
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 9 Hunting

The dead silence continued, no one spoke, they were still silent in the sword light just now.

The power of the sword light was not particularly strong, but its momentum was suffocating, and its speed was as fast as lightning, and the trajectory was not visible at all.

How could Lin Yuan's casual sword attack cause such a terrible blow? How could it not be shocking?

"I lost."

Lin Xia collapsed on the ground, her eyes were lifeless.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan retracted his sword, and the suffocating breath disappeared.

"This... How did this guy practice? The sword just now was too terrible!"

"That doesn't look like a martial art..."

The younger generation whispered, while the guests in the VIP seats and Lin Zhentian and other senior members of the Lin family looked particularly solemn.

The younger generation couldn't see anything about the sword just now, but they could see it. In

the sword just now, Lin Yuan didn't use his energy, he just swung the sword.

In other words, from the competition to now, Lin Yuan didn't use his full strength at all!

"This boy will definitely achieve extraordinary success in the future!"

Lin Zhentian and others thought so, with a glimmer in their eyes.

The talent shown by Lin Yuan far surpassed that of Lin Xiao at the beginning, and was even not inferior to Lin Langtian, which made Lin Zhentian's long-forgotten heart excited again.

He seemed to have seen that at the next clan meeting, Lin Yuan would lead the Lin family to move into the inner clan of the Lin family!

Lin Yuan saw the excitement in Lin Zhentian's eyes, but he didn't think it was a big deal. After all, even without him, Lin Dong could lead the Lin family to the inner clan in the future.

Thinking of Lin Dong, Lin Yuan's eyes looked across the crowd and looked at him.

Lin Dong looked at Lin Yuan's eyes and couldn't help but clench his hands.

"It's boring, I'm leaving."

Lin Yuan said this, turned around and walked out of the door.

Lincoln, who was in shock, came back to his senses and asked quickly: "You still have a competition, you can't leave now."

"I don't want the reward, just leave it to Lin Dong and Lin Hong."

Lin Yuan didn't care about the reward for this clan competition at all. He said lightly and disappeared in front of everyone.

"No more?"

Lincoln was dumbfounded when he said this. Everyone in the VIP seats looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Continue the game."

Lin Zhentian was also somewhat shocked by Lin Yuan's choice, but as the head of the Lin family, he had to make this clan competition run normally, otherwise it would be a joke for the Lin family.

Lincoln heard the old man's words, nodded slightly, and said: "The next last game, Lin Hong vs. Lin Dong!"

Hearing this, Lin Dong took a deep breath and slowly walked to the stone platform.

Without any surprise, Lin Dong won the competition with difficulty and became the champion of the clan competition.

But everyone knew that his title of champion was not worthy of the title. If Lin Yuan had not withdrawn from the competition, he would only be the second place.

Lin Yuan, this young man who came out of nowhere, became a Taishan standing in front of the younger generation of the Lin family. If he was not moved away, he would never be free.

"Lin Yuan..., next time, I will beat you fair and square!"

Looking at the championship reward in his hand, Lin Dong secretly swore in his heart that he must surpass Lin Yuan and make this championship worthy of the title!

Just like that, the Lin family's clan competition ended. Lin Yuan's name spread to every corner of Qingyang Town on this day. He was even hailed as the number one genius in Qingyang Town!

In a bamboo forest somewhere in the Lin family, there was a simple house. There was nothing else in the house except a bronze tripod and a bed.

At this moment, behind the house, Lin Yuan was holding a fine steel sword in his hand and waving it in the air.

Lin Yuan's sword dance was full of momentum. Each sword was as fast as lightning, and the sound of breaking through the air could be heard faintly.

After the sword dance, Lin Yuan's brows had a trace of sadness.

"The power is still too weak. The sword intent must be condensed together to greatly increase the power!"

After the clan competition, he discovered the weakness of his swordsmanship, that is, the momentum was more than enough but the power was insufficient. He urgently needed to improve the power of his swordsmanship.


Lin Yuan frowned and looked into the depths of the bamboo forest. A sharp light flashed in his eyes. He asked, "Who's there?"

"Haha... Not bad, not bad. I didn't expect your senses to be so sharp. It's beyond my expectation."

An old man came out with a smile and said with relief.

When Lin Yuan saw the newcomer, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. Then he said, "Why did the clan leader come to me?"

Hearing these indifferent words, the smile on the old man's face stopped, and there was a hint of complex emotions in his eyes.

The old man was Lin Zhentian, the head of the Lin family. After the clan competition, he wanted to have a good chat with Lin Yuan, but he couldn't see anyone until he heard Lincoln say that Lin Yuan's home was in this bamboo forest, so he hurried over.

He originally thought that Lin Yuan would be very excited, but seeing the indifference in Lin Yuan's eyes, Lin Zhentian understood that the young man had a grudge against the Lin family.

"Do you hate the Lin family?"

Lin Zhentian had high expectations for Lin Yuan, so he naturally didn't want to see Lin Yuan resenting the Lin family, and he wanted to resolve this hatred.

"Why should I hate the Lin family?" Lin Yuan asked back.

This question made Lin Zhentian speechless.

Yes, why does he hate the Lin family?

The Lin family did nothing about Lin Yuan's parents' affairs, and even helped them. Although they failed to prevent Lin Haiyuan's death in the end, the Lin family did not let Lin Yuan's family down.

So where did Lin Yuan's hatred come from?

Lin Zhentian thought for a moment, and he had the answer in his heart. He sighed and said, "You are blaming the Lin family for not taking good care of you over the years."

Lin Yuan was stunned. He had never thought about this question.

"I don't hate this, because it's my own choice."

Lin Yuan shook his head and said calmly.

"Then why are you so distant from me? I'm your grandfather!" Lin Zhentian frowned and asked.

"The way I practice is the way of ruthlessness. Family affection is nothing to me. Even if my parents are alive, my attitude will not change."

Lin Yuan retracted the long sword in his hand and explained calmly.

He had expected Lin Zhentian to come to him, but he didn't expect it to be now.

Lin Yuan's words seemed more like an excuse to Lin Zhentian, but he had no way to resolve the hatred in Lin Yuan's heart. He could only sigh and said in a low voice:

"It will be the end of the year soon, and the hunting activities in Qingyang Town will also begin at that time. The young people of other forces in Qingyang Town will participate, so you should also participate."