

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime e quadrinhos
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82 Chs

V2 Chapter 7 - Back 'To the Future'

(AN - This volume will be finished today with 1.5 more chapters.)

I woke up with a start and looked around

I was in a messy room, in a bed that was more like a mattress lying on the floor.

As I get up and find my balance.

I remembered being in darkness and something just pushed me out into the light.

I remember living with my father and his death.

I remembered living in the orphanage.

I remember being picked up by the military.

I remembered the training, the missions and the spying.

I remembered my Final Flight, Jumping out of the plane, a flash of white, the pain like never before.

And then I remembered her.

Diana Prince.

And I remembered myself, I am Steve Trevor.

Then came a memory of places I have never been buildings touching the sky and being there.

I felt myself standing in the middle of a devastated land surrounded by lightning and fire and I saw someone and nothing.

Then I just woke up here.

As I walked around the room and looked into the mirror, what I saw was not my own face.

I don't know how I got here.

As I looked around for any clues I came across an Identification Document, the face I have now belongs to someone named Kristoffer and he's an engineer.

I looked at the birth date and it said 1966, I searched for a calendar and I realized it was 1984 and I am in Washington D.C.

I was shocked and confused at this revelation, so I decided to look for help and find someone I knew, I looked through the phonebook and I only found someone unexpected.

Diana Prince living here in Washington D.C.

So I confirmed her address and set out to see if it was truly her.

As I reached her apartment and saw her coming out, I stood there stunned.

There she was Just like I saw her, like time decided to leave her alone.

And I just stared at her walking away.

Then I did what I was trained to do, stalk her, gather information and look for a chance to talk to her.

Though navigating the current roads proved difficult for me and I lost her until I found her workplace and as there was a gala going on, I the spy stole someone's clothes and infiltrated.

As I kept searching around for her, I finally saw her and tried to approach her and when I saw she didn't respond I said

"I am Steve Diana!"(Steve)

"What did you say?"(Diana)

"I am Steve Trevor."(Steve)

"I don't know how you found that name mister, but if it's your idea of a joke, it is not funny."(Diana)

'Oh, she's angry.'

"Don't you have a rope used to bind animals?"(Steve)


"All men are animals."(Steve)

"If you still don't believe me you can use that lasso of Hestia on me."(Steve)

And she suddenly kissed me, it was unexpected but I ain't complaining.

After we went out of the building I told her all I could remember

I told her about jumping off the plane to fulfil my dream and the white flash and waking up here.

"That flash was probably lightning."(Diana)

"That could be right, So I was flying in the sky and was killed by a lightning strike."(Steve)

"How unlucky, to be hit directly."(Steve)

"No, it was probably because Ares caused a lot of lightning strikes and one just hit you."(Diana)

"That's even worse."(Steve)

'Dying from natural disaster I can somehow console myself but dying from a natural disaster caused by my enemy, what are the chances, not that it matters now.'

We spent the night together in Kristoffer's house and once again I dreamt of myself standing in the middle of devastation surrounded by lightning and fire.

And the silhouette I saw looked like Diana in her battle armour.

I quickly woke up and looked around and saw her sleeping beside me.

As I thought back to what happened yesterday I realized she loved me too but I knew my presence here was not natural.

And with the whole Ares bullshit being a thing, it seemed like a whole new trouble to me.

And as much as I am happy to meet her again I don't know how much time I have. 

I can feel I am supposed to be somewhere else and I thought back to the scene I saw in my dreams.

After Diana woke up and we got ready we started to look for how I got here, and Lo and Behold it's because of a wishing stone.

So we went out to search for it and we found some Maxwell Lord had it and we made our way to his workplace.

After we infiltrated his office we found the casing of the stone.

And Diana identified it as the language of Gods that was written on it.

Diana asked her friend to find out more about the stone's origin.

"We need to find out which God made it and what powers it."(Diana)

"Well it says about wishing and you wished me back, so maybe hope or love."(Steve)

I said as I looked through the bin and found tickets to Cairo.

When I looked at the time and other things on the ticket I was amazed at how much better this plane was than anything I ever flew.

"Yeah, but we can't get you on one because you don't have a passport."(Diana)

"I don't want to get on one, I want to fly the plane."(Steve)

And so we stole a plane and flew and to escape the pursuers Diana made it invisible.

'Didn't know she could do that.'

After we reached Cairo and a fight with a troop of armed men following Maxwell Lord I realized Diana's condition was not right.

After failing to capture Maxwell Lord, Diana received news that the stone had travelled all over the world and whichever civilization possessed it collapsed catastrophically.

'That doesn't sound ominous at all.'