
Marvel's God of wrath

The true personification of wrath is has arrived. This is more for fun.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Into the fires of war!

' I've been flying for a god damn week, how far out is this god damn empire. Is that a ship?'

Asura thought as he approached the floating spaceship.

" Professor we've got incoming."

Nightcrawler said.

" Is it Vulcan?"

Charles asked.

" No, it isn't attacking. it can't be Vulcan."

Kurt said.

" Can you bring up an image?"

Havok asked.

" One moment."

Kurt said before an image of Asura appeared on their screen.

" Wait! what is here doing here?"

Kurt asked.

" You know this man, Kurt?"

Havok asked.

" Yes, I don't think you've all had the chance to meet him. He was one of the new students that came to the school after M-day. His name is asura."

Kurt said to the group.

" He's blocking me from his mind. How I'm one of the strongest telepaths on earth. How is he doing that?"

Rachel asked.

" Don't be upset Rachel, he was able to keep Emma and the stepfords out of his mind as well. In terms of strength, he might be as strong as Vulcan."

Kurt said

" Is he really that powerful Kurt?"

Polaris asked.

" Yes, kurt how do you know he's so strong?"

Charles asked.

" Because He not only defeated Nimrod by himself, but he also beat Thor, she-hulk and wonder man when the avengers came to the mansion."

Kurt said.


Warpath yelled.

" Professor why didn't you bring him with us?"

Lorna asked

" Scott made it a point to keep me as far away from the students as possible. I didn't even hear about these events until kurt told us. If his strength is as great as you say kurt we will definetly need his help."

Charles said.

" Hello? is anyone in there?" Asura asked.

" Asura Mein freund it is good to see you."

Kurt said through the intercom.

" Kurt is that you guys in there? Scott said you guys were in the shi'ar empire right now. Why are you guys all the way out here?"

Asura asked.

" Vulcan destroyed the jump gates. We've been flying ever since we left earth a month ago."

Charles said.

" It took you guys a month to get this far. I've only been flying a week, and that's because I have to keep stopping to check this damn device kitty gave me for directions."

Asura said pointing to the device.

" Do you think you could get us there faster if we guided you without interruptions?"

Charles asked.

" Yeah, no problem. But if you really want me to haul ass then you're going to need to buckle up."

Asura said.

" Time is of the upmost concern. Go as fast as you can."

Charles said.

" Alright! Everyone strapped in?"

" Yes!"

They all said.

" Asura, can you let rachel into your mind so she can give you directions?"

Charles asked

" Is that her tugging at my mind right now?"

" Yeah, it's me."

' Thank you for letting me in.'

Rachel said through their link.

" GOD DAMN WOMAN! You put supermodels to shame."

Asura said

" Now isn't the time for flirting mein freund."

Kurt said.

" Right lead away."

Asura said before the path to Shi'ar appeared in his mind.

" Alright! Let's go."

Asura said before he and the ship took off at the speed of light.

' Holy shit, how fast are we going right now?'

Havok asked through their link.

' About 721,876,666,666,610,000 times the speed of light. You guys did ask me to put my all into it.'

asura said back to the man.

' Though, I'll be a bit drained when we get there. There's a reason I don't go all out all the time you know.'

Asura said.

' When I think I've got you figured out, you manage to surprise me even more mein freund.'

Kurt said.

' Well, my blue friend, surprise is my specialty.'

Asura said

' I'm told Vulcan and Gladiator are both monsters. When we get there, I want them to myself. Got it.'

Asura said.

' If you can handle those two monsters by yourself, then go for it.'

Lorna said

' Oh, and while we're still free. I heard a lot about what you've done Xavier. And I want you to know even if I never had the chance to experience them, I believe you've always done what you thought was the best for your students and mutants everywhere. It's an honor to meet you all.'

Asura said.

' Thank you young man. But I've made mistakes that have greatly hurt my students. I don't deserve your praise.'

Charles said.

' The fact Xavier that you're willing to admit you've made mistakes and are actively trying to better yourself, only proves you do deserve my praise. Even now you risk life and death to correct a mistake. That's something only a true man will do.'

Asura said.

' Thank you young man. If we make it through this, I'd like to hear all about your story.'

Charles said.

' Oh man, I still got two beautiful women back home waiting to hear the rest of my story. So, you might have to wait a little while before I'm ready.'

' That is quite alright.'

Charles said.

' We're here! This is the outer rim of the shi'ar empire.'

Charles said.

' Uh guys, we got a problem you know those two we picked up awhile back?'

Warpath said.

' What two?'

Asura asked.

' Before you arrived, we docked at a spaceport of the shi'ar and picked up two survivors.'

Kurt said.

' Okay, what about them?'

Asura asked.

' They brought their buddies.'

Warpath said.

' Oh, great looks like I get to play sooner than I thought. Where are they?'

Asura asked.

' Docking bay, hurry! These guys are here for Rachel.'

Warpath said.

' Not gonna happen.'

Asura said as he released the ship and flew around to the docking bay.

" You can't beat this blade."

The Shi'ar holding a bright blue sword said.

" I don't have to beat the sword I just have to beat you."

Asura said as he landed in the docking bay.

" Arrogance has always clouded you earthers. Now die."

The man said as he charged asura with his blade.

" Not on your life pal."

Asura said before disappearing.

" Where did he?"

The man started to say before asura slammed his fist into his sword. Shattering the blade and punching the man in his chest. The force of the blow slammed the man into the walls of the hangar rocking the ship.

" He'll be out for awhile. Is everyone alright?"

Asura asked the X-men in the hangar

" What are you?"

Warpath asked while Havok and Polaris stared at the man.

" That is asura."

Kurt said.

" What terrifying power. You destroyed the sword so easily. How?"

Rachel asked.

" A sword? Please, I can bench press a planet."

Asura said.

" That power of yours is still frightening asura. I'm glad you're on our side.

Kurt said

" As long as you guys don't plan on stabbing me in the back literally. I always will be kurt."

asura said.

" With strength like that you just might be able to beat gladiator and Vulcan.

Havok said.

" Maybe. I just hope they're as strong as you guys say. I've been looking for a decent fight."

Asura said.

" Now then shall we continue our journey?"

Asura asked.

" Wait a minute? Where's charles?"

Asura asked

" The other two damn it!"

Asura yelled

" The ship is taking off."

Warpath yelled as the ship the man came in jumped away.

" Where did it go?"

Asura asked

" Rachel wake him up if you can. We need to find that ship now."

Asura yelled as Rachel began probing the man's mind.

" WHAT?!"

The man yelled as his eyes jerked open.

" You've got a lot of explaining to do in not so much time."

Asura said.

Thirty minutes later.

" Oh, great just great that's what I needed to hear today."

Asura said.

" Okay, Rachel, Korvus, Havok and I will feed our energies to the ship. Polaris please don't let us get blown up."

Asura said.

" Why are you worried about it? You can breathe in space."

Lorna said

" Oh yeah look let's just get this done. Charles needs us."

Asura said.

" When we arrive, our strength will mostly be spent so we'll need a place to rest and refit the energies before we leap into the fray."

Korvus said.

" You underestimate my strength to much Korvus. But you are right about the others. So, the question is who are we going to go to for help?"

Asura asked

" The star jammers?'

Kurt asked

" You earthers know the star jammers?"

Korvus asked

" Corsair is alex's father."

Rachel said

" Then perhaps our luck isn't so bad after all. Still Be wary when we arrive."

Korvus said.

" All that is fine and dandy, but you're still not off the leash yet Korvus you will remain in my sight until this little trip of ours is over. You give me even the smallest of inkling that you're going to betray us, and you'll be dead before you know it. Do you understand me?"

Asura said glaring directly into the man's eyes.

" Yes."

The man said back.

" Oh, I like him."

Rachel said.

" Crazy attracts crazy I guess."

Warpath joked.

" What was that?"

Rachel and Asura both asked.

" Nothing!"

Warpath said before running away.

" Come get us when you're ready Lorna. Korvus upfront."

Asura demanded.

" We might as well do it now. There's no point in wasting time here."

Lorna said.

" Very well, Let's go."

Asura said

" Ready?!"

asura asked


They all said in unison.

" Now!"

Asura yelled as he and the others began pouring their energy into the machine.

' Rachel? Are we still linked?'

Lorna asked

' Yeah...How are you holding up, Lorna?'

