
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs

Chapter 68: Lin Yuan Takes Action

At the end of the great river channel, a brutal fight continued, and countless people died.

The leader of the assassins seized the opportunity, acted decisively, and rushed towards the luxurious carriage.

"not good!"

The commander sensed the leader's action at the first moment and his face changed drastically. He was about to return to defend but was stared at by the second and third in command and could not get away.

"Stop him!"

In desperation, the commander could only yell at the remaining guards, hoping that they could hold off their leader's attack.

After hearing the commander's words, the two guards tried to stop the other party, but unfortunately, the gap between them was too huge. After just one encounter, both were killed!


Looking at the luxurious carriage so close at hand, the leader's eyes were filled with ferocity, and he chopped down with his sword!



Unexpectedly, the leader's sword did not hit the carriage, but was intercepted by a strange formation on the carriage.


The attack failed, and the leader did not linger too much and quickly retreated dozens of steps.

"so close."

Seeing that his leader had failed, the commander heaved a sigh of relief, and a hint of solemnity immediately appeared on his face.

If something happens to the madam, the entire Dahe County will be in turmoil, and I don't know how many people will die.

The commander understood deeply that the adult would never let him go, and all his family, including his close friends, would die.

"Extinction Sword Technique!"

With a myriad of thoughts in his mind, the commander roared angrily, and violent energy gushed out. He then swung his sword and chopped at the two people in front of him with all his strength.

Violent and powerful sword lights appeared in front of the two men, making them look solemn.

The Extinction Sword Technique is a mid-level fifth-grade martial art. The leader has practiced it for many years and has already reached the great perfection realm. Its power is not much inferior to that of sixth-grade martial arts. Although the second and third brothers are both Yuandan minor perfection warriors, they dare not resist such a terrifying attack. They can only use their strongest martial arts to bombard the bursts of sword light together.

Then, he quickly retreated several miles and barely escaped.

"We have to hurry."

The leader's eyes were fixed on the luxurious carriage, the energy in his body surged, and the blade in his hand flashed with lightning.

As soon as the word "Lei Yi Dao" fell, the leader spun the blade in his hand. The violent lightning scattered in the air under such rapid rotation and turned into countless blade lights floating in the air.


When the blade in his hand was spinning faster and faster, almost out of the leader's control, the leader aimed at the luxurious carriage and threw it hard.

The rapidly rotating blade turned into a circular blade of lightning, and the blade beams suspended in the air also flew towards the luxurious carriage along with the shooting out of the circular blade of lightning!


The lightning circular blade, accompanied by countless blade beams, slammed heavily into the formation, erupting with a huge force that tore the formation apart!


Upon seeing this, the commander burst out with an even more powerful force, pushing back the second and third in command, and then leaped madly towards the luxurious carriage.

However, it was too late. The lightning round blade had completely torn the formation apart. The leader took this opportunity to pick up the blade that was about to fall and slashed the people in the carriage!

At the brink of this crisis, a huge force suddenly erupted in the carriage, which made the leader tremble with fear, as if he was about to be killed.


An explosion sounded, and a huge air wave blew the leader away for several miles before stopping!


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the leader's stern face turned a little pale.


The second and third brothers' faces changed slightly, and they quickly came to the leader, looking very anxious.

"Brother, are you okay?"

The second brother looked at the pale-faced leader and asked with concern.

"I'm fine."

The leader shook his head and looked at the luxurious carriage again.

The luxurious carriage, which had lost the strange formation, had cracks everywhere, as if it would collapse at any time.

Suddenly, the curtain of the carriage was gently lifted, and a woman in light blue clothes slowly walked down from the carriage.

The woman had an exquisite appearance, and her gorgeous clothes highlighted her flawless figure. Her face was calm, and she exuded an air of nobility that made people look up to her.

"Who are you?

Why did you assassinate me?"

Faced with a crisis-ridden situation, the woman did not panic at all. She was even very calm, as if she was out of the matter and as calm as water.

"Kill her!"

The moment the leader saw the woman, a flash of surprise passed through his eyes, but it quickly disappeared, replaced by a strong murderous intent.

The second and third brothers looked at each other, and saw the determination in each other's eyes. Then they rushed towards the woman at the same time, vowing to take her life.


At this moment, the commander finally came to the side of the woman, raised his sword and shot two rays of sword light at the second and third men who were rushing towards him!


The second and third brothers were blocked, but the leader ignored his injured body, and the pure white energy turned into lightning and poured into his palms, changing his palms into claws and grabbing the woman.

A sword light suddenly rose from a distance and instantly arrived in front of the woman, easily blocking the leader's claw.

The sudden sword light frightened everyone present, and they all looked towards a carriage not far away with fear in their eyes.


The third brother couldn't help but yelled, staring at the carriage with sharp eyes, and the energy in his body surged to prevent any accidents.

Under the watchful eyes of many people, Lin Yuan slowly walked out of the carriage, wearing a ghost mask and a black robe that surprised everyone.

"Leave, I can let you live."

A cold and hoarse voice came out of Lin Yuan's mouth, which seemed to carry a hint of chill, making everyone feel afraid.

The leader knew that the man in front of him wearing a ghost mask was not an ordinary person. His eyes were solemn, but he had no intention of leaving.

Since taking on this mission, the leader and his gang have had no choice. Unless they complete the mission, all that is left for them is endless pain and torture.


Thinking of the punishment after the mission failed, the leader instantly forgot the fear brought by Lin Yuan. The fear in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and a strong murderous intent surged in his heart again.

The second and third brothers knew very well what their leader was thinking, so they didn't hesitate. They looked at the woman and then rushed towards her with all their strength!

"I have to say, you made a stupid decision."

Lin Yuan sneered, and a sword energy shot out from his fingertips, as fast as lightning, and reached the woman in just a breath!

The powerful sword energy exploded the moment the three people attacked, and a violent fluctuation of Yuanli pushed the three people back several meters before stopping. The strange thing was that this powerful sword energy actually perfectly avoided the woman, leaving her without any injury.

At this moment, Lin Yuan came to the side of the woman, and a sharp and terrifying sword force emanated from his body, spreading throughout the entire camp, making people timid.