
Marvel-Comics: Overgeared

reborn in a world that is crazy on crack, a soul must find a way to survive with everything in his arsenal, which just happened to be a system, that allows him to grant items options, with this system, follow the journey of the Oliver as he goes from a homeless kid, barely surviving in hells kitchen, to one of the most powerful being in the universe, who even a single atom of his has several EX ranked options. ------------ WARNING THIS IS BASED ON MARVEL COMICS. THIS IS HARDCORE GRINDING FANFIC WHERE HE WOULD HAVE TO WORK EVERY DAY. THIS IS GOING TO BE A MIX OF ACTION-PACKED STORY AND A CRAFTING STORY, HE HAS A SYSTEM, THAT PUTS EMPHASIS, ON THE ITEM'S PURPOSE, HISTORY, CREATION PROCESS, AND FUNCTIONALITY, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE MAINLY A CRAFTING STORY. GOOD NEWS, I HAVE FINALLY DECIDED ON A FM LEAD AND ITS OUR FAVORITE WITCH, THE STRONGEST SORCERERS, AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL(IN MY OPINION) THE SCARLET WITCH as for plot, i will try to have a cohesive story structure, key word TRY

Bulale_Abali · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
115 Chs

Becoming friends with wolverine and the hulk(chapter 64)

prevoiusly in chapter 63

Inspecting the arrowhead, Oliver nodded with satisfaction. "It's actually not bad," he muttered, impressed with the results of his magical crafting. Sliding his Moonforge over his shoulder, he surveyed the several iron bars he had refined perfectly with his pickaxe. "But this also introduces a new problem. I'm running out of demonic materials, especially the fire ones," he lamented, noting the dwindling supply of key ingredients.

Oliver still had other elemental agents, like the blood of the black dragon from which he had created armor, but demonic materials seemed to blend best with others. "Well, it has been a while since I hunted demons," he said with a slight grin, excitement brewing within him. Determined, he selected his demon-hunting gear—a newly upgraded oni mask, a stone ring emitting a high-intensity purple aura, and a blood-red sword with a dark crimson aura.

"Well, time to hunt some demons," Oliver declared with a newfound determination, the thrill of the hunt coursing through him as he prepared for the task ahead. Each piece of his gear resonated with power, ready for the challenges that awaited in the realm of demons.

The newly crafted sword of Oliver, made especially for this mission, had the following options:

[ Name: Abyssal Reaver ]

[ Grade: Blue (Peak) ]

[ Description: Forged in the depths of mystic fires, this steel sword carries an ominous aura, a result of the infusion of demonic blood and powdered horn during its creation. Its edge whispers secrets from the underworld, and its hilt bears the mark of infernal craftsmanship. ]

[ Option 1: Soul Siphon (Rank: D) (Active) - Unleashes a dark pulse upon striking, draining a portion of the opponent's life force, healing the wielder for 100% of the damage dealt when fighting against demonic beings for the next 50 minutes. ]

[ Option 2: Voidborne Parry (Rank: D) (Passive) - Automatically creates a protective barrier upon successful parries, absorbing and reflecting 80% of incoming magical attacks. ]

[ Option 3: Demonic Fury (Rank: D) (Active) - Temporarily imbues the sword with demonic energy, increasing damage dealt by 100% for 20 minutes. ]

[ Durability: 100% ]


Chapter 64

"Well, this should do it. If things aren't working out well, I can just use this," Oliver thought to himself as he looked at the stone ring on his finger, a relic pulsating with magical energy. He smiled, the weight of the Abyssal Reaver on his back feeling both ominous and reassuring. With a final glance around the forest, he set out on his hunt for demons.

-scene change-

In a dirt road where two figures stood. One was unmistakably Logan, Wolverine, dressed inconspicuously in civilian clothes. In front of him stood an unassuming man in hipster attire. However, lurking behind the unassuming man was the imposing figure of the Hulk, a formidable force even in his more restrained state.

"Been a while, Bruce," Logan growled, the tension thick in the air.

Bruce let out a weary sigh. "Please tell me you're not here for me. We both know that won't end well," he said, weariness etched into every word. Bruce was tired of constantly being challenged, knowing all too well the destructive power that lay within him.

"No, not unless you're the one responsible for those missing people," Logan replied, his senses on high alert. Memories of the skeletons he had stumbled upon earlier flashed through his mind, their flesh and blood cleaned to the bone.

Suddenly, Logan's acute senses detected a disturbance in the dense woods. "Get ready. We're about to have company," he warned Bruce, who was prepared to unleash the Hulk if needed. The Hulk, however, seemed to have a mind of his own these days, and his cooperation was never guaranteed.

Moments later, the stillness of the forest was shattered as two large figures burst through the undergrowth. One was a towering humanoid creature, standing at a formidable 7 feet tall with snow-white fur and claws reminiscent of Wolverine's. This was a Wendigo, its teeth stained with blood from recent prey. The other figure was all too familiar — Oliver, in his hybrid form.

The Wendigo charged forward, its heavy footsteps leaving deep imprints in the forest floor. Despite its superhuman strength, it couldn't match Oliver's agility and skill. Oliver danced around the creature, his movements a deadly combination of grace and precision. The Wendigo's fur was matted with blood from slashes inflicted by Oliver's claw marks and sharp weapons. Oliver, in turn, was a whirlwind of motion, using his anti-metal blade to pierce the creature's adamantium-infused skeleton.

