
Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Becoming a wizard is something that Jerry must attain in order to survive in his new life, and that is living in the Marvel World. There would be a greater threat coming to earth, and he needs a way to prepare for that. Fortunately, he was given a System that allowed him to go to the Harry Potter Universe, where he got a letter that he would be enrolling in Hogwarts. Jerry needed to learn a lot of things from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and, perhaps prevent such incoming threats in the future with the knowledge and skills that he learned from there? Novel will be updated daily at 22:30 GMT+7 Discord Community Server: https://discord.gg/7weZqMdpTy You can read up to 40 chapters and beyond at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/pokapoka !

Poka_Poka · Anime e quadrinhos
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815 Chs

Chapter 311 "Dementors"

Every time he takes the train, Jerry is basically sitting with Hermione. But he has other things to take care of, so it feels very normal. However, since that, there's something between the two of them. It felt just weird for him to look at her like this.

"Hey, look who it is." A sleazy, long-drawn-out voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Immediately after, the door was pulled open, and Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle appeared in the doorway.

"Draco, Goyle, Crabbe. What do you want?" Jerry turned his head and looked over with a smile on his face.

"No, nothing. We just haven't seen you for a long time, so we came over to say a friendly hello. Now after saying hello, I'm going to go back. Nice meeting you guys."

As soon as he saw Jerry sitting in this room, his attitude immediately came to a hundred-and-eighty-degree turn. As the model of Slytherin, Snape's favorite student, and the idol of most of the school's wizards, Draco was not willing to behave too rudely in front of Jerry.

"He can only act like that just because there's you." Seeing that Draco left so easily, Ron couldn't help but mock him.

"I guess he's alright. It's just his family environment that made him like this, I believe when I live in the dormitory for two more years, he will completely change his attitude." Jerry explained with a smile.

"Cake, multi-flavored beans, chocolate frog. Do you need anything?" Not long after the trio left, the voice of the chubby witch pushing the snack cart reached the carriage.

The four looked up to see the time. Surprisingly, it was already after one o'clock.

"I'll treat everyone with a snack." He leaned over, got up, and pushed open the door to buy snacks.

After a while, he held a large variety of snacks on the table. The trip to Greece cost many galleons, but he had his Quidditch salary to support him. He sells some precious herbs, high-level magic potions, and Acromantula venom from time to time, and now he had quite a few galleons available in his pocket.

"Wow, it's great to be a National Quidditch player." Looking at Jerry hugging a large pile of snacks, Ron immediately jumped up and down with joy.

"Hermione, I think you'll like eating this cake." Jerry picked up a piece of packed crucible-shaped cake from it and handed it to Hermione next to him.

He has been studying and researching magic with Hermione and knows what snacks Hermione likes to eat.

"Thank you, this is definitely something that I like." After receiving the cake handed over by Jerry, Hermione peeled her first chocolate and sent it into Jerry's mouth.

Seeing this scene, Harry and Ron do not know why, but they suddenly feel full of joy eating the snacks. With the slow passage of time, the train continued to travel north. The weather also began to change gradually. The clear sky became dark

Rain poured down from the sky at once, and the windows turned gray, and the lights on the aisle and frame followed. At the same time, Hermione and Jerry were already sleeping. Jerry noticed the situation and had to sit up straight, not moving to prevent waking Hermione.

At about three or four o'clock, the train suddenly began to slow down. Ron immediately stood up with excitement,

"Great, we should be arriving now."

"This is impossible. It's only four o'clock." Hermione opened her eyes at once and retorted.

Harry looked at Hermione with some surprise, "I thought you were asleep."

"I was asleep, but Ron's voice was so loud it woke me up." Hermione explained.

But she was not asleep at all, just pretending to be asleep to take the opportunity to lean on Jerry's shoulder. She also occasionally squints at the time on the opposite wall, budgeting for how long they can probably lean comfortably in this way.

Just then, the train stopped, and the sound of the wheels disappeared, leaving only the sound of heavy rain hitting the window glass outside.

"What's going on?" At this time, Ron was a bit scared. Because all the lights inside the entire train actually suddenly went out, and the train fell into darkness.


Jerry took out his wand and released a Lumos Spell. With a flip of his wand, he flung the fist-sized ball of light to the top of the room, allowing the carriage to regain its light again.

"Hey, Jerry, can the Lumos Spell also be used this way?"

Hermione saw Jerry flung the light to the ceiling of the carriage with his wand. She was a bit surprised because she had learned the spell, but it could not have this kind of use.

"I made some improvements. If you want to learn it, I can teach you." Jerry smiled.

Hermione immediately nodded. She was very interested in this new magic.

"Why did the train stop? Did it break down?"

"I don't know."

At this point, a lot of students were coming out of their rooms and talking. Jerry's eyes skimmed the window, a blur of what a group of tall things lined up from the car door to get into the car.


Dark creatures that are powerful by sucking human happiness and soul. Normal physical and magical attacks can't hurt them.

"Your guys' room is lit up. What is going on?" The door was pushed open, and a somewhat startled Neville and Ginny.

Jerry got up with his wand and walked to the door, "There seems to be something on the train. Looks like a Dementor. You guys come in behind me and hide."


Hearing these words, all of them shivered. Ginny goes for Jerry in the room, sits next to Hermione, and Neville also squeezes Ron next to sit down.

Since Sirius broke out of prison, now no wizard does not know about Azkaban's horrible Dementors.

"Neville, it's time for you to lose some weight!" Ron's voice grumbled from behind Jerry.

"Maybe they were sent by the Ministry of Magic to search for Sirius and will leave after the inspection." Hermione said in a somewhat shaky voice.

Chapters will be updated daily at 22:30 GMT+7!

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