
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 87 The Li Family’s Trump Card

To the west of Tianshui City, a powerful aura appeared and disappeared from time to time. Some powerful men hiding in the dark released their spiritual sense and silently watched this battle that would affect the future of Dahe County.

All along, the deterrent power of the Li family in Dahe County is no weaker than that of the County Magistrate's Office. In fact, in some remote areas, what the Li family says is more effective than that of the County Magistrate's Office. Because of this, the County Magistrate's Office has been secretly suppressing the Li family since decades ago. However, the Li family has deep roots in Dahe County, and even the County Magistrate's Office cannot shake the Li family in the slightest. They can only maintain superficial peace, which has continued to this day.

Today, everything will change!

On the surface, this was an operation by the Li family to destroy the Changle Gang, but in reality, it was the final battle between the County Magistrate's Office and the Li family.

This move, whether the County Governor's Office wins or loses, will greatly change the fate of the entire Dahe County!

In the Changle Gang, the second elder of the Li family had a gloomy face. The circulation of his Yuanli had reached its limit. The vast power was concentrated in his left palm. Just as he was about to attack, he was stopped by Li Jue.


The sudden sound made the second elder of the Li family subconsciously stop his actions. He looked at Li Jue in confusion, wondering why he stopped him.

Li Jue ignored the puzzled look of the second elder of the Li family and looked into the distance.

There, three old men were rushing towards here at a speed that was unimaginable for ordinary people.

"The County Magistrate's Office... has really taken action?"

Looking at the three old men, Li Jue clenched his hands unconsciously.

Everything that happened today was full of surprises. All the carefully crafted plans were disrupted, and he even lost three powerful fighters. This made him feel particularly heavy-hearted and a little uneasy.

While Li Jue was hesitating, the three old men had already arrived in front of them.

"I never thought that the Changle Gang could force you to this point. It is beyond my expectation."

Old Mo glanced around the entire place, and was fully aware of the situation on the battlefield. He couldn't help but smile.

"Humph, your County Magistrate's Office is indeed behind this, what a good plan!"

Li Jue snorted coldly, his face was slightly cold, and his tone was more sinister.

"It's just a trick, it's nothing."

Although there was a smile on Mo Lao's face, he was horrified in his heart.

In fact, everything that happened today was far beyond his expectations.

Especially the man wearing the ghost mask, his strength is unfathomable. Not only can he fight against all the strong men of Li family alone, but he can even kill two strong men in the Formation Realm. This is something that shocked him.

Of course, what surprised him the most was Ling Qingzhu.

As Huang Puzhi's bodyguard, he vaguely knew that Ling Qingzhu had a powerful background, far beyond what the Huang Pu family could match.

He thought the other party would not accept the young lady's conditions, but he never expected that she not only agreed readily, but also took action personally. This made Mr. Mo sigh that she was indeed a child of destiny.

"It looks like you're in a bad situation."

At this time, Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes. His face was still pale, but his body gradually regained some strength.

"Humph, do you think you can destroy my Li family like this?

How ignorant! "

Although Li Jue's face was heavy, there was no fear in his eyes, he even looked very calm.

This is not just superficial calm, but real calm.

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, all the fighting power of the Li family has been gathered here, but this is not the case.

The Li family also has three extremely powerful fighters. They are the guardians of the Li family and also the most powerful people in the Li family.

"It looks like I have to use that thing today."

There was a flash of regret in Li Jue's eyes, but he knew that if they didn't use it now, they would probably all die here.

Thinking of this, Li Jue showed a grim smile, looked at Lin Yuan fiercely, and said coldly: "I don't know who you are and why you want to harm my Li family with that woman, but if you think that my Li family has come to an end, you are very wrong!"

As he spoke, he took out an exquisite jade pendant from the Qiankun bag hanging on his waist. On the jade pendant, there was a leaf carved on one side and a big word "Li" on the other side.

Lin Yuan looked at the jade pendant with a solemn look in his eyes.

The jade pendant exuded a faint aura of power and emitted a mellow luster. It was obvious at first glance that it was an extraordinary treasure.

"Master, do you want to..." The elders of the Li family looked at Li Jue in astonishment, their faces changed slightly, and there was some disbelief in their words.

"Today, I will let you know what my Li family is capable of."

Li Jue shouted loudly, and then tried to use force to crush the jade pendant in his hand.

"Master, are you crazy?

This jade pendant can only be used when my Li family is facing a disaster of extinction. If you use it now, don't be afraid of being blamed by the ancestor!"

The second elder of the Li family stood up at this time and asked in astonishment.

"Ancestor..." In the field, whether it was Mr. Mo or Lin Yuan, their faces darkened when they heard these words. Only Ling Qingzhu said nothing, standing there calmly, indifferent.

"It seems that what Shi Tianzhi said is true. There are at least three powerful people in the Qi Creation Realm in the Li family!"

Lin Yuan gradually narrowed his eyes, stared at Li Jue not far away, and thought secretly.

While Lin Yuan was thinking, Li Jue looked at the second elder of the Li family and said coldly: "Do you think now is not the time for my Li family to perish?

Second Elder, can't you see the current situation clearly?"

The second elder's face changed drastically when he heard this. He glanced at Mr. Mo, then looked at Lin Yuan, and suddenly fell silent.

Previously, he was just a little too anxious and forgot about their situation.

And now, he already knows that whether the Li family can survive depends on today!

Seeing that the Second Elder fell silent, Li Jue no longer paid attention to him and crushed the jade pendant in his hand fiercely. Then, the pure white energy ball in the jade pendant also disappeared immediately.




At this moment, three extremely terrifying auras swept across the entire Tianshui City, causing the entire Tianshui City to tremble!

"The Great Perfection Realm of the Three Realms of Creation!"

At this moment, Ling Qingzhu's cold face changed slightly, and a hint of solemnity appeared in her eyes.

"Three powerful masters of the Creation Realm!"

Compared to Ling Qingzhu's changes, Old Mo's expression looked very ugly. He had never expected that the Li family actually hid such terrifying strength!

The three powerful men in the realm of creation are considered the top force even in the entire Great Yan Dynasty. Even the County Magistrate's Office cannot defeat them!