
Marvel: Cultured Reader System

After years of treatment, Dante lost his battle with cancer. But instead of finding peace, he wakes up in a new body, in a world he already knows. Now, Dante has the powers of a cultured reader. Be a man of culture and follow Dante's journey as he conquers women and kicks villains' asses! "Fighting the Superior Iron Man? Easy" "Gwen Stacy? I saved her and she's in my harem!" "Thanos? He's just a purple guy with my Reader Knowledge!" "Captain Marvel? She was giving me a head!" Patreon. com / SleepyGodWN

SleepyGod · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 15

When Illyana managed to catch her breath, she looked adorable. Her eyes were red, as was the tip of her nose. She had spent a long time crying, which I didn't intervene in. Throughout the process, I just showed my support with affection and understanding.

Now that she had released those negative feelings, she was in a much better mood. Dancing around, she was helping me prepare popcorn to eat while we watched a movie.

"It's been years since I've seen a movie, I wonder how Hollywood is doing," I commented, imagining that Illyana might say something else.

However, she turned to me with an uncertain face. "To tell you the truth, I don't remember watching many movies. Belasco didn't have a television," she said, then laughed.

Okay... Laughing at a trauma was a good sign, that was a sign of a good mood.

"How did it go with the X-men? I said, while putting salt on the popcorn"

Illyana sat down on the kitchen worktop, stretching. "They're still the same, in a good way and in a bad way. Compared to the monastery, the X-men seem like a fraternity for people with superpowers"

I looked at her with an indignant face. "What do you mean?" I said as if that was the biggest offense in the world. Illyana started laughing, and that brought a smile back to my face.

Thank you, unknown goddess, I really love this girl.

"I don't know, I mean, they're well-behaved in Xavier's presence. But when he's away, I don't know, It's too much gossip to handle" She said, holding out her hand to take some popcorn.

I nodded, waiting for more comments. Illyana stared at me as she chewed some more popcorn, until she finally swallowed and continued talking.

"One of the younger mutants, aged fourteen, has had a child with another mutant aged fifteen. They're having several meetings about sex education, and well, a lot of people are complaining about the dormitory changes. It's just waaay too much for me to handle"

That news was surprising, but not that surprising, it was obvious that putting a bunch of hormonal teenagers in a single mansion would have this kind of result. "Funny, none of the apprentices tried to do that sort of thing in the monastery"

"They have individual rooms," Illyana commented, as if it were obvious.

"Oh... Okay... That explains a lot"

During my days on Kamar-Taj I was just too afraid to even crack a honk and have some self pleasure. I mean, it took a long time for me to understand where I could go to be truly alone for a couple of hours.

Illyana teleported to the sofa, while I had to walk over. Handing her the bowl of popcorn, I sat down and we began to choose the movies that were available in the television's catalog.

To my surprise, most of the movies in that dimension resembled the ones in my world. There was a version of Titanic and even films about the Second World War. However, it was understandable that there were no films about superheroes like those from Marvel.

Instead, that dimension had documentaries about the battles and achievements of the most famous teams. The X-men, Fantastic Four and Avengers even had their own catalog.

As I went through the selection, it was impossible not to think how useful this could be for me. Until then, I had been relying on the [Readers Eye] skill to find out a lot of information that should be common sense to anyone living in that world.

Even with the remote control in hand, it was Lya who chose the movie. While she happily ate her popcorn, she kept saying out loud which ones she wanted to watch or not. In the end, we decided to watch four generic romance movies.

I guess I should binge watch all these super-hero documentaries to understand how this world properly works. Dammit, if only I had a friend like Ned that could explain all this bullshit to me.


When I woke up, Illyana had left a note on my desk. Again, she had gone to the X-men's mansion. The night before, she hadn't gone into too much detail about what the X-men were like; to tell the truth, it was as if she didn't want to talk about them too much.

Maybe it was family problems? Well, even with a little hesitation, I decided to explore New York City a little. Walking through the streets was relatively quiet, although it was clear from the news that there were many crimes happening all the time.

The percentage of people with the mutant factor in their genes was relatively high, which meant that super criminals weren't that uncommon. With great powers come great opportunities.

"Spider-man?" a woman shouted, a couple of feet ahead of me.

Quickening my steps, I ran towards the commotion. A block ahead, Spider-man was fighting a completely black monster on the wall. "Is it... Venom?" I said, a little surprised.

Just yesterday I had met a symbiote, so the possibility was not zero. Perhaps an invasion was about to take place.

"Ugh! That hurt!" one man said, reacting to the fight.

Spider-man wasn't having a very good day, that Venom looked twice his size. With his arms immobilized, Spider-man was receiving several punches to his stomach. As people watched the fight in commotion, Venom laughed as he stomped on the spider.

In the blink of an eye, I appeared next to both of them. Using a simple spell, I walked around the building as if gravity had taken a turn. "Need some help?"

Peter just nodded as he tried to move his arms. The Venom's goo had immobilized his legs and arms, making him unable to cast webs or react to attacks.

The creature turned to me, furious "You! How can you humiliate us like that?"

Now that I was close, I could tell who I was talking to. That wasn't Venom, but Misstress Venom. The creature's body split down the middle, revealing a seductive goth mommy. Ember wasn't naked this time, she was wearing a bra underneath the black goo.

"You! With your energy I could be invincible!" she shouted, Ember didn't look too happy.

Misstress Venom rushed towards me, ready to punch me. However, with a single snap of my fingers, I created a portal a few kilometers away. Looking in front of me, I saw a black dot fall as it struggled through the clouds.

I looked at Spider-Man, who was lying on the building. Well, who was glued to the window of the building. I reached out and undid the goo that was holding him down.

Taking advantage of gravity, he regained his balance, standing in front of me.

"We've got thirty forty before she hits the ground, can you change your web fluid in that time?" I asked.

Spider-man laughed "I've just done that, by the way, I don't know you"

"You can call me Dante, I'm a wizard, like" interrupting me, Spider-man completed my sentence.

"Strange..." Peter's voice didn't sound very cheerful, which made me wonder if they already knew each other in this world.

How do they know each other? I saw Strange enter the monastery for the first time, this story is confusing me. I had a lot of questions to ask that magical doctor. But before that, I needed to work out what I should do with the girl who was still free falling.

[ To be Continued in MCRS #16 ]

| Read up to 15 chapters in advance on my Patreon Page!

| Patreon. com / SleepyGodWN


[Author Notes][Info about the updates]

| Marvel Cultured Reader System will go back to the regular post schedule. I had a family trip and got covid shortly after my return, hope to keep receiving support from you guys |