
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 88 True Face

Tianshui City County Magistrate's Mansion.

The county magistrate Hua Yun, who was originally in seclusion, suddenly opened his eyes. A sharp aura gushed out from his body, directly causing several cracks in the surrounding stone walls.

"Someone come!"

Hua Yun stood up with a serious expression.

"grown ups."

As soon as the voice fell, a soldier in armor and full of murderous aura walked in with an extremely cold expression.

"What happened in the city?"

Hua Yun asked seriously.

The soldier pondered for a moment before answering respectfully, "The Li family is currently fighting with the Changle Gang in the west of the city, and the situation is currently stalemate."

"Changle Gang?"

Hua Yun frowned when he heard this.

He knew the name of the Changle Gang. Its leader, Shi Tianzhi, was also a powerful man at the third level of the Creation Realm and was considered a relatively famous person in Dahe County.

But it is impossible for Shi Tianzhi alone to cause such a big move by the Li family... "Where is Yang Yong?"

After thinking for a long time without any clue, Hua Yun suddenly asked.

The soldier shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't know either.

This time, Hua Yun's brows furrowed even deeper.

As the chief steward of the county magistrate's mansion, when such a big thing happened, not only did he not appear in front of him at the first time, but he disappeared. This made the county magistrate quite dissatisfied.

"Pass on my order, order all the people in Tianshui City to temporarily hide in the east of the city. No one is allowed to leave without the order of this county governor!"

As the governor of Dahe County, his responsibility is to keep the area safe. Now that three powerful men in the three realms of creation have appeared in Tianshui City at the same time, even he feels it is very troublesome.

In order to avoid casualties, he had to ask the people to leave and hide temporarily to prevent large-scale casualties.

"Yes, sir."

The soldier responded and left quickly to convey the governor's orders to the soldiers in the governor's mansion.

"I guess I'll have to go and see it myself."

Hua Yun sighed slightly, and disappeared from the spot the next second...





...On the roof, Yang Yong, who wanted to go to the west of the city to find out what was going on, was intercepted by several figures.

"Ma'am, what does this mean?

Why are you stopping me?"

Yang Yong's face darkened and he asked indifferently.

Huang Puzhi looked at Yang Yong in front of him calmly and said calmly: "Why is this so? I think you know better than me, don't you?"

Yang Yong pretended to be confused and asked calmly, "Madam, you are joking. How can I know the reason why you do this?"

Huang Puzhi smiled faintly and said slowly: "You and the Li family set up this trap, how could you not know?

Yang Yong, there is no need to pretend anymore, your end has come."

This sentence has exposed the hatred between the two people. Yang Yong could no longer maintain his previous calm appearance. His face turned gloomy and a strong bloodthirsty look appeared in his eyes.

"You've finally revealed your true colors. You must have worked hard for such a long time."

Yang Yong's drastically different change did not cause any change in Huang Puzhi, who remained as calm as usual, as if he had already known his true appearance.

"You deserve to die!"

Suddenly, an extremely strong aura burst out from Yang Yong's body, turning into a sharp force and spreading in all directions.


The man in brocade clothes stood in front of Huang Puzhi and dispersed the energetic energy with a flick of his sleeve.

"Huang Puzhi, go to hell!"

The hatred that had been hidden deep in his heart for many years burst out at this moment. Yang Yong seemed to have lost his mind. He used all his strength when he started fighting. A pitch-black spear appeared in his hand in an instant. With a murderous aura, he stabbed at his enemy fiercely!

The expression of the man in brocade clothes changed slightly, and a stream of pure white energy surged from his palm. Then he swung his palm out, and the huge force formed an invisible barrier, blocking the spear that was thrusting at him a dozen feet away.

"Creation Realm?"

Yang Yong cried out in surprise, then gradually regained some of his sanity.

"I'm curious about one thing. After all these years, why do you hate me?"

This is the thing that Huang Puzhi least understands and is most curious about.

Huang Puzhi had worked in the county magistrate's office for more than ten years, and Yang Yong had hated her for more than ten years. Until now, she still didn't understand what kind of hatred could make him hate her for so long.

"Fire Gun!"

Yang Yong roared, and the vast amount of energy transformed into flames, pouring into the tip of the gun. In an instant, the power increased several times. The barrier that had been motionless originally began to develop cracks at this moment, and the cracks became more and more numerous and larger.

The burning sensation from the palm of his hand made the man in brocade clothes frown slightly, and then he stretched out his other hand. The originally broken barrier returned to its original state in a moment, and was even stronger than before. No matter how hard Yang Yong tried, he could not advance even a little bit.

"It seems that you have fallen into hatred and cannot extricate yourself. In this case, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Huang Puzhi had originally held out a glimmer of hope that she and Yang Yong could resolve this resentment peacefully, but unfortunately she failed.

Yang Yong's hatred has been ingrained into her bones, and she probably won't be able to let it go in this lifetime. In that case, she can only choose to kill him.

"Uncle San, let's deal with him."

The man in brocade clothes nodded slowly and pulled out an extremely sharp sword from the Qiankun bag on his waist. The sharp aura emanated from the sword, making Yang Yong's expression gradually become serious.

"You want to kill me, but I'm afraid you don't have the ability to do so!"

Yang Yong was afraid, but his expression remained fearless. He unleashed all his strength, and the black spear in his hand gradually ignited with a blazing flame, and even the air around him was slowly evaporated!

"Fiery Spear Technique!"

Yang Yong swung the spear in his hand at an extremely fast speed, and the energy of heaven and earth within ten feet around him also flowed rapidly, forming a small fire storm.

"Huang Puzhi, today, either you die or I die!"

Under Yang Yong's control, the scorching fire storm gradually expanded and the temperature rose rapidly.

"It's a bit interesting."

The man in brocade clothes smiled faintly, and the sword in his hand was attached with a faint pure white energy. He then jumped up and swung the sword. The sword light was mixed with huge energy and slashed towards Yang Yong with a devastating force!


The sword light collided with the flame, and in an instant, sparks flew everywhere. The strong fluctuation of Yuanli destroyed two or three houses around!

"Huff~" Yang Yong took a slight breath and was about to attack again when he suddenly felt three extremely terrifying auras coming from afar. His face changed slightly.

Not only him, but also the man in brocade clothes and Huang Puzhi also showed solemn expressions, looking towards the distant east, where the Li family was located!