
Marvel: A King Among Heroes

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ 《 Marvel Fanfic 》 English is not my first language, so be kind when pointing out any grammar mistakes I may make along the way! ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ Did you ever imagine what would happen if a normal person from our world got transmigrated into the universe of Marvel? What if that said person had gotten the luckiest transmigration ever? Well, this person certainly did. If you wish to, follow our protagonist in the body of Gilgamesh The King Of Heroes, as he paves his way through Marvel, all by himself. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ No mongrels were harmed in the making of this fanfic. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Gilgamesh_Official · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

| Chapter 03: Games Played - Part I |

| Author's Note: Well, what shall happen next? I must say, Loki's Invasion on New York is right around the corner. So hang in there strong, in the great wait for ~ plot ~ |


| And in all honestly, I hope the feedback for this chapter is positive. I am really nervous about it. |

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ( Continuing On )

| Gilgamesh 1st Person Pov – Still At The Bar / Tavern From Before |

A laugh sound manifested from beside me, as I heard Felicia sniggering at something she had told me, which seemed to amuse her more than anything.

"You should have seen his face, I can't believe he would think I would marry him after a single coffee date..." I looked at her softly, listening to her banter as she sighed in exasperation, probably remembering that specific scene.

A smirk made its way on my expression, as I turned to look at my drink, before sipping on it. "Seems like quite the intelligent guy."

Felicia though, threw her head to the side, as she reigned in her laughter with a curt response full of 'bite'. "Hah, as if!"

Our conversation was cut short though, by the voice of none other than the older bartender, who approached us with an amused and knowing expression.

"Gentleman, Madam. We will be closing soon, so if any of you wishes to order something from the kitchen, please do it now before we close it."He said with a kind voice, and I turned to look around, noticing that we were the only ones left in the whole bar. How many hours had passed? I couldn't make sense of the time as my conversation with Felicia went on.

"Ah, sure. Do you want something more?" I nodded to the bartender, turning to Felicia afterward. "Hm, no thank you. I am quite alright!" She told me, and I simply decided to ask for the bill. Since there would be not much time left for us to be inside the nearly closed bar. "Then that will be all, please bring me the bill for the whole night." The older man lingered his gaze on me for a moment, before going back deeper into the bar in search of my bill.

"Right away sir." He had replied gently, before I resumed my talk with the first person that I had talked to, since my coming to this world.

Felicia Hardy.

I even remember who she is in full detail now, as I couldn't remain oblivious to the identity of the one and only Black Cat for much longer. And though I knew that a part of her probably wasn't being truthfull in her approach to me, since... — well, she was a renowned anti-hero thief, I still decided to let that specific side of her remain invisible, to suit my current needs.

I knew I was probably being played with, perhaps I was walking into a trap. But honestly, I could not care less, what would she do? Make some of my hundred-dollar bills vanish? Shiver me timbers.

I needed this distraction, this conversation. It was making me well, by focusing on her, I was unconsciously reigning in my sorrows into the far-away places of my mind. And that mattered a lot more to my current predicament than a few hundred.


I was soon taken out of my musings, as I caught sight of Felicia's green irises landing on my ruby-colored ones. "So tell me, do you have anything important to do after this?" She asked, her voice feeling like a sugary dessert to my ears, making my hair stand on its ends, as I tried hard to control my facial expressions from showing too much reaction to her sultry advances.

"Not really, no," I replied to her in an even tone, hoping to myself that I was doing a good job at it. Because who knows what may result from this interaction.

Felicia is a prominent character from the Marvel Universe, I undoubtedly want to leave a good impression on her. Even if her main aim is to steal something from me in the manner which only Black Cat can, it would still be interesting, and perhaps even beneficial for me to do so.

And even then, I have been transmigrated into the body of one of the strongest characters I knew in my past life.

I am fairly confident that I can pull some stuff off, if I put my mind to it, IF necessary.

So her trying to rob me, in whatever way she might try to do, shall become unsuccessful before my new self. Yet again, Felicia's actions took me from my inner monologues, as her left hand touched my hand that stood still on the wooden counter. "I see, then..."

She would certainly go down the 'we should get out of here' route, I felt it in my being, and so I decided that she could not have all the fun for herself. I spoke before she could even finish her sentence. "I guess we could extend our first meeting for a little more time, no?" I questioned her with a knowing look on my face, and she seemed content with my interruption, smirking ever so slightly in my direction. "Hm, that would be quite nice."


