
Marvel: At the start, I married Aunt May and activated the System

Darius meets his demise in his original world, only to awaken in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a privileged second-generation heir. As he embarks on his journey, he awakens the "Righteous Sign-In System." "Ding! Sign-in successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Julius Novachrono template." "Did I just become a... Wizard King... hehe?" But in that moment, he realizes he can't uphold righteousness anymore, as the system rewards him only when he commits heinous good deeds. It's frustrating. Terrified about his future in Marvel, he struggles. But somehow, things worked out. Years later, celestial forces send Galactus to pick up their little kid from Earth. The Planet Eater is astonished by the abundance of female superheroes this time. Strangely, he overhears Captain Marvel saying, "Hubby, if I defeat this guy, how about spoiling me tonight... hehe? It's been too long since you've had your hands on me, darling... Ugh... And I can't wait to bring our son into the world... Look, even these metallic guys have their kids." Captain Marvel blushes like a young daughter-in-law. [Alternative Title: "In the Marvel Universe with 'Righteous System'" ] [ Warning; This story is set in an alternative universe, alternative reality, meaning I'm gonna fuck up some things regarding Marvel completely, so consider yourself warned. ] [Also...Cover Is Not Mine...]

Cruel_Death · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter (15) Petite Wife's Insecurities / Brewing Troubles in New York

Inferno Estate.

New York.

[ Accepting one's wrongdoing and having the resolve to amend for them  is the first fortress one must conquer, as it will guide you on the path of righteousness. Just acknowledging your own mistakes isn't an easy task, but you did it, pal, and this is undoubtedly going to make God happy. Seeing you grow is fun... hehe. ]

[ Congratulations 🎉 !!!  host! Your righteous heart has been strengthened once again. 10,000 Rp points have been credited to the account. ]

"Thank God... Finally, you're awake, SYSTEM! I've been missing your company, especially since last night," Darius exclaims with a gentle smile as he excitedly slams the car door shut.

Meanwhile, Raven, observing his boss shouting in the air, feels like something is off and then he thinks,

'Today's events must have affected my boss's mentality. Now, I better give him some space or else....'

Thus, knowingly, he takes off, steering the car towards the parking lot of Inferno Estate.

On the gloomy side, Darius tries to communicate with the system, but unexpectedly, there's no reply except for the same interface stating 'system in sleep mode for the next five years, please sign in 2000.' And  That really sucks, considering he heard the system's voice and there are plenty of RP points in the account.

"This... am I hallucinating... No, it can't be, this damn thing is toying with my kind heart .....DAMN BITCH."

At this time...

Darius stands proud on the concrete path of his garden, with loose shoulders, as the sky above him slowly turns into shades of red from the dark, with the first light of dawn hitting him straight in the eyes. It's almost six in the morning.

He turns around towards the imposing structure, facing his ancestral castle, a stunning white marble masterpiece that eclipses the grandeur of the White House a million times over in its majesty, glory, luxury, and sheer historical presence, because this castle was built by his ancestors  long before the White House."

Last night dealt Darius the shock of a lifetime, discovering he's now a father to a child who isn't from his wife. As if that thunder strike wasn't enough, Carol Danvers, with an annoying grin, threatened him to care for Vanessa.

Sometimes he doesn't understand why she cares about a stranger. Does she think he isn't a 'Responsible Man'?

He too cares about them, even without her threats. As his little princess still needs to suck on mommy's tits for at least six months, so there is a dire need to save those juicy, nourishing Asian breasts, meaning he too cares about the safety of Vanessa.

But now, the pressing issue isn't Vanessa or the captain Marvel ; it's how to break this devastating news to his wife, May.

Should he confess or conceal the truth?

And if he chooses to hide, how long can he maintain the facade, or is that even conceivable given the gravity of the situation or his own emotional attachment towards May?

These questions are turbulenting his mind heavily. There is not even enough time for serious consideration as he is already in front of his home.

And then there's also a fat guy named Wilson who has become his enemy without him even knowing.

At this time, he thought he could have asked the Vanessa if she was married or not before fucking her. But soon he disapproved of such a thought because what could he have possibly done?

Her moist lips, that juicy ass, and the longing in her eyes were so damn inviting. Backing down from there was equivalent to shaming the name of his great ancestors; as a proud man, that is something he would rather not do.

Of course, he isn't scum... at least not entirely. So, with a heavy heart, he had chosen to take responsibility for Vanessa and their little one, supporting them financially but keeping his heart reserved for his petite wife, May, just as any loyal and upright man would.

