
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 84 Two vs Six

In the front yard of the county magistrate's mansion, a cold-looking man stood with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"What is Li Jue going to do?"

Yang Yong frowned suddenly. He sensed that nine auras of the third level of Creation appeared in the west of the city. One of them was very weak and seemed to be about to disappear.

"Is this aura from the Li family's great elder?"

Yang Yong frowned, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

According to the original plan, Li Jue and others would only show up after the reinforcements sent by Huang Puzhi arrived at the Changle Gang and the Li family elders were defeated.

But now, the reinforcements sent by Huang Puzhi have not arrived yet, the eldest elder of the Li family has been beaten to death, and Li Jue has to go out early. Everything has changed so fast that even he is a little at a loss.

"No wonder the Changle Gang has been so bold recently, it turns out that there is such a powerful person hiding inside.

It looks like the matter of killing Huang Puzhi has come to an end."

Yang Yong was silent for a long time, and finally figured everything out. He sighed deeply, with helplessness in his eyes.

Huang Puzhi was from one of the four major clans of the Great Yan Dynasty. If there was no reasonable explanation for her death, neither the Huang Pu family behind her nor the county magistrate would ignore it, and would even take action to eliminate all suspects. This was the biggest reason why he had not taken any action for many years.

"Looks like I have to go take a look."

After pondering for a moment, Yang Yong still felt uneasy. He knew that all this must be caused by the mysterious strong man from the Changle Gang. He needed to see it with his own eyes before he could calm down.

Yang Yong was naturally not a hesitant person. He went as soon as he said he would. Since he had made up his mind, he did not linger for too long. He stood up directly, and after instructing his confidants several times, he jumped directly towards the Changle Gang.

In the backyard of the county magistrate's mansion, Huang Puzhi stood in the yard, looking down at the flowers in the yard with a dull look in his eyes.

"It seems that your appearance has disrupted all their plans."

Huang Puzhi's mouth corners curled up slightly, revealing a smile, looking very happy.

"Have you made up your mind?"

A man in brocade clothes walked out slowly from the house with a cold expression, but a hint of gentleness flashed in his eyes when he looked at Huang Puzhi.


Huang Puzhi nodded calmly, and then said: "It's time to end this..." "When are we going?"

The man was silent for a moment and continued to ask.


After saying this, Huang Puzhi turned around and looked towards where the Changle Gang was. Then an extremely powerful aura slowly surged out of her body, revealing that it was a genuine powerful figure in the Shaping Realm!


Just like that, the man in brocade clothes and Huang Puzhi turned into two rays of light and disappeared into the courtyard.






...Changle Gang.

Eight powerful men at the third level of the Creation Realm stayed here, hostile to each other, with strong murderous intent in their eyes.

"Second Elder, you must kill Shi Tianzhi quickly, and then help us kill this masked man."

The great elder of the Li family could not survive more than a few dozen moves at the hands of the masked man and was nearly killed. There was almost no big difference in realm and strength between Li Jue and the great elder of the Li family, so Li Jue knew very well that he was no match for Lin Yuan. He planned to attack in a group and bury the entire Changle Gang and the masked man here in a short time.

"I understand, Patriarch, don't worry, I will definitely kill him in just three moves."

The second elder of the Li family seemed very confident, because he was a strong man in the Qi Creation Realm, which was one small realm higher than the Form Creation Realm. Coupled with the powerful martial arts possessed by the Li family, killing Shi Tianzhi was too easy.

"Get started!"

Li Jue took a look at the fireball suspended in the air, narrowed his eyes slightly, and shouted in a low voice, and then the six people attacked together.

"Be careful, don't die so easily."

Lin Yuan glanced at Shi Tianzhi, then took out the ancient Qingguang sword from his Qiankun bag.

As the ancient sword came out, a terrifying sword energy full of ancient charm followed, and its power was even stronger than before.

"You little scoundrel, you want to take my life? What wishful thinking."

Lin Yuan slashed out six sword lights in succession, flying towards the six people respectively.

Six sword lights appeared at the same time, with a power like a mountain pressing down on one's head, giving people tremendous pressure. Even though all six of them were powerful warriors at the third level of the Creation Realm, their expressions became extremely solemn.

"Golden Cloud Wave Fist!"

The six men roared in unison and each attacked a beam of sword light.

With the lesson from the great elder of the Li family, the six people did not dare to underestimate this sword, so they almost tried their best.


! ! "

A huge wave of energy blew in all directions like a torrent, and the piles of ruins disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"The sword is like fire, go!"

Lin Yuan knew very well that he could not fight a protracted war with them, so he exerted considerable strength in every battle, hoping to seriously injure a few of them. That way, his pressure would be much less.

I saw a row of fire waves appearing in the sky. The fire waves were like a tsunami, rushing towards the six people of the Li family.

"Second brother, go and deal with Shi Tianzhi quickly. I will hold them off here."

Li Jue's face darkened slightly, and pure white energy surged into his palm, then turned into a dark blue light spot, slowly condensing into a water ball.

"Break the enemy with force!"

Li Jue shot the water ball towards the fire wave. During the shooting, it did not cause any terrible waves. It was like an ordinary water ball.

However, the moment it came into contact with the fire wave, the water ball exploded instantly, gushing out a turbulent river. The endless waves of water and fire roared and collided with each other, and the sound was so loud that it spread over dozens of miles.

After a while, the water waves and the fire waves canceled each other out, and the scene was covered by a mist, making it impossible to see what was going on.

"I wonder how the battle is going..." In the back, Shi Tianzhi looked a little anxious. He couldn't wait to know how the battle was going, but he was blocked by the mist in front of him and couldn't see it at all.


Suddenly, Shi Tianzhi keenly sensed a sound of breaking through the air, which was getting closer and closer to him. This made his face slightly gloomy and his vigilance reached its extreme.

This sound of breaking through the air contained a sense of anxiety. It must be that it was not his own people, but the Li family. The purpose of their doing this must be to kill him, so he must cheer up to deal with the unknown attack!


In the mist, the figure of the second elder of the Li family suddenly appeared and punched Shi Tianzhi decisively.

Shi Tianzhi's face changed slightly. He quickly formed seals with his hands and released the Heaven-shaking Seal with all his strength to resist the sudden attack from the second elder of the Li family.



As expected, when faced with this terrifying punch from the second elder of the Li family, Shi Tianzhi, who was at the Form-creating Realm, had no chance of resisting it. He was knocked several miles away almost instantly before falling to the ground.

"Humph, you are just at the Formation Realm, and you still think you can block my Golden Cloud Wave Fist? You are dreaming!"

The second elder of the Li family sneered and rushed towards Shi Tianzhi again without any nonsense.

"not good!"

Lin Yuan also noticed something unusual and turned around to support Shi Tianzhi, but saw Li Jue leading the remaining elders to attack at the same time, so he had no choice but to stand up to greet them.