
Genome Adaptation

Oh... Wow," Peter muttered as he viewed the cells under the microscope.

He quickly grabbed a hemocytometer and began estimating the cell count.

"You have a 150 percent increase in the concentration of RBCs (Red Blood Cells) than an average human being. Their biconcave structure seems to be adjusted for something more efficient. It can probably hold far larger amounts of oxygen."

"That can't be true," Gwen frowned, munching on her third tater tot. "I have much more stamina than what a person would have if their stamina were increased 1.5 times. I doubt the upgraded version of the RBC makes such a difference, right?"

"You're right," he said, placing a drop of blood on the sample stage and bringing the specimen chamber of the SEM to atmospheric pressure. "I believe it has something to do with your muscles producing far fewer fatigue toxins, and that healing factor of yours. It could counter lactic acid buildup and lead to reduced dependency on oxygen. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you could hold your breath for half a day. Spiders can double that."

"I... never thought of that," Gwen frowned. Of all the things she thought of trying with her powers, breath training was not one of them.

Peter then loaded the sample chamber into the SEM and pumped the specimen chamber to the required vacuum. He then placed the sample in the analysis position in his scanning electron microscope before finding the areas of interest using low magnification. He adjusted the lens settings before scooting over to his PC, closely followed by an intrigued Gwen, to see the pictures.

"That looks weird," she whispered, looking over his shoulder at the screen. The enhanced picture of RBCs looked much different - it didn't look like scattered Froot Loops anymore. Instead, they were tightly packed together with highly complicated structures surrounding them. To put things into perspective, they looked like turgid cells that were just beginning to burst, but the structures that the cells formed were far more complicated and detailed.

Perhaps that was the reason why they could hold more oxygen.

"Wait... are those my White blood cells?" Gwen asked in confusion, pointing at the numerous white dots in between the reddish-black sea. If one looked closely, one could see tiny white lines covering the red sea in something akin to a net. It almost looked like a... web.

"I believe so. It's either that, or it's another type of cell entirely," Peter said, zooming in on a WBC. The usual shapeshifting pathogen-eating cell now had eight spindles growing out of its suspiciously spider-like body. If a Pathogen ever invaded Gwen's body, it would probably get stuck on the web-like structures which would alert a WBC to its location. "You know, you're an arachnophobe's worst nightmare. You're filled with spiders."

'Ha-ha,' Gwen mock laughed, before leaning on his shoulder which made him gulp.

"The only other thing I could do within an hour is to place a sample in the centrifuge, but..." he turned around to look at the time which read 5:30 pm. "...we've got another Pre-Board tomorrow - your worst subject."

She playfully slapped the shoulder she was leaning on. "It's not my worst subject!"

"Your average eighty per cent in Biology, while you average 96.2 per cent in all other subjects."

"Don't bash me with the truth."

"I bashed you with facts."

"You'll bash me?" Gwen grinned, leaning harder on his shoulder, making his face flush.





After a bit of banter and a hug, Gwen left the room, having extracted a promise from him that he'd send her all the results of her blood test.

"Focus! Focus!" Peter chanted to himself, forcing his impeccable memory to forget the last five minutes and turn towards the blood samples before him.

He quickly placed all but two in the fridge before turning to the DNA sequencer. He could use multiple platforms of DNA sequencing, but he stuck to the NGS method, the one he was most familiar with.

He began the sequencing, which generates millions and billions of short DNA sequences called 'reads'. He then used a sample of his own blood and began sequencing it with the same platform, which generated more reads.

He then assembled Gwen's sequences with his own as a reference via his PC, a process that took a good two hours.

"Fascinating..." he whispered to himself as he annotated the numerous variations in Gwen's genome compared to his own, and compared to the database. It was blatantly obvious that Gwen was a mutant. To make things worse, if one were an experienced scientist, they could easily deduce her strengths and weaknesses as if seeing right through her. Perhaps they could even develop a virus that specifically attacked her cells, chemicals that would induce cell death and more.

"I'll make a serum to counter people from reading or even acquiring my genetic code after I adapt my genome. It's way too dangerous to leave genetic material lying around when there are people like Osborn and the High Evolutionary around."

"Well, it's time to begin," he muttered and headed to the Amidator.

Adapting his genome all at once would be disastrous. Uncontrolled mutations would almost be guaranteed, and the body's innate rejection of foreign DNA would ruin the project entirely.

Thus, he planned to slowly adapt his genome over the course of three months. The project would have four stages, with each stage involving him taking a serum that would progressively adapt different parts of his genetic code. The first stage would have the most visceral reaction, while it would get easier as more stages passed.

He already had the foundation of the Genome Serum with the Genetic System of BOE and BIHT. The last piece of the puzzle was Gwen's blood, and now he had it. It wouldn't take long to synthesize the first serum; he could do it in mere hours.


At 1:05 am, Peter held up a vial filled to the brim with a whitish-gold liquid. Desire flashed in his hazel eyes, but it was not the time nor place to take such a thing. The initial stage would require a LOT of calories to keep the body going.

It would rewrite his DNA down to the molecular level, perfectly adapting it to the Lizard Serum and potentially assisting in its assimilation, leading to a better result.

The first stage removes any and all genetic defects and accelerates the pathetic production of telomerase temporarily, which would give him an estimated five more years to live. It would also temporarily increase muscular growth and metabolism. The overall increase in lifespan would amount to twenty years due to the removal of all genetic defects. He would become the embodiment of a perfect human as he grows.

The second stage would be the first stage to actually adapt any of his genome to the mutation. It adapts and affects the genes around Chromosome 15. Unfortunately, this would result in his iris occasionally transforming into some variation of green from hazel. This will be controllable but can unknowingly activate in states of stress, anger, or in states of Hyperfocus. This stage would also increase muscle growth and metabolism.

The third stage would start adapting a far larger piece of the genome - (the rest of the coding DNA) due to the body's retaliation greatly decreasing. This would lead to a mini growth spurt and an adjustment of eyesight to 20/10 vision.

The fourth stage would be the last stage and the one where the remaining part of the genome gets adapted. This will cause no repercussions, nor any pain or change in the body's functionality. This would be due to the Non-coding DNA being completely adapted and the regeneration pathways being tweaked to be far more efficient.

Due to the four serums, the body would grow to Peak Human Physiology. From vision to strength - the body would be the strongest anyone could achieve while still remaining purely human.

Of course, in movies, peak humans could run faster than a car and bend metal poles as though they were putty - unfortunately, peak humans were far, far weaker.

"Anything is better than this skinny ass body," Peter grumbled to himself after carefully storing the Stage 1 Genome serum in a compartment in the fridge. He collapsed on the bed after taking a shower - his heart beating with excitement at the prospect of finally taking baby steps towards his goal.
