
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

chapter 71 Changle Gang

In the bustling street market, Lin Yuan put away his mask and black robe. He was like a little child, looking here and touching there, looking very happy.

Following behind Lin Yuan were naturally the three brothers of the Li family, Li Long, Li Hu and Ji Bao.

At this moment, the three of them looked at Lin Yuan's unrealistically young face, stunned and speechless.

The three of them never imagined that the person hiding under the ghost mask was a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old. What was even more shocking was that the boy's intelligence was far higher than that of an average adult, and he was even more decisive and vicious than an adult.

As dusk gradually fell, Lin Yuan lost interest in walking around any further and asked Li Long to help him find a place to stay.

Li Long naturally did not dare to refuse. Together with his two younger brothers, they went through untold hardships and spent more than an hour before they found a rather secluded courtyard in the east of Tianshui City.

Lin Yuan looked at the quiet and elegant courtyard in front of him with a satisfied expression, especially when he saw a flourishing apricot tree and a row of fragrant flowers in the courtyard, the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Not bad."

Lin Yuan walked into the courtyard with a smile, sat casually on a stone chair under the apricot tree, closed his eyes and asked softly, "Who is the great general you were talking about last night?"

When Li Long and the other two heard this, they were stunned, and then the interpreter fell into silence.

"Whether you tell it or not, your great general will never let you go, right?"

Lin Yuan still had his eyes closed, but what he said made the three people's faces change slightly.

Thinking of the great general's methods, even the three of them couldn't help but shudder at the mere mention of him.

"He is the county governor's chief steward and the county governor's most valued subordinate."

After a long silence, Li Long finally revealed the identity of the mysterious general.

"Why does a county governor call himself a general?"

Lin Yuan asked in confusion.

Li Long shook his head and explained softly, "There are rumors that he was once a general of the Great Yan Dynasty, but was dismissed for committing a serious mistake. Some people also say that he dreamed of becoming a great general, so he was called the great general. As for the specific reason, no one knows except him."

"How strong is he?"

Lin Yuan continued to ask.

"Very strong. He is the strongest person in the County Governor's Mansion besides the County Governor. It is said that he has already reached the level of Creation among the three levels of Creation."

Li Long replied.

"The realm of creation?"

Lin Yuan opened his eyes only after hearing these words.

"Who is that woman?

Why did the general want to kill her?"

This time, Lin Yuan asked the question that had been in his mind for a long time.

"You... don't know the identity of the lady?"

Li Long and the other two looked at Lin Yuan in astonishment and asked back.

"Why do I need to know her identity?"

Lin Yuan smiled faintly and continued to ask.

The three of them looked at each other, feeling even more surprised.

Since you don't know the lady's identity, why get involved in this mess? Aren't you just asking for trouble?

The three of them were complaining in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say it out loud, so they had to keep it in their hearts.

"Madam is the wife of the county governor, and also the person the county governor likes the most."

Li Long paused and continued, "Besides his wife, the county governor only has one concubine left, and that is the general's sister."

"As long as the lady dies, the general's sister can legitimately become the county governor's wife."


There was a flash of surprise in Lin Yuan's eyes, but he couldn't help but complain again in his heart.

"It's another bloody plot like this. If it's not handled well, there will be a fallout in the end..." "Li Quan, you really know how to cause trouble for me."

Lin Yuan shook his head helplessly, slowly stood up, and kept thinking in his mind.

"Tell me which gang is the strongest here and how strong is it?"

Since Li Quan plans to expand his business here, he has to clean up Tianshui City and pave the way for Wanbao Pavilion to come here.

As for that woman, Lin Yuan felt that she was not a simple person.

Faced with such a crazy assassination attempt by the general, I believe she will not surrender and will definitely fight back.

If she wanted to fight back, she would need enough strength. Lin Yuan believed that she would come to find him, and he could take advantage of this period to make some preparations.

"Tianshui City is almost monopolized by some powerful family forces. The most powerful one is probably the Changle Gang located in the west of the city."

Li Long hesitated for a moment and spoke slowly.

"Changle Gang?

Tell us about it."

Lin Yuan muttered a few words and thought that the name of the gang was okay, so he asked.

"Changle Gang has a total of 3,000 members, 10 hall masters, 3 deputy gang masters, and 1 gang master."

"The ten hall masters and three deputy gang masters are all Yuandan Great Perfection Realm experts, and their gang leader Shi Tianzhi is a genuine Formation Realm expert!"

"If you want to challenge the Changle Gang, it will be difficult."

Li Long shook his head slightly and sighed.

He was not optimistic that Lin Yuan could defeat the Changle Gang.

Although he knew that Lin Yuan was also a genuine Formation Realm powerhouse, Shi Tianzhi was a Formation Realm master, plus there were thirteen Yuandan Great Perfection Realm powerhouses. No matter how he looked at it, Lin Yuan had no chance of winning.

Lin Yuan understood the hidden meaning of Li Long's words, but he just smiled indifferently and didn't say much.

"Tomorrow, let's go to Changle Gang."


Are you crazy?

Li Long and the other two were shocked, especially Li Bao who jumped out and shouted, "You want to die, but I don't want to go."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Bao suddenly felt a tremendous pressure surging in his body, which instantly made him kneel on the ground with a look of pain on his face.

"Third brother!"

Li Long and Li Hu's faces changed slightly when they saw this, and they were anxious in their eyes, but they had no other options. They could only turn their gaze to Lin Yuan, hoping that he would show mercy.

Lin Yuan ignored Li Long and Li Hu. He looked at Li Bao with a frosty face and said coldly, "You need to understand your situation. Don't be too reckless, or I will kill you."

The powerful pressure made Li Bao unable to speak. His face became paler and paler, with traces of blood at the corners of his mouth.

"Sir, the third brother knows he is wrong, please forgive him."

Li Long knelt on the ground and kept begging.

"Humph, I'll let you go this time, but next time, you'll go to hell."

Lin Yuan snorted coldly, retracted the terrible pressure, then looked at Li Long and said coldly: "Tomorrow at noon, go to Changle Gate and tell Shi Tianzhi that you must either surrender or die!"

After he finished speaking, Lin Yuan walked slowly into the house without even looking at Li Long and the other two.

Li Long and the other two looked at each other and responded at the same time.
