
Marvel : Arkham Knight

Ethan Hunt is a boy from Earth who suddenly finds himself transported into the Marvel universe. He is determined to raise his own power and find a place in the new world he has found himself. In the world filled with Heroes and Villains, he chooses to stand at the middle as an antihero. An angel to one while being a demon to the other, this is his journey. This is Marvel's Arkham Knight.

Lust_Demon_Samael · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 11

"I wonder what Maestro wants to do with her." Ethan said to himself as he sat on the bed.

After Widowmaker or Amelie went unconscious he took her to a safe house of Maestro's and was ordered to watch over her until she wakes up. The house is a bit on the outskirts of the city's northside so Maestro can also send any reinforcements if needed.

He had placed Amelie on the bed of the bedroom on the first floor as he sat at the side of the bed. His suit and weapons are also there so he is ready to fight as well while he watches over her. It has been an hour since she had gone unconscious, which he didn't find surprising since she did find out that she herself had killed her husband.

'Maybe I should learn therapy as well.' Ethan thought to himself before he started to search in his phone.

He looked about the news around the world as it talked about the various heroes. He didn't read the comics as he was more of an anime watcher so he only has the knowledge from the movies which still dwarfed the actual amount of heroes and Villains in the Marvel universe.

"I really need to learn as much as I can about the heroes and villains. Maestro gave me the knowledge but I don't want to get too cocky." Ethan said to himself as he skimmed through the internet.

Speaking of heroes, his stunt before he joined Maestro has garnered the attention of Spiderman, The Fantastic Four and the Avengers since they do live in the city. Fortunately, he is only a kid and Maestro has helped him as well. He also doesn't have any records of himself in any of the information networks in the entire reality due to him not being from this reality to begin with.

As he was thinking to himself he was brought out of his musings when he heard the sound of Amelie waking up as he looked at her. She groaned a bit before she got up and rubbed her eyes before looking around the room in confusion. She then saw him as her eyes widened a bit.

"Who?..." Amelie said in confusion before her eyes widened.

The previous memories came to her mind as she held her head. Ethan immediately went to her side as he saw tears in her eyes.

"Gerard... No..No.." Amelie cried when she remembered them.

Ethan hesitantly placed his hand on her back which caused her to flinch but she looked at him and seeing that he isn't a threat to her she calmed down before she started to sob. She started apologizing to her husband while Ethan rubbed her back silently.

After crying to half and hour Amelie calmed down. Ethan had no idea how she was able to keep on crying for so long but he didn't question it as he doesn't exactly have much knowledge about it. Ethan have her a handkerchief which she used to wipe her tears as he sat on the bed.

"Are you calm now?" Ethan asked her.

Amelie sobbed a bit before nodding to him in confirmation.

"Okay, well, my boss, Maestro would like to have a talk with you." Ethan said to her.

"With me? R-Right now?" Amelie asked him.

"No, after you've managed to recover which he estimates to be a week. So I'm gonna be your caretaker for the week and after that you will meet him." Ethan said to her.

"Why does he want to meet me?" Amelie asked him.

She has an inkling about it but she still decided to ask him to confirm her suspicions.

"Well, I'll be truthful with you, it might be because of your skill but I don't have an exact idea so you have to talk with him to know about it." Ethan said to her.

Amelie stayed silent at that before she remembered something.

"W-What about the people I know? What does the public know about me?" Amelie asked him.

"Well, publicly Gerard died and his wife Amelie Lacroix went back to her hometown. At least that's what the public knows, in other secretive organizations you are known to have gone missing after the assassination of your husband." Ethan said to her.

"So they don't know about me being Widowmaker?" Amelie asked him.

"We don't have proof but it looks that way." Ethan said to her.

"I see." Amelie said as she looked down.

Ethan stayed quiet as they didn't say anything. He then got a thought as he got up from the bed.

"I'll make some food for you. Come eat it when you are ready." Ethan said as he started to walk to the doorway.

"Thank you. Also, can I know your name?" Amelie asked him.

"It's Ethan Hunt." Ethan said to her before he left the room.

'Ethan Hunt, a unique name.' Amelie thought to herself as she pressed her legs to her chest and hugged them.

Time skip

After Amelie woke up, true to his words Ethan has been taking care of her. Food, laundery, cleaning etc he did for her. Amelie would have nightmares whenever she sleeps so Ethan is always beside her as he comforts her while she cries. She would cry herself to sleep in his arms as he would stay by her side.

It has been four days since she was back to normal and Ethan had bought the groceries for them as he came back to the house.

"Amelie I'm back. I'll make the food quickly." Ethan said as he entered the house.

However he didn't get a reply which confused him a bit. He thought that she must've gone to the bathroom but he couldn't hear the sound of the bathroom which started to worry him as he placed the groceries on the table.

"Amelie? Are you here?" Ethan called out as he pulled out his gun.

He then stalked to the room but didn't find her. Instead he found a lot of makeup on the floor, mostly of skin colour as he looked at it. He also saw a good amount of dress on the floor which caused his eyes to widen. He immediately took out his phone and called Maestro.

"Maestro, Amelie has left the house." Ethan said to the man when he came.

"I know. You'll get your transport. The information regarding her location will be sent to your phone. Make sure to get there fast." Maestro said to him.

"Got it." Ethan said to him.

He got dressed and got ready with a pair of guns and ammo along with a pair of combat knifes.

"Amelie, please be okay." Ethan said to himself as he left the house.

While Ethan was getting ready to go to her Amelie had already reached her destination. While she appreciates his help and support, she knows how patient someone has to be when dealing with someone with her mental health she is thankful for it. But she still wants someone else, more specifically her mother.

Which is the reason she put on heavy makeup to hide her colouration and dress to cover her body before she made her way to her house. Her mother greeted her warmly and Amelie was brought to tears from the familiar warmth. After that she was ushered inside before he mother asked her about her life.

She gave her condolences about her husband's death and asked about how her daughter is doing wondering if she is doing okay. Amelie smiled at her mother's words but knew that she had to tell her the truth about the matters.

"Maman, I have something to tell you." Amelie said to her.

"What is it my dear fille?" Her mother asked her.

After that Amelie told her mother the truth about what had happened. Her kidnapping, the things she had to experience at Hydra, her hand in her husband's death. Then about how she went back and worked as a mercenary for the same faction which caused her to kill her husband. About her time as Widowmaker and about the thrill and happiness she felt whenever she made a kill. She showed her now different skin colour and layed out everything about her to her mother.

When her mother heard her at first she grew extremely worried before it morphed into disbelief and then anger when she heard about how she killed her husband. She knew the man and he is a model husband and was happy that her daughter managed to marry such a man. Then her face became neutral when she heard her daughter going back to Hydra instead of escaping from them and then starting to work as a mercenary for them as she killed for them and took pleasure in it.

"Maman?" Amelie asked hesitantly.

"Get out." The woman said with a tone of finality.

"What?" Amelie said confused.

"I said get out. My daughter, my Amelie could never be you." She said as she glared at her.

Amelie was stunned when she heard that, but a part of her also expected this outcome as she looked at her mother.

"I...I see. Thank you for seeing me Maman." Amelie said as she got up.

"Just get out. You're not my daughter. My daughter isn't so vile as to kill her own husband, she is now a murderer who finds enjoyment and pleasure in killing others. You are not, and will never be my daughter." The mother said to her.

Just then the bell rang as both women looked at the door. Amelie went to the door with an inkling as it who it is and saw Ethan standing there impatiently. He was relieved when he saw that Amelie is alright, then caught sight of her mother as he saw her expression.

"Ethan." Amelie said with a small smile at seeing him.

"So, shall we go?" Ethan slowly asked her.

"Yes." Amelie quietly said as she walked out of the house.

Ethan looked at the mother before bowing a bit and closed the door behind him as the woman looked at the door.