
Marvel broadcasting system: Clan

Just writing for fun , and maybe similar to the other story posted above with same name. what will happen when a broadcasting system pop up to display future of the avengers and the marvel world. BROADCASTING The God of Failed parenting and hiding things ODIN( Adoptive son having identity crisis - Faslls asleep) BROADCASTING The God of Hammer (Thor) and Fake God and Adopted Child (Loookiii) BROADCASTING All villain creater except the last and fav (Tony stark) AND etc.... Can't complete the full novel in synopsis.

Devil_Godd · Anime e quadrinhos
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Thanos stikes?

Hearing this part , odin frowned as he is no stranger to the mad titan of universe , since he himself fought him in the past.


{In the depths of the universe, two spaceships met.

The relatively small spaceship seemed to have no weapons at all and desperately pleaded with the other side not to attack.

Our crew are Asgardian civilians; this is not a warship; I repeat, this is not a warship!

But the immense cosmic warship showed no mercy at all and directly attacked the Asgardian spaceship.

The camera turns around and shifts the image to the interior of the Asgard spaceship.

There were flames and Asgardian corpses everywhere. It almost looked like a battlefield.

Heimdall, an Asgardian High God, was covered in wounds and lying on the ground, seemingly unable to even move.

The scene Shifts to a purple Giant , holding a beaten down one Eyed Thor in his Right Hand , while walking to Loki lifting the left hand wearing Infinty gauntlet with with a purple shine.

"Dread it , Run from it , or Hide somewhrere , Destiny will reach you all the same , and I am your Destiny , the Inevitable Destiny"}


In the Halls of Asgard There is complete silence,

Since Thor ceremony was interrupted there is only soldiers in the palace , and the high gods , But at this moment, the expressions on all of their faces were similar.

Everyone was stiff, holding their breath, staring blankly at the scene in front of them, their mouths wide open, unable to speak.

The horrific images on the screen gave them an unprecedented blow!

In that spaceship, those noble Asgardians were actually slaughtered like pigs,

cattle, and sheep!

And Thor, the God of Thunder, as well as the God Heimdall, each was bathed in blood; it simply looked like they were close to death! After a few seconds of silence, the scene exploded, with countless Asgardians Gods

shouting out in shock!

"Is this our future?"

"Impossible! This must be a nightmare!!!"

Thor roared "Where's my hammer and my eye?"

Thor's face looked shocked, and his expression completely froze. For a

moment, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He saw himself on screen, not only flustered but also without Mjolnir. More importantly, that 'Thor' was actually wearing an eye patch, like a cyclops!

Odin's one eye also opened wide, and his pupil violently contracted. He couldn't figure out what kind of disaster it would take for Thor and Loki to escape with their people aboard a spaceship.

At the thought of this, Odin's expression drastically changed; a ray of unspeakable horror that couldn't be contained surged to his heart!

It seems that I am dead in this supposed Future! and Asgard is destroyed.

Did Ragnarok happened , or did she broke out?!!!

Seeing Odin in Deep Thought Frigga Said "Your Majesty whatever happening is future and since we know about it we can change ,

Furthermore there seems to more to this future , as we saw very little of it"


Hearing his wife's voice , Odin calmed down and nodded.

Since they now know the future , they can change it. and although thanos is a big threat for the universe ,

aslong as he doesn't have all 6 stones , in front of odin , he still need permission for the snap,

but what intrigues odin is the destruction of Asgard and his death.


At this moment, the live chat group was extremely lively.

[Tony Stark: Thor! Loki! Are you really the Gods of Norse mythology? But that's a spaceship on screen! How can there be a god in a spaceship?]

[Mordo: Stark they are just aliens according to standard of you science ]

[Loki Odinson: Mortal! Be quiet. Who says that gods couldn't travel in spaceships? Don't speculate about us with your tiny minds.]

[Tony Stark: Ha, don't act tough. I think that Master Mordo is right. You're just a group of aliens.]

[Tony Stark: But ... who's that Thanos, and his oddly shaped crew? Are they some kind of space pirates?]

[Thor: Humph, you don't need to know. Anyway, I'm going to kill Thanos soon anyway!]

[Mordo: Haha, good luck.]

[Peter Parker: The legendary gods! are all this stuff real?]

[Loki Odinson: What do you mean by stuff? You should kneel down when facing the gods.]

[Nick Fury:...]

At this time, the screen is starting to show some different scene.

{ Thanos brought Thor's head , which he grabbed tightly in one hand near loki and Asked,

Your Brother,....or...Tesseract}

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Btw can anyone tell me what should be the clan

Devil_Goddcreators' thoughts