
Marvel's Ultra-Saiyan

If you have an issue with my writing skills then I can only say sorry because I don't have enough time to do a recheck but if I find any mistakes when I have time I will fix the errors. But if your eyes hurt and you don't think it is making you feel bad then please do me a favor and stop reading this no one is forcing you to read this book. Please do note this book is not only for you but also for me to pass my free time and at the same time, I want to create a good FF for my self to enjoy in the time to come. I am not a professional writer just passing time. Any suggestions are welcomed as long as you don't curse at me. Also if anyone wants to become the editor for this book than you are also welcome and I will send the character to that particular person first before posting it but know that I won't be paying you as I also don't earn anything from it. ........................... ..................... Death is never a good thing. But no matter who or how strong you remember you will have to die one day whether you like it or not. But if you have to save everyone you care and love then you might not think twice to sacrifice yourself to save them but in his case, Bruce had to sacrifice even his soul together with his body in order to use his final attack on his Enemy Fuu from Dragon Ball world where he reincarnated by somehow while going to the Midtown High but he doesn't know what happened after his ultimate sacrifice in the Dragon Ball world but one thing he knows is that he is back. Yes, he is back on Earth where he was born and what do you know he is on the same bus of Midtown High, and from the looks of it he was sleeping all along. So does that mean the things that happen in the Dragon Ball world was just his dream? Was he sleeping all along? If that is the case how can he remember everything? How can he feel he is a lot weaker then he was in the previous world? The most important thing is he can use all the knowledge from that world as if they are real. So doesn't that mean he wasn't dreaming all along and everything was real? Also, more importantly, did he really arrive in his previous world, or is this some alternative world. To know to join us in the grand adventures of Bruce Wayne the Supreme God Of Time. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Also, try to give some good reviews if you have time and once it is above 4 stars I will update the chapters regularly. Stay home stay safe

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Sleeping on the floor...


New York...

Forest Hills, Queens…

Wayne's Residence…

While returning from the school Bruce texted to his uncle to bring some mechanical parts and heavy metals in his house when he arrives at his house although Colson asked him for an explanation he replied by saying he will explain once they meet in person and thinking it is better that way Colson agreed with him to bring the things he wants.

"What are you looking at? " Bruce asked with annoyance turning at Jean once he finishes texting his uncle as looking at him as if he isn't human.

"Are you sure you are alright? " Jean asked with worry but the question is whether she is worried for herself when she gets married to Bruce and needs to cook for him or Bruce who ate too much to the limit that cafeteria limited the amount he can order from there although that is still more than the amount 10 people can eat.

"How many times are you going to ask me that same question? " Bruce felt tired after telling her that the amount of food he ate is not going to harm him but the problem is that she seems to haven't believed him and keeps on asking him but the same thing also confused Bruce because after returning from the Dragon Ball World it appears he not only have all the knowledge from that world but also his appetite is still there does that mean he still has his Saiyan body if that's the case doesn't that a good news for him.

"I know you keep on saying that but I am still worried. " Jean said with worry.

"And what are you looking at? " Bruce asked Peter who is looking at Bruce from the side.

"No, I am not looking at anything? " clearing understanding his wrath Peter said with a wry smile not understanding if he should true to Bruce but remembering how easily Flash was sent flying he decided against it.

"Then look at Mary, not me? " Bruce said with a serious face pointing at Mary Jane who is not sitting beside Peter as Jean is right beside him.

"Hey… " Peter wanted to complain about Bruce telling his secret out loud.

"Don't hey me or… " Bruce said with a serious face while showing his fist to Peter as an indication of a warning for him.

"Fine, fine I won't look ask anymore. " Peter said with a smile while turning to Mary and starting a discussion with her.

Not long after Peter and Mary got down together as Jean asked when the bus stopped from where Bruce gets on the bus "So which one is your house. "

"Do you want to visit my house? " Bruce asked with a smile but inside he is thinking 'Aren't you acting a little bit like Bulma? '

"If you don't want to say it's fine. " Jean said in dissatisfaction.

"See that two-story house over there that is my house. " Bruce said pointing at a modern style house with a little more land area then all the house around his house.

"Do you live alone? " remembering his story about his family Jean asked a concern as he had eaten too much and she thinks he is going to get sick and if that happens she worried he will suffer buy she doesn't want that.

"Although I am staying alone for now however before the evening my uncle should arrive. " Bruce said with a smile while putting his bag on his shoulder.

"That is good. " Jean said with a smile thinking if his uncle really comes she won't need to worry for him but still shouted at him "You can call me anytime if you need my help. "

"Goodbye. " Bruce said looking at Jean who is looking at him through the bus window.

"See you. " Jean said as the bus went on its way.

Looking at the bus driving away Bruce's facial expression became serious as he said "I need to check my blood samples to find out anything abnormal because I don't want anyone to create trouble for me and I also need to start working on my Devine arts so to make sure nothing abnormal happens. "

Entering his home Bruce ordered some meal before going to his bedroom to change into workout clothes and started scratching his body to prepare for exercise and finally, after five minutes he went to the treadmill and started running.

First, he started walking at normal speed then slowly started increasing his speed finally when he arrived at 60 K.M/H he started feeling tired and finally after 10 minutes of running he went to the weight lifting as he can bearly feel his legs he decided to straighten his arm and let his legs rest for the time being.

After almost an hour of exercise, he started feeling extreme pain from all over the place of his body and he knows he has long passed the limitations of his body and he should stop unless he wants something bad happening to him but when he was in the Dragon Ball world he handled even tougher situation then how he is right now and thinking he can preserve more pain he continued but while he was doing some pushups he lost consciousness not knowing when he passed out.

It is unknown how long he was unconscious before waking up from his sleep he felt a splash of cold water on his face and someone shouting his name "Bruce … Bruce??? "

"Uncle??? " opening his eyes he saw Colson looking at him with worry and holding an empty glass.

"What happened to you? Why were you sleeping on the floor? " Colson asked with a serious face looking at him.

"Ahhh≈ my whole body hurts as some truck ran over me. " Bruce said while painfully groaning out and standing from the floor.

"Are you feeling alright? " Colson asked quickly holding his hand to support him stabilizing from falling on the ground once again.

"Uncle please let go of my hand I am alright now. " Bruce said while removing his hand from Colson's grips.

"Alright. " hearing Bruce's reassuring words Colson nodded and asked in a serious tone "Than can you tell me why were you sleeping on the floor? "

"I… "

Any good excuses anyone?

Make sure it's not a lie.

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts