
Graduation Day!

" Today's the day huh?" Atom said to himself as he watched parent's and visitors pile into the school grounds

" Yes, it is. You know when you live each day wondering if some nut jobs gonna come down and try to murder you, it's hard to remember days like these exist." Rachel explained to the man.

" Yeah. But look at them." Atom told the girl as he looked down at the kids and their parents. " They're happy. And that's what matters. That's why we do all of this isn't it?" Atom asked the girl.

" Yes, it is." Rachel replied.

" Come on, let's go greet some of the families." Atom told the girl.

" You go ahead, I have to meet Logan and Ororo before the program starts." Rachel told the man. She kissed him on the cheek and then turned and walked out of the room.

" Doors? I think I'll take the fun way." Atom said to himself. He opened the window up and flew out and into the fields, waving at the people below.

" Captain!" Gladiator called out to the man as he, kid gladiator and his warbirds flew towards the school.

" Gladiator! It's a pleasure to see you old friend." Atom said to the man.

" Hey TEACH! Why am I not graduating today?" Kid Gladiator asked.

" Because you're not ready yet. But if you think you are I'll give you another final exam right now." Atom told the boy.

" YES! Finally! Where is this exam?" Kid gladiator asked.

" It's simple really. All you need to do is beat me in a fight." Atom told the boy.

" All right! You've had this coming for a long time." Kid Gladiator told Atom. He raised his fist and charged atom.

Atom in turn simply shook his head and smiled before grabbing Kid Gladiator's fist and knocking him out with a punch to the face..

Gladiator sighed and shook his head. " He never learns." Gladiator stated.

" Maybe not. But that's what makes him unique. That never say die attitude is what makes him stand out amongst his peers. He may not be graduating today, but I know he'll do great things in the future, whether he does them here or not doesn't really matter." Atom told the man as he handed Kubark's unconscious body over to the man.

" Thank you for the kind words, Captain. Kubark can be... Difficult at times. But you never gave up on him." Gladiator spoke.

" Of course not. He's one of my students. But now that the year is up. What now?" Atom asked.

" I haven't decided yet. I think I'll be taking him back to the empire now." Gladiator explained.

" I see. And you Ava'dara? Are you leaving too?" Atom asked Warbird.

" Wherever Prince Kubark goes, I will go." Warbird replied.

" I see. Well, whatever happens. I hope you all take care of yourselves. For now, enjoy the day there will be time for this conversation later." Atom told the group before flying away.

' Nathan, come to the mainstage. We're about to begin.' Rachel told the man telepathically.

' All right, I'm coming.' Atom told the woman.

He flew over to the mainstage where Wolverine, Rachel, and Storm where waiting.

" You ready to get this started folks?" Wolverine asked.

" After you headmaster." Storm told the man.

Logan nodded and walked up to the podium. " Hello. Thank you all for joining us here today. I'm not very good at these things so forgive me." Logan told the crowd. He then went on to explain why the school was opened and what it means for these kids to be here today graduating. And what it also meant for those moving on to the next grade. " So, it is my pleasure to introduce the graduates of the Jean Grey school for higher learning. First up is Megan Gwynn, Graduate and officially active X-Man." Logan explained.

The young pink haired pixie walked up to the stage and accepted her diploma from Logan.

" Hisako Ichiki. Graduate and enrollee in masters program." Logan called out the young girls name

Hisako walked up to the stage and accepted her diploma and hugged Logan.

The proceedings continued with Victor Borkowski graduating and many others.

" Now, finally for the last few students. I believe it is more appropriate for my fellow teacher, The favorite teacher of the year as voted by students, Professor Nathaniel Adams to take the stand." Logan said to the crowd before gesturing for Nathan to come up to the stand.

Nathan looked back at Rachel in confusion.

" Go on." Rachel told the man.

Atom nodded and walked up to the podium to see the last names on the list. Once he did, he smiled.

" Wow! Can't say I thought I'd be standing here doing this today. But I am grateful for you giving me this opportunity, Professor Logan." Atom spoke. " It is a known fact I make obvious to all students who come to this school that no matter what your circumstances, no matter what the color of your skin is, your religion, nor your preferences for the lack of a better term. That once you come to this school, I think of you as family. And I am proud of each and every single one of you. No matter what challenge came your way, you all overcame them together. As one. And that couldn't be said more for this group of students." Atom explained. " First up is a young man, who despite his appearances and his backgrounds proved that he is in charge of his own destiny. Please come to the stage Evan Genesis. Graduate and officially active X-man." Atom declared.

Evan got up from his seat next to Fantomex and walked up to the stage.

Nathan smiled as he handed over the diploma to the boy.

" Thanks, big brother." Evan said to the man.

" Evan, I watched you grow from the timid and meek little boy you were to the strong and confident man I see now. I'm proud of you little brother." Nathan told the boy as he hugged him.

" Up next is a student, who spent hours into the night studying, striving to be the best she could be. Please come up to the stage Jia Jing. Graduate." Atom declared.

Jia got up from her seat next to her parents and fluttered to the stage.

" You've made your parents proud, Jia. And so am I." Nathan told the girl as he handed her, her diploma.

" Thank you, Professor Adams. For everything." Jia told the man as she accepted the Diploma.

Once she left the stage Nathan continued on to the next. " Next up is a little guy with a lot of fight and a very big brain. He never stopped believing in the best of his classmates and strove to prove that despite his appearances he could be different. Please come to the Stage BROO! Graduate and enrollee in the masters program." Atom declared.

Broo hopped up from his seat next to Hank and Abigail and ran down the isle towards the stage enthusiastically. His sharp teeth spread wide in a large grin.

" Here you go, Broo. Congratulations young man." Atom told the boy.

" Words cannot describe, how grateful I am to you Professor Adams. From the bottom of my heart thank you." Broo told the man as he accepted his diploma.

Once Broo left the stage Nathan looked down at the last name on the list. " Oh boy, this next boy is one I'm sure you all know well. I remember when I first met him on the first day of class. It was easily the worst day of my life. Yes, definitely the worst. He caused so much Havoc people began to wonder why we ever gave him the time of day. He's been branded a criminal, a villain and many other things all unpleasant. And yet as I watched this boy, I saw things people said I was crazy about. This troublemaker, stood by his fellow classmates and protected them when no one else would or could. He intentionally put himself in harms way for his friends. And he has shown the biggest growth of any single boy I have ever seen in all of my years. So, it is my pleasure to announce the final graduate of the Jean grey School is none other than Quentavius Quire! Graduate." Atom declared shocking the young boy.

" Quentin looked up from his seat next to Captain America in shock.

" Congratulations on growing up Quentin." Steve told the boy.

" Oh no. What have I done to deserve this?" Quentin asked. Quentin got up from his seat and walked up to the stage.

" Quentin, I know you're afraid of growing up. I know it's a scary thing. But let me tell you something, Quentin. No matter what you may think about yourself, know that I am proud of the man you have become, and I look forward to seeing grow even further." Atom told the boy as he handed him his diploma. Quentin looked down at the diploma and returned to his seat quietly.

" And with that we have reached the end of the line. Now, students, switch your tassels over to the left side." Atom told the students. He watched as the kids all quickly moved the small golden tassels over to the left side of their hats. " And with that may I give your Graduating class of 2014!" Atom declared.

" YEAAAAAAAH!" The students and parents all yelled as the kids tossed their hats into the air.

Nathan looked out into the crowd of people celebrating and felt his eyes start to water. He rubbed his eyes to prevent himself from crying.