
Marvel’s Big Villian

Lordio · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1: big villain system

In a high-rise apartment in New York, Jason came out of the bathroom wet, wrapped in a gray bathrobe, and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with a glass of whisky, admiring the night view of Manhattan.

The towering office buildings were brightly lit, the densely packed cars crowded the road, and the laughter of passing pedestrians could be heard endlessly.

What a bustling scene.

On the big screen in the square, a news host in a blue and white suit was spitting out a press release.

"According to people familiar with the matter, the military will want to purchase the Jericho missile, the latest cutting-edge weapon developed by Stark Industries..."

Jericho missiles?

Jason drank the whiskey, and then desperately searched for the memory in his mind.

Stark Industries has a high-level executive who seems to be the villain in the movie. What's his name?

Time has passed so long that the memories of the previous life are almost forgotten.

Jason Walter was born on October 15, 1981 in the slums of Midtown West, Manhattan, New York, which also has an alias called Hell's Kitchen.

His father is a member of the bottom gang in Hell's Kitchen, and his mother is a salesperson at a nearby convenience store. He is the only son in the family.

Because of his father, Jason's childhood memories are full of gangsters, guns, violence and the like.

This also led to his very eccentric personality, which was out of tune with the children around him.

The life of the lower-class family is very poor. In order to fill his stomach, he took to the streets to steal at the age of eight, blackmailed his classmates at the age of ten, and robbed passers-by with a 9mm pistol at the age of twelve.

At the age of thirteen, his parents were involved in a gang fight and were killed. Since then, he has completely let himself go, and soon entered a juvenile detention center for intentional injury.

After being released from prison at the age of seventeen, Jason joined a small gang in Hell's Kitchen. With the skills he learned in prison, he quickly rose to prominence in the gang.

Soon after, the fledgling Jin offered him an olive branch, and Jason accepted it readily and became Jin and his ace thug.

In the next ten years, Jason climbed up step by step on the corpse of the enemy with his daring and daring strength, and finally became Jin Bing's right and left hand.

With a car, a house, savings, beauty, meat and women, and hundreds of younger brothers who can fight and kill, Jason, only 27 years old, finally lived like a winner in life.


Jason looked at the big screen in the square, with a moustache, he beat the female reporter who interviewed him to Tony Stark, who doubted his life, and suddenly felt powerless and tired.

In another year, the era of heroes flying everywhere and villains everywhere will come.

This planet will become the main battlefield of the cosmic war, and all the great gods will come to the earth for a wave of existence when they have something to do.

Don't say that Jason is only the second-in-command of the gang, even if he becomes gold and is at this level, in the eyes of the great gods of the universe, the stronger ants are still ants.

Thinking of this, Jason felt that his future was gloomy.

[Ding! You slept with Jin Bing's girlfriend, get 20 villain points! ]


The transparent light curtain that suddenly appeared in front of him made Jason's brows furrowed tightly.

This is the dog system I am twenty-seven years late?

After being stunned for a few seconds, he turned to look at the big solid wood bed five steps away.

An elegant woman was sleeping soundly on the duvet, with a satisfied smile on her face. The mess on the bed represented that the two had just had a deep and friendly exchange.

Her name is Vanessa, and she is Jin Bing's girlfriend.

Who is Jin?

Jason's immediate boss.

A super strong guy who can smash through concrete walls with one punch.

A gang leader with hundreds of outlaws.

The king of the underground who controls all illegal business in New York.

Vanessa is Jin's favorite and only woman. Whoever dares to whistle at her will find his body in the trash can in the early morning of the next day.

Jason understands Vanessa's position in Kim's heart, so until now, he still thinks this is really crazy.

A few days ago, Kim Bing's business in Los Angeles was in trouble and had to leave New York overnight.

Before leaving, he was worried that Vanessa would be in danger. After all, his enemies were no less than his younger brother, so he let his cronies Jason be responsible for protecting Vanessa.

Although Jason wanted to fly to Los Angeles to kill the gang of beeps, but Jin Bing had already spoken, no matter how dissatisfied he was, he could only do it honestly.

So, Jason, like Vanessa's personal bodyguard, followed her in and out all day, doing her best to protect her safety.

Because of the resentment in his heart, Jason never gave her any good looks.

Strangely enough, Jason's indifference attracted Vanessa's attention.

She began to take the initiative to chat with Jason to enhance her relationship, and then it developed into going to restaurants together, shopping on Fifth Avenue together, and visiting art exhibitions in art museums together.

And then...

[Ding! The mission is completed, and the villain system is officially opened! ]

The transparent light curtain flickered, pulling Jason back to reality.

[Host: Jason Walter]

[Level: 1 (20/1000) (Complete quests or do evil to get villain points)]

[Strength 33 (the ability to lift and bear heavy objects, the average adult is 10)]

[Agility 32 (ability to move and respond to nerves), 10 for an average adult]

[Endurance 30 (ability to fight and recover), 10 for ordinary adults]

[Intelligence 28 (mentality and ability to process information), 10 for the average adult]

[Remaining attribute points: 0 (get 10 attribute points for each level up)]

[Reputation: 0 (Evil deeds leave unforgettable memories to gain reputation)]

[Affiliate: None (reputation accumulated to a certain amount, you can recruit villains to join the party, the source of the party includes but not limited to film and television, animation, novels, games...)]

[Points: (Points can be used to purchase items in the mall, and the exchange rate is $10,000: 1 point)]

[Ability: Fighting Proficiency (Level 4), Driving Proficiency (Level 3), Firearm Proficiency (Level 4), UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Cold Weapon Proficiency (Level 2)]

[Shopping mall: click here]


Four-dimensional attributes, prestige, party members, points, abilities, shopping malls...

Jason looked at it one by one, and after he understood everything, he clicked on the shopping mall interface.

[Shopping mall: proficient in cold weapons, proficient in fighting, proficient in firearms, proficient in driving, proficient in piloting, proficient in special operations, proficient in special driving, proficient in interrogation, proficient in unlocking, proficient in stealing, proficient in Chinese language, proficient in psychology, proficient in political science...]

There are various items in the mall, Jason only looked at a small part, and the Nokia in his pocket suddenly rang.

The caller ID is...Jinping!

In an instant, Jason got goosebumps all over his body!


Was Jin and found!

Jason felt a chill on his back.

No, no, no!

I did this very secretly, and it was absolutely impossible for Jin to know.

Calm down, you have to be calm, don't let yourself be distracted!


Vanessa turned over when the bell rang.

Jason didn't have time to admire her impressive figure, so he quickly covered the speaker and walked out of the room to answer the phone: "boss"


A familiar rough voice came from the speakers.

Jason swallowed involuntarily: "Boss, what's the matter?"

Jin Bing: "..."

"Everything is normal here in New York, and the cooperation with Mrs. Gao is also very smooth."

Jin Bing: "..."

Jason had a bad feeling: "Boss, is there something wrong over there in Los Angeles?"

Jin Bing: "Tell me, Jason, how does it feel to have **** with Vanessa?"