We left the bar only after a few moments, as I had to pay for the whole of today's encounter, but I didn't mind it at all since I was now a billionaire. Even though that reality had yet to click inside my head.

That was one of the interesting things for me since the money I used to pay for the drinks was from an envelope that had stood near my identification documents, which I had found right after my transmigration yesterday. I am sure that in the Gates Of Babylon, I possessed millions upon millions of dollars, euros, etc... — but I had yet to gather the opportunity to test my recently given powers. The timing was not right, and I did not want to test them in a place infested by cameras, where their use would certainly catch the attention of the upper echelon of people who ruled this world.

And I did not feel like I wanted to check them out yet, either. It seemed to me as if I tried to use Gilgamesh's powers, I would be cementing the fact that this... reality, was real, and a real thing. And that left a bitter taste in my mouth. For now, or at least that's what I hoped.

"You... live here?" Felicia's voice, as it seemed the norm by now, took me out of my thoughts as we neared my apartment's doors. Grand in their splendor, they were pretty solid in terms of design.

Though what lay after them was even better, and even having slept in this new apartment of mine, it still felt surreal that it was really all mine now.

I took less than a second after thinking about it, opening the door and stepping inside. Not forgetting to answer Felicia's awed state in a false-humbled tone of voice. "Yeah. Not the best, but it does the work." This woman was too great of a teasing target, for me to let go of such childish remarks.

Although she seemed almost offended by that, she replied in disbelief to my statement. "Not the best? Your damned living room is the size of my entire house!" Surely, she was overexaggerating.

Her eyes roamed every little place of the apartment, like a little kid in a candy shop, shining brightly at every single piece of art that remained high-held in its glory.


Yup,— those would be a problem for the future me. I won't have this headache before I even know if she will try to take them with her later, or not.

My amused smile caused by such thoughts was hidden below an equally amused expression when seeing Felicia's antics.

"Hahaha, I doubt my living room is thatmuch bigger than your house!" I replied to her comment a little later than I could have, but she shrugged it off, amazed by the luxurious sight right in front of her. Honestly, even to me still, the air that we were breathing inside of this multi-million dollar valued apartment felt 'rich' in itself.

And then it started, when we were both walking in the living room, looking around the place for various reasons unknown to the each-other. The sound of Felicia's high heels clicking on the ground like they were some kind of weaponized tool for her to seduce me, were what made me turn to her, noticing her as she approached me with dignified steps.

Her body was nearing mine by each step she took, and we kept both of our eyes locked in between each other. "What happens now, handsome?" She voiced out her question on what we were 'supposed' to do in a husked tone, as her fresh perfume reached my nostrils like a sudden wave of water at the beach, and I intended to discover that in a few moments.

Her initiative to bring her body near mine made things much simpler, as I found my hands moving on past experience, as they both reached for her slender waist.

My face was right in front of hers, our mouths almost grazing each other, though never making contact. That simple approach built the tension that I wanted to increase, and with it now in motion, I brought my grinning mouth near her ear, biting it ever so softly before muttering lowly. "Well, I was thinking that we could get to know each-other more Intimately over a glass of wine?"

I found her green, mesmerizing eyes glancing softly at me, Felicia's mouth turning upwards in an anticipating smile. "That would be something I would enjoy, yes."

Her positive answer was all I needed, giving her waist a soft squeeze before I let go of her, walking away, slowly, towards the direction of the kitchen.

"My room is to your right," My attention eloquently turned back to her, before I continued my speech. "...– feel free to use the shower if you want."

I noticed her smiling at that, hearing her reply with a hushed tone. "I might do just that."


"Hey Felicia, I have the drinks read-..." After a while, I made my way into my room with two glasses of wine in each hand, only to stop myself by the open door. My sentence was cut short, as I felt the air filled with humidity, and the shower sounds that I had casually heard before, were now ceased.

But what made me stop near the entrance of my room was not that, but rather the sight that greeted me from inside. And that was the beautiful figure of Felicia, who had taken a quick shower and was now dressed in a white robe, though I could see a black lingerie below the former. "Like what you see?" She asked me slyly, and I took a few seconds to save the sight inside my mind before answering her in a similar way. "Very much, yes."

Felicia puffed her chest up at my answer, and I chuckled a little, though I did comment on the fact that I had thought we would be drinking before advancing any further.

"And here I was, hoping we would drink a bit more, before 'getting to know each other better'." I told her with an amused grin, enjoying the sight, as any sane person would.

"It's rather unfortunate, isn't it?" She, in turn, did not forget to quip at my expanse in return, and I laughed an actual full laugh at her words. "It's very unfortunate." I replied with a sarcastic tone, much to her amusement.

