
Marvel's Ultra-Saiyan

If you have an issue with my writing skills then I can only say sorry because I don't have enough time to do a recheck but if I find any mistakes when I have time I will fix the errors. But if your eyes hurt and you don't think it is making you feel bad then please do me a favor and stop reading this no one is forcing you to read this book. Please do note this book is not only for you but also for me to pass my free time and at the same time, I want to create a good FF for my self to enjoy in the time to come. I am not a professional writer just passing time. Any suggestions are welcomed as long as you don't curse at me. Also if anyone wants to become the editor for this book than you are also welcome and I will send the character to that particular person first before posting it but know that I won't be paying you as I also don't earn anything from it. ........................... ..................... Death is never a good thing. But no matter who or how strong you remember you will have to die one day whether you like it or not. But if you have to save everyone you care and love then you might not think twice to sacrifice yourself to save them but in his case, Bruce had to sacrifice even his soul together with his body in order to use his final attack on his Enemy Fuu from Dragon Ball world where he reincarnated by somehow while going to the Midtown High but he doesn't know what happened after his ultimate sacrifice in the Dragon Ball world but one thing he knows is that he is back. Yes, he is back on Earth where he was born and what do you know he is on the same bus of Midtown High, and from the looks of it he was sleeping all along. So does that mean the things that happen in the Dragon Ball world was just his dream? Was he sleeping all along? If that is the case how can he remember everything? How can he feel he is a lot weaker then he was in the previous world? The most important thing is he can use all the knowledge from that world as if they are real. So doesn't that mean he wasn't dreaming all along and everything was real? Also, more importantly, did he really arrive in his previous world, or is this some alternative world. To know to join us in the grand adventures of Bruce Wayne the Supreme God Of Time. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Also, try to give some good reviews if you have time and once it is above 4 stars I will update the chapters regularly. Stay home stay safe

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Battle against a monster part 2...

New York…

11th of August 2008(Monday)...

The destroyed roadblock in front of the movie theater…

After shooting a Kamehameha wave with more than half of my Ki focusing only on the body of Abomination so only he can get the blow from my attack and the who city doesn't get destroyed because of the attack I easily sent him crashing into the ground and created a huge explosion on the ground that destroyed a few hundred meters of an area where I had marked using my Ki sense to confirm that there isn't a single person so only sole civilians property got damaged and destroy depending on the distance from the center of the explosion.

As the area of the explosion covered with a dust cloud, I landed on the ground outside of the explosion and dust cloud to take some breath as I feel very tired although I didn't get injured or he wasn't even able to land a blow on me and it was only me to attack and he would receive however that took almost all my attention to fight him because of the vast difference in our power level and finally that wave of "Kamehameha" took away more than half of my Ki the fact that I am constantly using Ki to attack him also drained more Ki than I can recover.

After taking a few deep breaths I prepared myself to finish him or make him unconscious before he can recover as I know the fastest way to finish all this is by ending without giving him the chance to retaliate but before I can even go inside the durst cloud I heard the booming shout of Abomination with after a huge cry "I am going kill you. " followed by his Ki rising insulating danger for me and the next moment he came out of the dust cloud like a bullet at the soot I am standing.

"Good thing I can sense Ki or else I would be smashed into meet past right there. " I said looking at the spot Abomination crashed and destroyed a whole 20 meters land in a single strike and if I was a second late I would have been crashed as well but using my Ki sense I had already sensed him coming towards me with killing intent and moved from my spot for him to crash.

"You are not getting away that easily. " as he can also understand that he failed to land a blow on me he quickly moved his head in my direction where I am flying above 10 meters up in the sky before jumping towards me to crash me but how can he land a blow on me when he can't fly.

As he arrived near me I used my Superior speed and going behind his back kicked him in the face with Ki infused leg which sends him down instantly but soon he again returned and lunched more aggressively as we continue our fighting although he wasn't able to land a single blow on me he started getting stronger as I will become slower after losing a lot of stamina and strength confronting him constantly.

After almost 10 minutes of confrontation, I made a lot of damage to him to the point I even broke his limbs a few times but he will not stop charging at me and he will heal very quickly while fighting I felt as if I am fighting Broly all over again only this time I am unable to keep up.

After avoiding his attack a few more time I knew this way I wouldn't be able to put him raised my finger and concentrating my Ki on his hand I shot a death beam completely destroying one of his hands as he started screaming in pain after losing a hand and started rolling on the floor in pain.

Finally getting him down I walked beside him and covering my hand with the remaining Ki I decided to punch him on the back of the neck to make him lose consciousness completely when something shocking happened because I felt a huge Ki a few times even stronger than the current Abomination(2000+ Ki) behind me and from it, I can feel clear killing intent targeted at me.

"HULK SMASH~ " as I turned around instantly without caring for making Abomination unconscious just to see Hulk looking at me with the complete Green eye without any pupil in it only glowing green looking at me and punching with a lot of strength so without any option I directly lunched that Ki in a blast towards Hulk but he is now a lot stronger than me and easily disregarded my ki blast although and his hand lands on my body sending me a few meters away as I test something salt and sweet in my mouth and coughed out a mouthful of blood.

[Shock absorption and deflection 90% successful.]

Hearing the voice of Anna I understood my battle armor with so much advanced technology and mixed metal was still unable to stop the force from Hulk's punch proving how strong his punch was and only 10% of the shock from that punch was landed on me and I am coughing blood it proves just how much power his punch was but the most importantly why did he suddenly punch me.

After coughing a mouthful of blood I stood up with barley any power when I saw Hulk again punching at me as I started charging my Ki to stop him when I saw Jean coming in between me and Hulk to shout out loud "Get away from my Bruce. " then with a glowing golden eye she puts her hands in the air to create a shield using her ability around us but Hulk's punch easily destroyed that energy causing her to caugh a mouthful of blood before falling on the floor as the shield got destroyed.

While Hulk's punch descends on her my heart started beating as if it will get out of my body and everything around became slow as I saw Hulk's punch landing on her slowly when my eyes started becoming dark and the next moment I shouted looking at Hulk "Nooo~ "



(–_–) Author Note: Why do you think Hulk started attacking Bruce instead of Abomination? Don't forget to comment below.


Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts