
Marvel : Collateral Damage

A civil war has been waged, public opinion is more divided than ever, and the damages are not just material. This has not only hurt the citizens, but the actions of the heroes have broken them themselves and the weight of their decisions is something they now have to deal with. Life will not be the same, the world is not the same, it is time to take responsibility for the collateral damage.

Taoist_Y · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter no.2


I'm getting more and more convinced that Vision was right, but now that I'm here, Steve and everyone trusts me, and they're my family, I just wish I knew how things are going over there, Tony and Vision must hate us. We're waiting for Clint's friend to show up, and I'm really nervous about it. I don't know what people will think of me, and I'm getting more and more convinced that Vision was right.

A stunning woman enters the room and immediately becomes the focus of everyone's attention when she exclaims, "Clint Barton, you are the luckiest man on earth." From this moment on, I can already tell that she would do anything for Clint and that she considers him to be the luckiest man in the world.

This is Felicia Hardy, I never imagined I'd say this, but I look forward to seeing you every day.

Oh, come on, I know you've been thinking about me.

-in point of fact, I did.

He is definitely the recruiter and saviour of all of us, the person you go to when you need to double check a situation, he is her only family, and it was him who put her on the right track. From what I can see in her head, I can get an idea of why she loves Clint so much. He is the person you go to when you need to double check a situation.

-Eluding the authorities seemed to be more in keeping with my personality.

-we all evolve.

-yes, without a doubt...

She walks up to him and gives him a hug, and it is clear that they have a strong appreciation for one another. After they have parted ways, he begins to introduce her to the other people in the group.

...it's a pleasure to meet all of you, Captain.

- she says, then gives a slight nod in agreement.

-I would like to express my gratitude to you for destroying the S.H.I.E.L.D. organisation.

It seems as though Steve is perplexed or surprised.

-You did not despise SHIELD; rather, you had a strong aversion to Fury.

- Clint explains to her - and there's a good reason for it.

Bucky gets to his feet and walks a little closer to her.

-Yes, I do know you.

The revelation did not come as a shock to any of us at all.

She has turned around and is now looking at him before turning her attention to his arm.

-You're right, we did meet once, but your boss wasn't pleased with me.

I was afraid that I had finished you off.

-Well, you didn't, but don't take it personally because many others have attempted the same thing.


In comparison to a cat, Felicia has more than one life.

- Clint says.

"Why did you make an attempt to take her life, Bucky? Are you able to recall?" Steve asks.

Bucky retorts, "They wouldn't tell me why," in response to the question.

The conversation continues with Steve saying, "I found out about your boss, he knew about Pierce, he wanted me dead and you showed up."

Bucky utters the words, "I'm sorry."

Steve's response is that "It's okay."

"If you were aware of Pierce, then why didn't you say anything about it?" Another question from Steve.

Bucky explains, "I did say something, no one believed me, even less when he showed up, he was supposedly a Russian mercenary, no one would associate him with Pierce, that's why Fury let me go with a broken toy from S.H.I.E.L.D." "I did say something, no one believed me, even less when he showed up, he was supposedly a Russian mercenary, no one would associate him with

And you found yourself working at the Pentagon, Clint tells me.

When Bucky is asked about the location, he responds, "Yeah, a place where they weren't very happy with you the last time I checked."

"When was the last time you checked?" "What do you mean by the last time you checked?" Sam asks.

Bucky explains, "I was transferred, I'm a part of the C.I.A. now, they weren't happy with me at the White House after I wouldn't testify against Natasha after Washington, and now I'm the nanny for a boy with powers, and I'm trying to insert him into the world correctly, especially after Mr. Stark threw him into battle."

"Are you referring to the child who lives in Mexico?" Sam asks.

"You got it," Bucky affirms. "That's the one."

Who is he, exactly? Sam asks.

Bucky responds by saying, "I can't tell you, it's confidential."

"I was under the impression that you were on our side," Steve says.

Bucky says, "I don't think there are teams; I only trust you guys, but he trusts me." "I only trust you guys because he trusts me,"

She has no intention of betraying that boy because she is doing for him what Clint did for her.

You said that you trust us; could you explain why? Steve asks.

"Because Clint does, and now I'm here because of what?" Bucky asks.

"We need you to be our eyes and ears out there and make sure that my family is okay," Steve tells you. "We need you to be our eyes and ears out there."

Bucky responds, "That's not a problem for me."

Steve continues by saying, "And I know it's a lot to ask, but..."

Bucky completes his sentence by saying, "I'll look for Natasha."

T'Challa has just walked into the room.

T'Challa announces that "the Quinjet is ready" to everyone.

Bucky says, "I'll see what I find out, I'll check on their families, and I have to go or they'll suspect something" (I'll see what I find out; I'll check on their families).

Clint approaches Bucky and gives him a hug before uttering the word "thanks."

Bucky looks around at all of us and says, "Of course." "I'll be seeing you later."

She is heading for the exit when she comes to a stop in front of T'Challa.

She says, "Once more, thank you for letting me do this, your highness." "Once again, thank you for letting me do this."

T'Challa responds, "Loyal friends are hard to come by these days; rest assured that you are always welcome in Wakanda."

She gives a quick nod before going.

"Where do you get such sexy friends, man? Clint, Natasha, and now her—where do you get them?" Sam asks.