
Marvel: A King Among Heroes

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 《 Marvel Fanfic 》 English is not my first language, so be kind when pointing out any grammar mistakes I may make along the way! ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Did you ever imagine what would happen if a normal person from our world got transmigrated into the universe of Marvel? What if that said person had gotten the luckiest transmigration ever? Well, this person certainly did. If you wish to, follow our protagonist in the body of Gilgamesh The King Of Heroes, as he paves his way through Marvel, all by himself. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ No mongrels were harmed in the making of this fanfic. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Gilgamesh_Official · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

| Chapter 05: Ancient One, And Character Development |

| Author's Note: Do you guys have any interesting ideas you may want to see brought to life in my story? Comment here and let me know. Also, life got chaotic yesterday, so I couldn't finish my Fate chapter, I will publish it by Monday 👍 Next week we will change into 4 chapters a week for this fanfic, and 3 chapters a week for my Fate fanfic. Have a great day!|

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| Gilgamesh 1st Person Pov / A Few Moments After |

My mind kept working overtime, thanks to Felicia's recent acts. I mean, to be completely honest, the woman hadn't taken anything of value with her when she left.

I have looked around the penthouse for a while, searching for anything that may have gone missing, and I found nothing missing at all.

Sure, I am confident that she enjoyed last night's 'fun time', not to brag of course, but that wouldn't be enough to 'tame' THE Black Cat, right?

Well, no need to dwell too much on these types of things honestly, I am better off just enjoying my toasted bread with peanut butter for breakfast.


However when I was preparing myself to take a bite out of it, my mind already picturing the delicious flavor of the peanut butter, a sudden sensation of alert filled my whole body.

Is this perhaps what they call 'instincts'? I am still getting myself used to Gilgamesh's physical capabilities such as his strenght, but as a big fan of the Fate series, I could go as far as to say with certainty that I knew more or less how to use Gates Of Babylon if needed be.

But regarding Gilgamesh's physical abilities? That's a whole other matter, to be honest. 'Cause I am pretty sure that only with time will I be able to master such things like instinct and perception, and many more...

However, I quickly turned my focus onto the current situation that found its way inside my penthouse, already deducing by a few things who the person that made my instincts flare up in caution is. "You could have knocked on the door, you know?" I spoke up, feeling the need to address the bald woman who was walking in my direction, which I had taken notice through her reflection on the window by my right side.

I was still seated on the wooden table where I had chosen to eat my breakfast in peace, although it seemed that I wouldn't be doing it in peace anymore. "Why, hello to you as well." The woman replied in an even and amused tone, taking a seat right in front of me.

I knew who she was from the get-to go, as she was wearing long yellowish-brown robes that seemed to shine in the reflection of the morning light. Her bald head also gave away her possible identity, but the pendant in her chest had 'told' me all that I needed to know about her.

"And well, that wouldn't have been any fun, would it?" The Ancient One replied in return, lifting one of her eyebrows at me.

I swear I expected this woman to track me down, and appear out of nowhere. But surely, she could have waited until I had finished my breakfast...

I, however, showed no change in expression, still taking a few bites of my delicious sandwich. My face bore an even look to it, and that seemed to amuse the sorcerer supreme of this world, a lot.

"I guess not," I told her, and truthfully, she was way more mysterious and fun to hang around this way, but I wouldn't let her know that, especially since I didn't yet know what she wanted of me. ",– so... what does the ancient one want from 'humble' me?" I questioned her with a curious edge to my voice, waiting patiently for an answer.

Her eyes seemed to shine to my question, and I swear I saw a knowing smirk adorn her lips for a minute milisecond, before it vanished completely. Her sweet and low voice came next, directing itself to me in an amiable manner. "I came to question you about some things for the future," she started, her eyes locking onto mine with an amused feel to them before she continued with a teasing voice. ",– but I chose to wait until Miss Felicia left your new apartment." That made me lift an eyebrow in return, had this woman been spying on me since I came home with Felicia last night?

The thoughts remained in my head, but I made no advances towards their answer, rather I looked the woman in the eyes, taking a small sip of the orange juice that I had made just I had taken a seat to enjoy it.

The reaction from the woman seemed to match my expectations, as she seemed to be enjoying this back-and-forth we were going through right now. "Sure you did." I told her jokingly, before pointing at the chair she was seated on. "I would offer you a seat, but it seems that you were quick to make yourself at home." I teased her with a harsh truth about her manners, which seemed to irk her a little, as she voiced out her defense. "Well, for your information, I already knew you were going to offer me the seat, so I simply decided to hasten the process."

That..., – made somewhat a little bit of sense.

"Sure, I guess." Shrugging off the fact that this woman knows the future, and subsequently knows any answer to her questions even before I think upon them, I asked her the million dollar question since she invaded my apartment. "So... do you want to start your questions?" I asked her, taking a sip of my orange juice while she pondered her answer, nodding to my curiousity.

"I am going to be honest with you, I feel a great power within your soul, one that could either bring protection, or destruction and chaos to this world. So my intent is to ask you about that very same power. Do you understand the weight that your presence takes in this universe, thanks to that said power?" She asked me with a now serious voice, and I guess the few moments she took to ponder her words were used to doing exactly that.

Though her question did throw me off a bit, I mean, how am I supposed to answer something like that?

"I'm... not sure. I mean, I never asked for any of this. For my life to be suddenly upended and thrown into a world that I barely understand, and know about." I spoke honestly, looking at her with a soft look that showed confusion etched in my expression, before continuing: "In reality, all I yearn for is to find my way back, to reclaim what I've lost, — at least I think I do..."

