
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

chapter 93: Sky Devouring Fire Net


! ! "

The huge explosion was like a thunder, and it was clearly heard throughout the entire Tianshui City.

Immediately afterwards, a fire dragon rushed into the storm with a dragon roar. Countless violent wind blades hit the fire dragon's body fiercely. The flames gradually weakened, but the speed became faster and faster.

Such a commotion caused everyone present to temporarily stop fighting, and they all looked up at the red fire dragon in the sky, with different emotions.

"Although Li Qing has just entered the Creation Realm, he is definitely not someone who can be defeated by a kid in the Qi Creation Realm..." The white-clothed ancestor Li Luo stood opposite Hua Yun and spoke calmly, but he couldn't hide the serious worry on his face.

"Haha, don't kid yourself, Li Qing has already lost."

As a powerful person at the great perfection level of the Creation Realm, Hua Yun's vision was particularly sharp. He could see at a glance that Li Qing was at the end of his strength and was just struggling in his death throes.

And things were exactly as Hua Yun said. At this moment, Li Qing had used up all his energy. He tried his best to control the wind blade and fiercely attacked the fire dragon that was getting closer and closer to him. He looked very impatient.

"No, no, there's no way I could lose!

This is impossible! "

Li Qing was almost insane. He ignored everything else and blasted all his wind blades towards the fire dragon formed by the sword energy.

Under such fierce bombardment, the light on the fire dragon gradually faded, and an ancient sword revealed its shape.

The ancient sword did not emit any aura and flew like a shot arrow.

Li Qing took a breath, looked at the ancient sword, and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He did not take the flying ancient sword seriously at all.

"Stop for me!"

Although his energy was exhausted, Li Qing felt that he could withstand the broken sword with his own aura, so he released all the aura of the powerful Fate Realm master.

However, what Li Qing thought did not happen. The ancient sword seemed to be not affected by his aura at all and was still approaching rapidly.

"Damn it, how could it fail? Stop right now!"

Looking at the ancient sword that was still coming at him quickly, Li Qing was still in a frenzy. He released all the energy in his body, trying to stop the ancient sword, but it had no effect. He could only watch it approach.


Amidst a scream, the ancient sword pierced through Li Qing's body and fell into a ruin somewhere in the west of the city.

"The ancestor...is dead!"

Looking at the figure gradually falling in the sky, the elders of the Li family showed expressions of disbelief, and their bodies could not help but tremble slightly.

"It's true that heroes emerge from young..." Although Hua Yun already knew the result, he still sighed after seeing it.

Li Luo behind him narrowed his eyes and stared coldly at the slightly thin figure in the distance, with a flash of lightning in the palm of his hand.

"Huff~" After dealing with Li Qing, Lin Yuan's internal energy was once again used up. He knelt powerlessly on the ground, his face became even paler, and his head became heavier and heavier, as if he was about to faint at any moment.

"To have used up all my energy twice in one day is really unlucky."

Lin Yuan lay directly on the ground, stiffly took out the pill from his Qiankun bag, swallowed it in one gulp, and gasped.

"Damn little devil, I'm going to kill you!"

Li Qing was killed. The red-clothed ancestor Li Yan was furious. He slapped out with one palm. A flaming palm that was ten feet in size took shape in an instant, and then flew towards Lin Yuan with a fiery and terrifying aura.

The scorching breath made Lin Yuan's body red, but he was not panicked at all and was very calm.


A crisp sound was heard, and a green light came in front of Lin Yuan, blooming quickly, and pure energy gushed out, shooting towards the huge fire palm that was approaching rapidly.


! ! "

Pure energy slowly entered the interior of the flaming palm. After a few breaths, the flaming palm suddenly exploded, turning into countless fire spots and slowly dissipated.

"Are you not afraid of death?"

The flaming palm disappeared, and a graceful figure came to Lin Yuan's side, frowned slightly, and asked lightly.

"I am afraid, but as long as you are here, I am not afraid anymore."

Lin Yuan smiled brightly, without any falsehood in his eyes.

As one of the heroines, Ling Qingzhu is very powerful. Although she is very cold, she will not watch her companion die in front of her, especially when this companion is the relative of the male protagonist, she will not let him die.

Lin Yuan already understood these routines, so he acted very calmly and didn't even try to dodge.

However, Ling Qingzhu was not aware of this. She only felt that Lin Yuan was very strange, especially his behavior this time, which made her even more puzzled.

Lin Yan's flaming palm almost killed him just now. If he hadn't arrived in time, he would have turned into ashes.

Even so, he remained very calm, and even seemed confident that he would save him.

For a moment, Ling Qingzhu felt a little uneasy.

"I will tear you into pieces to comfort Li Qing's soul!"

Li Yan, who was extremely angry, burst out with an aura that was even more powerful than Li Qing's. His entire body was covered in flames, and the scorching aura gradually spread to the entire west of the city.

"May the best be to you."

Ling Qingzhu's expression gradually became serious, and the green lotus floating in the sky suddenly emitted a dazzling green light. The vitality of heaven and earth rapidly poured into the green lotus, ready to go.

With a loud shout of "Sky-Devouring Fire Net", flames gushed out like a volcanic eruption, shooting straight into the sky!

"Turn into ashes for me!"

Li Yan clenched his right fist tightly, and flames seemed to cover the entire sky. The scorching air slowly rushed down from above, and the temperature rose sharply.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely huge fire net slowly condensed into shape and then gradually descended.

The green lotus floating in the sky also grew rapidly at this moment, reaching a full ten feet.

"The blue lotus blooms!"

Ling Qingzhu waved her fingers, and within the green lotus, countless green rays transformed into petals, shooting towards the enormous flame like sharp blades.




When the petals touched the fire net, there was a violent explosion instantly, but the fire net remained intact and continued to descend slowly.


Ling Qingzhu waved her fingers again, and more petals flew towards the fire net, causing a huge explosion.

The continuous bombardment finally caused cracks in the indestructible fire net, which then slowly expanded and finally shattered completely!

"Is it over?"

Looking at the broken fire net, Mo Lao couldn't help but speak out, but no one responded.

"Haha…" Li Yan laughed wildly in the sky, then looked at the figure below and said coldly: "Do you think this is the end?

You really underestimate my abilities!"

"Let me show you my true strength!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yan once again burst out with vast energy, and endless flames once again covered the entire sky.

"Boom..." After a few seconds, the clouds gradually turned red, and a rumbling sound was heard. Then, a fire net that was tighter than before slowly appeared in the sky...