
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 70 Tianshui City

After a night, the commander finally buried the guards who died in the battle one by one, and his expression seemed particularly sad.

At this time, the sky was dim and the haze blocked the view ahead, but this convoy of more than ten people was still in the haze, moving forward slowly with their heads down.

After more than four hours of travel, Lin Yuan and his group finally arrived at Tianshui City.

What is puzzling is that they did not encounter any obstacles along the way and arrived at Tianshui City peacefully.

Tianshui City is the capital of Dahe County, and its area is more than three times that of Yancheng.

With such a huge area, there will naturally be countless forces.

Among these many forces, there are four most powerful forces, occupying the southeast, northwest, northeast and southwest sides of Tianshui City respectively.

To the east is the County Magistrate's Office, which is also the most powerful force in the entire Dahe County.

Below the County Magistrate's Office is the Li family in the south. They are a local family that has been operating painstakingly for hundreds of years and have a strong foundation. If it weren't for the County Magistrate's Office being backed by the imperial court, the strongest force in Dahe County would have belonged to the Li family.


Just as Lin Yuan fell into deep thought, a soldier shouted softly and blocked everyone's way.


The commander shouted coldly and strode up to the soldier. Just as he was about to use force, he saw a group of soldiers running out of the city and surrounding them.

"According to the order of the county governor, anyone entering Tianshui City must be checked. Tell the people in the carriage to get out quickly."

The soldier faced a powerful Yuandan realm warrior without any panic in his eyes and his expression remained as indifferent.

Although Lin Yuan was sitting in the carriage, he knew everything that was happening outside.

"This Tianshui City is much more powerful than Yancheng."

You have to know that in Yancheng, a Yuandan expert can walk around with impunity. Not to mention a small city gate, even the lord of the City Lord's Mansion will not easily offend a Yuandan expert.

Who would have thought that a Yuandan expert with a high status in Yancheng would have difficulty entering even a city gate in Tianshui City.

"You..." The commander was furious, and his right hand tightly grasped the long blade tied at his waist, as if he was about to kill the soldier in front of him.


A gentle voice was heard from inside the luxurious carriage, and the commander's anger disappeared in an instant. His right hand that was tightly gripping the long blade slowly loosened, and he silently stepped aside.

When the soldier saw this, he felt a little disdainful in his heart, but he did not show it on his face.

At this moment, a corner of the curtain of the luxurious carriage was gently lifted, and an antique ring was handed out by the woman without saying a word.

A hint of doubt flashed across the soldier's eyes. He casually took the ancient ring. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it seemed to him. He felt as if he had seen it somewhere, but he just couldn't remember where.

"This... this is..." The soldier slowly rotated the ancient ring, his expression suddenly froze, a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes, and then cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

I saw two large characters "Hua Yun" carved on the inside of the simple and rustic ring.

"Meet the Madam!"

Without much hesitation, the soldier knelt down immediately with an extremely respectful expression.

The team of soldiers behind him were confused, but did not dare to ask more questions, and knelt down together.

"Can we go now?"

The woman did not show up, and her voice remained gentle, but the soldier's forehead was covered with more and more cold sweat.


The soldier waved to the back, then stepped aside and saluted respectfully again.

"Let's go."

The woman was not angry at the soldier's harassment, nor did she scold him too much. She just said something calmly and stopped talking.

The commander glanced at the soldier coldly, then led the convoy into Tianshui City without saying a word.

When Lin Yuan first entered Tianshui City, he was very curious, so he opened the curtains. In an instant, a large number of heads appeared in front of him, accompanied by various shouts and laughter.

"Wow, it's worthy of being the capital of a county. It's really prosperous."

Tianshui City has a floating population of nearly 10 million, which is not much less than the capital of the country where I lived before.


Lin Yuan spoke calmly, and the coachman quickly stopped the carriage and turned to look at Lin Yuan, puzzled.

"We have arrived at Tianshui City. It is time for us to say goodbye."

Lin Yuan was not speaking to the coachman, but to the woman in the luxurious carriage.

"Thank Manager Li for me."

The woman was silent for a long time, and finally spoke gently.

"Don't worry, you'll see each other soon."

Lin Yuan has known Li Quan for many years. Although he doesn't know all of Li Quan's character, he still knows most of it. Lin Yuan will not do business at a loss.

Based on Lin Yuan's understanding of him, the reason why Li Quan asked him to help the woman was that he wanted to take advantage of the woman's status in Dahe County so that his business could develop rapidly.

"I hope we'll have another chance to meet."

The woman was silent again for a few seconds, then continued.

"Will do."

Lin Yuan smiled, looked at Li Long, Li Hu, and Li Bao, and said coldly: "The three of you come with me."

After saying that, he got off the carriage and walked into the crowd.

He was not worried that the three brothers of the Li family would not follow him. After all, as long as he wanted, he could kill these three people at any time!

"Brother, what should we do?"

Looking at Lin Yuan's disappearing back, Li Bao didn't know what to do. He could only look at Li Long, hoping that he could give an answer.

Li Long frowned and thought for a long time in silence. Finally, he said with determination: "Follow him!"

"Brother, follow him?"

Li Hu was somewhat reluctant. After all, no one wanted to hand over his life to a stranger, especially when this stranger possessed extremely strong power.

"You think we have any choice besides this?"

Li Long sneered and glanced at a corner behind him.

There, there was a green dagger, floating there quietly, and its target was exactly the three of them.

Li Hu broke out in a cold sweat when he saw the familiar green dagger.

He didn't expect Lin Yuan to be so cruel. He actually planned to hang a sword behind them and kill them on the spot if they made any abnormal moves!

"Let's go."

Li Long took a deep look at the green dagger and jumped into the crowd.

"Second brother, what should we do?"

Li Bao was a little at a loss and looked at Li Hu for help.

"What else can I do?

Of course, I will go with my eldest brother."

Li Hu snorted coldly, pulled Li Bao, and followed Li Long closely.

What the three of them didn't know was that the green dagger hidden in the corner suddenly disappeared as they left!

Good brothers, this copy is a bit too big, I have sorted it out...