
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 80 Successful Breakthrough

 The next morning, a ray of warm sunlight shone on Shi Tianzhi's body, and his fatigue was instantly relieved, and his tense heartstrings also relaxed slightly.

"Isn't it over yet?"

Shi Tianzhi turned his head and glanced at the warehouse behind him, with a hint of worry in his eyes.


Suddenly, there was a slight cracking sound from behind. Shi Tianzhi turned his head again and saw that the heavy door behind him had dozens of deep cracks, and these cracks were gradually increasing.

"This breath..." Shi Tianzhi quickly stood up and retreated dozens of meters away. He stared intently at the heavy door in front of him, with a faint expectation in his heart.


Suddenly, the heavy door was shattered into pieces with a loud bang, followed by a sword energy like fire shooting out.

After a moment, the sword energy gradually weakened and finally disappeared into the sky and earth.

After the flaming sword energy disappeared, Shi Tianzhi rushed into the warehouse impatiently and saw three people sitting cross-legged on the ground.


At this moment, Chang Liang and Shi Hu had already opened their eyes, and an unstable wave emanated from their bodies, which made Shi Tianzhi very happy.

"You have reached the Formation Realm?"

The two of them nodded slowly, with joy that could not be concealed between their brows.

"I have just entered the Formation Realm. It will take some time to stabilize my realm."

Lin Yuan had already taken back his ancient sword and said lightly.

Shi Tianzhi nodded and looked at Fatty Wu with a hint of pity in his eyes.

Among the three, Fatty Wu did not successfully break through to the Formation Realm, and is still in the Yuandan Great Perfection Realm.

"Boss..." Fatty Wu blushed a little. He knew that he seemed to have disappointed people.

"It's okay. If two of us succeed, it won't be a loss."

Shi Tianzhi glanced at the empty warehouse and a hint of regret flashed across his eyes, but he quickly returned to normal.


Just as several people were talking, a loud explosion resounded through the sky and spread throughout the west of the city.

"not good!"

Shi Tianzhi's face changed drastically. He had already heard that the explosion just now seemed to be not far from here!


Shi Tianzhi shouted loudly, then jumped up and leaped towards the source of the explosion.

"You two should consolidate your realm here."

Lin Yuan stopped Shi Hu and Chang Liang who wanted to go with him, then flew up on his sword and flew towards the explosion site.

"Old man, I will tear you into pieces today!"

As soon as Lin Yuan arrived, he heard Shi Tianzhi's extremely angry roar.

"Shi Tianzhi, you killed the son of the patriarch, and the Changle Gang will be destroyed today."

I saw a man in a gray robe looking at Shi Tianzhi coldly and said indifferently.

"That depends on whether you, an old man, have the ability to do it!"

Shi Tianzhi shouted loudly, without any further nonsense, pure white energy surged into the palm of his hand, and then he slapped the person fiercely.

There was no fear on the old man's face. He turned his right palm into a fist and rushed forward.


The two collided with each other, and the resulting fluctuations in energy directly destroyed all the surrounding houses. The two men also took a few steps back, their expressions changed.

"Heaven-shaking Seal!"

The collision made Shi Tianzhi stop underestimating the opponent. The energy in his body quickly flowed into his hands, and he quickly formed seals. A white ball of light quickly condensed into shape.


As the word fell, the white ball of light that was flickering faintly shot towards the person looking at it.

Facing Shi Tianzhi's angry attack, the old man's expression changed slightly, and the energy in his body surged wildly like a torrent.

"Green Water Palm!"

I saw blue light particles gathered in the old man's right palm and slowly formed a ball of water.

Slowly, the water ball grew bigger and bigger until it was as big as a human figure, and then it stopped.

Just at the moment when the water ball was formed, the light ball that was shooting out had already arrived and collided violently with the water ball.


A few seconds later, the water ball suddenly exploded, splashing out countless water droplets.


The old man took a few steps back, spat out a mouthful of blood, and a solemn look appeared in his eyes.

The collision just now injured him and also made him realize how terrifying Shi Tianzhi was.


A hint of madness flashed in Shi Tianzhi's eyes, and he rushed towards the old man regardless of everything. In his right palm, there was a terrible force that was enough to tear the old man apart.

Seeing Shi Tianzhi getting closer and closer, the old man didn't panic at all, as if he was not afraid at all.

There was a hint of doubt in Shi Tianzhi's eyes, but the arrow was on the string now, and he could not stop even with doubt, so he resolutely slapped it away.

However, this palm did not hit the old man, but was easily blocked by a gray-haired old man who suddenly appeared. This man was the eldest elder of the Li family.

"As the leader of Changle Gang, it is indeed not easy to have such strength."

The Great Elder glanced at Shi Tianzhi indifferently, and then burst out with a terrifying aura, instantly forcing Shi Tianzhi back several miles.

"Grand Elder."

The old man in gray stood up slowly, his face slightly pale, and looked at the gray-haired old man in front of him with a very respectful expression.

"Grand Elder!"

There was a flash of surprise in Shi Tianzhi's eyes. He didn't expect that the Li family would actually send the great elder of the Li family here.

"Seventh Brother, you must practice well in the future and never act rashly like you do now."

The eldest elder of the Li family did not turn around, but looked at Shi Tianzhi calmly and gave instructions to the old man in gray behind him.

"I understand, don't worry, Great Elder."

The old man in gray looked at Shi Tianzhi angrily and nodded in response.

"Since you are here, why don't you come out and see me? Why hide like that?"

The Great Elder suddenly revealed a faint smile and spoke softly.

Behind him, the old man in gray had a puzzled look on his face, not knowing what the great elder meant by this. It seemed that there were only three of them here.

"Could it be..." Although Shi Tianzhi was several miles away from them, he also heard the words of the Li family's elder. His expression was slightly solemn, and a hint of excitement appeared in his eyes.

"It seems that this person is quite powerful."

The eldest elder of the Li family saw the change in Shi Tianzhi's eyes and immediately looked up into the sky.

I saw a huge green sword floating in the sky, and a figure was standing on the sword. The figure was wearing a black robe, so his face could not be seen clearly.

"I have deliberately hidden it, but you still found it. It's amazing."

Lin Yuan controlled the giant sword under his feet and slowly pointed it downwards, with a hint of surprise in his eyes as he looked at the great elder.

The Great Elder carefully looked at the figure hidden in the black robe, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

Although he didn't know how strong this man was, he could vaguely feel that he was very dangerous!

Since becoming the Li family's chief elder, even Li Jue had never made him feel this way, which showed that this young man was extraordinary.