Now he's really itching to lay eyes upon his petite wife, May. So, even though he has some serious dark circles under his eyes, he channels inner courage and puts on a big beaming smile as he steps inside the villa.


Meanwhile ...

May sits on the grand sofa in the central hall, few meters away from the main entrance of the home. Like Darius, she also didn't sleep last night, and it's evident from the dark circles and tired expression on her face.

She appears concerned, clutching the book in her hand as if she wants to dig her nails into the paper and tear it apart, while her gaze is constantly fixed on the large wooden gate, hoping for her husband's arrival.

Last night, Pepper's words echoed incessantly in May's mind, tormenting her relentlessly. Despite her efforts, she couldn't shake off the frightened thoughts that plagued her. Even in her dreams, she found no respite, as she witnessed another woman usurping her place beside her husband.

She saw him grinning and showering kisses on the lips of the new interloper. Worst of all, he drove her away from their shared lovely home, leaving her shaken to the core. At that moment, she felt uncertain, uncomfortable, and  simply broken.

Terrified, she woke up and sat upright on the bed, her heart racing, her breaths shallow and ragged, only to discover the empty space beside her where her husband should have been. Panic surged through her veins, tears pooling in her eyes. She started sobbing and hastily set aside the red quilt, then ran outside the room searching for Darius.

When she asked the servants in the villa, they said he had gone out for urgent work with Raven, which she believed because her husband would never leave her if it weren't necessary.

She soon made her way to the hall and settled in, awaiting her husband's return. Unable to find anything interesting on television, she grew bored and requested the maid to fetch something for her to read.

She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep without the comforting embrace of her husband, without his arms wrapping around her waist, and without sensing his hot breath caressing against her neck, and without  his love to make her feel secure. Sleep was impossible, an unattainable dream that would not come true.

The maid soon arrived with a plethora of books, and initially, the petite wife may have anticipated a pleasant reading experience. However, her eyes fell upon a book titled "How She Stole My Husband," It was a reverse NTR, which only served to deepen her despair.

The title alone was enough to exacerbate her frustration given her current situation. Although she was feeling annoyed and frustrated, like any other curious cat, her curiosity compelled her to open the book and delve into its pages.

And the contents she consumed proved to be overwhelming for a 19-year-old newlywed woman like her, as her mind was already insecure and innocent.

Just like that, morning arrives, and she finds herself more terrified than ever, wondering if her husband truly has urgent work or if he is simply going out to spend time with some other bitch.

"No, he promised me long ago that... he will change. My love would never do anything like that," she thinks to herself, shaking off the nagging suspicions. "It's shameful that I even entertain such low thoughts about my husband."

At this moment...

A creaking sound resonates through the villa, drawing the attention of all the working maids. The petite wife, May, also shifts her gaze towards the entrance. To her relief, she spots her green-eyed man stepping inside, his gentle smile and adoring look already soothing her.

However, she remembers that she is angry with him, feeling the need for him to understand what he had done wrong. This prompts her to turn her head away from him, unwilling to meet his loving and guilty eyes.

Noticing May's silence and the flush in her cheeks, Darius quietly approaches her, taking a seat beside her on the sofa. He gently places his arm on her shoulder, but she shrugs it off, while questioning.

"Where were you? You just disappeared without a word. Couldn't you have let me know? I was worried sick. And after that late-night party, weren't you tired too? Why didn't you rest before running off like that? You know I barely slept a wink without you here. Don't you think about how I feel, husband?"

May just let it all out in one go, frustration clear on her face. But deep down, there's more to it, maybe because of that reverse NTR book she's been glued to, or perhaps those fiery words of pepper that she can't seem to forget. But one thing is sure, a small seed of doubt has plagued her heart, and now she is on a path to becoming an obsessive wife or  may be even a Yandere.

Meanwhile , Darius takes May in his arms, planting a sweet kiss on her forehead as he hastily gives an explanation, his thoughts already prepared during the journey back home.

"Ah, relax May. I was just out with Raven, sorting out some important business matters. You know how hectic things can get with all the projects I'm managing. Yeah, we hit a problems, and it was urgent, but nothing we couldn't handle. And aren't I here now, with you, with my wife? Come on!  You can't stay mad at your loving husband, can you? It's not fair." But as the words leave his lips, he feels uncertain, as if it may not be enough to appease May.

"What kind of business meeting takes place after midnight? You know I worry about you when you're out late. What if something happened to you? Have you heard about the strange incidents in New York lately? Why do you have to go out at night? Can't you handle things during the day? Please, talk to me. Did I say something wrong? WHY...Why W..won't you answer... Honey?"