The honesty present on my words seemed to bring a softer approach from the Ancient One, as she softened her gaze on me after a few seconds. "I understand your longing for what was once familiar to you, dear." She began, her voice much less amused, and now a little more sincere, "However, you must realize that even if you do find a way back home, it might not be the 'home' that you once remembered that you will encounter, it might have changed."

And my eyes widened at her words, I had not thought too much about it, to be honest. I mean, yes if I could, I would want to see my family again. But would I want to left such an opportunity behind me? And would I find my home just like how it was when I left it?

"Imagining that you can indeed go back, you may take into consideration that it might have passed let's say, 500 years into the future. Do you think you would find solace then?" The answer to her question would be no, — I wouldn't be able to call it home anymore, as 'home' would be where the people I love and care about are.

And the Ancient One seemed to understand my thoughts, as she spoke again. This time with a knowing and gentle smile on her face.

"Rather, I would urge you to find a 'home' here, keeping in mind that this world is as real as yours was, so you must remember that your actions here will have consequences that extend beyond your desires and humane knowledge. The fate of humanity that I have so dearly protected until now rests in the balance, and it is crucial that you choose wisely in how you will wield your newfound power, or I might have to get involved way deeper into your newfound life opportunity." This prompted a slight reaction from my body, as I straightened my back, and focused my eyes on hers.

Her intention was pure and gentle. Yet the disguised threat she had cautiously given me was not lost to me.

Though, if I could go by what I knew about her from my past life, and from what I know I would and wouldn't do in this world, I could rest assured that I wouldn't make an enemy out of the Sorcerer Supreme. However, I still found the conversation to be helpful, as I was able to speak with someone about all that was weighing me down for the 3 days that have passed until now.

"But how can I be expected to help protect this world's balance, when I am still mourning the life I left behind? I mean, how can I even let go of the past, to be able to embrace this new reality?" I asked her with a serious look, wanting to know the answer she undoubtedly carried with her.

An answer that would for sure help me out in the long run, if I was to stop sulking around and embrace my new life, that is.

And honestly, she didn't disappoint, becayse as soon as my question was thrown her way, she threw an answer right back. "The path to true strength, be it physical or not, lies not in clinging to the past, but in embracing the present and shaping your future, young man. Your journey here, I believe is not about you finding a way back, but about discovering who you are meant to be in this new world of possibilities. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead of you, and maybe you will find that your true purpose is past the boundaries of your memories that you are so clingy to." She spoke with an air of charisma and gentle care that was directed to me, and I couldn't help but silently frown at those words.

And not because I didn't agree with them, but rather because I was resonating and seeing my only exit out of this predicament in their very own meaning. "Perhaps I should..." I managed to speak softly in her direction, albeit a bit affected by the conversation. The Ancient One, in turn, noticed my distress very easily and spared no time to assure me with her sweet words. "Anyways, just keep thinking about all that I have told you, for the time being. A normal person won't find all of the answers he seeks in a short moment's notice, and neither will you."

And that made a lot of sense, — to me at the very least, it did.

"You are right on that." I agreed softly on her words, nodding towards her meekly. But it seemed that she couldn't hold it in herself to not show off her ego. "I am always right, you know?"

And I rolled my eyes at her behavior that so much differed from her caring side. "Show-off."

We both remained silent for a while after that, and I had finished my toast and drink by now, leaving me awkwardly staring at the currently most powerful sorceress of Earth for a few moments.

Thankfully, she seemed to take that silence as a note that her job here was done, so she directed her words to me once more.

"Anyways, mister Gilgamesh, for today that was all." She commented, and I nodded my head at her. "So you will be going now?" I asked, and she quickly agreed, getting up from one of my chairs, with elegant grace. "Indeed, I just wished to see you, and get a quick measure out of your character." She said, and if I was some mentally challenged person, I would have taken offense to her words. Like many of the characters I read about in my past life did.

But since I was not, I simply smiled in her direction, thankful for her small help in conquering my set-backs.

"Thank you for the words." I told her with a serious and thankful look on my face, and she shrugged it off with a wave of her hand, making an orange portal appear out of nowhere.

Huh, that's magic for you.


Her next words though, made me pause my awed look for her magical showcasing, as I focused my eyes on hers once more."Feel free to visit me in Kamar-Taj whenever you feel like it." And that short-circuited my thought process for a moment, as I asked her a stupid question that I would later become embarrassed of remembering.

"And how would I do that?" I questioned her with a lift of my eyebrow, and she paused in her place, looking at me as if I was an idiot.

Her uncomfortable stare was enough to make me slap my face mentally, as I turned to the side, not wanting to meet her gaze any more.

"Righ, I am Gilgamesh now..." I said softly, not knowing if she had heard me or not.

However I guess that didn't matter much, judging by her next words: "Also, stop being so negative about life. I don't think your mother would wish for her only son to get himself locked inside his apartment sulking, when he has the chance to live his greatest life possible, with the new opportunity that he just got." She said, and those words made me shift uncomfortably in my seat.

How the hell did she know about my dream? Or were her words just too coincidental? My mouth moved slowly, and I could only utter a simple questioning word. "What?..."

"Pursue love and new relationships, young man, that's what I meant." And with those parting words, she stepped through the circular portal, disappearing from my sight in a few seconds.

Though she had left me rooted in my seat, my mind working at a hundred trying to make sense of what she had just said.

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| Author's Ending Note: Well, that was a tad boring, but totally needed. But we are nearing the fun that's coming very shortly (next chapter). Stay tuned, and donate stones for more chapters. |

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