
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 96 Disappearing Lifespan

"Host, the strengthened body can reach the limit of the human body and has countless benefits. It is recommended that you consume your life energy to strengthen your body."

Lin Yuan didn't ponder for long before the system's voice sounded, revealing a hint of temptation.

How could Lin Yuan, who had lived two lives, be bewitched by the system? He ignored the system's voice and carefully considered the pros and cons.

According to his judgment, there are indeed many benefits to a strengthened body. The most obvious one is that he can foresee that once the strengthening is completed, he can break through to the realm of creation.

However, is it worth spending a hundred years to gain the strength of the Creation Realm?

For ordinary people, exchanging one-fifth of their lifespan for the power of the realm of creation is undoubtedly worthwhile, because even if they devote their entire lives, they may not be able to reach this realm, but now they only need to consume one-fifth of their lifespan to achieve it. How can they miss such a good thing?

But such a thing was not worth it for Lin Yuan, because he was confident that within three years, he would be able to reach the realm of creation, and even the realm of nirvana was not impossible.

"I..." When Lin Yuan thought of this, he was about to refuse to continue strengthening, but the next words of the system made him waver.

"Host, if you rely solely on your talent, you will eventually be surpassed by the Son of Fortune and will never be able to reach the top."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Yuan asked with his eyes narrowed and brows slightly furrowed.

"According to the test, the Son of Luck in this world has already reached the realm of Formation. It will only take him three years to surpass you."

"The moment you are surpassed, your soul disappears."

The system's voice was cold and cruel, which frightened Lin Yuan so much that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Why is this happening?"

Lin Yuan was a little bit unconvinced because he had never heard of such a thing and could not accept it.

"Host, why do you think you were able to survive the attack of the Dragon of Fortune?"

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then recalled the scene when Qingyang Town encountered the Dragon of Fortune.

At that time, facing the terrible attack of the Dragon of Luck, Lin Yuan's soul and body were almost torn into pieces, but at the most critical moment, a magical power surged into his heart and suppressed the Dragon of Luck. This was also the most important reason why he was able to survive.

At first, he thought it was his own potential that had exploded, but he didn't expect it was the help of the system.

"At that time...you helped me through the difficult times?"

Lin Yuan asked, he felt that his system was not as simple as it seemed.

"When the host encounters a life-threatening situation, this system will take mandatory measures to save the host's life."

This statement is an explanation to Lin Yuan, and it also makes him realize that the price of saving him is high.

"Does this mean I have no choice?"

Lin Yuan pondered for a while again, and was surprised to find that he only had one way left, as the others were blocked by the system. He felt very unhappy, as he did not like the feeling of being controlled by others.

However, the system could not understand his feelings, and continued: "To be precise, it is true."

"And one more thing."

Lin Yuan accepted the result and asked, "Why didn't you at least tell me?"

The system quickly gave an answer to this question.

"Before reaching the state of Nirvana, the system cannot be upgraded. If Lin Yuan had not been faced with the choice of life and death today, the system would not have been forced to upgrade."

Of course, forced upgrading also comes with a price, and the host needs to pay fifty years of life.

"System, how much of my lifespan did you lose by helping me resist the Dragon of Luck?"

"One hundred and fifty years!"

Lin Yuan's face looked very ugly, he didn't expect that he would lose so much lifespan when he was still in the Earth Yuan Realm. You know, a strong man in the Earth Yuan Realm can only live for more than 170 years at most, and if he hadn't broken through at that time, he would have been wiped out!

"So, up to now, I have lost a total of 300 years of life?"

Restraining the anger in his heart, Lin Yuan asked gloomily.


The system's answer was still as quick as before, without any consideration for Lin Yuan's feelings.

"What will happen if you take away my lifespan one day?"

"The host will die."

Not surprisingly, Lin Yuan got this very cruel answer.

"Can I stop deducting my life energy?"

"Yes, but you can't do it now.

This requires you to reach a certain level."

Seeing this, Lin Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. If he could turn off this function that secretly deducted his lifespan, then he could still accept it.

"What do I need to achieve?"

"Sorry, you don't have the permission to know this at the moment."

Lin Yuan's eyes narrowed again, the anger in his heart almost made him lose his mind, but he finally calmed down.

No matter what he does now, it is meaningless. He needs to become stronger, so strong that one day he no longer needs the system, or even can destroy the system. Then, he may be able to truly control his own life.

"Keep strengthening."

After a long while, Lin Yuan said slowly.

With Lin Yuan's consent, the progress bar that was stuck at 99% started to move, and reached 100% in the next second.

At this moment, the vital energy of the entire Tianshui City began to flow wildly and entered Lin Yuan's body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Dozens of seconds later, an extremely terrifying aura emanated from Lin Yuan's body and spread throughout the entire Tianshui City!

"This is... the Great Accomplishment of the Creation Realm!"

Such a change made even someone as calm as Ling Qingzhu look a little shocked.

He was a young man in the Qi Creation Realm before, but in such a short time he crossed a small realm and directly reached the Creation Realm. What on earth did he go through?


Li Luo's face was as black as carbon, and the lightning flashing all over his body was even faster.

"We must not let this brat succeed!"

"Thunder Palm" violent lightning quickly condensed in the palm of his hand. Li Luo looked at Lin Yuan in the distance and waved his palm without hesitation. He slapped it in the air, and a huge palm flashing with countless arcs of electricity flew towards Lin Yuan fiercely.

This time, Hua Yun did not try to resist. He felt that Lin Yuan should be able to easily take the blow.

Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the huge hand flying towards him with a look of indifference in his eyes.

Compared with before, Lin Yuan at this moment seemed like a different person, full of indifference and domineering, especially his eyes, which gave people a feeling of looking down on the world.


As soon as the word came down, Lin Yuan stretched out a finger, and a ray of sword energy shot out from his fingertips, and then directly pierced through the huge palm formed by lightning!