May's voice wavers with sincere concern and affection, all the while enveloped in insecurity. She can't shake off the bad thoughts, no matter how hard she tries.

There is still a fear of losing her husband to some random woman, especially knowing how Darius was before meeting her. And because of this, tears gather in her eyes, softly falling onto Darius's coat.

Ironically, today she becomes the second woman to cry in the same spot on his clothes after Vanessa.

At this moment, he recognized the provocative book on the sofa, thus understanding the root of her behavior.

Thus Darius rises abruptly, catching May off guard. Without a word, he swiftly scoops her up in a princess carry, striding towards the stairs leading to their room.

Sensing the need for a heartfelt, in-depth conversation with his beloved wife, as He now knows that to ease their relationship, he needs to dominate May on a physical and emotional level, deepening their inner connection.

Feeling her moist figure in his arms, Darius understands how crucial it is to heal her insecurities to avoid future troubles and to  ease his own guilt.

Although May protests, how can she? A weak woman be a match for this wizard when his wand is hard inside his pants.Thus, she knows she is no match for this green-eyed bastard.

But in frustration, she hits his chest constantly with one hand while the other wraps around his neck, fearing she might fall to the ground. Throughout it all, Darius gazes at her with the affection of a lion before feasting on its prey.

"Put me down, you... you bad guy! Put me down! I'll tell my mother... Oh God! I'm not going anywhere until you answer me!"May exclaims.

"We aren't going anywhere, look... We're already at our bedroom, sweet little wife. Look around you... why did you close your eyes?"

Darius gently lowers May to her feet, and as she opens her eyes, she gazes at the man before her with a mixture of frustration and desire. Sensing her conflicting emotions, Darius tenderly cups her face with his large palms while locking his own eyes with hers.

"I know you're upset, may, but please, let's talk," he whispers, His voice showing concern and love. "What is it threatening my wife that she no longer trusts her husband? Tell me. If you don't, then I'll walk away and won't come back. If you hate seeing me, I don't see a reason to stay."

As Darius's words reach May's ears, a shiver of fear runs through her, for the thought of her husband's departure fills her with dread. Tears welling up in her eyes, she implores,

"No Darius..., please, don't leave me... I'm just... I'm just terrified... terrified that you might find someone else. Because, I know I'm not the most stunning woman in New York. I'm just average... I don't want you to give up on me for someone else, and you are also buddies with Tony, that villain. Pepper told me about his wrongdoing, what If he forces you to do.....bad things like him."

As May's words sink in, Darius feels a twinge of annoyance and guilt. Sure, he has had his fair share of flings before marrying May, but since then, all he cares about is loyalty, commitment, and love – he is totally devoted to his petite wife.

As for Tony forcing him to do wrong things? It would be a shame to his ancestors if he were forced by others to do wrong things. After all, a man like him is a born beast. When has he ever needed any foreign influence to do bad things?But that is all  about the previous owner of the body.

Currently, he is as pure as the golden manifestation of divine Buddha, and  having already accepted and adopted the way of righteousness and goodwill. Now, all he cares about is kindness and generosity.

"You think you're just average-looking? Wife, you can outshine those Hollywood bitches any day. But forget all that, that's not what matters. Do you even realize how much effort I put in to make you smile every single day? And when those tears come, it hits me hard. Seriously, it breaks my heart to see you like this. You're my everything, you know? You're in every plan I make for the future. Even when I'm just chilling in the bath, I wish you were there beside me, could have rubbed my back with your brea... HELL!! MY LOVE FOR YOU RUNS DEEP, DEEPER THAN YOU KNOW."

"With each word, Darius steps closer to her, his hand moving swiftly to gently tug at the strap of her silver nightgown. In the next instant, he forcefully slides the gown down her shoulder alongside her bra, revealing her soft skin.

Then, he gazes upon her, her dark hair cascading over her bare shoulders, her fragile neck appearing even more alluring without the collar of her nightgown to conceal its beauty. He lowers his eyes to meet the sight of her tender, moist breasts with cute pink nipples on top.

But Above all, what fascinates him the most is the shy and bashful look on the face of his petite wife."

"DARIUSSSS.." May almost screamed.

Soon, her clothes fall to the white marble floor, and she instinctively covers her bare breasts with her hands, but it is, of course, impossible to tame those bouncing breasts with just her fragile hands. She lowers her gaze, not wanting to look at him at all, as she constantly steps backward.

All the while, the morning sunlight peeks through the curtains, landing on her snow-white skin, highlighting her naked, seductive form perfectly like a Greek goddess, making her skin glow even more in the radiance of the morning sun.

"You dare question my loyalty? I gotta make you see... gotta show you just how much I love you."


