
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 86 Goodbye Ling Qingzhu

In the west of Tianshui City, countless green rays were seen shooting straight into the sky. This strange sight alarmed everyone in Tianshui City. There was a hint of curiosity in their eyes as they looked towards the west of the city.

Within the endless sword formation, countless sword blades emitting sharp sword energy were like raindrops, cutting the entire world into pieces, making it difficult to resist.

"Master, what should we do?"

The vast sea of ​​sword energy continued to sink, and their pressure became greater and greater. They were almost unable to resist. The third elder of the Li family showed a look of horror and spoke hurriedly.

"After launching such a powerful move, he will not be able to hold out for long. If he survives this moment, his death will come."

Li Jue stared coldly at Lin Yuan who was not far away, and then mobilized all the energy in his body to form a solid defense.

The remaining six elders naturally knew this truth, but in the face of these countless sword blades, it was unknown whether they could hold on until the moment when Lin Yuan's energy was exhausted.

But at the moment they have no better choice, and can only do as Li Jue does, and withstand the countless green sword blades falling from the sky as fast as raindrops.

"Boom boom...

…" The sword blade fell, and in an instant there was a series of explosions. The sky covered by the green light was almost filled with the energy fluctuations formed by the sword blade explosion.


After holding on for a while, the seventh and sixth elders of the Li family had their defenses pierced by the sword blades. In an instant, they were hit by dozens of sword blades, spurted out a large mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground weakly.

"Swish, swish..." Dozens of sword blades came out, and the two people who were already seriously injured were killed on the spot!


Li Jue frantically urged the energy in his body to resist the sword from the sky. He glanced at the two elders who were chopped into pieces by the sword. Flames almost spewed out of his eyes, but he could do nothing.

"Damn it, I can't hold on any longer."

At this moment, Lin Yuan was sweating profusely and his face was pale.

The energy consumed by the Endless Sword Formation was far more than Lin Yuan had expected. In just less than a few minutes, he had already used up nearly 90% of his energy!

"You two should take Shi Tianzhi away quickly."

After using up all his strength to say this, Lin Yuan poured all of his remaining energy into the sword formation. The countless green rays in the sky became even more dazzling.

Li Jue was suddenly startled when he noticed this strange sight, and quickly used the Golden Cloud Wave Fist to blast forward fiercely.


With one punch, a huge air wave swept across the entire west of the city. Even the other four elders were affected and were accidentally hit by the sword, causing minor injuries to each of them.

As the air waves disappeared, the endless sword formation also lost its last bit of energy, gradually turning into blue light spots and dissipating between heaven and earth.

"Huff, huff~" Lin Yuan gasped heavily, his head felt heavy and his eyes were dazed, as if he was about to give up.

The excessive consumption of his energy had made it difficult for him to hold on, but he did not panic. Instead, he had a smile on his face, which made people unpredictable.

"Humph, I don't care who you are, you must die today."

Li Jue glanced at the injured elders and the Sixth and Seventh Elders who were now reduced to ashes, and his expression gradually turned cold.


I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. My head isn't that easy to take."

Lin Yuan smiled palely, his face was tired but still smiling, and a hint of biting sarcasm appeared in his eyes from time to time.

"Humph, it's no use being tough. You still can't escape death."

Li Jue snorted coldly, his Yuanli rolled, and then he slapped Lin Yuan with his palm.

Facing this fatal attack coming towards him, a cold light flashed in Lin Yuan's eyes and his fingers moved slightly, as if he had decided what to do.

Suddenly, a green lotus came from afar at an unbelievable speed, like lightning, in an instant, and took Li Jue's palm.


The sudden appearance of Qinglian not only surprised Li Jue, but also Lin Yuan. He turned his head to look into the distance and saw a graceful figure walking towards him on a phoenix.

"It's you!"

Lin Yuan looked at the flying woman in astonishment, finding it hard to believe.

The woman was dressed in green and her face was covered by a veil, making it difficult to see her features. However, from her flawless figure, one could tell that she must be as beautiful as a fairy. The only person in the world who could match her beauty was naturally the heroine of this world, Ling Qingzhu!

"I didn't expect we would meet again so soon."

When Ling Qingzhu saw that the person she saved was Lin Yuan, she was a little surprised. After all, it was only more than a month since their last trip to the ancient tomb.

"I didn't expect it, but I'm curious as to why you came here."

Lin Yuan asked with a weak smile.

"It's just a favor."

Ling Qingzhu finished speaking calmly, looked at the Li family, and continued with a little surprise: "I didn't expect you to be able to defeat the many with a small number of people. It's really amazing."

"He's just a clown, nothing."

With Ling Qingzhu's help, Lin Yuan was no longer worried about Li Jue and others. He calmly took out a light green pill from his Qiankun bag, swallowed it in one gulp, and started meditating on the spot.

Looking at Lin Yuan's appearance, Li Jue's face was gloomy. He didn't want to kill him immediately if he didn't recognize him, but the powerful aura emanating from this sudden appearance of the woman made him very afraid, and he didn't dare to take action for a while.

"Who are you? This is a feud between my Li family and the Changle Gang. Please don't interfere. The Li family will repay you in the future."

Helplessly, Li Jue had to use the Li family's status in Tianshui City to make Ling Qingzhu feel fearful and not interfere in the life and death of Changle Gang and Lin Yuan.

However, although Li Jue's plan was good, he had the wrong target. Ling Qingzhu was not from the Great Yan Dynasty. She was from the top sect in this world. Not to mention a small Tianshui City Li family, even the entire Great Yan Dynasty, Ling Qingzhu could not be taken seriously.

"I'm sorry, I promised others that today, no one can touch the Changle Gang or this man."

Ling Qingzhu said sorry, but there was no trace of apology on her face, and she looked indifferent.

"Does that mean you must intervene?"

Li Jue's face was frighteningly dark, and his cold words revealed a strong murderous intent.

"Come on together, maybe you still have a chance to defeat me."

Ling Qingzhu spoke calmly, without any emotion, but everyone could hear the seriousness in her words.

But it was this tone that revealed a kind of arrogance that was even more unacceptable than Lin Yuan's.

"Master, this little kid is too arrogant. Let's teach her a lesson!"

The second elder had an ugly look on his face. He felt humiliated. This was something that had never happened to him since he became an elder of the Li family. So he would make Ling Qingzhu pay a heavy price!