
Marvel : Collateral Damage

A civil war has been waged, public opinion is more divided than ever, and the damages are not just material. This has not only hurt the citizens, but the actions of the heroes have broken them themselves and the weight of their decisions is something they now have to deal with. Life will not be the same, the world is not the same, it is time to take responsibility for the collateral damage.

Taoist_Y · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter no.3


I have had a second encounter with Peter. He is aware that I work for the CIA because I have made it abundantly clear to him. I want to assist him because he is a child with abilities who is scared, and I can relate to both of those things: being alone from a very young age with a major problem and not knowing what to do; having a lot of people telling you what to do and pretending to be good when, in reality, they want to use you.

I am waiting for Peter outside the school, and as soon as he sees me after exiting the building and crossing the threshold, he breaks into a broad grin.

While he is hugging me, he asks me, "Hey Fe, how are you?"

-Good, and you? How were you in school? How did you conduct yourself?

-You have done a wonderful job, Mr./Ms. History Teacher is very pleased with your progress.

-I'm sure.

After getting into the car, he tosses his bag into the backseat of the vehicle.

Will you give me permission to drive when I turn 16 in approximately half a year and ask for my driver's licence?

You won't, your hands aren't allowed to come anywhere near the steering wheel of my Audi.

Oh, for Pete's sake... Because I have quick reflexes, I'm going to be an excellent driver.

I've seen how quick your reflexes are, Peter, but I just can't bring myself to give up my car.

-You have trust issues.

That is most likely the case.

However, how was your trip overall?


-Where did you go?

-You can't talk about it.

Oh, for Pete's sake... I am capable of keeping a secret.

-In my mind, there is no question about that.

-Well, then, tell it to me.

-I can't, doing so would compromise your security.

What bearing does it have on my situation?


-Could it be connected to the government in any way?

-This is not always the case.

Oh, come on, spill the beans to me. Aunt May is under the impression that you are Mr. Stark's assistant and that the scholarship is the reason for our communication.

-That's for your own good; if it were up to me, you could tell her what you do, and then I'd have fewer issues trying to justify my presence. That's for your benefit.


That cannot be negotiated; the condition under which I consented to the government monitoring me was that they exclude Aunt May from the proceedings.

-Agreed? Peter, after you made your alliance with Mr. Stark, you didn't have a lot of options left to you. In addition, I am not monitoring your actions; rather, I am assisting you.


Certainly, it is to my good fortune that they picked you. Do you believe that fighting alongside Mr. Stark was the appropriate action to take in this situation?


I believe that he was the one who was the most accessible to help you and understand what you were going through.


But after everything that took place and how things came to an end, I just...

-Peter, what took place is in no way related to you in any way. Even before you became a part of this superhero world, there were already a lot of complicated things going on.


They, Captain, it seemed as though they were decent people. Uncle Ben enjoyed listening to them. I am too.


Simply put, you shouldn't get involved in that; instead, you should concentrate on the things that are important to you. You already have enough on your plate, what with asking Gwen Stacy out and History.

-I will. It's just that... she is so... brilliant and well-known, and I...

-You are Spiderman.


However, she is unaware of it. Her father is a member of the police force.


Relax, and suggest that the two of you watch a movie together.

I'm not going to be able to, not after the mess I caused in chemistry class. The only thing that can throw off my reflexes is seeing her. When I'm around her, I become so awkward that it's embarrassing. It would be awesome if I could be a cool hero like Stark. I bet he has millions of girls, but the one he wants... according to what I've heard, she's not his biggest fan at the moment. I bet he has millions of girls.


They've grown to be very good friends.

Yes, I will be meeting with him after school tomorrow afternoon. Will you take me?

-Well, of course, I work for him as an assistant, don't I?

He has a chuckle. To which I respond, "Well... Vision will be there." I am aware that he causes you to feel anxious.


He doesn't make me nervous, he's just... strange.

-I agree.

At long last, we make it to his residence.


Get out of my car, you spoiled brat!

He opens the door, exits the vehicle, and then moves to the back of the vehicle, where he pulls out his bag while sticking his head out the window. - Thank you very much for giving me a ride, Ms. Hardy.


Thank you very much for your time, Mr. Parker. Now is the time to study and make the most of your scholarship.

After giving me a military salute, which he clearly takes great pleasure in, he then walks away. And with that, I start the car, head to my house to freshen up, and then continue my search for Natasha.