I moved swiftly then, the clink of the wine glasses resounding throughout the spacious room, as I put them down on a luxurious-looking shelf. After that, I turned to look at Felicia like a predator would observe its prey.

In turn, she suddenly threw my way a recently taken-off black bra made of silk.a

And surprinsigly, that action snapped something in me. Because

as soon as I caught the upper piece of lingerie in my hands, a fierce look appeared on my expression, before I threw it to the side in a fierce manner. "My~ Is that hunger all for me?" She teased, and I almost groaned at the unruly emotions growing inside me.

This woman knew how to play these types of games, and I was very easily walking into her 'traps'. But fortunately for me, and unfortunately for her, she didn't know who she was 'playing' with. And so in a few steps, I closed the distance between me and the bed, getting on top of it on a fluid motion.

Soon, my body was on top of hers, though contact was yet to be made between us both, though that changed when I took her lips by force, on my own.

"Hmhm." She seemed to wish for air in the last seconds of the moments that passed since I started our kiss, and I allowed her time to breathe a little. "What a naughty, naughty boy you are~!"

That teasing comment that she sent my way fueled my currently suppressed hunger for relief in a hastened way. Relief of all this tension that I had accumulated since coming to this world, and she would be the perfect target to let it all go.

And just like how a beast that forcefully takes what it wishes to does, I grabbed Felicia by the waist, surprising her as I lifted her slender and so fucking seductive body in the air with extremely ease.

"Oh my~, what strength!" Her comment passed by my ears as if it was rubbish, and I got up from the bed with her in my arms in a single motion.

Her legs were locking me from behind, the heels she was still wearing pressing firmly against my muscled back. "You haven't seen anything yet, Felicia." I told her in a husked voice, as I pinned her against the cold window, that allowed us to have a full view of Central Park.

Now that it was night-time though, all that we could see would be the lights of the adjacent buildings. Yet, none of us even spared it a single glance.

"Hmm, is that so?" She threw me the bait, challenging me for my previous words, and I looked defiantly at her green eyes that were glowing in the reflection of the present moonlight.

I did not answer her challenge, no. I kissed her deeply instead, feeling her soft lips pressed against mine. The strawberry flavor of her lip gloss, alongside the wetness of her lips, was like a god-sent gift that I took my time to enjoy. And it seemed that I was not the only one doing so, as she moaned tight into our shared kiss as well.

"Hmmm." My hands roamed her body, as I felt her shiver as a result of having her bare back pressed against the cold of the window behind her, and in turn, her hands were busy trying to strip me of my clothes. "Eager, are you?" I spoke in her ear using a hushed tone, making her shiver in my grasp, much to my enjoyment. "Very much so." She replied similarly. Gods, how this woman is just perfect...

Though Felicia seemed not to be done by that comment. She went out of the way to compliment me in a way that I thought would suit me much more, if I had been the one saying it to her. "I mean, have you looked at yourself? You are dead gorgeous, my blonde and handsome jewel~." She uttered every single word with such sweetness, that I almost seemed to lose control of my pent-up emotions. This would be something I needed to check. Mayhaps a therapist would do the job...

Though two could play that game, dear kitty.

"You think sweet words will get you what you want, flatterer?" I questioned her in a hard tone, now acting as the cruel and harsh husband, my roleplay senses screaming at me to just bite her, and be 'aggressive'.

And she answered back with a bite of her lips, seemingly enjoying my sudden aggravated personality. "Hm, perhaps not." And she seemed to press on it. "But then, I would rather have it given to me by force if necessary..." She said, and my eyes widened at her words.

Was Felicia Hardy, THE Black Cat, a masochist? Well, who knows? Perhaps she really was.

But who I am to judge her.

"Oh, is that so? Then why don't you try and get what you want, that way?" I teased her, wishing to see what she would do next, and to my surprised gaze, she seemed content to show me exactly how. "Heh. You asked for it, baby~."

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

| Author's Ending Note: Kinky. My first smut ever, so I didn't develop more into it as a precaution. Don't want to crash my ratings by trying too hard on the first smut I ever did. More will come in the future, so stay tuned for an update. |


| Random Question: If one could introduce various Gods to Marvel, the realms of where these Gods lived would be like a floating base/city in space, orbiting somewhere aroung the solar system? |

~ If you enjoy my work, feel welcomed to donate powerstones for more chapters to be released ~

Gilgamesh_Officialcreators' thoughts