Darius moves closer to her, standing tall and towering over May. With his left hand, he pulls May towards him, forcefully entering her mouth and sealing her lips. At the same time, he tightly embraces her, almost lifting her from the ground.

In the current moment, she becomes aware that her feet have reached the edge of the bed, leaving her with nowhere to escape. However, this only heightens her excitement, as the man in front of her is her husband. Despite her fatigue from sleepless last night, she doesn't despise the situation, knowing what is about to occur. Because All she ever wanted is some attention and love from her beloved husband, exclusive only for herself. As Darius's lips now delicately tracey her neck, leaving love bites like an artist, she finally gets a chance to speak.

"Husband... I'm sorry... I love you... Ahh... I haven't slept... last night... I was missing you so... ahh... much, you know... So please... make me tired... 'cause I want to sleep... well afterwards... Make me damn tired...H-honey"

May speaks, barely containing her excitement as she hums and moans almost instinctively escape her mouth, unintentionally further seducing him to punish her.

"So hot... I'll make you regret it, my sweet wife."

In the next moment With a forceful push, her head falls on the bed near the pillows. Darius eagerly grasps her hand with his strong, large right hand. With his other hand, he gently squeezes her left breast, all the while passionately kissing her lips. Her hands are held down by his large palm, but soon he gives her an opportunity to free herself.

Without hesitation, he undresses himself with such speed that she may not even comprehend what just happened. However, as she gazes upon his erect manhood, she trembles, recalling the pain this man had caused her in the past. Darius quickly removes her red panties from her thighs, almost tearing them off, and positions her in a missionary stance with both of her feet now resting on his shoulders.

Invading her already aroused  core with his dragon, all the while May screams in love and pleasure, or perhaps a hint of pain.


Unknown street of NY.

Hells kitchen. 4PM

In the unknown streets of Hell's Kitchen, a slick black Cadillac quietly pulls off the main road. It's like the epitome of luxury cruising through the shadows, turning heads of the gangsters as it goes.

Soon, it arrives at an unknown building where a line of people, all dressed in black suits and armed to the teeth, stands waiting.

The door swings open with a soft click. Emerging from within, Scott Summers steps out, his black coat trailing behind him like the cape of a modern-day hero. With a flick of his fingers, he adjusts his unique goggles, which look like they're only worn by blind people.

And there's another passenger inside the car, absorbed in a book and showing no interest in joining her brother outside.

"Welcome, Scott, though I expected Magneto to come here," Wilson Fisk says, standing nearby and clutching his diamond cane.

Scott doesn't seem interested in the conversation. Alongside Kingpin, he enters the building and heads to one of its halls, which exudes luxury despite the rough area it's in. This place looks rich and dangerous.

"I never understood why you agreed to surrender. With your cunning and power, you could have taken revenge on him alone," Scott finally speaks, seated on the black sofa, surrounded by armed men.

In response to the unexpected question, Kingpin takes a slow drag from his cigar, exhaling a cloud of smoke before replying with a smirk,

"That kid's a nobody, but his family? They're a real piece of work. Blood, vengeance, and violence run deep with them. That's why I need guys like you at my side. Only with your support can I still run this city, even if it means answering to Magneto,"

Scott sighs once again, adjusting his goggles. Kingpin can't help but find this behavior peculiar; why would anyone wear such junk goggles indoors? Is this some new fashion trend? He hasn't seen Scott use his powers yet, unlike his encounter with Magneto. Just as Kingpin's thoughts begin to wander, Scott cuts through the silence.

"Forget it. Have you found the person Elektra asked for?"

At this moment, a heavy air of seriousness erupts in the room.

"I had to grease a lot of palms to get this guy out from under the government's nose. Seems like a regular Joe, but he's got a thing for nature. Could be a softie, or maybe he's some kind of brainiac. Either way, he's clean. Here, take this," Kingpin grunts, handing over a black file he'd been keeping prepared for just this occasion.

At this moment, Scott opens the file and reads every line with keen interest. "Alright, you've done your job well. There will be more things to do in the future. Also, I hope you get the guy who fucked your wife soon," he says bluntly, throwing the file onto the table before briskly exiting the room.

"DAMN IT, SON OF A BITCH!" Kingpin shouts, his anger boiling as he recalls the shame of being cuckolded. He feels a surge of rage towards the man in black who just left, but he silently endures, knowing that now is not the time to retaliate.

As the fan above stirs, the black files on the table flutter open. Upon closer inspection, one can see a photo of a bald man printed on the left corner of the page, along with the name written below it, which reads

"Charles Xavier"