Rachel asked

' Getting shaky...Engine Manifolds really want to burst open.'

Lorna said.

' You can do it...You're stronger than anyone I know Lorna.'

Alex said trying to help the woman.

' I'm trying alex.'

Lorna responded.

' Do or do not! Lorna. There is no try.'

Asura said through their link.

' It should be over now...We should be through to the other side.

' Seriously you two? Don't tell me that.'

Lorna said

' What the hell is going on down there alex?'

Warpath asked.

' We're doing our best. Just be ready to send the message for when we hit open space.'

Alex said

' I Don't have much energy left to give. Did you just get us killed Korvus?'

Alex asked.

' I pray I didn't but what's left of the blade is nearly depleted as well.'

Korvus said.

' Oh, and that's my fault I guess.'

Asura said.

' Not helping.'

Lorna said.

' Fine, the rest of you tag out I can handle this.'

Asura said as he poured more energy into the machine.

' Thanks man.'

Alex said as he collapsed to the ground along with Korvus.

' Yeah, thanks.'

Rachel said as she too gave out.

' Wait something is happening. We made the jump is everyone alright down there?'

Kurt asked.

' Hello? Alex?'

Kurt asked again.

The room below a mess as the machine finally gave out. Everyone but asura was on their knees or out cold.

" Were fine down here Kurt."

asura said.

" Thank god."

Kurt said.

" Don't thank him yet my friend we still got to get to safety first."

Asura asnwered back.

" Rachel, Alex, Lorna? You guys all right?"

" Yeah, I'm gonna need a moment before I answer that."

Alex said.

" Me too."

Rachel also replied.

" Same!"

Lorna said on her knees.

" Good job Korvus you didn't lie to me. You get to live another day my man."

Asura said kneeling over the man.

" Asura get the others and get up to the main deck fast we have company."

Kurt said

" Is it an enemy?"

Asura asked.

" No, they are friendly, but it would still be wise to get here."

Kurt said.

" I'm on it."

asura said.

" Lorna, can you walk?"

Asura asked

" Yeah, I'm good. What about the others.

" I got them."

Asura said as he grew 4 more arms.

" What can't you do?"

Lorna asked.

" Handle two hormonal women."

Asura joked.

" Well keep it up and you'll have three to deal with."

Lorna joked back.

" Yeah, that doesn't sound too bad."

Asura said.

" Alright, I got them let's go meet this company."

Asura said

Asura and Lorna arrived just in time for the arrival of the star jammers.

" Asura meet Corsair the father of Alex and Scott summers."

Kurt said to the man.

" Okay, I'm going to need some context real fucking fast."

Asura said dropping Alex and Korvus.


" Raza and Ch'od should have your engines overhauled in a few hours. Apparently, they got pretty torn up inside from your improvisional power charge."

Corsair said

" Oh, let me guess that's my fault too, right? Typical."

Asura said.

" Do you ever shut up?"

Corsair asked.

" Do you want to try and make me?"

Asura asked.

" Maybe later."

Corsair said.

" You know asura with an attitude like that you'd make a damn good Star jammer."

Corsair said.

" Nah, I like earth too much. Besides I only came here originally because I thought I'd get to fight gladiator."

Asura said

" Are you looking for a beating kid?"

Corsair asked

" YES!"

Asura yelled.

" How are alex and the others?"

Kurt asked.

" Sikorsky says they're fine. They just need some rest."

Corsair said.

" that's good to hear. Now tell us what's going on, because it looks like you're going to war."

Warpath asked

" We are."

Corsair said

" Now you've got my interest."

Assura said

" Word got out that Lilandra was taken captive by Araki. It's a coup."

" mein Gott. The we are too late."

Kurt said

" Not yet we aren't. Rumor has it that deathbird is back. And I refuse to let her take Lilandra down and turn tis empire back into a nightmare."

Corsair said with determination.

" This is bad. Listen to me carefully I'll handle the heavy hitters you point them out then get out of my way."

asura said

" Think you can handle gladiator? Then he's all yours.'

Corsair said.

" So, what's the plan?"

Warpath asked

" We going to blow the birdies right out of the stars."

Hepzibah said.

" Lady you and I think alike."

Asura said

" You guy's got that kind of firepower?'

