
Marvel: Get Super Serum at the Beginning

Qin Xiao traveled through time, and the system arrived as promised! Portal to world, Marvel Cinematic Universe detected? What's happening here? Qin Xiao, who thought he was traveling through a series of time travels, discovered that the so-called real world was just an abandoned timeline of Marvel! It's not brainless, the timeline and events and characters are rigorous and doesn't distort the characters.

ArdalaanMeer · Anime e quadrinhos
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95 Chs

Chapter 76: Illuminati

When Qin Xiao and Tony walked out of the ward, Ivan Vanke's curses in Russian and English came from inside.

The police outside thought Qin Xiao and Tony had done something to the prisoner, and they looked nervous.

In fact, what made Ivan Vanke most uncomfortable was not that Tony escaped palladium poisoning in the end, but when Tony showed off his new Ark reactor and told its origins.

Ivan Vanko felt that his father had truly lost to Howard Stark, which was the hardest thing for him to accept.

In fact, no matter how big or small the contribution to a matter is, the person who is driven away will always feel that it is all his own contribution and will describe the person who drove him away as useless.

Ivan Vanke has believed since he was a child that Howard Stark was just a businessman seeking fame and reputation, not a scientist at all.

All his achievements came from his father and other scientists.

So when he learned that Tony Stark's father had invented a new element decades ago and greatly improved the power of the Ark reactor, it was just that it was limited by the technology at the time and could not be manufactured.

He couldn't accept it.

"Tony, this guy is now a living Ark Reactor. I don't know how many people are staring at him. The stick in your hand is about to be taken by others."

Qin Xiao walked out of the hospital and said quietly to Tony.

Qin Xiao said these words after some inner struggle.

From the beginning, Qin Xiao felt that his greatest advantage was his omniscience and omnipotence.

Although he had seen Loki's trailer before traveling through time and knew about the existence of the Time Variation Administration, he always believed that there was a system in place to prevent him from being discovered by them.

But what Gu Yi said changed Qin Xiao's mind.

He still won't think about how to change the plot, but he won't follow the plot honestly either.

It's up to your own heart. Since the butterfly wings are already flapping no matter what, then flap them more naturally and freely.

So when Ivan Vanke was left in the hospital, Qin Xiao knew that if he followed the original plot, he would still be rescued by Justin Hammer.

Of course Qin Xiao didn't care if there was another fight in the end, but he chose to stand as a friend and gave Tony a little warning.

After all, Ivan Vanko was mainly targeting Tony Stark.

"Inform Nick Fury and let him solve it?"

The two of them stood on the beach in front of the hospital. Tony thought about it for a long time and asked tentatively.

"To be honest, I absolutely trust Nick Fury when it comes to protecting the world, but don't forget, Tony, behind him is the World Security Council, which is full of politicians from various governments. , you know how eager the US government is to get your armor."

Regarding this issue, the two discussed this issue when they first went to the Middle East. At that time, they were thinking of forming a secret organization that would be independent of SHIELD and the Avengers in the future.

It is used to solve some problems that are hindered in certain places. At a large scale, it can protect the world more unfettered, and at a smaller scale, it can protect the world.

The last time they killed the Ten Rings Gang in the Middle East, and Qin Xiao's solo trip to Mexico to uproot the drug lords were among them.

Of course, Qin Xiao went there mostly for other people's money.

"Actually, I even thought of a name and made a mobile app!"

Tony opened the desktop of his mobile phone, and there was an APP called the Illuminati on it. (I don't know when Marvel will fill in this Easter egg for Iron Man 2. After all, Iron Man is dead. You can fill it in yourself, but the members must be different from those in the comics. After all, this is a movie universe.)


Qin Xiao looked at Tony's mobile phone with interest.

"I haven't fully developed it yet. It's actually similar to a chat + task sharing software. It detects crises, uploads tasks, and solves them nearby. Of course, it's mainly for confidential communication!"

Before going to the Middle East, it can be said that Qin Xiao planted a seed in advance for the future independence of the Avengers.

But after going to the Middle East and seeing the massacre, Qin Xiao's mind changed slightly. He really felt that some organizations and people should be dealt with directly in extreme ways.

After meeting Gu Yi, Qin Xiao had more ideas.

But these are not important now. What is important is that Tony and the two have reached an agreement.

"Now I can fill in the name Ivan Vanko."

Tony said as he opened the APP on his phone.

"You can just put a cross on his name and there will be no tomorrow for him!"

Qin Xiao turned his head and glanced at the hospital and said.


As soon as he finished speaking, a huge explosion occurred in the hospital opposite.

The power of the explosion was not only to blow up a hospital dozens of stories high in the middle.

The power of the shock wave swept across the entire street.

Qin Xiao had sharp eyes and quick hands, and turned around to protect Tony.

It blocked a large amount of steel, concrete and even many messy things in the shock wave that would pose a fatal danger to ordinary people.

All the debris from the explosion was blocked, but the shock wave still pushed the two people who were caught off guard into the sea.


Qin Xiao pulled Tony, and they both emerged from the water and spit out a mouthful of sea water.

The entire hospital was completely destroyed by the bomb, falling sideways and hitting another building nearby.

Dust filled the streets, vehicle sirens, and cries for help from the ruins.

"Save people first!"

Tony glanced at the hospital with complicated eyes. This Iron Man with a strong sense of responsibility blamed himself for everything.

Qin Xiao glanced at him, said nothing, swam to the front of the car they drove and was slowly sinking into the water, punched into the trunk, and pulled Tony's Mark 5 out.

With the built-in scanning function of Tony's steel armor and Qin Xiao's inhuman strength, the two of them cooperated with the government officials who arrived later and rescued all the people trapped below one by one.

"Not counting minor injuries, fifty-two people were seriously injured and thirty-seven died. Among them was a pregnant woman and five children! One is missing!"

Tony had a gloomy face and gave Qin Xiao a few figures.

Qin Xiao's face didn't look very good either. This kind of thing was just a number in the news.

But now that you are optimistic about those dead lives, especially if there are children inside, it is definitely an impact that makes people's blood surge.

"Ivan Vanko?"

Qin Xiao said the name without thinking. If only one person was missing, it could only be him.