
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 7: The Clan Competition Begins

Several months passed in a flash.

When the morning light broke through the clouds and projected onto the earth, the Lin family also became lively at this time.

Today was the day when the Lin family competition began, and all the Lin family members had been looking forward to this day for too long.

When Lin Yuan, wearing a black robe, came to the trial hall for the clan competition, the place was already quite bustling. At a glance, there were huge crowds of people!

Although the Lin family was not the top power in Qingyang Town, it was a first-class power, so there were quite a few distinguished guests who came to observe this clan competition.

One was to establish a good relationship with the Lin family, and the other was to see the ability of the younger generation of the Lin family.

After all, the prosperity of a family has a lot to do with the excellence of the younger generation.

It was the first time that Lin Yuan came to a place with so many people. His eyebrows were slightly frowned. He was still a little unaccustomed to such a scene, so he found a corner with few people and stood there silently, waiting for the clan competition to begin.

On the other side, Lin Dong also came to the trial hall. He saw Lin Yuan standing in the corner at a glance, his expression slightly condensed.

This was the second time he met this strange boy.

The first time they met, he was grateful and confused, but the second time they met, he was full of solemnity and fear.

Now Lin Yuan was like a sword without a blade, seemingly harmless, but once it was unsheathed, no one could stop it, not even him.

"What's wrong?" Beside Lin Dong was his father, Lin Xiao.

Since Lin Dong brought back the strange bead for him, his strength had gradually recovered, the decadence on his face had been swept away, and a confident look had burst out in his eyes.

Lin Xiao followed Lin Dong's gaze and found a black-robed boy, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"This boy is not ordinary!"

This was Lin Xiao's first impression of Lin Yuan.

"Father, what do you think of him?" Lin Dong asked in a low voice.

He couldn't see through Lin Yuan, nor did he know how Lin Yuan's cultivation was, so he wanted to ask his father to see if he could see through Lin Yuan's cultivation.

Hearing this, Lin Xiao carefully looked at Lin Yuan, then shook his head slowly and said, "This boy is not ordinary, I can't see through him."

Lin Dong was a little disappointed. He thought his father could see through Lin Yuan.

"Dong'er, judging from his appearance, he should be a disciple of my Lin family, but your father has never heard of him, and even no one from the Lin family present went to greet him. Do you know what this means?" Lin Xiao looked at Lin Dong seriously and whispered.

Lin Dong's body trembled slightly at Lin Xiao's words, and he seemed to understand something in his heart.

A boy with such an extraordinary momentum did not attract the attention of the Lin family, and even no one greeted him. This is too abnormal.

"He is hiding!" Lin Dong was silent for a moment, and said word by word.

"He may be the most terrible opponent you have ever met in your life." Lin Xiao has lived for so many years and has extraordinary vision. He believes that this boy will be Lin Dong's most terrible competitor in the future.

Lin Dong nodded. He did not think that his father would deceive him, nor did he think that his father said too much, because he also felt the same way.

Just as the two were talking, a group of people suddenly rushed in from the gate. At the head of the crowd was an old man with white hair. The old man was dressed in brocade clothes, giving people a very tough feeling. When his eyes swept, he was a little majestic.

This person is the current head of the Lin family, Lin Xiao's father, Lin Dong's grandfather, Lin Zhentian!

As soon as Lin Zhentian appeared, the trial hall was boiling, and everyone hurriedly stood up to greet him.

Lin Zhentian is also a well-known figure in Qingyang Town. He came here alone and worked hard to become the Lin family. Speaking of his methods and abilities, many people present admire him.

"Is he Lin Zhentian?"

Lin Yuan followed the gaze of the crowd and looked at the old man in brocade clothes. His gaze was slightly paused for a few seconds before retracting.

As the head of the Lin family, Lin Zhentian's cultivation has reached the Tianyuan realm. It is indeed extraordinary and worthy of Lin Yuan's attention, but that's all.

Lin Zhentian didn't know Lin Yuan's existence. He greeted the VIPs with a smile, and then sat in the center.

He turned his eyes slightly and saw Lin Xiao standing up not far away. He was startled at the moment, and then walked over quickly.


Looking at Lin Zhentian who was walking over, Lin Xiao couldn't help but clench his hands, but he loosened them this year, saluted Lin Zhentian, and said respectfully.

"Finally, you are willing to come out."

Looking at his son in front of him, Lin Zhentian's heart was very complicated, and he said lightly.

Back then, he gave all his efforts to Lin Xiao. Although he was defeated in the end, he did not blame Lin Xiao because he was facing Lin Langtian. But to his disappointment, Lin Xiao had been decadent since that battle and no longer had the same drive as before.

After several fruitless persuasions, the old man was discouraged and no matter how much he missed him, he never took the initiative to meet him.

"Father, I'm sorry." Lin Xiao whispered. He understood how disappointed his father was with his decadence over the years.

Lin Zhentian wanted to talk more with his son in front of him, but today's scene was not suitable, so he could only encourage him a few words and then turned back to his seat.

As Lin Zhentian returned to his seat, the Trial Hall gradually quieted down.

One gaze after another locked onto Lin Zhentian, who was sitting at the first seat, with expectation and excitement in their eyes.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Lin Zhentian slowly stood up, bowed to the VIP seats, and said with a smile: "Today is the day of the Lin family competition. Thank you all for coming to support us. Everyone present is my Lin family's friend, so I won't say any more nonsense, let's get straight to the point."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Zhentian looked at his eldest son Lincoln beside him.

Lincoln also smiled slightly, walked into the spacious venue in the Trial Hall, and then took out a bamboo tube with a lot of bamboo sticks inserted in it.

"The old rules, draw lots to determine the opponent, all the little guys who want to participate in the family competition, come out and draw lots."

Hearing Lincoln's words, dozens of figures walked out of the Trial Hall one after another, and each took a bamboo stick from the bamboo tube in Lincoln's hand.

After everyone had taken their picks, Lin Yuan slowly broke through the crowd and came to Lincoln. Without saying a word, he took a bamboo stick and retreated behind the crowd again.

Lincoln looked at the black-robed boy in surprise, with a faint doubt in his heart.

"Whose child is this, and how can he be so powerful?"

Slightly suppressing his confusion, Lincoln said: "There are five venues here. Those who get the first five numbers will start first."

Lin Dong glanced at the bamboo stick in his hand, which had the word four written on it, and walked onto the stage, winning the victory very easily.

"Next round!"

After the game, Lincoln announced that those who got the last five numbers would go on stage to compete.

Lin Yuan glanced at the word nine on the bamboo stick and walked onto the stage without saying a word.

After he went on stage, a boy in Chinese clothes also came on stage.

Lincoln glanced at it and said, "The game begins!"