Warpath asked

" Hepzibah's enthusiasm aside, we do have enough firepower for what we have planned. But the odds are looking much better now that you're all here."

Corsair said

" For you my friend anything. As long as i get my fight I'll do whatever you need me too.'

asura said

" You get used it."

Kurt said.

" His enthusiasm aside he's right you got our help."

kurt said.

' Lilandra's being transported to the high council's armada, where she's to be tried for treason and executed. That's likely the same place they're holding Xavier. Our plan is to attack the weak point...The transport ship. We strike them in transit, get Lilandra out, and jump away before reinforcements arrive."

Corsair said explaining the plan.

" And get navigation logs with locations of the council armada. So, we know where next to hit them.

Hepzibah said.

" I like your style cat lady. But you guys should give me the coordinates. I get a feeling thing aren't going to be that easy. So, I'll be prepared to stay behind and cover you if I have to."

" I guess it's a good back up plan if shit hits the fan."

Corsair said.

" This will give us the best chance of rescuing Xavier and Darwin. Tracking the imperial council."

Kurt said

" Yes, it will kurt...and Lilandra will be the key to saving them. She hasn't been herself since their marriage was annulled, but if the council made a move on her it must mean they can't control her anymore. And that means she's a danger to them."

Corsair said

" Especially if she Know's they have charles."

Asura said

" Yes, but why would he risk coming back? I don't understand it. He knew it meant death if he was captured."

Corsiar said

" Yeah, about that there's something you gotta know."

Asura said.

" Dad."

Alex called out

" Alex! You shouldn't be out of the sick bay yet."

Corsair said

" No, dad. We have to talk...In private."

Alex said.

" Come get me from the sick bay when we arrive. I want to check up on our special guest."

Asura said as he made his way to the med bay.

" Yo you guy's doing all right?"

Asura asked as he walked into the med bay.

" Yeah, I'm fine Still a little tired though."

Rachel said.

" Glad to hear it pretty bird. What about you Lorna?"

" I've had worse, though this is a close second."

Lorna said.

" Well, at least we made it out alive. Korvus?"

" I'm fine thanks for asking."

Korvus answered

" No problem, figured I'd get you guys up to speed before We get there."

Asura said.

" Get where?"

Rachel asked.

" I suggest you strap down, because we're causing a prison break."

Asura said with a smile.

Asura explained the plan to the three and after a few minutes the time for battle came.

" Looks like it's time to go to war."

Korvus said.

" You're wrong Korvus. It's time for me to show you why my people gave me the name ASURA THE DESTRUCTOR!"

Asura said with a wicked grin.

" Is something funny?"

Asura asked the grinning woman.

" Later you."

Rachel said her eyes glowing red.

" HA! Not gonna wish me luck?"

Asura asked

Rachel laughed at the man and kissed his cheek.

" Is that good enough?"

The woman asked

" HAHAHA! It's time for war."

Asura said before running down the hall of the ship.

" You ready kid?"

Corsair asked.

" Are you kidding me? I was born for this. I trained for this! I Killed for this! IT'S TIME TO GO TO WAR! STAR JAMMERS! X-MEN! TO BATTLE! HAHAHAHA!"

Asura yelled as he jumped out the ships air lock

" He's a maniac! He just jumped out of an air lock with no concern for himself."

Corsair said

" He's a real man."

Hepzibah said

" Yeah, that's nothing new. You should have seen how eager he was to battle the Avengers. I still can't believe we won that day. He put Three of their heavy hitters out of action for weeks."

Kurt said.

" Well, you heard the man. STAR JAMMERS! TO BATTLE!"

Corsair yelled.

Crash! Boom!

A loud explosion could be heard from the main hall of the ship.


One solider yelled.

" HAHAHAHA! Don't let me down Shi'ar.'

Asura said as his white eyes glowed through the smoke.

Asura engaged the enemy soldiers on the ground while the others made their way to their objectives. Warpath and Korvus to the signal tower, Everyone else to Lilandra.

" Ahahaha!"

Asura laughed as he cut through the guards. Bisecting and decapitating them one by one.

" Jesus he's really cutting lose, isn't he?"

Corsair asked.

" Yeah, best to let him have his fun. He's been complaining about not having a good fight since he caught up with us."

Alex said.

