
Marvel: Ghost

Adam, a transmigrated soul who travels to Marvel world, recovers his memories only after his parents were killed, he started a way of vendeta until a friend stops him, now he must return to his normal life as a teenager who is just about to end Highschool, but will he be able to be just a normal boy again? sonner or later he will find himself envolved on this superhero stuff even against his will.

Demon_12 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


Despite staying away from most of his schoolmates, Gwen had somehow managed to get him to a party thrown by one of his classmates.

Gwen had tricked him by asking him to accompany her to a science exhibition, however, instead she ended up dragging him to a party.

Apparently one of the popular kids at school had a birthday that day and had decided it was a good idea to invite the whole school to celebrate, unfortunately for Adam, since he kept his distance from the others and ignored them for the most part. time, he had never heard of such an event. Gwen cunningly used this to her advantage and tricked him into accompanying her.

While surrounded by hormonal teenagers and electronic music, Adam found himself taking refuge in the only thing that could help him get through this experience, alcohol.

While drinking his tenth beer, Adam began to feel even more frustrated as he realized another of the drawbacks of his powers, apparently his high stamina and fast metabolism prevented him from getting drunk.

"Great," Adam grumbled as he headed upstairs away from the noise of the party.

However, just when Adam was looking for a quiet corner to rest, he noticed a group of boys dragging a girl with platinum hair semi-unconscious while lustful smiles adorned her face.

Adam quickly realized how bad this situation could turn out for the girl, however, since he did not know the boys' true intentions he decided to wait and see, silently and without anyone noticing, Adam slipped into the shadows while the boys continued.

The group of boys dragged the young woman to a room almost at the end of the hallway and threw her onto her bed. After checking that no one had noticed them, they locked the door and surrounded the young woman.

"Oh, Felicia, Felicia, I told you that you were going to regret rejecting me bitch" said one of the boys in all mockery while holding the girl's face and forcing her to look at him.

"Look at you now, bitch, you could have been my girlfriend, and we would have had fun, but you decided to reject me so now you will become my toy" the same young man mocked.

"hahahaha brat, I told you I had an excellent birthday gift for you," said another of the boys to the young man who was about to take revenge for having been rejected.

"You certainly showed off Jeff, as a reward I'll let you and Michael have fun with her after I'm done," Brat promised as he began to tear off the girl's shirt who, despite being drugged, had a terrified look.

"And cut…" just at that moment, Adam emerged from the shadows of the room with his cell phone after having recorded the entire scene.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get here? Brat interrogated menacingly as Michael and Jeff surrounded Adam cutting off his escape routes.

"Wow, that's scary, have you ever thought about being an actor? The villain role would suit you very well" Adam mocked.

"I even have the video of your debut here," he added as he showed the video he had recorded on his cell phone.

"I can already see the headlines, the big bad wolf abusing a defenseless girl," Adam scoffed.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you, you idiot? Don't you realize we have you surrounded?" Brat replied in a mocking tone.

"hahahaha, do you think you and your lackeys scare me?" Adam asked between laughs.

"You have no idea who you're messing with!!" Brat threatened as Asia signaled to his friends to prepare to attack Adam.

"You're right, I have no idea who I'm messing with," Adam said, earning a mocking smile from Brat and his friends.

"And to be honest, I don't give a damn about the identity of a piece of shit like you," Adam added this time with a contemptuous voice, making the trio of boys unconsciously shiver with fear.

"What are you waiting for, take that damn cell phone away," Brat ordered his cronies after recovering from the sudden fear.

The two boys hesitated for a moment however they still ran in Adam's direction in an attempt to knock him down.

Seeing this Adam looked at them with contempt and let them approach, then just when they were within reach Adam grabbed Michael by the neck and lifted him into the air while using his left hand to hold the fist that Jeff had thrown.

Horrified as he felt his breath being taken away, Michael began to struggle to free himself from Adam's grip, but any struggle was useless, Jeff for his part felt as if his hand was broken as Adam began to tighten his grip on him. fist, soon Michael's cries for help and Jeff's howls of pain attracted the attention of some people nearby. Sensing the presences approaching, Adam proceeded to throw Michael against the door. When he collided with it, the door shattered, and Michael was left unconscious on the floor.

