
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 97 Suppression

Above the west side of Tianshui City, Lin Yuan was suspended in the air. With one finger he broke Li Luo's Thunder Palm, shocking everyone.

Without paying much attention to everyone's shock, Lin Yuan looked at the panel in front of him with a dazed look.

All I saw was that the Bread Gun clearly stated that the total life energy consumed this time would be one hundred and ninety years!

The bright red line of words made Lin Yuan feel particularly heavy.

So far, four hundred and ninety years of life have been deducted from him, and he only has ten years left!

"I must break through to the Nirvana realm as soon as possible!"

The short life span made Lin Yuan very anxious and even more violent.

His anxious heart caused his breathing to become extremely disordered, which made Li Luo mistakenly believe that Lin Yuan must have used some secret method at this moment, which caused his breathing to become unstable, and greed suddenly arose in his heart.

If he could get that secret method, he might be able to break through to the Nirvana realm. At that time, he would no longer be afraid of the Huangpu family!

Thinking of this, Li Luo no longer hesitated, and with all his strength, he flew towards Lin Yuan at full speed.

When Hua Yun saw Li Luo's actions, he wanted to stop him, but after hesitating for a second, he gave up.

He really wanted to see how strong Lin Yuan was at the moment.

"Little devil, give me your secret method, and I can spare your life."

Li Luo looked at Lin Yuan with a greedy look on his face and said viciously.

Li Luo's words brought Lin Yuan back to his senses. He was in a very bad mood at the moment. Facing this enemy who came to his door, Lin Yuan naturally would not be polite.

"Get lost!"

With a low shout, a violent breath rushed towards Li Luo like the wind.

Sensing this terrifying aura, Li Luo's face suddenly changed, and he wanted to retreat. But when he thought of the secret method that could allow him to advance to the Nirvana realm, greed finally overcame reason, and he prepared to kill Lin Yuan.

"Kid, I'll say it again, hand over the secret technique to you..." Before he could finish his words, Lin Yuan suddenly attacked, and with his finger outstretched, a domineering sword energy flew towards Li Luo.

Li Luo's face suddenly changed, and the Thunder Palm quickly gathered in his right hand, and then he slammed it out fiercely.

"Boom boom!

! ! "

A strong fluctuation of Yuanli suddenly appeared, and then Li Luo's figure suddenly retreated hundreds of steps, and only stopped after crashing into a big tree.

In a moment, the winner was decided and Li Luo was completely defeated!

This result surprised everyone, especially Hua Yun. The smile on his face had long disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented solemnity.

"This young man's strength has surpassed mine!"

Within a few seconds, Hua Yun came to this conclusion and a bitter smile appeared on his lips.

He practiced for most of his life to reach the peak of the Creation Realm, but now he was easily surpassed by a young boy. It was really a huge blow to him.

On the other side, Ling Qingzhu and Li Yan stopped fighting and looked at Lin Yuan with serious expressions, each with different thoughts in their minds.

Ling Qingzhu's reaction was surprise, while Li Yan's was horror.

He was very clear about Li Luo's strength. Even Hua Yun could hardly cause any harm to Li Luo. But this little devil knocked Li Luo away with just one move, which made him feel unreal.

"I'm in a bad mood right now. You challenge my patience again and again. Do you want to die?"

Countless sword energies surged out crazily, dancing wantonly in the sky. Lin Yuan revealed a bloodthirsty look, staring coldly at Li Luo not far away with murderous intent.

"Is this kid crazy?"

Li Luo was not frightened by the aura emitted by Lin Yuan, because he found that there was something wrong with Lin Yuan now. Although the aura he emitted was strong, his eyes were red, as if he was possessed.

"Could it be a side effect of that secret technique?"

Soon, Li Luo found a reasonable explanation. He felt slightly relieved, and at the same time, his desire to possess the secret technique became even stronger.

Li Luo could almost ignore such side effects because he was confident that he could control it and would not be like Lin Yuan, a mad beast.

"Hmph, little brat, I don't know what happened to you, but I'm determined to get that secret method!"

Li Luo stood up slowly, with a determined look on his face, and then suddenly burst out with a force even stronger than before.

"court death!"

A cold light flashed, and the sword energy that filled the air condensed wildly, forming dozens of green swords emitting sharp sword energy.


The green sword took shape, Lin Yuan moved his fingers slightly, and the sword turned into ten green rays, carrying an unstoppable aura, across the sky and flew towards Li Luo.

Looking at the ten swords flying towards him at a high speed, Li Luo showed a solemn expression, and his body suddenly moved, turning into dozens of afterimages, and rushed forward to meet them.

"It's just a trick."

If it was before, facing Li Luo, Lin Yuan might be a little afraid, but for Lin Yuan now, especially Lin Yuan who is still angry, Li Luo is nothing but a clown.

Lin Yuan spread out his palm, slowly stretched it out, quietly looked at the dozens of afterimages, a slight sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he clenched it hard.

Ten green swords moved at a high speed, leaving countless afterimages and forming a huge sword cage that imprisoned Li Luo tightly inside.

The sword cage gradually shrank, and Li Luoke's moving range became smaller and smaller, and the afterimage produced was almost instantly pierced by the green light.

Slowly, Li Luo's figure appeared, and his face looked extremely ugly.

"Little devil, do you think you can trap me like this?

It's just a fool's dream! "

Unconsciously, Li Luo changed his address, but he himself did not realize it.

At this moment, he is in crisis. If he cannot break through the cage formed by ten green swords, he will surely die!

"Laser gun."

Without too much nonsense, Li Luo opened his hands, and the lightning gathered in his hands. Dozens of light spears shot out from his palms and hit the sword cage hard.


In an instant, dozens of explosions sounded like thunder, one after another.

In just a few seconds, dozens of cracks appeared in the sword cage constructed by ten green swords and gradually expanded.


Seeing this, Li Luo showed a disdainful smile, and seemed very satisfied with the result.


Lin Yuan uttered the two words with disdain, then stretched his right hand into the sky, and a green sword energy emerged from his palm and flew into the sky.

At this moment, the sword cage was completely broken under the crazy attack of the light gun, and Li Luo's figure was revealed.

"Haha, little ghost, you..." Before he could be happy, Li Luo suddenly sensed a breath of death. He quickly looked up at the sky, his face changed drastically.

I saw countless sword energies driving the vitality of heaven and earth to gather together madly, and slowly condensed into a huge sword that was a hundred meters long. The sword body was attached with an indestructible and terrifying sword energy, which made people despair.

"Go to hell, old man."

As he finished speaking, the long sword slowly descended with a terrifying aura that shocked everything.