" Alex behind you!"

Corsair yelled before blasting the guard trying to attack his son.

" Be careful son."

Corsair said to havok.

" I know, thank you."

alex said

" So many birdies for me to kill."

Hepzibah said with glee.

" You are too excited to dirty thy hands with shi'ar blood."

One star jammer said.

' Asura, Star jammers, we have Lilandra.'

Rachel said through their link.

' I'm a little busy right now pretty bird call back later.'

Asura said before cutting down more guards.

' We'll rendezvous with you soon.'

Corsair said.

' Okay.' Rachel said before the link cut.

" So, it looks like we got what we came for sooner than I thought guys. So, we're gonna have to end this sooner."

Asura said with a grin before slaughtering the remaining guards.

' Asura, you need to join us now. We may have a problem.'

Rachel said.

' I'm finished here. I'll be there shortly.'

Asura said as he leapt away from the bloody battlefield.

" Worry not about the girl, Nightcrawler. She is battle hardened, as she needs to be! My fears lie with Lilandra and what we will face should she fail."

The star jammer said.

Crash! A powerful object landed in front of Kurt and the others.

" Need some help blue?"

Asura asked as he walked through the smoke.

" Oh, what is this I see? More lambs to the slaughter?"

Asura asked.

" Kill the intru-"

A guard tried to say before asura punched his head off.

" You fools think Gladiator is bad? Wait until you've fought me to decide that."

Asura said as he began tearing through the guards.


One of the guards yelled as he tried to attack Asura, before being torn apart by Rachel Grey.


Asura yelled with a wicked smile on his face.

" You later!"

Asura said pointing at the woman.

" Yes later! For now, shall we let the slaughter begin?"

Rachel asked

" OH YES!"

Adura said as he began tearing through more guards.

" What's the matter elf?"

Asura asked

" I find all of this gratuitous."

Kurt said

" This is war Kurt. There's no time for sympathy for the enemy. They certainly won't show any to you."

Asura said as he dodged fire from the enemy weapons

" Are they finished yet?"

Asura asked

" To all star jammers and X-men we've got what we came for retreat!"

Corsair's voice rang through their earpiece's

" Speak of the devil. All right everyone we ready?"

Asura asked.

" Yes, Let's go."

Kurt said

" Alright! But before I go here's a little going away present for you fellas."

Asura said as he held out his hand and a blast erupted from it


asura laughed as he and the others made their escape.


Asura thought as he and the others left.

Hours later on the StarJammer.

" HAHAHA! My friends that was an amazing battle. MY Blood is Boiling HAHAHAHA!"

Asura yelled in excitement as he slammed his drink.


The starjammers yelled in agreement as they partied.


Asura yelled

" You are quite the warrior Earther. Are you as good in bed as you are on the battlefield?"

Hepzibah asked.

" Why don't you join me and find out."

Asura said pulling the cat woman close to him.

" Oh, I like this one."

Hepzibah purred into Asura's ear.

" Got room for one more?"

Rachel asked.

" Of course, pretty bird. You won't mind one more joining us will ya?"

Asura asked

" If you're as good as you say you are. Then I don't think one more will matter too much."

Rachel said before kissing the man.

" HAHAHAHAHA! Corsair, I need a room and quick."

Asura yelled.

" There's one upstairs. Just don't wreck it too badly. Oh, who am I kidding?"

Corsair said realizing just how foolish his request was.


Asura laughed as he carried the women upstairs.

The next day.

" So, ladies did I meet your expectations?"

Asura asked

" By the stars yes."

hepzibah said struggling to get to her feet.

" My legs feel numb."

Rachel said.

" I suggest you shake it off soon. I feel a battle coming soon."

Asura said before leaving the room.

" Ah Asura mein freund. I'm glad you could join us."

Kurt said

" You must be lady Lilandra. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Asura said.

" The pleasure is all mine friend asura. I've heard of your exploits in freeing me. You will be a great asset."

Lilandra said.

" Thank you."

Asura said.

" Asura. You joined us right on time. I think you're going to like what you see."

Corsair said before a picture of Vulcan and Gladiator's army appeared on the screen.

" There are two massive problems standing in our way of saving Xavier."

Corsair began.