"Damn," Logan cursed under his breath, watching in awe as Oliver and the Wendigo clashed. Oliver's blade sliced through the air with deadly accuracy, each strike weakening the Wendigo. However, Oliver was not unscathed; the Wendigo's powerful claws left deep gashes in his flesh.

As the battle raged on, Logan and Bruce watched from a safe distance, ready to intervene if needed. The sounds of clashing metal and roars of pain echoed through the forest, creating an otherworldly symphony of violence. The ground trembled with each impact, leaves and branches falling like rain around the combatants.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Oliver emerged victorious. The Wendigo lay motionless at his feet, its once fearsome form now reduced to a lifeless husk. Oliver stood panting, bloodied but triumphant, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any further threats.

Logan and Bruce approached cautiously, their expressions a mix of awe and concern. "You... dealt with it?" Bruce asked, disbelief coloring his tone.

Oliver nodded, a weary smile crossing his face. "Took me a while," he replied, his voice laced with exhaustion.

Examining his body for any lasting wounds, Oliver found none. His wounds were healing rapidly, the blood already clotting and sealing his torn flesh. The regenerative power of his hybrid form was a marvel to behold. With the immediate danger passed, the three men found themselves sitting around a crackling campfire, the warmth a welcome respite from the chill of the forest. Each held a bottle of beer in hand, the amber liquid glinting in the firelight. "So, you're a hunter and a blacksmith?" Logan asked, taking a swig from his bottle and belching loudly.

Oliver nodded, taking a sip from his own bottle. "Among other things," he replied cryptically, as Bruce sighed, "Well, to our weird lives, I guess." He toasted with a wry smile as they shared a can of beer supplied by Oliver himself. Wolverine chimed in, "So, you came here hunting that Wendigo?"

Oliver nodded, setting down his beer. "Yeah, I'm hunting demons," he replied, a determined glint in his eyes. This earned a chuckle from Wolverine, who remarked, "You would have been real helpful a couple of days ago." He raised an eyebrow at the two gentlemen sitting across from him, prompting Oliver to elaborate.

"Johnny Blaze and I got kidnapped by a crazy anti-mutant cult. They transferred a demon into a body, turning me into a Ghost Rider, or as the priest called it, 'Hellverine'," Oliver recounted with a bitter expression, the memories still vivid in his mind.

"It's at least better than Dreadshade," Oliver added, a shadow passing over his features. This earned a chuckle from the two gentlemen, the tension momentarily eased. Bruce quipped, "Dreadshade, that sounds dreadful," the pun not escaping either of the men. Wolverine, always one for lore, mused, "There must be hell of a story behind that awful name."

Oliver's gaze drifted to the empty skies above as he continued, "Yeah, I didn't do much, really. Fought a couple of vampires, then took on an eldritch undying goddess and killed her physically." He said it with a nonchalance that belied the gravity of the feat, but the looks he received from the two men spoke volumes.

Suddenly, Wolverine's memory sparked. "Wait, weren't you the bow guy in the Savage Land that killed that eldritch god?" he asked, sitting up with renewed interest.

Oliver nodded with a chuckle. "Ah, yeah, you were there when that happened," he recalled, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "Ironically, I killed her using a sword made from his bones," Oliver added, a dark humor lacing his words.

The three men then spent their time as men do, relaxing in front of the crackling campfire. The flames danced, casting flickering shadows that painted the clearing in warm hues. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath, the ancient trees standing sentinel to their gathering. Above, the stars twinkled in the night sky, a silent witness to the camaraderie shared between these unlikely companions.

Hours passed in easy conversation, each story shared adding to the tapestry of their experiences. The fire crackled and popped, the sound a comforting backdrop to their discussions. But as the night waned and the embers dimmed, it was time to part ways.


A/N: Sorry for the late upload; I needed to go shopping. A boy's gotta look good (by the way, I never leave my house). Anyways, my Percy Jackson fanfic is coming along. Well, it's a multiversal story, but it's mostly Percy Jackson. Regarding yesterday's poll, the energy sphere won. Also, quick question: Would you smash POLARIS?


[ Name: Golden Bracer of the Eldritch ]

[ Grade: Purple ]

[ Description: These legendary golden bracers are forged from the finest steel, infused with a rare nugget of adamantium. In a mystical ritual, the blood of a light-attributed eldritch creature was added during their creation, granting them immense power. ]

[ Option 1: Eldritch Ward: Creates a protective barrier around the wearer, absorbing and nullifying dark magic attacks. (Rank: D) (Active) ]

[ Option 2: Moonlit Grace: When under the moonlight, the wearer gains ethereal speed and agility, moving with supernatural grace. (Rank: D) (Passive) ]

[ Option 3: Celestial Bond: Forms a telepathic link with light-attributed beings, allowing communication and cooperation. (Rank: D) (Active) ]

[ Durability: 98% ]


[ Name: Eldritch Cloak ]

[ Grade: Purple ]

[ Description: Fashioned from the hide of a colossal space eldritch deer, this cloak hums with unfathomable power. Its mere presence distorts the fabric of reality around it. ]

[ Option 1: Dimensional Rift - Opens a temporary portal to another location of the wearer's choosing, allowing for instantaneous travel (Rank: D) (Active) ]

[ Option 2: Cosmic Storm - Unleashes a devastating barrage of swirling spatial shards, obliterating anything in its path (Rank: D) (Active) ]

[ Option 3: Astral Ward - Generates an impenetrable barrier of pure cosmic energy, rendering the wearer invulnerable to all forms of harm for 30 minutes (Rank: D) (Passive) ]

[ Durability: 100% ]