
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 78 Sword Qi is like fire

In the hall of Changle Gang, Shi Tianzhi looked at the corpse on the ground and was silent for a long time.

"Since you've already done it, don't regret it. Of course, there's no point in regretting it."

Lin Yuan stood up, glanced at the corpse on the ground indifferently, and said lightly.

"you're right."

Shi Tianzhi let out a long breath, and the mountain-like pressure suddenly disappeared, and there was a sense of relief on his face.

"So what should we do next?"

"I took a quick look at the people in your gang. Your three deputy gang leaders have all reached the Yuandan Great Perfection Realm, and are only a step away from the Formation Realm. The next task is to have them seize the time and break through to the Formation Realm. Only then will they be able to fight the Li family."

Lin Yuan said slowly.

"Three of them are trying to reach the Formation Realm at the same time. This is impossible."

Shi Tianzhi shook his head decisively.

Shi Tianzhi was very clear about his three deputy gang leaders. Although they had been in the Yuandan Great Perfection realm for more than ten years, there was no sign of a breakthrough. It was unrealistic to expect a breakthrough at this time.

"Of course I have my own way, but it depends on whether you are willing to give it up."

Lin Yuan looked at Shi Tianzhi with a half-smile and said lightly.

"what do you need?"

Shi Tianzhi suddenly felt a chill on his back, his heart ached, and he had a bad feeling.

"Give me all the resources in your warehouse."

Lin Yuan's light words made Shi Tianzhi take a breath.

He never expected that Lin Yuan's appetite was so big that he actually wanted the decades of savings of the Changle Gang!


Subconsciously, Shi Tianzhi decisively rejected Lin Yuan's conditions with an extremely firm tone.

"It's better to exchange your decades of savings for three Formation Realm experts than to lose money in a deal. Are you sure you want to give up?"

Lin Yuan was silent for a while and then spoke calmly.

Shi Tianzhi, who had been steadfast, instantly lost his guard when he heard these words and became hesitant.

Lin Yuan was not wrong. He used decades of savings to exchange for three powerful people in the Formation Realm. It could be said that he made a fortune.

"Can you... guarantee success?"

After all, this was his life savings, and Shi Tianzhi really couldn't bear to part with it.

"Haha…" Lin Yuan couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this, then he looked at him mockingly and said, "Do you think there is anything in this world that can 100% guarantee advancement to the Forming Realm?

? ? "

Shi Tianzhi also knew that he had said the wrong thing and was very embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

"I'm 70% sure. If you want, I can help you."

Lin Yuan retracted his smile and said very seriously.

"Seventy percent!"

Shi Tianzhi showed a surprised expression and immediately fell into a deep struggle.

"Damn it, I won't make it. I promise you."

In the end, Shi Tianzhi made a decision and agreed to Lin Yuan to take a gamble.

"Boss..." Chang Liang looked at Shi Tianzhi's resolute look and felt slightly moved. After all, this was the savings of the Changle Gang for decades.

"Let's go."

Lin Yuan glanced at the three people present and said calmly.

"Go call Fatty Wu over here."

Shi Tianzhi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Shi Hu nodded when he heard this, turned around and called the last of the three deputy gang leaders, Fatty Wu.

"Come on, I'll take you to the warehouse."

Since the decision had been made, Shi Tianzhi did not waste any time and directly took Lin Yuan to the warehouse of the Changle Gang.

The Changle Gang's warehouse is located underground in the back open space. It is a hundred feet long and ten feet high. It is filled with countless spiritual treasures, elixirs, spiritual treasures and other various items.

"Yes, that should be enough."

Looking at the dozens of mountain-high savings in front of him, Lin Yuan nodded slightly, very satisfied.

"Boss, here I come."

Two figures walked into the warehouse. One of them was very fat, weighing as much as three Shi Tianzhis. He was breathing heavily and ran quickly to the crowd.

"Now that everyone is here, what should we do next?"

Shi Tianzhi glanced at him helplessly, then looked at Lin Yuan and asked.

"Before we begin, I need to explain one thing to you."

Lin Yuan glanced at the three of them and said calmly.

"First of all, my method is somewhat dangerous, so no matter what happens, you must not act rashly. You must hold your breath and concentrate, and work hard to break through the Formation Realm. Do you understand?"

The three of them had experienced countless battles, so there was no way they would be afraid of this. They nodded without hesitation.

"In that case, let's begin."

"The three of you sit cross-legged on the ground and hold your breath." "Remember, no matter what happens, don't act rashly."

Lin Yuan spoke quickly and seriously. The three of them nodded silently, then sat cross-legged on the ground, closed their eyes and concentrated.

"You go out and guard. Don't allow anyone to break in before you succeed!"

Lin Yuan looked at Shi Tianzhi and said seriously.

Shi Tianzhi knew, of course, that he must not be disturbed, so he nodded silently, walked out of the door without saying a word, and stood guard at the door himself.

"The sword energy is like fire, scorching the heavens and burning the earth!"

Lin Yuan took out the ancient green sword from his Qiankun bag and slowly poured his energy into the sword.

Immediately, Lin Yuan shouted loudly, and countless sword energies rushed to the surroundings of the warehouse like flames.


The ancient sword suddenly flew towards the three people who were sitting cross-legged on the ground, and then it split into three streams of fiery sword energy that shot directly into the bodies of the three people.

The moment the sword energy entered their bodies, the three of them felt a burning pain, and their body temperatures rose wildly, as if they were about to melt.

This was a pain from the soul, far beyond the pain of the body. In just a few seconds, the three of them turned pale and seemed about to faint.


Lin Yuan whispered, and the entire warehouse seemed to be engulfed in a sea of ​​fire, as if everything in the warehouse was going to be burned to ashes!

In this sea of ​​fire, those medicinal pills and spiritual herbs were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, transforming into balls of pure white light that floated above the warehouse and did not dissipate for a long time.


Lin Yuan carefully wrapped the white light balls with sword energy, and then controlled them to slowly flow into the ancient sword. Finally, he transformed those light balls into the purest elemental energy through the ancient sword and transmitted them to the three people sitting cross-legged on the ground.

This is Lin Yuan's alchemy technique!

The advantage of refining elixirs with humans as the main body is that not a single bit of the efficacy of spiritual herbs or elixirs will be wasted!

The flame condensed by sword energy is incomparable to ordinary flames. It is similar to Xiao Yan's strange fire, which can remove useless impurities in spiritual herbs and strengthen the human body. Although it is painful all over, overall, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.