" Vulcan and Gladiator. hehahahahhahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Asura laughed as the prospect of facing both powerhouses flashed through his mind.

The laughter drew the gazes of many of the crew. Hepzibah and Rachel as well.


Asura yelled in excitement

" TO WAR!"

Hepzibah yelled.

" See Ka'ardum? I told you we had a secret weapon.

' Finally, a real challenge is upon me. For years I've waited for the chance to test my true strength. Now it's finally here and what magnificent opponents they are.'

Asura thought.

" Come get me when the battle is upon us!"

Asura said before leaving the room.


" We're coming out of the jump. Are you ready Kid?"

Corsair asked.

" HAHAHAHAHA! I've never been more ready in my life.'

" 3"

" 2"

" 1"

" We're here!"

Corsair said.

" My lord look to the skies. Your other sister joins the party."

Araki said as Lilandra's forces emerged.

" To Arms! Prepare for battle!"

D'ken said as his forces began firing at Lilandra's

" Gladiator's coming go kid!"

Corsair yelled


Asura laughed as he jumped from the ship.

" You have Invaded Shi'ar space you will be executed for treason!"

Gladiator said as he flew through the air towards the ships.

" We'll see about that!"

asura said as he tackled Gladiator. The two men fighting for dominance over the other as the crash landed on the ground.

" He just overpowered gladiator!!!"

D'ken said

" What kind of monster did my sister find?"

Deathbird asked


A lound bang was heard as Gladiator punched asura away from him.

" You filthy beast how dare you strike me!"

Gladiator yelled.

Asura regained his balance landing on his feet before sprinting back towards Gladiator.

" Is that all you got? I heard you were supposed to be strong!"

Asura said as he slammed his fist into Gladiator's face sending the man crashing through his troops.

" Now! While Asura's holding off gladiator we have to get Charles."

Corsair said

" Imperial guard we must help gladiator. The earther is overpowering him!"

The imperial guard said.

" Hahaha! Is this all the mighty gladiator amounts too? It can't be. Show me why you are considered the strongest GLADIATOR!"

Asura yelled as he flung the man by his head across the battlefield.

" I don't know who you are, but you die today!"

Vulcan said as he blasted asura in the back.

" We'll see about that boy. You were next on my list anyway."

Asura said as he and Vulcan locked horns with each other. Each trying to overpower the other man. Vulcan threw a headbutt that asura matched with his own. The collison of the two forces creating a massive shockwave.

" You Bastard!"

Vulcan cursed as his hands began to glow.

" Shut up and fight!"

Asura said as his hands began to glow as well.

The two men charged their energy blasts then released them on each other point blank. The resulting explosion shaking the planet below them.

" Vulcan!"

Deathbird yelled in fear over her newly crowned Husband.

From the smoke Vulcan and Gladiator emerged the two men forcing asura back a great distance.

" I am not defeated yet Earther."

Gladiator spoke as he punched Asura in the stomach sending him crashing into the ground below.

" Neither am I Gladiator."

Asura said before rushing the two men again. Their fists colliding in the air. Creating another massive shockwave that began to tear apart the planet below.

" I gotta say you are quite powerful Vulcan. But gladiator is still stronger."

Asura said before being overpowered by the two men again.

" Asura!"

Rachel yelled as the two men drove the man into the ground. A bright light erupted from the crater where the three men had landed. Vulcan and Gladiator were both launched away from the crater and landed beside each other with force.


Asura yelled as he grew four other arms.

" Now, then shall we continue this dance?"

Asura asked before rushing the two men. Vulcan and gladiator rushed to meet the man. Vulcan went to blast the man but was overpowered by a blast from asura.

" Let me handle him my prince."

Gladiator said as he and asura met once again fist to fist. Gladiator picked up his speed matching each punch that Asura threw. Back and forth the two men fought each man landing a blow a blow on the other.

" This is more like it gladiator."

Asura laughed.

" I'm glad you're amused you pestilent brat!"

Gladiator said before punching asura away again. This time following it up with a dive bomb.


Asura launched Gladiator away again.

While Asura and gladiator battled. Vulcan took his chance and Killed D'ken

" You think I would be your brother? That I would serve beneath you?"

Vulcan asked as he killed the man

" You think I could ever forget what you did to me?"

