
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 76: The Intelligent Huang Puzhi

"You want to see my brother?"

Huang Puzhi showed a hint of surprise and was particularly puzzled. Why did this little kid in his teens want to meet the emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty?

"Yes, if possible, I hope to meet him."

Lin Yuan showed his snow-white teeth, grinned, and a unique ambition appeared in his eyes.

Huang Puzhi shook his head slightly, and said with a dumb smile: "Little ghost, let's not talk about what you want to say to my royal brother. Just based on your current appearance, do you think my royal brother will trust you?"

Lin Yuan is self-aware of this.

He looked too young, and even if his strength had reached the Qi-creating realm, his words were hard to believe.

"It doesn't matter, I will find a way to make him believe it.

Moreover, what I said will bring all kinds of benefits to your Huangpu family, and he will agree to it."

Lin Yuan was very confident about this, because anyone who was not a fool would not easily reject his conditions, even if they seemed somewhat absurd.

"I can agree to your request, but it will take some time."

Huang Puzhi readily agreed to Lin Yuan's conditions. For her, this was a very simple thing.

Using such a simple thing to exchange for the death of your biggest enemy is a very good deal.

"So when are you going to start?"

Now that the conditions have been met, it is time for Lin Yuan to fulfill his promise.

"There's no rush for this. Before we kill him, we must first destroy the Li family."

"The Li family?"

Lin Yuan's voice was filled with doubt.

"Over the years, he has been secretly colluding with the Li family to develop his own power. If we don't destroy the Li family first, it will be difficult for us to defeat him."

A gleam of wisdom flashed in Huang Puzhi's eyes, and he spoke calmly.

"The Li family has been developing here for a hundred years and has a strong foundation. Even if the county governor's office devotes all its resources, it will be difficult to completely destroy them. But I have made a solid plan that is enough to destroy the Li family!"


When will I start? Maybe I can give you an unexpected surprise. "

Lin Yuan thought of the piece of paper he had given to the Changle Gang yesterday, which seemed to include the forces that had surrendered to the Li family. He thought this was perfect and could kill two birds with one stone.

"As far as I know, the leader of the Changle Gang used all the gang's strength to wipe out all the gangs in the west of the city this morning. You are the mastermind behind this, right?"

Lin Yuan's words reminded Huang Puzhi of a report he had heard before. He suddenly understood everything, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said softly.

Lin Yuan showed a look of surprise again. He didn't expect that this woman was so smart that she could conclude that the incident with Changle Gang was her doing with just one sentence.

"Yes, I did it.

Guess what I did this for?"

Since Huang Puzhi had seen through him, Lin Yuan readily admitted it and asked her to pay tribute to the reason for his actions, although he was not without some reluctance to accept it.

All along, no matter what happened, he was the one who took the initiative.

Today, facing this woman named Huang Puzhi, he seemed to have lost the initiative, which made him very dissatisfied.

Upon hearing this, Huang Puzhi looked at Lin Yuan with a half-smile, and there was an inexplicable expression in his eyes, as if he had seen through Lin Yuan's little thoughts.

"Why, you can't guess?"

Being looked at by Huang Puzhi with a half-smile on his face, Lin Yuan felt a little embarrassed, but he still gritted his teeth, pretended to be calm, and asked with a smile.

"I guess you are doing this for Shopkeeper Li."

Huang Puzhi said softly with a smile on his face.

Lin Yuan's heart was slightly shaken, and a look of surprise was evident on his face.

"How do you know that?"

After a moment, Lin Yuan finally regained his composure and looked at the beautiful woman in front of him calmly, with vigilance in his eyes.

"It's easy to guess. There is nothing in Dahe County that can attract a genius like you.

If not, then the reason you can still come here is naturally because of Manager Li."

Huang Puzhi smiled gently and spoke softly, the smile in his eyes unable to conceal.

"Uh…" Lin Yuan was unable to refute for the moment and could only remain silent.

"I know your purpose. You can rest assured that after the success, Manager Li's business in Dahe County will definitely be very good."

Huang Puzhi said with a smile.

"Thank you very much."

Lin Yuan didn't act pretentiously. He nodded and accepted Huang Puzhi's kindness.

"Well, it's getting late, I should leave too."

Huang Puzhi looked at the red clouds in the sky, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he spoke gently.

Lin Yuan nodded in response.

"I am very happy to chat with you today. I hope we can do the same next time."

After saying that, Huang Puzhi turned around and slowly left.

"I should also go and see their harvest."

Lin Yuan stood up, put on the black robe, put on the fascinating ghost mask, and disappeared in the yard with a whoosh.






Changle Gang.

After several hours of hard work, the members of the Changle Gang finally moved all the spoils back to the Changle Gang headquarters.

In this battle, the people of Changle Gang showed a long-lost fighting spirit. Facing the resistance of those gangs, they almost crushed them all and wiped them out. Only a few hundred people were left, who laid down their arms, surrendered, and joined the Changle Gang.

"Boss, in this battle, we got hundreds of thousands of Pure Yuan Pills, thousands of fifth-grade herbs, and a few other things. Added together, it's enough for us to earn more than three years."

Chang Liang's face was almost crooked with laughter. Everything that happened today was like a dream, making him so obsessed.

Shi Tianzhi was also very happy. This was the highest income the Changle Gang had earned in more than ten years. It not only improved the status of the Changle Gang, but also made it stronger.

"Boss, next, we should consider how to deal with the Li family's revenge."

The person who spoke was also the deputy leader of the Changle Gang, named Shi Hu, who was considered a relative of Shi Tianzhi.

When Shi Tianzhi heard this, his smile gradually disappeared and he looked solemn.

The Li family is the behind-the-scenes leader of the gangs in the west of the city. It is precisely because of the existence of the Li family that the Changle Gang has been able to defend its own territory and has been unable to expand over the years.

Now that they have cut off all the gangs in the west of the city, the Li family, as the leader behind the scenes, will never sit idly by.

Next, the Changle Gang faced the wrath of the Li family.

"First take out one third to reward the brothers, and put the rest into the storehouse."

Shi Tianzhi hesitated for a moment and gave an order to his subordinates.

Then he looked at Chang Liang and Shi Hu, and motioned them to follow him in.

"Boss, what are you going to do? Just tell me."

Chang Liang sat not far from Shi Tianzhi and asked with a serious expression.

Just as Shi Tianzhi was about to reply, he saw a dark shadow coming towards him with a huge sword.