Then Adam took Jeff's arm and dislocated it with a jerk, causing him to scream in pain, then hit him in the neck, leaving him unconscious.

Once he finished with the two henchmen, Adam headed towards Brat who, upon seeing him approach, fell on his buttocks in panic and began to crawl away from Adam while the urine ran down his pants and stained the floor.

"How disgusting," Adam said when he noticed the foul smell coming from brat, apparently he had not only urinated himself but had also defecated on himself out of fear.

At that moment Adam heard many people approaching due to the commotion, for a moment he considered going ahead and beating the young man in front of everyone, but when he saw the girl half naked and lying on the bed trembling with fear, a trace doubt crossed his mind, shaking his head at the situation, Adam looked at the boy who was crawling in front of him, and without hesitation he stomped hard on his calf, dislocating his femur, that was the least he could do considering what what he had done to his companions, in this way everyone would be relatively equal.

After that he turned around, ignoring the trio of teenagers, and walked towards the girl on the bed. He quickly took off his jacket and used it to cover the young woman's exposed body.

Fortunately, due to the training Adam followed, her body was quite large so her jacket was enough to cover the girl's torso and hide most of her face. Just after covering her with her jacket, the crowd of teenagers began to arrive at the room. Upon seeing the state of their three classmates, they all screamed in fear.

Soon the curious group, ignoring his fear, looked into the room only to see Adam holding a girl while he was talking on the phone.

"Halo, Matt?" Greeting Adam, who had decided to call his trusted lawyer to help him get out of this problem.

"Listen Matt don't be alarmed, but i could have some trouble," Adam explained.

"Don't worry, it's not what you think, it's just that I probably need a lawyer, I'll explain the details to you later, for now could you meet me at the metropolitan hospital?" "I need to take someone there," Adam added.

After a moment, Adam ended the call, then calmly carried the semi-conscious girl princess style and left the room towards her car.

Seeing the shocked boys gathered around the door Adam just shook his head in exasperation.

"Would someone be so kind as to call an ambulance?" Adam asked the crowd.

Soon a girl raised her hand.

"Great, tell them that there are three injured boys, one has a dislocated knee, another has a dislocated arm and hand, and the last one has a bruise on the head and a broken nose," Adam explained after which he continued on his way to the exit while carrying the girl, the boys, upon seeing him, moved out of the way scared, letting him pass without any problem.

Going down the stairs, Adam quickly found Gwen having fun with her friends, so with the girl still in his arms he approached her.

"Gwen, I'm sorry, but we have to go," Adam said. Gwen felt a little disappointed when she heard him, but when she saw the girl in his arms and the crowd of students looking at him and recording with their cell phones, she realized that something big had happened. passed, so without hesitation, she said goodbye to her friends and then followed Adam out of the party to his car.

Once inside the car, Adam proceeded to drive to the metropolitan hospital while he told Gwen what happened.

Upon learning what Brat and her friends were about to do to her, Gwen became enraged, however, Adam quickly calmed her down. After calming down she began to panic, worried about the measures that Brat's families and their friends could take against Adam, he tried to reassure her by telling her that everything was under control and that his lawyer was already aware of what happened, Still, Gwen insisted on calling her father and telling him what had happened.

So, between calls and discussions they soon arrived at the hospital, Adam quickly parked the car in the emergency area and then carried Felicia towards the entrance, upon seeing the unconscious girl, a paramedic and a couple of nurses ran up to them, Adam quickly approached them. He told the situation while the doctors began to stabilize Felicia to avoid an overdose due to the number of drugs that Brat and his friends had made her consume.

At the same time, they searched through the girl's belongings and after finding her cell phone they dialed the emergency contact, who, from what Adam could hear, was her mother who was rushing to the hospital.

here we are, back to the main plot, hope you enjoy it.

thanks for the support

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