Vulcan asked the man who had killed his mother and ripped him from her womb during pregnancy.

" My King!"

Gladiator yelled

" No time for distractions!"

Asura said as he rocked the man's head. Slamming three of his fists into the man's skull and launching him into the ground. This time asura followed it up with a divebomb of his own Slamming all six of his arms into the man.

" Vulcan no! I trusted you!"

Lady deathbird said as she watched her husband kill her brother.

" And I heard your wishes, Cal'syee and respected them. You didn't want to rule. Now that we're Married, you won't have to. Because I claim D'ken's thrown as my own! By right of blood and combat! By right of SUCCESSION! I name myself Emperor VULCAN, ruler of the SHI'AR IMPERIUM!"

Vulcan said as he held the crown over his head.

" And my first act as emperor is to secure my throne from threat."

Vulcan said as he readied himself to kill Lilandra.

" No...You can't...You're mad."

Lilandra cried.

" Haven't you learned by now, Lilandra, that your people prefer a mad emperor?"

Vulcan asked before he killed the woman.

Vulcan was ready to kill the woman but before he could Gladiator's body was thrown into him.

" I'm sorry my king!"

Gladiator said as he helped Vulcan to his feet.

" This monster is more than my match. As we fight, I feel him getting stronger."

Gladiator said.

' Damn this is the most fun I've had since I've got here.'

Asura thought to himself as he checked his body over. Many bruises painted his body, the same as gladiator.

' What they say is true. he more than deserves to hold the title of Marvels many supermen. But I'd say he's not quite at that level yet.'

Asura thought.

" We're not done yet, are we? I've come all this way for a true fight. And so far, Gladiator is the only one who's prove his worth to me. You call yourself Emperor now? Show me the might of this emperor!"

Asura said gesturing for Vulcan to fight him.

" Gladly!"

Vulcan said as he rushed towards the man joined by gladiator.

" This again?!"

Asura asked

Vulcan wrapped his arms around Asura's waist as gladiator swung away at him up top. Asura swung back at gladiator, while driving his other hands down into Vulcan's back knocking the man off of him and back down into the planet below.


Gladiator yelled

" What did I tell you about getting distracted?"

Asura said before grabbing gladiator by the throat and driving him down into the ground right on top of Vulcan. Asura stood over the two men and powered up an energy blast releasing it right into Gladiator's face. A massive explosion could be seen from where the three men were.


Lady deathbird yelled as she clawed away at corsair.

" Please tell me you two aren't finished yet."

Asura said.

" Not yet!"

Gladiator said as he stood on his feet, blood dripping from nearly every crevice on his body. His imperial wardrobe in ruins. Vulcan on the other hand wasn't so lucky. He looked like he was near death's bed.

" Gladiator! By my name as Asura the destructor you have my praise. There aren't many in our universe who can excite my lust for battle as you have to honor you as a warrior."

Asura said before jumping in the air.


Asura proclaimed as he summoned his sword.


Asura yelled as he pulled the sword from its sheath. The energy released Swirled through the air like a raging inferno.


Asura yelled again as he swung his sword down at the man. Gladiator caught the blade and was just barely able to redirect it to side avoiding the blade cutting through him and Vulcan below him. The blade cut through the planet they were standing on raising the ground beside the two a great height. Asura moved close to gladiator and kicked him in the stomach sending him flying, but not before gladiator could grab Vulcan.


Gladiator yelled as he fled with Vulcan.

" No, you don't!"

Asura said before one of imperial guards crashed as ship on him.

" God Damn cheap son of a bitch!"

Asura yelled as he pushed ship off of him, but by the time he recovered he looked around to see what was left of the battlefield. He had been so distracted by his battle he failed to notice. Corsair, the father of Scott and Alex summers had died. The x-bug the ship that had carried them to the battlefield was gone, now only a battlefield of death remained.

" Alex I'm sorry for your loss."

Asura said as he patted the man on his shoulder.

" Come everyone I think it's time we rest for today. For I fear our battle is far from over."

Asura said as he carried Corsair's body to one of the Remaining ships. He took one last look back at the group and the battlefield and said.

" This is the price of war. Do not hang your heads in sadness my friends, for today even if only a small one. We have claimed our first step towards victory."

Asura said before boarding the ship with the others.