okay?"

"No, except that I'm not used to the new fighting style, everything else is good."

Erica said: "I am a top assassin."

"Rush in and kill all of them, leaving no one behind. They are also top assassins."

Bert shrugged. At this moment, his phone rang again, and Damon called again: "Bert, Tony Stark came to bail those four guys."