

Rudra(Ryan) Angelo had a secret he had memories of his past life, but his life was otherwise fine but after realizing he was in Marvel world and soon the death of his parents he struggles between his desire for revenge and finding the purpose of his life as his journey leads him to possibilities beyond he could have ever imagined. AN- The first and second volume sets up the background for the story, so please bear with me a little. PS- I do not claim any ownership to Marvel and all rights to the original belong to relevant studios.

NPCthatKILLS · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
82 Chs


(AN - There has been a correction in chapter 6 as I reduced the number of Surya namaskar cycles a peak human can perform to 18. And the biggest chapter till now coming right up.)


After the 'talk' with the Avengers Rudra left the Avengers tower and made his way to an electronics store to buy a new cell phone as his previous one didn't survive the fight.

(AN- If he had a Nokia he could have used it as a shield.)

After he got a new cell phone he called Danny back and told him he would be staying in New York for a while.

He went to the closest Real Estate Agent and bought himself a house ready to move in near the suburbs of New York texted Danny his new address and went to sleep in a hotel for the night.

And the next day at dawn he went to the rooftop garden of the hotel and did his morning routine he was astonished to discover that he could complete 14 cycles now with a little to spare and he remembered the last talk about this with Lei Kung before leaving Kunlun.

-----Flashback technique ----

"Old man the next time we meet I will beat you in a fight."(Rudra)

"Keep dreaming boy."(Lei Kung)

"How about I prove it to you right now?"(Rudra)

"Oh how far have you gotten with your morning routine?"(Lei Kung)

"Nine cycles I am already halfway there."(Rudra)

"No it means you are just beginning."(Lei Kung)

"After the 12th increasing that number will be much harder." (Lei Kung)

"And what is the minimum to defeat you?"(Rudra)

"To even stand a chance you will need at least 21 under your belt."(Lei Kung)

"But didn't you say the theoretical limit is 18?"(Rudra)

"Yes, but I also said there is no upper limit. You couldn't go beyond 18 with mere peak human strength and after reaching 18 every further increase is a chasm."(Lei Kung)


"Because each one of the 24 movements contains acceleration, movement and deceleration and to reduce the time of a movement the inertia you will have to overcome will increase exponentially and other factors like air resistance etc., it is basic physics."(Lei Kung spoke sarcastically)

"Shit. I will beat you someday."(Rudra)

----Flashback technique on cooldown----

Till a few days ago the number of cycles he could complete was a few seconds short of 11 and now the number suddenly jumped to 14 he realized something happened within his body when he lost himself to anger, he just didn't know what.

After he completed his routine he spent all day doing and thinking nothing in his hotel room.

He moved to his new house the next day as all the furniture had already arrived and spent the next day shopping for daily necessities.

On the first morning, he woke up in his house he did his morning training in the backyard garden and went out for breakfast and when he returned he found a walking-talking suit of armour in his living room.

"What are you doing here Mr. Stark?"(Rudra)

"We had a deal training room, stark shares blah blah remember?"

"Okay then do you want a drink?"(Rudra)

"Oh I'm not here, come to Avengers Tower you know the way." said the armour as the helmet opened showing its empty insides and went out of the door and flew off.


As I changed my clothes and made my way to the Avengers tower I questioned the reliability of the security system of my new house but then I realized it would be a waste of money to upgrade it anyway as it wouldn't help much if anyone that is anyone in this world decided to drop by and decided to add security system in my training room's features.

I entered the Stark tower and entered the top floor to find Mr.Stark on a phone call with Ms. Pepper Potts he looked at me and spoke

"Look he is here Ryan meet Pepper and Pepper meet Ryan."(Tony)

"Mr. Angelo Tony has told me about the deal of you wanting a training room in exchange for Stark shares are you sure you want to go through with it because I feel you are losing out quite a bit."(Pepper Potts)

'Her complexion and posture feel weird, I see, so that's how it is.'

"Hey don't dissuade him, I finally got such a beneficial deal for you and you are pushing it out."(Tony)

"Don't listen to him Mr. Angelo, if he is pressuring you I can assure you that I can have him build you your training facility for a lot less."(Pepper Potts)

"Thank you for your kindness mam and then I would like to add a clause on my part."

"Oh damn, what is it?"(Tony)

"I want Miss Potts to be the party who will be receiving the shares from me."

"Then you can have her build your training room too."(Tony)

"Are you sure Mr. Stark because from what I can tell Miss Potts appears to be pregnant?"

"What?!!" Pepper and Tony were both shocked at the revelation.

"Are you sure?" Tony asked

"You do know that I was named a medical prodigy, have heightened senses and studied a lot about the human body right? Well her posture and body condition screams early pregnancy to me."

"I will go to the hospital to check, meanwhile Tony you will finish your business with Mr Ryan before I call you back." and she hung up the call.

"Man, are you sure?" Tony asked again.


"Really really sure??"(Tony being Toney)

"Mr. Stark you are losing time."

"Right, so tell me what you need from your training room?" (Tony)

'Looks like someone's in a hurry.'

"First a security system which tells me if anyone other than me enters, anything that you can put to have my body go through harsh physical exercise, extreme pressure, test my decision making and neural responses to the limits oh and something that ensures I survive and an override of that survival failsafe that only I can activate."

"Ok how much do you want the upper limit of difficulty to be?"(Tony)

"Enough that Captain Rogers calls it hard and that he can't do it all day."

"Ok, you can go now while I wait for my call." and he rushed me out.

Later that evening Mr. Stark called to ask if I could use any weapon and I told him I could use a sword, he said he would make me one as a gift for this morning and hung up.

Eight days later I received papers to a property 10 minutes drive from my house and when I reached I found a house identical to mine with a gift box a sword made of vibranium with an adamantium edge that could collapse into an armguard and a manual for the training room in the basement.

After sending the papers for the shares to Ms Potts in a gift box my life as a shut-in started and I spent the next four years something spending most of the time training with occasional outings with Danny and Colleen or having dinner with Tony, Pepper and their daughter Morgan until that happened.

This morning I just finished my daily morning routine and like the last year and a half I am stuck at just 4 movements short of 18 cycles but no matter what I do I can't improve so I just left it at that and went into the house.

I was in my living room cooking for myself when my instinct told me to jump back which I did and a robot burst inside the room breaking the wall and my stove causing a small blast and spoke

"Mutant detected, proceeding for elimination."


As the robot made his way towards Rudra he jumped up and kicked it in the chest sending it skidding back and he realized he wouldn't win with his fists.

So he ran to the living room and picked up the gauntlet which instantly turned into a sword and used it to cut the robot's arm seeing it put the arm back in place, he attacked the glowing orb in its chest and cut it up putting it down for good.

He picked up my phone from the table and called Mr. Stark who could not be reached. He then called Danny and when the call connected he spoke.

"Danny come to my house, I need some help."

(AN - I will not be describing the training room.)