In his previous life, he was just an average teenager, due to a slight delay in his schedule, he ended up becoming a victim of a traffic accident, for some reason, he was reborn into an imaginary world as a god!
He did not believe in absolute evil or absolute good, but he easily knew good from evil.
He was reborn as a god, and even if average, he wanted to know what he could reach in his new life.
Quick thing, if you guys gave me low review for some stupid reason, or because you didn't like some event, or because i didn't choose or do what you demands, i will delete it, i warn you!
The_High_Father · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
82 Chs
GUYS I'LL FINISH THE NOVEL! i swear! but today I'll had to pause it, i have serious problems, so its in pause I'm not dropping it I'll finish it, I'll finish it someday, but not today, i might work in other works thou.